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The Department of "Pretty-It-Up"

At the start of each school year, we receive many questions from new and current students alike, asking if and how we can help them, their clubs, their events, and their causes. The answer is that the Marketing Department at RVU can help in a wide variety of ways.

Kelli Petersen, MBA, Marketing Manager


As the manager of a dynamic and specialized team, Kelli's role is usually as the middle-(wo) man: she is often the person you will meet with when you want to start a new campaign or have an idea for a project but haven't fleshed it out yet. She then delegates projects to each team member, based both on their skillset and their availability. She heads up the weekly team meetings and monthly strategic meetings, sits on many University-wide committees and task forces, and helps her team with any necessary issues or questions. With such a small team, Kelli also tackles technical aspects of the department as needed, such as writing, video editing, graphic design and layout, photography, and website development. Contact Kelli for initial meetings or projects, overall questions about the department, strategic planning, regulatory issues, major events or news, urgent projects, website updates, or any concerns.

Kristen Kaiser, MA, Assistant Marketing Manager

Being the sole marketing employee at the Southern Utah campus means that Kristen often must wear five different hats at a time. She acts as the campus photographer (including employee headshots), sits on various committees, handles merchandise sales, meets with students and employees to discuss projects, and works with the community to increase RVU exposure. Recently, Kristen has taken on a much larger role: she is now overseeing the management of the RVU website (along with the campus websites). Over time, she will also be developing her role to include vendor relations and merchandise for the entire University. Contact Kristen if you have website updates, need to order merchandise or apparel (either campus), and have events and photography needs on the Southern Utah campus.

Gina Marzulla, Graphic Designer and Marketing Coordinator

Chances are that you already know Gina's work and see it as least 5-10 times a day when you're on campus. She is the designer of most University marketing collateral, from fliers on the walls or screens to department brochures. She routinely works with most, if not all, student clubs and departments to develop any materials they need. This includes posters, logos and apparel designs, and digital graphics. Gina is also the primary Colorado campus photographer. Contact Gina if you need materials for an event or project, apparel or flier approval, department brochures, advertisements, a photographer at your event, or other branding needs.

Catherine Lewis Saenz, Communications Coordinator

Catherine is secretly the voice of RVU: she is the one who posts on social media platforms, writes most of the press releases and Vista View articles, coordinates with the media, assists with official statements, and maintains the RVU blog. A true lover of analytics, Catherine oversees all social media channels for both campuses and continuously develops her strategy for increasing our online and public reach. Contact Catherine if you need help writing an article, would like to contribute to the blog or Vista View, have important news you would like to share, or are creating an RVU-affiliated social media account.