Hist 410 n week 7 final exam

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Question 1.1. (TCO 6) The 1914 assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne was a factor in causing World War I. What else might be considered factors? (Points : 4) British and German competition for the largest global empire The arms race to create weapons to defend empires The power of nationalism, which suggested that one’s nation is superior to others All of the above Question 2.2. (TCO 6) The United States entered World War I because it (Points : 4) had to honor alliance commitments. desired to acquire territory, especially colonies. was hostile to German submarine warfare and German militarism. was interested in building up its military establishment. Question 3.3. (TCO 5) Nicholas II of Russia abdicated the throne following (Points : 4) the Bolshevik takeover. the return of Lenin to Russia. the failure of his troops to put down demonstrations in Petrograd. Both A and B Question 4.4. (TCO 5) What event marked the beginning of World War II? (Points : 4)

The Nazi-Soviet Pact The German invasion of Poland The Anschluss Germany's annexation of the Sudetenland Question 5.5. (TCO 9) The Cold War got hot, or flared up into actual fighting, in (Points : 4) Korea Hungary China Italy Question 6.6. (TCO 9) During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States and the Soviet Union were led by (Points : 4) Reagan and Gorbachev. Reagan and Khrushchev. Kennedy and Castro. Kennedy and Khrushchev. Question 7.7. (TCO 8) What was the intention of the Marshall Plan? (Points : 4) To rebuild the military power of western Europe To help the Japanese economy recover from the war To rebuild the economies of war-shattered Europe To prevent the spread of Communism into Africa and Asia Question 8.8. (TCO 6) Why did India become two countries after independence in 1947? (Points : 4) Mohandas Gandhi insisted on two nations. The British government did not want a country dominated by Islam. Hindu leaders feared discrimination in a Muslim-majority India.

Muslim leaders feared discrimination in a Hindu-majority India. Question 9.9. (TCO 2) Gamal Nasser was (Points : 4) a pan-Arabist, secular, national leader. an advocate of fundamentalist Islam. a Turkish leader. a loyal ally of the United States. Question 10.10. (TCO 2) This noted Israeli prime minister was the first female prime minister of her country. (Points : 4) Golda Meir Margaret Thatcher Indira Gandhi None of the above Question 11.11. (TCO 4) One problem that arose in East Germany after reunification was (Points : 4) the presence of U.S. troops. lack of support for the EU. a lack of national pride. high unemployment. Question 12.12. (TCO 4) The only Eastern European country that had widespread bloodshed in 1989 was (Points : 4) Romania Czechoslovakia Bulgaria Poland Question 13.13. (TCO 7) In the last part of the twentieth century, traditional religious values have (Points : 4) increased in much of the Islamic and Christian worlds.

disappeared everywhere. stayed the same everywhere. decreased in the West and Middle East. Page 2 Question 1.1. (TCO 10) Match the terms in Column I with the descriptions in Column II. (Points : 18) Potential Matches: 1 : former dictator of Cuba 2 : onetime leader of Israel 3 : populist president of Argentina during the 1940s and 1950s 4 : onetime leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization 5 : black civil rights leader during the 1960s Answers 5 : Martin Luther King 4 : Yasser Arafat 2 : Golda Meir 1 : Fidel Castro 3 : Juan Peron Question 2.2. (TCO 3) Match the terms in Column I with the descriptions in Column II. (Points : 18) Potential Matches: 1 : policy of Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev authorizing Soviet intervention in socialist states to maintain communist rule 2 : Cold War collective security treaty linking the United States and Western Europe

3 : a global economic organization designed to encourage the influence of market forces on world trade and production. 4 : the precursor to the European Union, a postwar system of economic integration among western European states 5 : an ongoing process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated Answers 5 : Globalization 1 : NATO 4 : European Economic Community 2 : Brezhnev Doctrine 3 : World Trade Organization 1. (TCO 1, 2) Identify and analyze two causes of World War I. Use historical examples to support your answer. Of the various causes of World War I, which do you think was the most important and why? (Points : 20) Spellchecker Certainly, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife is considered the catalyst for the start of WWI, as the sides were drawn as to who was on the 'good' side and who was on the 'bad' side. This assassination brought other items into play that historians list as the main cause of the war. These included alliances, nationalism, militarism and imperialism. This embroiled all of Europe as the US stayed out of it. Probably the most important cause of world war-1 was a division of Europe into two alliance. Triple alliance had Germany and Austria-Hungry. On another side, Triple Entente had Britain, France, Russia. World war was fought between central powers (Germany, Austria-Hungry, Ottoman empire and Bulgaria) and Allied power: Itlay, Britain, France, Russia and USA. All so called developed countries were divided into the two groups and it coupled with imperialistic leanings led to world war-1. Additional reasons for the War: For the US, the sinking of the Lusitania was our flash point, when we knew we could no longer stand idly by.

Rivalry for colonies: European countries were trying to capture the colonies in Africa, Asia and the pacific. It automatically led to confrontations among these advanced countries. Loss of Alsace-Lorraine by France to Germany Question 2. 2. (TCO 5, 11) Analyze how the stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I, along with the Great Depression of the 1930s, contributed to the outbreak of World War II. Then analyze significant ways in which World War II changed the world. Make sure you use enough historical details to support your answer. (Points : 20) Spellchecker The Treaty of Versailles was established to prevent further war by putting the total blame on Germany for World War I and expecting them to repair the damages. This treaty “represented the attempt of the victorious powers to regulate the new international order that had emerged in Europe as a result of the outcome of World War ”, (Keleher, E., Gould, L., 2015). The Treaty of Versailles was an unfair treaty which Germany was forced to sign. This treaty which was supposed to establish long time peace was a failure because Germany was made to accept the cost of the war and was being forced to “repay” up to 35 million dollars to France and the British. When they refused to do this the United States stepped in and helped France and Britain. Germany’s territory was taken away and it’s military troops were limited in size. Germany was very upset. Since the allies were blaming Germany they laid the “war guilt” upon them too. Along with leading to the rise of the Nazis, the Treaty of Versailles had quite different results on France's and Britain's relations with Germany and each other. Since they shared a long land border with Germany and had suffered a great deal in the war, the French were much more nervous about a restless Germany and wanted to keep its power limited. Therefore, in 1935, when Hitler announced that Germany would rearm (they had already been doing so secretly for two years), France signed a series of defensive pacts with Germany's neighbors to contain any future aggression by Hitler. Among these pacts was one with the Soviet Union, which France saw as the primary counterweight to German power. The Great Depression affected Europe and the United States, as well as many other countries. It literally decimated the economies of Europe and the United States. In the United States and in western Europe, the pre-occupation with the domestic economic crisis contributed to the political failure to meet the rising threat of fascism. It caused countries to look at other alternatives. Germany was feeling lost, with many

of their valuable assets having been taken from them. This was fertile ground for the emergence of the Nazis to rise to power in Germany, and a military clique to take over in Japan. This set up the atmosphere for someone to rise as a leader, which is exactly what Hitler did. Hilter, in turn, scrapped the Treaty of Versailles. The British try to make a deal with Germany via Hitler, to cooperate. But Hitler breaks his promise and begins World War II. Brower, D. R. & Sanders. T. (2014) The World of the Twentieth Century (7th ed) Keleher, E., Gould, L., (2015), Treaty of Versailles, Salem Press Encyclopedia. Question 3. 3. (TCOs 9, 10) Identify and analyze the main events of the Korean War and Cuban Missile Crisis. Then assess how these events affected the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union. Make sure you use enough details to support your answer. (Points : 36) Spellchecker After World War I the Soviet Union felt they were desperately behind the United States in the arms race. After they were defeated at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, Castro was anticipating a second attack from the US so he teamed with the Soviet Union to defend his island nation. So the Soviets teamed up with the Cuban Government and built a military base in Cubs. Since Cuba was within intermediate range for ballistic nuclear missiles this made sense. The United States gained knowledge of the missile base being constructed in Cuba during a routine spy-plane surveillance. President Kennedy immediately organized the EX-COMM team which was made of twelve of his most important advisers. After seven days of debating what action to take, they performed a military quarantine, poised and ready to attack if needed. They surrounded Cuba by air and sea, not allowing anyone or anything to go in or out. On October 22, Kennedy announced to the public the existence of the missile installations in Cuba, and their decision to quarantine. He also announced that any missile launched from Cuba would be viewed as an attack on the Soviet Union and the United States. On October 26th, the EX-COMM received a letter from Khrushchev announcing all missiles would be removed from Cuba if the US would guarantee not to invade Cuba. The US debated their reply. Only one day later, on October 27, an American U-2 plane was shot down over Cuba. A second letter was received from Khrushchev, demanding the US to remove all of its missiles from Turkey in exchange for the removal of their missiles in Cuba. This was the closest moment to when the Cold War almost turned into a nuclear war.

By the 28th, tension eased as Cuba announced they would dismantle all missile installations in Cuba. Fortunately for all sides, the Soviet Union agreed to this and did remove all missiles. The Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962 brought the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of nuclear war. Reconnaissance photos taken on October 15th showed missile bases being built by the Soviets in Cuba, 90 miles away from the coast of the United States. This means there were nuclear plants being built in Cuba by the Soviets. So it’s easy to see how this was staging another war had it not been prevented. The Korean War was important in the development of the Cold War, as it showed that the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, could fight a "limited war" in a third country. An example of this is the Vietnam War. The Korean War was the first war in which the United Nations (UN) participated. It has been argued that it showed that the UN was a powerful organization for helping to keep world peace. In the US, it changed the structure of the American growth as a result of its financing. The Korean War boosted GDP growth through government spending, which in turn constrained investment and consumption, while taxes were raised significantly to finance the war. The Korean War erupted on June 25, 1950, in the middle of the Cold War, an international struggle between the US and the USSR for world domination of their competing ideologies, Democracy/Capitalism versus Communism. While the Soviet Union was never directly involved in the fighting, it did supply North Korea military with weapons and supplies. On the other hand, the United States did commit its own troops as part of a UN international peacekeeping force. In reality, the UN force was in name only as the troops were made up of mostly American forces, with some American allies. It was decided during the Korean War that the UN could be used by the US as a foreign policy tool. (SparkNotes. n.d.). SparkNotes Editors. (n.d.). SparkNote on The Korean War (1950-1953). Retrieved April 20, 2017, from http://www.sparknotes.com/history/american/koreanwar/ Question 4. 4. (TCOs 4, 8) Analyze how the reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev led to the breakup of the Soviet Union. Point out what events led to the ascendency of Gorbachev to party leadership, and then identify and analyze Gorbachev's reforms. Use specific details to support your answer. Then evaluate the relative success of democracy and capitalism in Russia after the end of the Cold War. (Points : 36) Spellchecker

Gorbachev arrived in Moscow in 1978. He soon became the overseer of Soviet agriculture. The agriculture industry was suffering from farming issues. Although this was true, Gorbachev had many friends in the Kremlin that helped him gain the momentum he needed to climb to the pinnacle of power. He became the general secretary of the Communist Party within 7 years. He showed he was a dynamic and charismatic leader and already had a plan for economic and political reform. The Soviet economy was in trouble. They had been spending up to 35% on the military. They were becoming bankrupt. Then Gorbachev introduced the policy of Glasnost and Perestroika (Openness and Re-Structuring), in hopes of rebuilding the communist system. This policy would release the reigns of all satellite countries to give them freedom to self-govern. He then reduced the military leaned toward a more capitalist type system to try to stimulate growth and development. He advocated Glasnost, allowing the people of all ages to voice their concerns. But the people criticized it and asked for another system to replace communism. They felt they had been promised a “worker’s paradise”. But wages were stagnant, their housing was poor, cars were few, and they could see the “good lifestyles” on West TV-especially during the uncensored Olympics. The Soviet Youth were tired of being told what they could and could not see in terms of films, what they could wear, or what type of music they were allowed to listen to. However, Glasnost’ allowed them to speak out against the regime; enabled them to listen to their own kind of music. In the Republic, the people were also tired of being told what to do; they wanted to govern themselves. They wanted more autonomy within the Soviet framework. Because of Glasnost’ they were able to criticize and soon began to organize. Soon they began protesting, demanding independence. Then with the collapse of the union they got it. Soon there was the failed coup of August 1991. This is when communist hardliners tried to remove Gorbachev from office. They replaced it with more Stalinist system. It was within two months of this coup that the Soviet Union was no more. After the war, the “party-state elite” no longer believed in communism. They saw capitalism as the chance to gain the wealth that they saw the Western people earn. This elite abandoned any pretense of communism from about 1989 onward. They set up businesses, banks and took ownership of the enterprises where they worked. Capitalism was a new world for them and finally the people were at peace. Question 1.1. (TCO 6) The 1914 assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne was a factor in causing World War I. What else might be considered factors? (Points : 4)

British and German competition for the largest global empire The arms race to create weapons to defend empires The power of nationalism, which suggested that one’s nation is superior to others All of the above Question 2.2. (TCO 6) The United States entered World War I because it (Points : 4) had to honor alliance commitments. desired to acquire territory, especially colonies. was hostile to German submarine warfare and German militarism. was interested in building up its military establishment. Question 3.3. (TCO 5) Nicholas II of Russia abdicated the throne following (Points : 4) the Bolshevik takeover. the return of Lenin to Russia. the failure of his troops to put down demonstrations in Petrograd. Both A and B Question 4.4. (TCO 5) What event marked the beginning of World War II? (Points : 4) The Nazi-Soviet Pact The German invasion of Poland The Anschluss Germany's annexation of the Sudetenland Question 5.5. (TCO 9) The Cold War got hot, or flared up into actual fighting, in (Points : 4) Korea Hungary China Italy

Question 6.6. (TCO 9) During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States and the Soviet Union were led by (Points : 4) Reagan and Gorbachev. Reagan and Khrushchev. Kennedy and Castro. Kennedy and Khrushchev. Question 7.7. (TCO 8) What was the intention of the Marshall Plan? (Points : 4) To rebuild the military power of western Europe To help the Japanese economy recover from the war To rebuild the economies of war-shattered Europe To prevent the spread of Communism into Africa and Asia Question 8.8. (TCO 6) Why did India become two countries after independence in 1947? (Points : 4) Mohandas Gandhi insisted on two nations. The British government did not want a country dominated by Islam. Hindu leaders feared discrimination in a Muslim-majority India. Muslim leaders feared discrimination in a Hindu-majority India. Question 9.9. (TCO 2) Gamal Nasser was (Points : 4) a pan-Arabist, secular, national leader. an advocate of fundamentalist Islam. a Turkish leader. a loyal ally of the United States. Question 10.10. (TCO 2) This noted Israeli prime minister was the first female prime minister of her country. (Points : 4) Golda Meir Margaret Thatcher Indira Gandhi

None of the above Question 11.11. (TCO 4) One problem that arose in East Germany after reunification was (Points : 4) the presence of U.S. troops. lack of support for the EU. a lack of national pride. high unemployment. Question 12.12. (TCO 4) The only Eastern European country that had widespread bloodshed in 1989 was (Points : 4) Romania Czechoslovakia Bulgaria Poland Question 13.13. (TCO 7) In the last part of the twentieth century, traditional religious values have (Points : 4) increased in much of the Islamic and Christian worlds. disappeared everywhere. stayed the same everywhere. decreased in the West and Middle East.

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