1 minute read


Q. How did you decide to pursue a career in research?

Soon after curiosity led me to science, it was clear to me that a career in biological science research was my calling. I love acquiring new knowledge, skills, and technologies related to life science on a daily basis. I enjoy the process of approaching scientific questions through rational thinking and designing, planning, and executing experiments.


Q. Have you encountered particular hurdles, challenges or barriers along the way?

Challenges are an integral part of research AND they are opportunities in disguise. There were countless times when only after days, or even months, of hard work did we realize that our ideas/hypotheses were struck down by unexpected experimental results. However, once we got over the frustration and took another look at the data from a different angle, it often led to new ideas, new directions, and new discoveries.

Q. What attracted you to join the Hotamışlıgil lab at the Sabri Ülker Center?

Gökhan is a brilliant researcher, as well as a devoted mentor. He has dedicated himself to the development of young fledgling trainees into competent, independent investigators. The scientists coming to the lab from diverse backgrounds have created and maintained a stimulating and collaborative atmosphere. The support from the Ülker family and foundation allows us maximal freedom to work on the projects in which we are interested.