2022 Winter Wild Magazine

Page 6

Sustainability Starts with Us

Roger Williams Park Zoo’s commitment to conserving wildlife and wild places starts right here at the Zoo, where we strive to use best practices in everyday operations to contribute to a healthier planet for all. As we foster awareness of the importance of conservation, it is also our duty to help conserve our Earth’s resources through environmentally friendly behaviors. See what green practices your RWPZoo implements and learn how you can do your part to conserve energy and resources.


ECO-FRIENDLY SHOPPING & DINING All our concessions operate with “green” practices in mind and a portion of the profits come back to support Zoo animal care and education conservation programs! Reusable cups are now sold at our restaurants and the elimination of plastic bags at

All organic waste gets composted. Natural waste, such as

our gift shops takes us one step

animal bedding materials, manure, leaves, grass clippings,

closer to creating zero waste

vegetable and fruit peelings get delivered to a composting

and reducing plastic.

facility twice weekly.


New animal habitats are thoughtfully built to ensure they are

We utilize LED lighting in our offices, buildings, and outdoor

less wasteful and minimize their environmental impact. Pools

facilities. Not only do LED lights consume less energy, but the

for animals like anteater and elephants have filtering systems

bulbs also use energy more efficiently. These newer lighting

to purify and save thousands of gallons of water each year.

systems monitor our usage and keep events like Jack-OLantern Spectacular shining bright while conserving power.

GREEN EVENTS Celebrating at the Zoo has never looked so good! By composting food scraps, events like Zoobilee can save tons of organic material from entering the landfill. Recycling cups at the Zoo’s annual Brew at the Zoo fundraising event also saves hundreds of materials ending up as trash.


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