The Reykjavík Grapevine issue 08 2015

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The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 8 — 2015

Have You Noticed The Mess They Have Made Of The Airport Renovations?

Words and Photos Kevin Quigley

With tourist numbers on the rise in Iceland, the country is in a frenzy of construction and refurbishments are taking place all over: hotels are being erected and restaurants spruced up or even enlarged to cope with increased demand. Not to be outdone, Keflavík International Airport is gearing up for the imminent onslaught with the redevelopment of its departure lounge. To the credit of those involved, the work has been carried out quickly and relatively quietly, while both outbound and inbound passengers have been given ample warning about the potential disruption caused by the project. For those who, like me, are curious about what these changes will mean, the airport’s dedicated website (http:// helpfully explains the concept behind the refurbishment: “Iceland is the antidote to an overly defined world. Everywhere you go, nature is ordered, routine prevails and thoughts are rationalized. Yet Iceland is an island and people that will never succumb to this taming. This is truly enchanting.” While this made very little sense to me, I was still looking forward to the

finished product. But when I arrived at the airport at 5:30am last week I was met with levels of chaos and cacophony never experienced during the renovations. After the duty-free store (through which one is currently obliged to walk) there is a large (and largely empty) space. The seats that once filled the area have all been removed. If I remember correctly, there was even once a smattering of sofas—but these too have all gone. I appreciate that at the time of writing the refurbishment is

still in its final stages so I am keeping my fingers crossed that the seats will make a return. For the time being, the only places available to sit in the departure lounge are located within the F&B area. (This is shorthand for “Food and Beverage” and since it is used quite liberally on the website, it will be used quite liberally here.) The website goes on to proclaim that the renovations “will result a [sic] full range of products and services.” This is not totally untrue. Pre-renovation, there were a couple

of places for a coffee and a sandwich. Now, however, the departing traveller or tourist has a dizzying five options for pre-flight snacking. As well as an abundance of choice, the website also promises that the area will be “rigorously designed.” While such phrases are rather empty, the F&B area is certainly not. It is bursting with design—perhaps even too much design. Each of the F&B outlets are, for example, enclosed by a wall, decorated with the most dizzying of patterns—the design of which looks like a cross between a Magic Eye picture and the upholstery in the VIP lounge in an Eastern European nightclub circa 1989. The website promises that “the harder you look, the more the space in the departure lounge will reward you.” The harder I looked, however, the sicker I felt. Fastened to a few of these walls is a small ledge, seemingly intended as a bench, or at least that is what people were using it for. It was obvious, however, that whoever designed it never tried to sit on it since it was far too narrow. I noticed an older gentleman, perched on the ledge, clasping his backpack on his lap, his legs braced against the floor in order to prevent him from falling off. Of course, had he entered one of the F&B establishments then he could have sat on an actual chair. But a word of warning if you do this: in quite a few places the enormous lamps are hung far too low over the tables so you do run the risk of banging your head when you stand up. (Presumably, having never sat down, the designer never had to stand up and therefore didn’t anticipate this danger.) The website does promise a “richly immersive environment” and it certainly delivers. For as well as the dizzying choice, dizzying wallpaper and potentially dizzying low-hanging lamps, there is a further hitherto unmentioned sensory experience awaiting you in the departure lounge. Taking pride of place in the F&B area is everyone’s favourite juice bar Joe and the Juice. Now I have nothing against hip kids with hip haircuts serving up hip smoothies, but the hip beats they were blasting across the entire F&B area at 5:30 in the morning did seem a bit much. The intended demographic was right at home: it almost seemed as if they were hanging out at the airport because it was too early for the mall to be open. And that is what the new departure lounge feels like—a mall. The Portlandbased design team behind the transformation state that they were aiming to “[complement] the downtown Reykjavík experience.” It would seem that when (or indeed if) they visited Iceland, they only made it as far as the Kringlan mall. And by comparison, Kringlan seems a lot better designed than the departure lounge—at least it has sofas. Keflavík International Airport was ranked the best airport in Europe last year, by the Airports Council International. So good is the airport, in fact, that some people don’t even want to leave—as was the case with one woman who reportedly lived at the airport for a week. Her story raises three important questions: with so many F&B options available, why did she only buy a Coke and a banana every day? How did the music from Joe and the Juice not drive her insane? And given the lack of chairs, did she spend the whole week perching? Or maybe that is why the powers that be have made the place as uncomfortable as possible: since there aren’t enough hotel beds for everyone coming to Iceland, maybe the old, cozier airport was proving too tempting for bed-less backpackers?

By Nanna Árnadóttir

Don't Ask Nanna Dear Nanna, I’m getting married in Iceland next June and my fiancé and I are really stoked. The wedding pictures alone will be epic. But last week a really close friend of mine announced she’s getting married the same month as me. Not in Iceland mind you, but in June next year I mean. I get that June is a really popular month for weddings, but she’s known I wanted to get married in June next year (06. 06. 2016) forever and it just seems a little inconsiderate. Should I confront her with how I feel? Best Bride-to-Be

Dear Bride-to-be, The nerve! To plan a wedding in the same month that you and millions of other couples the world over are planning their weddings? I think you should punish that presumptuous bitch with your absence and not go to her wedding. That way you can passiveaggressively remind her that not everything is about her and what she wants. Congratulations on your engagement by the way, I have a good feeling about you guys! Nanna

Hi Nanna, What’s the best place to party in Reykjavík this weekend? Huge fan! Animal

Dear Animal, Why would I tell you? I don’t know you. Bye Felicia, Nanna

Dear Nanna, I’ve been with my boyfriend for five years and we’re talking about marriage, but I’m also kind of thinking about breaking up. To be honest at this point it’s probably the same amount of work either way. What should I do? Love-and-Marriage?

Dear Love-and-Marriage? Have you thought about having a baby? That seems like a healthy compromise. Best, Nanna

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