The Filipino Worker in a Global Economy

Page 267

Appendix UNITED


1. Continued...



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• The law schoo]ls encouraged to specialize tn a paracuhr [ieH, av,d the f:v._epl of cro_ enrolmem for elective subjects Ym schuois m_y be a_o',_:l, subjeel 1o the f_vor recommendalJen of

LAW --


the Dean with the approval of


the CHED. • A student

"*_ must


su_essfu.Hy completed a minimum of 134 untts to earn a Bachelor of L.mws deg_e, otherwise authorized by the Department. NO school shah require more than 152 units to earn a Beehe)oFs

TEACHER EDUCATION • The mlnlm tim educaticsna| requirement for teacher_ is a 13aohelor'e degree in educetlon, Many _choo] dls_lcts require their teachers *_ohave or oh_ in a maseer'_


. For the Bachelor of Education degree, dee total number of t.mjts required is 1_0 (64 uml_ _rom Education, bO uzt]ts from the Academic component and 26 units _rom the Unl_er_Vy courses),


degree In Law.


• The school m.ay o_fera l_Veyear eumct_'_ttm s'preadl_g c_! •-he regular [our years to a perloct

-_ _._ _ •

of five academic years, _bJec_ the approval of CHED.



• Arts with Diploma In The Teacher Educallolt Educat_u.The fouz:-year Depart._ent prepares slcuden_ to Bache]or c(Arts with Di?ioma in teach In any of the [ollowlng Education co_crse combines ,f_e_s o_ spec_al_z_,tton at the Vigorous academic nudy _ith Secondary Level: Mathemario_, challenging U'al_ng i]_ pedagogy. Science, Computer App]lceflon_

Pla_ A: A_0ur-ye_r program requiting no ]e_ than MO credit,',_

Some of the modules being offered _nelude areas such as envtrunmentsl studies and geographic In[umiak/on _stems.


_umaufties, Economlcs, E_tory, Llte_ture, Psychology, Religious and Values Educa_on, gngi_eh, Behavioral Sciences and Ffllp_o

P_an B: A two-year p_ogram requiring no less than 80

To euh_r this program, appttcan_ mus_ PL_ISh f_eshman _d sophomore at Teacher's College.

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