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Ryan Marais

Gold Coast, Australia

My name is Ryan Marais from the Gold Coast in Australia. I’m an ocean photographer and recent graduate from the Bachelor of Digital Media at Griffith University. While ocean photography is my main hobby, I love bodyboarding and free diving. My aesthetic in surf and ocean photography is focused on light, colour and geometry. My journey into surf photography started with a simple question – “How do I communicate and share my experience in the ocean with others?” This led me to pick up my first DSLR at 19, taking photos at Gold Coast and Northern NSW beaches. My biggest inspiration is the ever changing and unpredictable nature of the ocean. Every day, the surf conditions are different, and you’ll never find two waves that form the same way. I seek to capture artistic moments by pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. Ocean and surf photography is now a lifelong passion of mine and I’m excited for what awaits.
