Essex Bridleways Association Spring Update 2021

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Essex Bridleways Association


Update Spring 2021

Published by Essex Bridleways Association Charity number: 801530

Inside this issue...

• 2021 Rides Schedule • Bridleways success • Frinton Beach riding • Hi-viz safety


Contents 4 5

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AGM 2020 Volunteer of the Year Terry Chambers, Obituary Frinton Beach riding Bridleway 19: High Easter (Uttlesford) Bridleway 24: Stow Maries, (Chelmsford) Legal Update – Horsebox tyres High Vis for you and your horse 2021 Ride Schedule Your photos – Between the Ears Your photos – Go with the Glow The Countryside Act, 2000 Update Track Your Hack with an App Native Breeds (1) Fell, Dale, Dartmoor and Exmoor Crossword

By Julia Wilson, EBA Chair

Sandra Deeran and Seren on a frosty morning

Helen Mathias Call: 07958 962024 eyecontactphoto

EBA is a member of:


The Chair A note from


• Affiliate member of BHS • Open Spaces Society • Hundred Parishes Society • National Federation of Bridleway Associations EBA also has regular contact with Hatfield Forest Riders Association and Epping Forest Riders Association.

MEETING NEW CHALLENGES By Katie Jerram-Hunnable, EBA Patron


his winter, with snow and ice during January, coupled with a third successive lockdown have made strenuous demands on owners to ensure we meet our horses’ needs for exercise and turnout. When conditions are too icy for riding, walking in hand along public roads is one option. Wearing high-viz clothing and attaching leg wraps or a brightly coloured exercise sheet to your horse will keep you visible to other road users who may be travelling at speed. This edition of Update reflects the wisdom of this practice. Last year was challenging for all of us, with a very restricted show calendar to focus our efforts towards. I am now planning a partial show season for this year with a two-day event in June and have already received tremendous support from sponsors and helpers. I am sure EBA’s slightly shorter Calendar of rides will be equally well subscribed. Much hard work goes into organising each event and having enough volunteers to share the jobs on the day is always appreciated. If one of the rides is already fully booked, why not consider helping out instead? You might enjoy the experience almost as much! Enjoy your riding, keep safe and help out if you can.



020 was certainly a year to remember and hopefully never to be repeated.

We have, with some trepidation, gone ahead and planned our rides for 2021 and you will find these in the centre pages. Alison Power and Sandra Deeran, our Ride Coordinators, have done a great job arranging a schedule across Essex for you to get out and enjoy. However these come with a health warning, we have learnt that even the best laid plans are subject to change in order to adhere to Government regulations. Please keep an eye on the website and Facebook page for updates. Given the difficult circumstances of 2020 we still managed to hold five rides which were enjoyed immensely. My thanks go to everyone who helped to make them such a success. It is quite a challenge to run a ride under all the Covid guidelines and it is possible that these will remain this year however we feel

confident that we can cope with almost anything now! Despite everything EBA has continued its work. Historic research has continued with further claims made and appeals lodged. Planning applications have been responded to, Local Development Plans commented on and Policy work supported, all to ensure that Essex Equestrians are not forgotten. Our Project work has been more difficult to support because of the tight travel restrictions on both us and contractors but you will see, when reading on, that we have had some success. Sadly for us, our Projects and Funding Officer, Mary Pengelly, has made the decision to move to Cornwall. We are so sorry to see her go and thank her for all her hard work over the last 2 years. Not only has she become a real asset to Essex riders, she has become a firm friend of EBA. It is thanks to Mary’s tenacity that bridleway access has been improved

across the county, benefitting riders, walkers and cyclists too. It was never going to be an easy job but the setbacks and challenges that Mary met were relentless. However Mary ploughed on and to her credit achieved many successes. You can read about her most recent triumph on page 8 and 9 of the magazine. We have taken steps to fill Mary’s vacancy and hope to bring some good news very soon. Looking forward, I truly hope that I will see you all this year, out with your horses, enjoying life. For now take care and stay safe.



2020 AGM Thursday 12th November via Zoom From our Chairperson, Julia Wilson


he Association’s AGM this year was certainly different from any we have held previously. Arranging our annual get together at Keene Hall was out of the question, owing to Covid restrictions, so we had to find an alternative means to meet our members and summarize the year’s activities.


Our status as a charity requires us to hold an Annual Meeting once a year when all members are invited to participate. Members were notified of this year’s arrangements for a Zoom call in good time, and we were delighted

to welcome dozens onto the call, along with a full turnout of the EBA Committee. If you would like to read the AGM Minutes they can be found under ‘News’ on the EBA’s Website. Although we were only able to go through the formalities of the agenda, there was time for some chat and catch up of news both before and after the official meeting, which was lovely. A tribute was paid to Lesley Gillman, who retired in 2020, after 20 years loyal service. A virtual presentation was made and, with the help of Lesley’s husband at home she was presented with an

engraved plate which Carol Allison, a former Trustee and Editor of Update, had created to mark the occasion. Lesley thought she was getting a box of chocolates, which explains her surprise and delight when she opened the package to reveal something much more personal and of lasting significance. It was a shame we couldn’t celebrate Lesley’s contribution in person but we did the best we could in the circumstances, albeit without a cake opportunity! Although we had a successful meeting I truly hope we do not have to be constrained by another virtual gathering in November this year and we can meet in person once again.

Volunteer of the year, 2020 EBA member, Petra Studholme, was announced as Michael Clark Volunteer of the year at November’s AGM. The committee unanimously agreed that Petra deserved the recognition for all her work over the past 15 years. In addition to assisting with holidays, marshalling, marking and setting up Rides, Petra has managed our facebook account since 2014. It gave us great pleasure to recognise her commitment and present a special rosette to say thank you.


OBITUARY: Terry Chambers Proprietor of Ashfield Carriage Driving and Polo Club

With great sadness, we learned that Terry Chambers died in January after a hardfought battle against Covid19. Terry bought Ashfields in 2003, where his vision and passion for the sport of driving made Ashfields a byword for excellence in carriage driving with its first-class facilities. A driving enthusiast himself, Terry took the reins at Royal Windsor for national coaching events on numerous occasions, while at home he enjoyed a Sunday outing, bowling through the

local villages in his splendid Coach and Four with family and friends. On home turf at Ashfields, Terry was justifiably proud of the splendid facilities he had built up over the years and welcomed equestrians of all kinds, including our own EBA riders. His unassuming guise underneath a straw hat often took visitors by surprise when they would stop and ask the gardener for directions or ask him to “turn off the mower” or “move that old tractor” so they could pass by.

We would like to express our condolences to Terry’s widow Dulcie, and their children Ben, Ruby and Lisa.

Has the tide gone out for Frinton riders? By Sue Dobson, EBA Development Officer


hen lockdown restrictions eased in July last year, Frinton beach was a huge draw for riders. From 6pm the access road was packed with horse boxes and trailers, many parking over peoples’ driveways and over the cross-hatched ‘no parking’ areas along the greensward.


It was reported that one evening over 30 horseboxes/trailers were parked along the road, many coming from long distances. Inevitably, the prolonged warm weather last summer attracted families to the coast, giving rise to potential conflict between riders, dog owners and families with children. Although riders are allowed on Frinton beach throughout the year, loose dogs are a potential hazard at any time. On one occasion the horse was spooked by an

uncontrolled dog, its rider was unseated and the air ambulance was called out. Typically, it is the riding community that are the losers here. In an attempt to resolve the issues, I was asked to attend a Zoom meeting with Tendring District Council (TDC) officers and local residents recently. During the discussions, we managed to agree that a total ban on horse riders would be unfair, especially to those local riders who use the beach regularly – they have nowhere else to ride as Tendring has virtually no bridleway network – but the Council was also concerned as to how the forthcoming year will play out, bearing in mind that travel abroad is unlikely in the short term and members of the public are likely to be returning to the beach en masse as they were last year.

It has therefore been decided by TDC that for this coming year, horse riding on the beach at Frinton will NOT be allowed at any time from 1st April until 30th September inclusive, and from 1st October through to 31st March horse riders will ONLY be allowed up to 10am at low tide only. We will be meeting again at the end of this year to consider how effective this has been, and we will be able to consider then the situation regarding the pandemic, and how this will affect numbers of visitors to Frinton. I have been assured that this has been put in place as a last resort and will be reviewed. Tendring District Council will be publishing this information via their website and their newsletters. The EBA will keep you informed through our website and using our social media pages to get the message out to the equestrian community.

January 29th, 2018 – and no-one about. Jane Skinner with Arrow. Jo Boden in the distance

Good News from Bridleway 19: High Easter


e’re delighted to report an improvement to this lovely bridleway, a part of the Essex Way, connecting Stagden Cross to Hayron’s Lane which you may remember from our Mashbury Ride. It runs alongside meadows that used to contain little cross country jumps. The meadows were unfenced but there were two sets of not very rider friendly metal gates across the bridleway to prevent cattle from straying. Riders had to dismount to wrestle them open and shut. After a fence appeared along

By Sarah Hodgson, Uttlesford Area Representative the edge of the bridleway containing the cattle safely in the fields we felt the gates were effectively redundant. The Essex County Council and BHS websites confirmed they were an illegal obstruction. So we reported them on line to the ECC Public Rights of Way team. They discussed the situation with the landowner and the Parish Council and we are pleased to report the gates have now gone. Local rider Liz Jones who had struggled with the gates and

decided not to ride the bridleway after one particularly bad experience told us “I rode this with a friend yesterday; it was great. So lovely to be able to ride it without the hassle of opening very un-horse-friendly gates which could easily cause an accident.” Our thanks go to the landowner and to everyone involved in this happy outcome and especially to Alan Roscoe and Simon Taylor at Essex County Council.


Before - a tight squeeze!

After – a muddy track, but at least no obstructions

Before - Bridleway19. Probably need to dismount for this one…

- that tricky red gate is no more – easy access for riders now.



‘Pesky Bridge’ the full story, or how our team moved Heaven and Earth… By Mary Pengelly, Projects & Funding Officer


tow Maries Bridleway number 24 near South Woodham Ferrers runs for 1.5 miles from Cold Norton. You then cross a road and continue riding on two other bridleways for another 1.5 miles of traffic-free riding. It's a lovely route, with a good surface and one that is vital to local riders. About a mile from

Cold Norton the bridleway (formally a railway line) passes over a Victorian brick built bridge.

Closure On 17th February 2017 under Section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, Essex County Council closed the bridge, and therefore the

bridleway, stating "the bridge is in very poor condition" and deemed it unsafe. This Temporary Prohibition of Use Order was then periodically extended which effectively meant that you could ride to the bridge from either end of the bridleway but would then have to turn back as there was no safe way to get round the bridge, which was securely fenced off. During this time, walkers and some brave riders negotiated down the steep embankment, past the bridge and then climbed back up the embankment on the other side in order to continue their walk/ride. A tricky manoeuvre and not sustainable long-term.

Ownership and the cost of repair Based on user evidence the bridleway had been claimed as a route around 20 years ago and as such Essex County Council is not required to maintain it, neither are they obligated to provide a diversion if it is closed. The Landowner owns the bridge itself. By the time EBA got involved in 2018 an impasse had been reached between ECC, the landowner and user groups as no-one was willing or able to spend money to find a way forward. EBA began by talking to the landowner, who didn't want to spend what could be potentially a lot of money on repairing a bridge which brought no benefit to him. We also started discussions with the Public Rights of Way team at Essex Highways. We took advice from the BHS and then submitted a Freedom of Information request to ECC in

9 The solution

Sept 2018 to find out what was on record about the structural condition of the bridge and how and when it had been monitored. We then commissioned and paid for a full survey to be carried out by a structural engineer. This concluded that the bridge could be strengthened at a cost of around £25,000 which would make it safe. Regrettably ECC did not accept this solution. We linked up with the local Ramblers group while continuing our dialogue with the landowner to find a resolution acceptable to all. I attended the Parish Council

How was it done? Quite simply, in the autumn last year, the landowner decided to fill in the archway of the bridge with vast quantities of earth! (See photo above). Our thanks go to Mr Hollington, the landowner, whose action has made the bridge safe again. Persistence pays off! We are delighted that riders and walkers are once again able to enjoy this lovely route.

meeting to raise awareness locally and EBA put forward two further solutions to the landowner and started looking at how we could obtain funding for these.

This is my last piece of work for EBA I recently relocated to Cornwall, and have now resigned my post as Projects Officer. Speaking personally, it is very satisfying to have reached a positive outcome and say goodbye to the Pesky Bridge at last.

Horsebox tyres not to exceed 10 years of age

Road safety and High Viz for you AND your horse

New law on horsebox tyres:

Equestrians urged to check their vehicles 10

Library image. Credit: Lucy Merrell


orsebox owners are urged to check their tyres after new legislation came into force on 1st February this year. Tyres aged over 10 years old are no longer permitted on the front steered axles of any vehicle weighing more than 3.5 tonnes, including privately owned horseboxes and large trailers. While the new legislation refers to “HGVs”, the spokesman from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) confirmed to H&H that this means any vehicle over 3.5 tonnes. This includes vehicles used for private use, meaning those not used under an operator’s licence must also comply with the new rules. Horseboxes over 3.5 tonnes are now in this category. “This new landmark legislation will help to protect all road users against unsafe vehicles,” the spokesman from DVSA (Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency)

has advised us. “Drivers, owners and operators are responsible for the safety of their vehicles, so we advise them to start checking the age of their tyres to ensure they’ll meet the new requirements.” The manufacturer’s date code must be legible on all tyres on HGVs, as well as on trailers over 3.5 tonnes, and some other vehicles. The Countryside Alliance (CA) has urged horsebox and livestock carrier vehicle owners to check their tyres and ensure they comply. “If tyres exceed the age limit it could come at considerable expense to vehicle owners with a dangerous fail at the annual test which means it can’t be driven away until the fault has been repaired,” said Polly Portwin, from the CA. “It would also result in an immediate prohibition notice being issued if inspected at a DVSA enforcement check. We are highlighting this

How to check the age of your tyre There will be a four-digit code on the sidewall of the tyre. The first two digits are the week of production (01 to 52) with the second two digits being the year of production. For example, 2715 means they were produced in week 27 of 2015. If the tyre only has three digits it means it was produced before 2000 and should be replaced immediately.

change in legislation in order to help ensure that our supporters are fully aware of the updated rules and can make sure their vehicles are compliant.” Visit the Government website for the full explanatory memorandum, and the DVSA blog for more information on the changes. Article by kind permission of Horse and Hound: Lucy Elder 12th February, 2021

There is no law that states equestrians must wear hi-viz, but it is in their best interests to do so. Wearing hi-viz can give other road users extra time to react which could save the life of both yourself and your horse. The British Horse Society recommends wearing hi-viz clothing when riding or carriage driving, regardless of whether you ride or drive on or off the road, the time of day, the season or weather conditions. Why do I need to wear it when riding on bridleways or round farm tracks?

Life is too precious to risk over something as simple and as cheap as Hi Viz. It doesn't prevent ALL accidents but it is a very, very basic and accessible piece of free insurance.

of a rider thrown from their horse and left in open countryside, they may be seen much sooner by rescuers. How much high viz is enough? The BHS recommends as a minimum, a hi-viz jacket or tabard for the rider and leg bands on the horse. A hat band or hat cover is a useful addition as it highlights your height above the horse. Don’t forget to mark your horse!

Those of you riding bay, black and brown horses with no white markings will already Quote from Horse &Hound Chat Research by the forum, 2015 know how they can blend Ministry of into the scenery and become a rider in hi-viz gear up to half hard to spot. Leg bands on all Defence has a mile sooner, giving them shown that four legs, and/or a bright or more time to react and take low flying high-viz saddle cloth are good avoiding action. It also means starting points. helicopter pilots can see that in the unfortunate event

In this edition, we are giving our members a bright yellow tag to attach to your saddle or bridle. Use an indelible pen to state your name, mobile phone number and your horse’s name. This information will help rescuers get in touch with you and reunite you with your horse.

Which colour is best? As you can see from our readers’ photos on p16, take your pick! The important thing is to wear some, as all colours will stand out and help drivers and other road users see you coming in good time.



To enter any of our rides please visit our website: Rides open for entries about a month before the ride date.

EQUINE INFLUENZA Please check the EBA website for the latest updates on the Equine Influenza outbreak



Starting From


Sunday 16th May


Writtle Park Estate, Highwood CM1 3QF

A varied route which takes in the wide grassy tracks of Howletts Hall and Fingrith Hall. Oh so many canters. Option of 13 or 9 miles.

Saturday 12th June

Hatfield Forest To be confirmed

Elgins Car Park, Hatfield Forest, Takeley CM22 6NE

A chance to ride in this wonderful ancient forest on wide grassy clearings and tracks between the trees. 10 or 7 mile routes. The short route is all contained within the forest (no roads). The longer route has some minor road work.

Sunday 18th July


Great Canfield CM6 1JU

Starting from the very posh venue of Ashfields Carriage and Polo Centre, you get to ride on some of their private headland tracks and other local bridleways and minor roads. Choice of 11 miles or 8 miles.


13 Sunday 8th August

Ramsden Heath

Barn Farm, Ramsden Heath CM11 1LZ

A lovely ride exploring the bridleways of Ramsden Heath and Ramsden Bellhouse. Two ride lengths available.

Sunday 12th September


Brocks Farm, Twitty Fee, Danbury, Essex CM3 4PG

Always our most popular ride. A variety of hilly tracks through the woods, country lanes, surfaced bridleways and field edges. It will include the (optional) cross country jumps at Riffhams. Choice of 8 or 11 miles.

Sunday 3rd October

Spains Hall

Spains Hall, Dairyley Farm, Finchingfield, Essex CM7 4NL

This came second favourite when you voted at the 2019 AGM so we have included it. A nice ride on grassy tracks, hardly any road work. 11 or 7 mile routes.

Saturday 4th December

Epping Forest Xmas Ride To be confirmed

Bury Road, Chingford Plain, Chingford Essex E4 9QH

This is our Members-only Christmas ride on surfaced tracks in Epping Forest with Xmas fancy dress, mulled wine and mince pies.


ill on ler - Toot H Nichole Wal Essex Way



Danica Nikoli Pollard - this is another one we use pretty much every ride, Bridleway 23. It goes from Olivers Lane, along the side of Chest Wood (beautiful Danica Nikoli Pollard - From January 2021 Bridleway 37 goes when the bluebells are out) and loops from Birch Park road to Birch Road across Whitehorse Plantation, along till you end up at the back of Colchester. A good one to ride along in wet, muddy weather. Colchester Zoo.

Kirsty Chap pell at Hai nau

Anne May - Old Saxon bridleway in Belchamp St Paul. October 2020

15 lt

Gemma Holmes - Clees Hall, Alphamstone (Essex Suffolk border) lovely all weather riding

UPDATE from the UK Government – the Countryside Act, 2000


petition asking the Government to extend the 1st January 2026 Deadline for the recording of historic footpaths & bridleways for a further 10 years has now closed. There were 14,140 signatures.

Charlie Johnson and friend

Jennifer Sandford


Lizzie Coker riding Captain in a snow storm

Lucy Na tusch

Vikki Hyde in Bluebell Woods

Petitioners asked: Extend the existing deadline of 1st January 2026 to record historic paths onto Definitive Maps (as required by the Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000) for a further 10 years until 2036. Recording a single path can take years, more time is needed to record them all, or they will be lost for ever. The Government responded on 8th February 2021 - here is a brief digest of what was announced, and comments from the Editor of Update, Jane Skinner, in blue. We are committed to protecting rights of way. The cut-off date is currently 2026 and could be extended by regulations for up to five years. We are discussing a potential extension with stakeholders. So the maximum extension permitted, if one is granted, will be until 31st December 2030. The Government supports access to the countryside and the benefits this can bring. It is is committed to protecting, enhancing and increasing our green and blue spaces (we talked about these in our last edition of Update pages 8-10 – Autumn 2020), including our network of public rights of way,

which are a vital part of our national heritage.

Making the process easier The Government intends to pass legislation this year to streamline the processes for recording and changing rights of way. This will make it easier and quicker for local authorities to process applications and add rights of way onto the definitive maps, protecting them for the future. This is good news for our EBA Officers (Sue Dobson, Development; Projects (current vacancy) and Chrissie Tout, (Historic Rights of Way) and their work with local authorities. As part of this we will bring into force the cut-off date which is the deadline for registering historic rights of way. This will provide certainty about where rights of way exist. The cut-off date is currently 2026 (in fact it’s 1st January 2026) and could be extended by regulations for a maximum of five years. There are different views on a possible extension, and we are considering this option.

• An earlier cut-off date will provide certainty about where rights of way exist for users and landowners, as soon as possible. • A later cut-off date would allow more time for unrecorded rights of way to be recorded. We are working closely with stakeholders to understand these different views and will take them into account when reaching a decision. Our 25 Year Environment Plan sets out our ambition to connect more people from all backgrounds with the natural environment for their health and wellbeing. We are committed to supporting people to access and enjoy outdoor spaces.

In a nutshell: The Government has rejected the petition for a 10 year extension but has not ruled out a shorter extension period of up to a maximum of five years – ie until 31st December 2030. We will keep you informed of any changes as they arise. Jane Skinner


Track your hack with an App! I


t’s great to be able to ride somewhere new, and explore different terrains, but it’s not always easy! In my article in the last edition of ‘Update’ we explained how to use an Ordnance Survey (OS) map and determine the difference between a bridleway and a footpath and we hope you have been able to put that theory into practice. However, horses being horses, holding a flapping map trying to figure out where you are and which way to go whilst trying to stay on board fourlegged fidget-box can provide any rider with a challenge. Luckily in this digital day and age, there are apps that we can download onto our phones and they will help us to identify where we are and which way to go. However, none of the apps in this review here are any help with controlling the impatience of the excitable creature you are sitting on, reins in one hand, whilst trying to get your phone out of your pocket with the other. Just twelve months ago, in the blissful ignorance of those long-ago pre-Covid days, the committee decided we would have a look at the various apps you could download onto your phone and use for hacking. Committee members volunteered to test-drive a selection of apps for our readers’ benefit and report

By Sandra Deeran back. As we all know, plans in 2020 didn’t quite pan out so the chance to test all the apps as much as we would have liked was limited. However, we did assess the main players and below is a brief look at some of the most popular apps. We hope it might help you to get out and explore different bridleways a little further afield. The committee discussed some of the features that we thought were particularly useful for us whilst out hacking, and used these to assess the apps.

Mapping quality One of the most important things is to ensure you know what sort of track you are on, i.e. is it a bridleway, a by-way or a footpath? Not all apps will have that level of detail in the maps they provide. For example, Google maps does not differentiate between the different types of tracks, and so it becomes difficult to explore new routes if you don’t know whether you are allowed on a track with your horse. Whereas OS maps do show bridleways and footpaths (as per the article in the last “Update” magazine). All apps use GPS so you can track where you are whilst out riding. If you are not sure exactly where you are, the app

Mapping/Riding Apps. Which one is best for you?

Example of the Google maps on Google Timeline.


Example of OS app route

should be able to tell you. It is worth noting though, that some apps have better GPS than others, and they can drop the signal (usually when you don’t know where you are and need it the most!). Some apps however, enable you to download a specific map before you set off, so that when you are out riding it is always on your phone and so does not matter if you happen to drop signal. We also thought it was good to be able to save the route

once complete so that you can use it again, share it with friends so that they can ride it, or simply use it for comparing purposes when you ride the route again. Other useful features All the apps show the distance of a route and how long it took you to do it. Again this is important to understand which route to take depending on how long you have, or great for fitness training, knowing paces and how long a route will take you at those different paces – some of the apps will give your maximum and average speeds, again useful for fitness purposes. Free or pay as you go? Many of the apps charge for

the service and depending on what you want the cost may increase. Some of the apps will charge to download maps for certain areas, others will charge for functionality such as saving and sharing etc. However, a lot of the apps will have a free version so you can at least have a play with them. So, in order to determine which app might be the right one for you, you need to determine what sort of functionality you want, what budget you have and what you want to do with it. Interestingly each of the committee members who did assess the apps all preferred different apps, so it just goes to show that it really does depend on your own personal needs and preferences.

Example of Equilab route

Continued over page

Our Findings... a brief outline on each of the apps we used and what we thought of them: Ordnance Survey – there is a both a free and a subscription version of the OS app. The free app does have a lot of functionality such as planning and tracking your route, showing places of interest or your personal preferences, but the maps are not as detailed as the OS maps which are included in the subscription version. Additionally, the subscription version crucially allows you to download a map before you go on your ride so it doesn’t matter if you lose signal. It also has a Horse Riding Mode, so when you go on a route, you can select that you are actually riding rather than walking or cycling. Google Maps – Google maps is totally free, but to get some of the richer functionality, you need to have a google account (which is pretty simple to do). With the google account, maps will track all of your movements (whilst you have your phone on you). It will record where you go, how long for etc, but the maps do not differentiate between footpaths and bridleways, so planning routes on horseback is not so easy. Memory Map – downloading the app is free, and there are some free online maps, but you will have to purchase additional maps (or subscribe). Memory Map is the app used to plan and plot the EBA rides. It is based on the OS maps which shows legal public rights of way, and it's easy to use and enables you to save and edit a route. Again this app enables you to download maps whilst at home so that you are not relying on a signal whilst out riding.


MapMyRide/MapMyWalk – this app is free, and allows you to track where you have been, recording distance and time etc. it also allows you to plan a route beforehand, however the maps do not show footpaths and bridleways, just roads/lanes etc. So not that useful for planning, but our committee member found it great for tracking with a recorded voice to tell you how far you have gone and time taken. Useful if you are competing!. Equilab – this app is free to download. It tracks time, distance, speed, horse energy, rider energy and time spent in walk, trot and canter. It also shows where you have done those paces on the map of your ride. It also has a safety tracking option which allows you to share your position live from the saddle, useful if you hack alone in more rural areas.

Children’s page British Native Horse and Ponies

Part 1

Fell, Dale, Exmoor and Dartmoor ponies Today we are going to read about four of the thirteen different breeds we have in the British Isles. They are also part of the Mountain and Moorland ‘M&M’ group because that’s where they live in the wild. M&M’s come in two groups: The Fell and Dales breeds are larger than the Dartmoor and Exmoor who belong to the smaller-sized group.

Dales and Fell Ponies (hard to tell them apart!) The Dales pony – is from Yorkshire with the Breed Society based in Sheffield. Registered Dales ponies are usually black, bay, bay roan (rare) or sometimes a dark dappled grey. White markings, in the form of stars and small amounts of white on the hind pasterns, have remained fairly constant over the decades. More than half the breed population has no white markings at all.

Fell Ponies Nowadays the main differences are height. Fell ponies are usually up to 14hh, whereas Dales are usually slightly larger, up to 14.2hh.


Fell Ponies in the Lake District. How many can you see in this photograph?

Dartmoor and Exmoor Ponies Exmoor Pony The Exmoor has a distinctive ‘mealy muzzle’ which means the area around the lips is a lighter colour than the rest of the face. You can see this clearly here with a group of ponies in the snow. These ponies are strong, capable of carrying a small adult and may be taller than the Dartmoor, though the preferred height is not above 13hh.

NB: Endomondo is now discontinued and we have been told that ViewRanger will also disappear in the near future, so although we were able to assess both of these apps, they are no longer available (or won’t be shortly in the case of ViewRanger). To note: Details above have been provided by our committee members using the apps. Some apps may have more functionality than we have outlined, but the tester may not have used those features.

Dartmoor Pony The breed is now recovering from a time when all sorts of ponies were let loose on Dartmoor and the true native pony decreased in numbers. Traditionally the Dartmoor is black with bay, brown or the occasional chestnut or roan. No piebalds, skewbalds or spotted colours are allowed in the Breed Society. A true Dartmoor should not exceed 12.2hh (127cm), so smaller than the Exmoor. The head is small and neat, with large eyes giving it an alert and kind expression.



Join us! Save our resources: Choosing to renew your membership automatically via PayPal or by standing order cuts administration and reduces EBA print and postage costs. Members’ benefits:

Across 3 Intro, Prelim and Grand Prix are some of the levels of this sport (8) 6 Need a bit of “spit and polish” for this sport (7) 10 Leisurely amble round the countryside (7) 11 And 9 Down) You can do this sport at Hamilton Park in Scotland, and it’s fast. (4), 12 And 17 Across) Ponies are really good at this sport (6, 7) 14 You have to be brave (or stupid) to have a go at this sport (5) 16 You can ride a long way in this activity (9). 17 See 12 Across Down 1 This sport used to be done at “Downhouse Farm” in, Howe Green (Essex) (5, 7) 2 White turf – annual event held at St.Moritz (3, 6) 4 The Whittakers are world renowned in this sport (11 ANSWERS 5 Cowboys and girls compete in this type of racing (6) WILL BE 7 Everyone did this at pony club “years” ago (8) POSTED 8 Anyone for Lacrosse – with my horse? (10) ON THE 9 See 11 Across WEBSITE 13 This sport originated in France and consists of 3 elements (4) IN APRIL 15 Big changes occurred in this pursuit, with many protests in London (7)

EBA needs your support to fight for safe off-road access for horse riders. Membership costs just £15 a year and is free for under 16s.

How to join: 1. Online

2. By post

Log on to and on the ‘join us’ page you can find links to join online, renew your subscription or download a membership form. Joining online helps us by cutting down on administration and saves EBA money.

Ask our membership secretary to send you a membership form, download from our website or pick one up at our rides. Contact: or write to Alison Craigmile, EBA Membership Secretary, 40 The Chase, Romford, Essex RM1 4BE.

• Up to £5 off EBA rides entry fees. • Priority entry to some EBA events, including EBA holidays. • EBA Update magazine delivered to your door twice a year. • Email notifications of news and events. • Access to EBA’s Ride & Share Scheme. • Help with bridleways issues and claims. • Up to 10% on new insurance policies from South Essex Insurance Brokers. • 10% discount from John Griffin Trailer Training. • 30% discount on your first BHS membership - join by phone or paper application, state that you are an EBA member and give your membership number to receive your discount. This action cannot be done via online applications.


Essex Bridleways Association Contacts List Chair

Julia Wilson

07795 818856

Vice Chair/Publicity

Jan Arthur

01277 650985


Louise Fuller

01245 421614


Lisa Guy

07792 166591

Membership Secretary

Alison Craigmile

07956 318502

Rides Entry Secretary

Denise Dillon

07545 213056

Rides Coordinator

Sandra Deeran

07958 909319

Ride and Share

Julia Wilson

07795 818856

Historic Records Officer

Mick Brash

01621 740966

Historic Research

Christine Tout

07946 789757

Bridleways Development

Sue Dobson

01245 227083

EBA Update Editor

Jane Skinner

07757 916138

Website Administrator

Sally Crone

07731 504438

Bridleway Clearance Coordinator Brenda Hatch

01277 899541

Press Secretary

Mary Balch

07759 601271

Rides Coordinator/Social Media

Alison Power

07932 678524

EBA Area Representatives Basildon

Jan Arthur

07813 905022


Michelle Woodall 07809 439383 Mandy French 01371 850215

Brentwood & Havering

Linda Hobbs

Castle Point

Alison Power

07932 678524


Sue Fincham

01245 440795


Lisa Wilson

07525 323430

Epping Forest

Heather Brady 01992 578072 Liz Hollingsworth 07855 329059


Joy Thorpe

07984 410242


Caroline Cowell

07941 471508

Rochford & Southend

Geoff Box


Pat Cooper

01255 880296


Jenny Mann

07909 787881


Sarah Hodgson Sarah Moss

07871 169406 07966 994367

01708 229055

Essex Bridleways Association, PO Box Association 12014, Chelmsford CM1 @EssexBridleways 9UD Essex Bridleways Twitter Essex Bridleways Assoc Twitter @EssexBridleways

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