Fall/Winter 2017-18

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Wildcat NEWS Student Designers

Courtesy of Georgette Summers

Seniors Genny Kortick, Annabelle Liu, and Paulina Harasimowicz were named WR WKH .HLWK :DOGPDQ Âą 2SWLPDO Performance Associates/NFHCA High School National Academic Squad.

Inspiring Author Visits Award-winning author Matt de la PeĂąa spent a very full day with RCDS students and teachers. Throughout ÂżYH GLIIHUHQW SUHVHQWDWLRQV WR VWXGHQWV LQ WKH /RZHU DQG Middle schools and to a select group of Upper School students, Mr. de la PeĂąa shared his experiences as an author, poet, basketball player, father, and mixed-race (Mexican/American) citizen of the world. In preparation for his visit, all RCDS students read and explored his Newbery-award winning picture book, Last Stop on Market Street. He inspired his audience to be not just better writers, but better people.

Courtesy of Alison Doernberg

Field Hockey Recognition

Upper School students participated in the International Coastal Cleanup Day at the Edith Read Wildlife Sanctuary in Rye. Some of the most common items removed from the beach were plastic straws, cigarette butts, botWOH FDSV FDQG\ ZUDSSHUV VW\URIRDP DQG ÂżUHwork residue. Participating in the cleanup is a great way to give back to the local community while getting involved in an international effort to clean up the shorelines.

Courtesy of Cathie Bischoff

A “Stepping Piano,� a STEM-inspired, project designed by Upper School Engineering 1 students in fall of 2016, came to life at Rye Nature Center in October. The student design team of Will Asness ’17, Duncan Khosla ’17, Ed Abrams ’18, Sam Berger ’18, and Elysia Pil ’19 applied the Design Thinking approach, from interviewing young children to prototyping, to testing. Their design was based on musical sound note regression analysis, as well as on mechanical engineering and cost analysis. “No matter how these notes are played, they will always sound musical. We hope to explain and demonstrate to the kids the transfer of energy, as gravitational potential energy is transferred to rotational, kinetic energy, and is then transferred to vibrational energy,� the designers explained. The project was funded and built by Regeneron, a biotechnology company based in Westchester.

Coastal Cleanup Day

Bringing the Holiday Spirit 5&'6 3HHU /HDGHUV YROXQWHHUHG DW .LGV LQ Crisis, an organization located in Greenwich WKDW SURYLGHV IUHH DVVLVWDQFH IRU )DLUÂżHOG County children, teens, and families dealLQJ ZLWK DEXVH QHJOHFW DQG IDPLO\ FRQĂ€LFW .LGV LQ &ULVLV DOVR UXQV DQ HPHUJHQF\ VKHOWHU IRU FKLOGUHQ DQG WHHQV 7KH 3HHU /HDGHUV raised money to purchase holiday gifts and spent a morning helping organize donated items and setting up Holiday Central, a gift area for the children and families.



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