Advantages of using product barcodes in retail outlets

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Advantages Of Using Product Barcodes In Retail Outlets Any retailer would agree that one of the toughest parts of their jobs is to manage inventory and provide a faster checkout process to customers. The development of the barcode system has created many amazing benefits for retail store managers, providing much needed relief and convenience to store managers while they handle everyday operations of their retail outlet. Let us examine the many advantages of using this amazing technology and attempt to understand how the product barcode technology has revolutionized the retail industry as we know it. Identifying sales patterns The task of recognizing sales patterns, fast and slow moving goods and seasonal variations becomes ever so easy with barcodes for products. This insight helps in identifying the products that need to be replenished quickly, to place orders and manage supply chains better, eliminate unwanted stocks, prevent wastages and formulate better sales and inventory management strategies. Handle pricing factors Assigning barcode numbers to products helps retail store managers in tracking consumer behaviors and preferences. This information proves to be vital when prices need to be fixed for products on their shelves. Proper pricing that hits the right mark with customers helps to enhance the store’s bottom line and increase profitability margins on different products. Better management Knowledge of product movements and demand helps managers to better predict future trends and therefore, handle their supply chain more effectively. This helps in preventing unnecessary pile up of stocks, stale inventory or loss of customers owing to the product not being available on the store’s shelves. These simple management changes can lead to massive increments in the profitability numbers enjoyed by the store. Faster check-out One of the most cited reasons for customer dissatisfaction at retail stores is delayed check-out times at the counter. Manual execution of sales processes, inventory entries and generation of receipts is huge challenge which can now be won over through the automation advantages offered by online barcode systems. Customers get their bills settled faster, leading to a much better experience for them as well as more sales as the check-out counter is able to service more customers in a lesser amount of time. Reduced HR costs Considering the automation advantages offered by online barcode systems, you will have to employ a reduced number of people to manage inventory and handle supply chain processes. This one system will take care of plethora operations of your retail store, allowing you to save costs and streamline processes for better management and related advantages.

Article3: Faster information Manual inventory management is usually a tedious process whereby reports take a longer time for compilation and assessment. Managers cannot expect to have quick access to real-time information about the stock-in-store and customer behavior to take critical decisions. However, with barcodes, this isn’t the case. This high tech system allows for all of the above, offering a crucial advantage to managers to make the most of market opportunities and prevent unnecessary losses. In case you need more








ABOUT THE AUTHOR Jennifer Greene is a post-graduate student in Business Management, who specializes in logistics, inventory, procurement and sales. She has written many articles on inventory management, and believes to be a very good source of information and online barcodes.

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