S-CORE: Strategies for Online Visibility and Traffic - SEO

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OnlineVisibility andTraffic

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d i t o r ' s N o t e

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the May 2023 special edition of The Score magazine!

In this issue, we are thrilled to feature a comprehensive article on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) presented by the Codeup Global Solutions Pvt Ltd

As the digital landscape continues to evolve rapidly, SEO has become an essential tool for businesses to improve their online presence and drive organic traffic to their websites In this special edition, our expert contributor from Codeup Global Solutions Pvt Ltd delves into the intricacies of SEO, providing valuable insights, tips, and best practices for optimizing websites to achieve higher search engine rankings

From understanding the importance of keyword research and content optimization to mastering on-page and off-page SEO, this special article will equip our readers with the knowledge and tools needed to boost their website's visibility in search results Whether you're a business owner, a digital marketer, or simply interested in staying up-to-date with the latest SEO practices, this special edition of the Score magazine is a must-read

We thank the Director of Codeup Global Solutions Pvt Ltd & his team for sharing their valuable insights and expertise with our readers.

We hope you find this special edition informative and inspiring as you strive to enhance your online presence and achieve success in the digital world.

Happy reading!

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TheEasy SEOGuide!!

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Gone are the days when it wasn’t easy to get information according to your needs. It used to be very strenuous before, as the only access to get facts, data or to gain knowledge was going to huge and far-off libraries, from where one had to spend hours to get the right books to collect the right information.





Directors: Codeup Global Solutions Pvt Ltd

Thank you to the Codeup Team

+91 9445618239

+91 6374854378

manjunath@codeupglobal com

aravind@codeupglobal com


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These days we have access to the material at our fingertips. It has become facile to search for any kind of complex data, thanks to the evolution of the Internet and Search Engine Optimization. Like our changing times, the sphere of search engine optimization is ever-changing and intricate, but understanding the basics and learning even a pea amount of SEO knowledge can make things easier even for a layman.

This easy-to-understand guide has been cumulated to describe different aspects of SEO, which cover keywords and phrases while helping you to generate the right traffic to your website and to make your website search engine friendly. This would also assist in promoting the unique value of your site.


So,whatis SEO afterall?

SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization. Marketers use this process to get more visibility for the website they are working on and for the appearance of their website name on search result pages of Google, Bing, Yahoo and other such major search engines

The History of SEO

Search Engine Optimization dates back to the 90s. That was when the very first search engine had just begun to develop. The most initial search engine known to be invented was called “Archie”, created in 1990 by Alan Emtage, who was a brilliant student at McGill University in Montreal The original title given to it was ‘Archives’, but it was later condensed to Archie. Nowadays, a Search Engine has become one of the most essential marketing tools and a modular strategy which is now being used in an ever-growing industry

This focuses only on organic search results and does not include PPC optimization. Both SEO and PPC are part of Search Engine Marketing. The full form of PPC is Pay-per-click. It is an online advertising model in which the publisher of an ad is paid by the advertiser when a particular ad is clicked upon. This is also one of the ways to drive traffic to a website like a SEO does.

Search engines have become a vital tool to be used in research these days. These are often utilized by internet users when they are searching for that ‘something’ that they are unsure about. Education, Business, Movies, Music, Books be it what may a search engine can provide the required, right, and exact information to you, just at a click, at whatever time of the day the need may arise

Both SEO and PPC are part of Search Engine Marketing.

Setting realistic goals and achieving them is a major target for any company. As known, companies set long-term and short-term goals to be achieved during the tenure of the company. Similarly, fixing milestones with regard to using the right SEOs and utilizing them to their full potential is something that will help a website and in turn the company to achieve their daily SEO targets.

Accomplishing realisticSEO Milestones SomeeasySEO milestonesthat canbesetforyour websiteare-

1) Driving Traffic -

Any website’s main purpose should be to drive more traffic and more views to their site. For this, opting for the right and accurate keywords becomes pivotal. Not only this, but focusing on unique keywords could also do the trick. This would make it easier for the search engine to land the right viewers on your webpage.


3) Target Keywords -

Targeting the right keywords or catchphrases, which are closely related to your product or service or website, will help to increase the awareness of your product as well as set up the stage for its promotion. It will not only make your brand presence better but would also help in attracting new customers.

2) Organic leads and content -

Another milestone could be to concentrate on specific content and to attain a target audience that would be interested to read and use that content you provide them with. For example, the newer generation would like to know more about upcoming technology or events happening around them Whereas, the elderly or matured generation would be more interested in maintaining their health or investing their money in better avenues. Focusing on specific content generation, like the above given example, would definitely lead to gaining more organic leads for your website

4) Recognize your competitors -

Researching on your live competitors can give you an edge with your business and with your SEO search. You can search them up by keywords or by domain name. This will help you to find out more about your organic competitors and would help you to know how to stand out from them in the market.


5) Identify Keyword Gaps -

Some keywords will not be helpful to you as they drive your website viewers to that of your competitor's website. It would be a good idea to have a look at your competitor's website as well, so that you get to know the framework they are working in and the keywords being used by them. This would help you to cover the gaps by identifying the keywords used by other competing websites and those used by you, which you could definitely use to your advantage.


Here are some types of SEOs which might be helpful to your company -

Internal Search Engine Optimization (or On-Page SEO)

If you are planning to work on the content of your website, then this type of SEO is the best choice for you. Internal or On-Page SEO finetunes the content and structure of your page so that your website gets the best ranking when it is searched for on engines such as Google or Yahoo. If you present your best content on the website, it will give you a higher ranking and your website may show up in the first few websites mentioned in the search. This also helps to attract more and more organic traffic to your website


External Optimization

(or Off-Page SEO)

External Optimization uses your website's external factors to increase the ranking of your website. It helps to gauge the website’s quality and performance. For example, the promotion of your website on social media platforms, the number of viewers who have clicked on your website or webpage link, etc. can help to increase the website ranking and rating and thus has a good effect on its External Optimization.

The promotion of your website on social media platforms can help to increase the website ranking

Technical SEO

As the name suggests, Technical SEO requires development knowledge and technical expertise. Technical SEO also affects the working of different operational services and processes. Though this process drives deeper into technical details, it tends to make the process speedier, simpler and effortlesson.

Internal or On-Page SEO fine-tunes the content and structure of your page so that your website gets the best ranking when it is searched for on engines such as Google or Yahoo.

Now that we know about what Search Engines are and what is the meaning of Search Engine Optimization; it is equally essential to know about how these Search Engines work.

The working of Search Engines consists of -

1) Crawling

2) Indexing

3) Results


Webpages all over the internet are scanned continuously by search engines. This procedure of scanning is called Crawling, where miniature programs called Bots or Crawlers discover new or updated pages and also follow hyperlinks or URLs. It is similar to a baby crawling from one place to another. Crawlers start with URLs and go on from one page to another or follow one link to another.

SearchEngine The working of a
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The next step after Crawling is - Indexing. Search engines understand webpages by trying to analyze them. Once this is done, it classifies them and stores them in an Index. The Index of a Search Engine is like a storage of all the websites that were crawled upon before. It is to aid these websites to be displayed as a Search Result on the end user’s screen when they are searching for content


On what basis are these Search Results displayed, one might wonder?!? Before exhibiting the end results to you, there is an essential step that the SEO Engines consider and that is - Ranking. Once the query is put into the search bar by the user, the engine combs through the i di il bl d k th b t lt di t


As explained above, if a user of the internet tries to search for any questions or doubts on a particular search engine, then the best result is pulled out by the search engine, from the pages that were crawled, indexed and ranked previously. This is also called the Results page of a Search Engine, and is often abbreviated to SERP, the full form of which is Search Engine Results Page.

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SuccessFactors ofanSEO

What are some of the Success Factors that a website must follow, so that a SEO gives you the best result? 01 02 03

Your website must have quality content that can be delivered to the end user once that search button is hit.

Give your website content qualitative strength not only by the use of words but also by its allinclusiveness of the matter being spoken about.

Try not to replicate content on your website. Unique content is given more weightage by SEOs than repeated data.

First and foremost, the website needs to be crawlable, which means that it must be easy for a Search Engine to discover your website. 04 05

Keeping your content up-to-date and fresh also helps to gain more viewers and readers of your content


SuccessFactors ofanSEO

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The boom in mobile phones has made it even easier to access data these days. A website must work perfectly on a mobile device as it would work on a desktop, because most of the traffic on a webpage is by internet users through mobile devices.

It has been proven that a human brain can understand visual content many times better than just textual content. Inserting images, videos, GIFs etc can earn higher audience engagement, in comparison to any normal website with only plain content.

Optimizing the images on your website by using the right resolution, quality, format and size for it can help your webpage to load better and faster. This helps to avoid lag and repeated loading of the websit

Make sure your website users don’t wait too long for the data to load. Slow loading of content or data can urge the visitors to leave even before the page finishes loading. 09 10

Lastly, the arrangement and composition of your website also matters. The structure in which each of your webpage is arranged, helps an SEO to rank it higher than the other webpages which may have similar content. This gives your website the weightage and views that you are banking upon



Now that we know how volatile and fast-growing the industry of SEO is, it becomes all the more essential to keep up with the new and updated search engine algorithms which come up yearly, monthly or sometimes even on a daily basis.

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Thus, the main focus of any website, in order to make a good impact on a SEO, should be -

- To have a well planned out SEO strategy

- To provide the best content that you can on your website

- To make sure that your website is easy to use

- To aim of ranking higher than other competing websites on majorly used SEOs.

Directors: Codeup Global Solutions Pvt Ltd

Thank you to the Codeup Team

+91 9445618239

+91 6374854378


aravind@codeupglobal com

www codeupglobal com

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The above mentioned points would be the takeaway from this simple guide, which many budding and upcoming website designers or SEO users can put to use to make their website one of the best on the internet.

One of the firms that follow this is –CodeUp Global Solutions Pvt Ltd. It is one of the leading companies in the SEO Industry that is following the above steps to stay ahead in the fierce competition

As quoted by Viola Eva, Founder of Flow SEO, “The reality of SEO is the reality of any successful endeavor: It will take strategic, consistent and sufficient efforts to rank well.”

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