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Upcoming Marketing Initiatives

Much of the time, the Marketing Department is working behind the scenes, helping individual departments or students with their projects or events. What many don't realize, however, is that Marketing often organizes its own initiatives and events to increase collegiality on campus and to promote excellence in everyday processes.

• Photo Contest: we will be hosting an annual photo contest on each campus in the fall, to encourage those amateur photographers among us to submit their best work. Winning entries will be displayed all year long on campus.


• Quarterly Deals: the popular merchandise sale will return in the fall with a new, customizable, seasonal RVU product. Past quarterly deals have included sweatshirts, polos, and blankets.

• Project Request Form: much like the handy Helpdesk ticket system, Marketing will be introducing a project request form in which people can fill out details for their project or need. This will further streamline the new project system and will allow the requester to follow up on project status.

• Awareness Events: Marketing will be working on materials, articles, and/or events to promote the following causes in September: Suicide Prevention Week (9/6), National Assisted Living Week (9/13), National Voter Registration Day (9/22), and more.

• Housing Portal: Marketing will be developing a housing portal for incoming students, which will allow them to view available apartments near the campuses.

Introducing the New RVU Website

If you have visited RVU.edu recently, you'll see a very different website. After two years of designing mockups, hosting surveys for opinions, and innumerable meetings, the Marketing Department—with the help of the Information Services Department—has launched the new RVU website. While the previous website hosted both campuses in one place, the new website has branched into three separate sites: one for the University, one for the Colorado campus, and one for the Southern Utah campus. The idea behind this separation was to accommodate current students and employees better by keeping their campus information to one place. Meanwhile, prospective students or employees, as well as the media and community, will find most of the information they need on the University website.

As with any big venture, the website will continue to be developed on an ongoing basis. To offer feedback for features or changes or if you are interested in joining the website committee, contact kpetersen@rvu.edu.