2012 RVARC Annual Report

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Annual Report

P r o m o t i n g L e a d e r s h i p I n C o ll a b o r a t i o n

The Regional Commission Commission Members and Local Governments (Served during program year July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012)

Alleghany County

Craig County

The Honorable Carolyn Barnette The Honorable Shannon Cox John Strutner

The Honorable Richard Flora The Honorable Martha Murphy

Botetourt County

The Honorable Bob Camicia Frank Chrzanowski The Honorable Ronnie Thompson The Honorable Charles Wagner Chris Whitlow

The Honorable Stephen Clinton Erin Henderson The Honorable Billy Martin, Sr., Chairman Ned McElwaine

City of Covington

J.B. Broughman The Honorable Bill Zimmerman

City of Roanoke

The Honorable David A. Bowers Jay Foster Chris Morrill Braxton Naff The Honorable Court Rosen The Honorable David Trinkle

City of Salem

The Honorable John Givens The Honorable Jane Johnson, Vice Chair Melinda Payne

Franklin County

Roanoke County

The Honorable Ed Elswick B. Clayton Goodman, III The Honorable Kevin Hutchins Dean Martin, Treasurer The Honorable Charlotte Moore J. Lee E. Osborne

Town of Clifton Forge

Darlene Burcham The Honorable Jimmie Houff

Town of Rocky Mount

James Ervin The Honorable Robert Strickler

Town of Vinton

The Honorable Bradley E. Grose Chris Lawrence Virginia’s 5th Planning District


Annual Report 2012

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Liaison Members (Non-Voting) Beth Doughty

Roanoke Regional Partnership

Teresa Hammond

Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce & Tourism

Landon Howard

Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau

Debbie Kavitz

Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Robert Sandel

Virginia Western Community College

Dr. Richard Teaff

Dabney S. Lancaster Community College

Doloris Vest

Western Virginia Workforce Development Board

Joyce Waugh

Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce

Our Mission

“To be a leader in driving collaboration and strategy within our communities on issues that are critical to the economic growth, quality of life, and sustainability of this region.”

Promoting Leadership in Collaboration


Chairman’s Message

he Regional Commission continuously strives to provide the highest level of service to our member governments. This year’s Annual Report highlights the key projects we pursued during the FY2012 Program Year. Our work ranges from producing the regional Long Range Transportation Plan to helping our governments address state mandated plans, such as the Long Range Water Supply Plan. I am very proud of our staff and the excellent work they do each year. Without assistance from the Commission’s staff, our member governments might not be able to pursue projects that enhance the quality of life in their communities. Our staff not only prepares plans but tries to help our communities implement plans by

assisting in the preparation of grants to help pay for plan implementation. Additionally, the staff serves as a liaison between our local governments and State and Federal agencies. Our desire has always been to assist the communities in our region to reach their goals, whatever those goals may be. As we enter the FY 2013 Program Year, we will work hard to make sure the major goals of our member local governments are addressed. Please let me know how we can help your community when the need arises.

Executive Director’s Report


hen I think of the work that the Commission does, I think of the idea of a “Regional Community”. A regional community looks at a region as a puzzle where each piece links to one another, helping to create a picture of a strong, vibrant region.

The path to building a regional community can’t be built without groups working together. The Commission sees our organization as one piece of a larger mix of organizations that work cooperatively to make things happen in our region.

This doesn’t mean that individual local governments follow each other in a lock-step fashion, but instead, the governments recognize the benefits of working cooperatively to benefit citizens by saving money or providing a more effective way to deliver a service. Reducing air pollution, improving water quality, ensuring an adequate water supply, and promoting an efficient transportation system are all regional goals that help promote a better quality of life for citizens.

Our staff often works in the background to prepare reports and data to help inform decision makers about issues. We assist regional leaders, both public and private, in looking at possible future problems that need to be addressed, or point out opportunities to help strengthen our region. We look at the work we do as building a cooperative environment where a regional community can thrive.

Many of those collaborative efforts are presented in our FY 2012 Annual Report. The Commission staff will continue to find opportunities to work cooperatively to build a strong regional community in the area.

Inside the Annual Report GIS Mapping and Tech. Services... 4 Environmental Planning...................5 Transportation Planning...............6-7 Sustainability Programs................8-9 Community and Econ. Dev.......10-11 Livable Roanoke Valley.................12 Recognitions and Accolades.........13 Financial Report.............................14 Staff................................................15

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Annual Report 2012


GIS Mapping & General Technical Services Broadband Study In collaboration with local governments and the private sector arly in 2011, local government and business leaders recognized a need to identify opportunities related to recent open-access fiber investments being made adjacent to Botetourt County as the result of federal stimulus funding. The Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission was asked to facilitate these discussions. The public and private participants pooled their resources to hire Design Nine Incorporated to perform the analysis and make recommendations. As a result of the project, a Roanoke Valley Broadband Task Force was created to improve broadband services as recommended in the report. One of the first tasks was to work with existing private providers to gain their expertise on opportunities to expand service offerings. The Task Force continues their work and the full report can be found at www.highspeedroanoke.net.


VA Midland Trail Website Completed

£ ¤ Virginia's Midland Trail 60

81 § ¦ ¨

• • • • • • • • • •


Additional Work Programs & Services Demographic Analysis Economic Analysis GIS, GPS, and Digital Map Services Stormwater Management Water Supply Planning Watershed Improvement Plans Open Space and Recreation Planning Tree Canopy Study Air Quality Planning Emergency and Hazard Mitigation Plans

Annual Report 2012

Lexington Buena Vista


Amherst 60 £ ¤ 81 § ¦ ¨

95 § ¦ ¨

64 § ¦ ¨

Rockbridge Alleghany Clifton Forge Covington

60 £ ¤


Buckingham Cumberland


Richmond Henrico Chesterfield


New Kent 60 £ ¤

York James City Williamsburg York Newport News Hampton

85 § ¦ ¨

§ ¦ ¨ 95

Norfolk Virginia Beach

Virginia Beach

I Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission, 2012

Resolution of Support by Local Government

US Route 60

In collaboration with the Alleghany Highlands and other partners throughout the State Virginia’s Midland Trail (U.S. Route 60) runs nearly 315 miles east/west from Hampton Roads to West Virginia. The road was developed in the 1800’s as various turnpikes were connected to move people and goods west of Richmond. It was designated a US Highway in 1926. Interstate 64 largely replaced US 60 by the 1980’s. Regional Commission staff completed a website in an effort to encourage travel to the destinations and sites along the Trail. Visit midlandtrailva.com for more information.

Regional Greenway and Trail User Count Program

In collaboration with the City of Roanoke and the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission The Regional Commission continues to monitor the use of our greenways and trails through The Regional Greenway and Trail User Count Program via automated counters placed throughout the trail and greenway network. The goal is to obtain baseline data for general planning and maintenance purposes, and to compare with future use as the greenway network is expanded, connected, and promoted. Data is collected at four points along the Roanoke River Greenway and Carvin’s Cove, and the Tinker Creek and Lick Run Greenways.

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Environmental Planning Chesapeake Bay Watershed Improvement Plan and Mapping Review In collaboration with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation VARC staff worked with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and a Regional Steering Committee to review data and mapping for the Phase II implementation of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Improvement Plan (WIP). The DCR requested that local governments join the agency’s efforts to work with EPA to refine the WIP by reviewing data used in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed model and providing additional data gathered at the local level. The resulting report developed by the Steering Committee provided a review of the model data and mapping, a review of local best management practices and identified the resources needed to implement the watershed improvement plan.


Craig County Solid Waste Transfer Station

In collaboration with Craig County, USDA Rural Development Office, and Mattern & Craig Engineering Staff worked with the Craig County Industrial Development Authority, the USDA Rural Development office and Mattern & Craig Engineering to develop a low-interest loan application to fund improvements to the County’s existing solid waste transfer station and create a new convenience center in the western portion of the County. The improvements to the transfer station, including a new compactor and new method for loading the trash trucks, will reduce the County’s solid waste management costs.

McKinney Hollow Road Water Line Project Environmental Review

Current Craig County Transfer Station

Water Line Installation

In collaboration with Alleghany County and Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development Regional Commission staff worked with the Alleghany County Engineer to complete the environmental review for the McKinney Road Hollow water line project. Alleghany County successfully utilized a Self-Help grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development to extend water service to the neighborhood.

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The James River

Stormwater Management

Over the past few years, the staff of the Regional Commission has worked with local government officials to examine how to address stormwater management issues in a cooperative fashion. The Commission established a Stormwater Management Committee and a Technical Committee to provide guidance on how best to pursue a regional approach to stormwater issues. The new stormwater regulations being implemented by the Commonwealth was the topic of discussion at a regional workshop and at a Regional Commission meeting. The staff will continue to work with its member governments to address the new stormwater mandates from the State.

Annual Report 2012


Regional Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Highlights

RVAMPO Policy Board Voting Members Bedford County The Hon. Bill Thomasson

Botetourt County The Hon. Billy Martin, Sr., Vice Chair Ron Smith Roanoke County The Hon. Richard Flora, Chair The Hon. Charlotte Moore City of Roanoke Dr. M. Rupert Cutler The Hon. Ray Ferris City of Salem The Hon. Jane Johnson Melinda Payne Town of Vinton The Hon. Doug Adams Carolyn Fidler Greater Roanoke Transit Company Carl Palmer Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Jacqueline L. Shuck Regional Commission J. Lee E. Osborne VDOT-Salem District Rob Cary Non-Voting Members Va Dept. of Rail and PublicTransportation Michael Todd Federal Highway Administration Tammye Davis Federal Transit Administration Tony Cho


Annual Report 2012

RVAMPO Receives Transportation Management Area Designation Following the release of the Census 2010 data, our region is embarking on a new era in regional transporation planning. he Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVAMPO) is moving up to a higher status MPO classification. Transportation Management Areas are MPOs that have a population greater than 200,000 within their Census defined urban area. RVAMPO passed that threshold with the announcement of Census 2010 urbanized boundary results in March 2012. As the lead staff agency and fiscal agent to RVAMPO, we are embarking on an exciting time of transition that includes developing the region’s first ever Congestion Management Plan. Additionally, the MPO Policy Board will be able to decide which projects and proposals will receive funding using Regional Surface Transportation Planning funds and Transportation Alternatives funds. The combined amount of MPO discretionary funding will probably top several million dollars annually. Last, but not least, Montgomery County will participate on the Policy Board as a voting member. The inclusion of Montgomery County complements Bedford County’s inclusion a decade ago, and makes the RVAMPO truly multi-regional.



$1,598,756 $938,479









Regional Freight Study

Staff contacted nearly 200 regional companies to update our regional freight profile for inclusion in our Long Range and Congestion Management Planning process. RVARC staff completed a Freight Trip Generation Study for the Roanoke Valley. The purpose of the Study was to develop a regional freight profile to be used in the long-range transportation planning process. The Study examined businesses and their outbound and inbound freight movement in the Roanoke Valley. Results from the freight study will be incorporated in the upcoming Congestion Management Plan and the next Constrained LongRange Transportation Plan. These results will help us make sure that we are incorporating needs important to businesses that rely on supply chain management and logistics as a part of their business model in the planning process.

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Regional Transportation Planning Public Transit and Multi-Modal Highlights Valley Metro Bus Stop Analysis In collaboration with the Greater Roanoke Transit Company VARC staff analyzed ridership data for Valley Metro and completed a Stop Analysis that is aiding in the transit agency’s effort to identify efficiencies and opportunities for enhancing their service, schedules, and routes. RVARC partners with Valley Metro in collecting ridership data every three years via on-board surveys. In 2012/13, RVARC will continue collaborating with Valley Metro by providing data, analysis, mapping, and research to support their organization goals.


Craig County Transit Feasibility Study

In collaboration with Craig County, a consultant created these Transit Service and Program Oversight recommendations: • Out-Of-County Service to Salem and Roanoke: Initially running 1 day a week, the service would provide access to medical facilities, shopping centers, and community colleges. • In-County, Zone Based Service: Initially running 1 day a week, the proposed zone-based service would divide the County into three zones,and each would receive bus service to New Castle once a week. • Enhanced Ridesharing Service: This service would require designation of Park & Ride locations in the County and would allow individuals with similar trip origins and destinations to share a ride. • A Transportation Commission would be an all volunteer community stakeholders group including Craig County citizens, local businesses/organizations, and elected officials. The Commission would provide guidance to the service provider in order to improve service and disseminate information to a wide audience. • A Mobility Manager would serve as the local point of contact for individuals needing transportation assistance and oversee and manage day-to-day transit operations, while working closely with the Transportation Commission.

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• • • • • • • •

Additional Work Programs & Services Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals Webinar Hosting Bicycle and Greenway Planning Congestion Management Planning Corridor Studies Downtown Parking Study Long Range Transportation Planning Rural Transportation Planning Transportation Improvement Program

Downtown Parking Study

Staff completed Phase I of the Downtown Roanoke Parking Study. The primary focus of this Study is to inventory and analyze the downtown parking capacity, location, time-limit restrictions, utilization, and to make initial recommendations. The Study will complement the work that the City of Roanoke has conducted in its pursuit of a comprehensive downtown parking strategy. City of Roanoke staff and the Downtown Mobility Task Force provided input and guidance throughout the planning process.

Annual Report 2012


Sustainabilit y Programs RIDE Solutions Program Highlights

RIDE Solutions Expands


Region 2000

Region 2000 has agreed to fund the expansion of the RIDE Solutions program for its member governments. ollowing the end of the 2011/12 fiscal year, RIDE Solutions expanded its service area to include the Region 2000 planning district. The expansion now means that RIDE Solutions serves the largest geographic area of all Transportation Demand Management agencies in the State. As the program grows, it will continue to update its resources and services to reflect a more connected region in terms of commuter services. More information about this and other news can be found at ridesolutions.org.

F • • • • • • • • • •

Additional Work Programs & Services Carpool Matching Bike Routing Public Transit Information Vanpool Information Bike, Hike, Bus Maps Bicycle Friendly Business Support/Applications Workplace Partnerships Air Quality Mitigation Guaranteed Ride Home Community Engagement

Mayor’s Ride

Each year, we work with the Roanoke Parks and Recreation and the City of Roanoke to host the Mayor’s Ride. Led by Mayor Bowers, the ride honors those who have supported our region’s biking initiatives and growth. This year, Rob Issem and Wake Fulp were presented the region’s Bike Month Awards.

2012 Bike Month Events 2nd Annual Bike Shorts Film Fest

The Shadowbox Microcinema and The Taubman Museum joined forces with RIDE Solutions to host this year’s festival and featured directors from around the region.This year’s winner, Joseph Caldwell hailed from Radford and highlights the true regional support we have for cycling.

Open Streets Festival

The Open Streets Festival partnered with Festival in the Park in an effort to re-envision how we use our urban spaces. Attendees participated in Yoga in the Streets, a Bike Fashion Show, Powertool Drag Racing, Street Tennis, Street Soccer, and more.

2012 Clean Commute Challenge


Annual Report 2012

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Clean Commute Challenge

RIDE Solutions’ feature annual event of Bike Month helped remove nearly 32,000 miles of driving from our roadways. Businesses and individuals competed with each other for bragging rights and in doing so, also eliminated nearly 38,000 lbs of air pollution in May alone.

Sustainabilit y Programs RVARC Assumes Management of Save-A-Ton

In collaboration with Clean Valley Council, Roanoke Valley Cool Cities Coalition, Community Alliance for Energy Efficiency, RC CLEAR, Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke and the Town of Blacksburg. n 2011, citizens and governments in the Roanoke and New River Valleys launched Save-A-Ton, a new campaign to help people save money on energy use. The multi-media campaign encourages people to visit saveaton.org to learn about energy savings and share their ideas and results on social media. The website offers tips, links and resources in five categories – lighting, vehicle efficiency, energy conservation, weatherization and water conservation. Building off the success of RVARC’s other Sustainability Programs, we have assumed responsibility for maintaining the website and continue expanding the educational resources available through Save-A-Ton.


Volunteers for Energy Initial Funding Period Closes Volunteers for Energy (VfE) wrapped up its initial funding period in April of 2012. Nearly 750,000/sq.ft. of commercial space was audited over 23 different sites. Clients were given a free energy audit with recommendations for improving their building’s performance and efficiency with each site averaging over $7,300 in recommended savings. Originally funded by the Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy, VfE is currently discussing future funding options that will build on the program’s initial wave of success. Visit rvarc.org/energy/ for more information about this program.

The Roanoke Bike Summit

In collaboration with the New River Valley Planning District Commission and the League of American Bicyclists Building off of Roanoke’s Bicycle Friendly Community Bronze designation, RIDE Solutions and the Regional Commission hosted The Roanoke Bike Summit at the Roanoke Higher Education Center. The event provided information on League of American Bicyclists “Bicycle Friendly America” programs and offered guidance and professional assistance to regional organizations looking in becoming bicycle friendly.

A VfE Success Story

VfE conducted a multi-site audit for the Roanoke Public Libraries to identify potential areas for improving their building’s performance and efficiency. As a result of the audit and subsequent report, a water leak was identified, although the source was unknown. It was readily apparent that the leak was causing thousands of dollars in excess usage. The library has since addressed the water leak and thanks to the work of VfE will save thousands of dollars in water bills in the coming years.

RIDE Solutions continues offering support to businesses seeking Bicycle Friendly designations by assisting with the application process. One of those assisted was Carilion Clinic. RIDE Solutions staff worked hand-in-hand with Carilion in identifying programs and services that will enhance the application process. Learn more about this process and how RIDE Solutions can help by visiting www.ridesolutions.org.

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Annual Report 2012


Communit y & Economic Development • • • • • • • • •

Additional Work Programs & Services Grant Writing and Management Assistance Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan Updates Land Use Planning Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Tourism Studies Enterprise Zone Assistance Mayors and Chairs Meetings Chief Administrative Officials Meetings Virginia’s Western Highlands Tourism Stakeholder Committee

Webinar Hosting

The Regional Commission hosted 6 American Planning Association Web Conferences on such topics as complete streets, design guidelines, and planning law. AICP certified planners are able to earn up to 1.5 certification maintenance credits for each conference they attended. This service is available free to all local government employees in our region.


Annual Report 2012

Jackson River Scenic Trail Grant Application

In collaboration with Alleghany County Parks and Rec and VDOT egional Commission staff worked with the Director of Alleghany County Parks & Recreation to develop a grant application for the VDOT Transportation Enhancement Program to fund the next phase of the Jackson River Scenic Trail. The County received approval for a $325,000 grant from the VDOT Transportation Enhancement Program in June 2012.


Jackson River Trail Entrance

Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

In collaboration with RVARC Member Governments Commission staff continued work on the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) process, a strategy which reflects local economic needs and priorities. Staff worked closely with the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional CEDS committee to receive project nominations and to rank those projects by a set of regionally selected criteria.

Alleghany Regional Commerce Center

RVARC Open House and Public Information Meeting A Public Information Meeting and Open House was held in May 2012 to showcase the various programs/projects undertaken by the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission and the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, and to obtain citizen and business input on regional transportation planning issues.

The Alleghany Regional Commerce Center is the premier site for locating high-wage industrial and commercial prospects that require modern, custom-built facilities in the Alleghany Highlands. Please visit www.regionalstrat-

egy.org for more information on the CEDS process.

Western Virginia Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Competitiveness Initiative

In collaboration with Virginia Tech, the Mount Rogers and New River Valley Planning District Commissions The Western Virginia Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Competitiveness Initiative (TEMCI) is a joint effort being conducted by Virginia Tech, the Regional Commission, and the Mount Rogers and New River Valley Planning District Commissions. Through this regional collaboration, a $1.6 million grant was secured in September 2010 to provide transportation equipment manufacturing companies within Southwest Virginia with subsidized technical assistance from Virginia Tech to address product development, process improvements, and the integration of “green” technologies.

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Communit y & Economic Development Bridge


Gap Campaign

RVARC staff continues its support for the regional Greenway system. In addition, staff provides educational and promotional efforts for the greenway system including mapping and technical support. he Greenway Commission has an immediate goal to connect all sections of the Roanoke River Greenway through the urban portion of the Valley. As of May 2012, funding has been secured for all segments of this route except the 4-mile “gap” that lies between Roanoke and Salem, and are now over halfway to raising the $7 million that will be needed to “Bridge the Gap”. The Greenway Commission has made funding of this section its top priority. In cooperation with the non-profit Pathfinders for Greenways, Inc. and the four localities, the Regional Commission will seek support from a broad range of partners to “bridge the gap.” When this section of the path is finished, the Roanoke River Greenway will provide a continuous route from Green Hill Park to Tinker Creek Greenway, a distance of more than 18 miles. Visit Greenways.org to donate or learn more about the campaign.


Blue Ridge Interagency Council on Homelessness

The Interagency Council includes members of the public, local governments, mental health programs, state and federal programs, non-profit organizations, businesses, and colleges throughout the Roanoke-Alleghany region. The Regional Commission continues to coordinate the Blue Ridge Interagency Council on Homelessness, which facilitates and coordinates the region’s efforts to prevent, treat, and end homelessness and serves as the lead entity for the area’s Continuum of Care planning process. The Annual Winter Point-in-Time Count and Shelter Survey Report was completed and offers insight into the challenges the region faces in dealing with homelessness. Additional information is available at www.rvarc.org/homeless.

Regional Leadership

In collaboration with the Coalition for Economic Development The Commission, working in conjunction with the Coalition for Economic Development, coordinated the Regional Leadership Trip to Greenville, South Carolina in September 2011. Forty business and government leaders attended the two-day trip. The goal of the leadership trips is to have government and business leaders come away with practical and innovative ideas to enhance economic and community development opportunites within our region.

Virginia Outdoors Plan

In collaboration with the VA Dept. of Conservation and Recreation and Regional Governments Staff worked with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation to host public input meetings in March for the update to the Virginia Outdoors Plan. More than 50 citizens attended the meetings and provided input on topics such as boating access, hiking trails, horseback riding and recreation sites. In addition, RVARC worked with local governments to develop a list of priority recreation projects for the region.

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Piedmont Park on Roanoke River Greenway

RVARC and the Greenways

The Regional Commission facilitated development of the Regional Greenway Plan. It has continued to provide greenway services, particularly GPS data and GIS mapping, web assistance, bicycle route assessment and planning, and open space planning. In 2007, the Regional Commission obtained a grant for the update to the greenway plan and continues to provide significant staff time and support to the Greenway Commission.

Annual Report 2012


Partnership For A Livable Roanoke Valley

Courtesy Kurt Konrad Photography

About The Partnership

To continue to make the Roanoke Valley one of America’s best places to live and work, stimulate local economies and realize the region’s fullest economic and cultural potential, more than 60 organizations, including local governments, non-profits, businesses and educational institutions have formed the Partnership for a Livable Roanoke Valley. The Partners are embarking on a process to develop the Valley’s first coordinated regional plan. This effort will be guided and shaped by citizens - those who know the Roanoke Valley best. • • • • • •


Focus Areas

Housing Transportation Land Use Energy & Environment Economic & Workforce Development Health & Education

Annual Report 2012

The Partnership Roanoke Moves

The goal of this effort is to promote economic opportunity and a greater quality of life for all Roanoke Valley residents. n the summer of 2012, the Partnership began its Phase II efforts with the development of a public telephone survey regarding citizen’s values and priorities regarding the region’s livability. The survey was developed with the assistance of the Virginia Tech Center for Survey Research. Virginia Tech researchers conducted telephone interviews with over 1000 Roanoke Valley citizens. A repository for project deliverables, future events and opportunities for involvement is available


for a L ivable into P hase II

at www.LivableRoanoke. org. In addition, the site provides a forum for collecting ideas and promoting dialogue among interested citizens in an effort to further engage the public in the planning process. During the upcoming year, a series of public workshops will be held at various locations in the Roanoke Valley to share the results of the surveys and provide a forum for input regarding the vision, principles, and goals for a more livable Roanoke Valley. The workshops, along with the activities from Phase 1, will help inform the development of strategies to achieve the defined livability goals and principles.

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Steering Committee

Botetourt County Citizen Representative Craig County Carilion Clinic Franklin County Roanoke County City of Roanoke City of Salem Council of Community Services The Regional Commission

• • • • •

Roanoke Valley Area MPO Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce VA Department of Transportation Virginia Western Community College Western Virginia Water Authority

Top Driving Trends in the Region

State & Federal Funding Health Care Costs Housing Costs Workforce Qualifications Cultural Attitudes/Habits Regional Infrastructure Demographic Challenges Environmental Quality Government Effectiveness Employment Opportunities Regional Economic Competitiveness Access to Natural Resources and Scenic Beauty Changes in Technology

Regional Recognition and Accolades Innovation Awards from the National Association of Development Organizations The Commission was recognized with Innovation Awards from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) for its work on the following two projects:

Save-A-Ton Program

This is a regional energy efficiency and conservation awareness and education program that seeks to connect citizens in the Roanoke and New River Valleys with local products and service providers to help them save energy and money.

Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Economic Development Map Tool

Commission staff partnered with the Roanoke Regional Partnership to develop an online economic development map tool that included layers of data such as available industrial sites, enterprise zones and other facilities. The features were mapped and integrated into the site using Google maps. Each site on the map was linked to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership’s database.

Ride Solutions Program Coordinator Jeremy Holmes Honored With Association for Commuter Transportation Top 40 Under 40 Award Over the past 5+ years, Jeremy Holmes has built a national reputation for his management of the RIDE Solutions program. His efforts to infuse social media, community building, collaboration, and data analysis into the program has helped other Transportation Demand Management agencies across the country establish new strategies for growing, supporting, and engaging their service areas. The Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) is an international trade association that supports individual mobility management professionals and organizations in their efforts to reduce traffic congestion, conserve energy and improve air quality. ACT recently recognized Jeremy for his many contributions to the field of Transportation Demand Management.

Jeremy w ACT Award

RVARC Named the Coolest Organization in the Roanoke Region by the Roanoke Valley Cool Cities Coalition Wayne Strickland, RVARC’s Executive Director, accepted the award on behalf of the Commission while Richard Flora, Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, and Court Rosen, Vice Mayor of Roanoke City presented the award. RVARC was awarded the Special Achievement Cool Citizen award for its leadership in regional sustainability efforts. Programs recognized for this award were: RIDE Solutions- Creating strategies to encourage carpooling, bicycling, and other alternative transportation Volunteers for Energy- Providing free energy audits and recommendations for local organizations to reduce energy costs Partnership for a Livable Roanoke Valley- planning to promote economic vitality, environmental quality, and equal opportunity in the Roanoke region

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Annual Report 2012


Financial Report 2011/2012 F I S C A L R E P O R T

Financial Statement

G RANTS AND APPROPRIATIONS Federal Grants State Grants and Appropriations Local Grants and Appropriations Miscellaneous and Interest TOTAL R EVENUES Personnel Contract Services Operations & Other Expenditures TOTAL EXPENSES E XCESS O F R EVENUES OVE R E XPENSES


he Regional Commission’s financial performace has enabled it to finish the year with a balance of $21,200 in excess of revenue over expenses. The charts breakdown the financial details for our 2011/12 Fiscal Year. Of the total funding received from all sources, 71% goes to Transportation programs, 13% to ARC Regional Planning, 8% to Local Planning, and 8% goes towards the Livable Roanoke Initiative. 2011 Grants and Appropriations Broadband In Kind 3% Contributions 10%

Leadership 2%

Local Grants and Appropriations 15%

Other 1%

2011 Federal Funding Breakdown

2011 Expenses

Federal Grants and Appropriations 51%

Chesapeake Bay, $9,500

CEDS, $20,736

State Grants and Appropriations 18%

Operations and Other Expenditures 25% Contract Services 16%

$810,014 $290,295 $242,712 $255,735 $1,598,756 $938,479 $247,090 $391,987 $1,577,556 $21,200

ARC, $62,427

HUD, $132,518

Volunteers for Energy, $149,142

Personnel 59%

Transportation Programs, $435,691

G rants and A ppropriations

Federal Grants and Appropriations State Grants and Appropriations Local Grants and Appropriations Miscellaneous and Interest In Kind Contributions Broadband Leadership Other


Annual Report 2012

$810,014 $290,295 $242,712 $160,994 $53,511 $26,270 $14,960

F ederal F unding B reakdown E xpenses

Personnel Contract Services Operations/Misc Expenditures

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$938,479 $247,090 $391,987

Transportation Programs Volunteers for Energy HUD CEDS Chesapeake Bay ARC

$435,691 $149,142 $132,518 $20,736 $9,500 $62,427


Scott Burton Regional Planner II sburton@rvarc.org

Mark McCaskill, AICP Senior Planner mmccaskill@rvarc.org

Olivia Dooley Finance Director


Matt Miller, GISP Director of Information Services

Cristina Finch, AICP

Jake Gilmer, AICP





Senior Planner

Tyler Godsey Sustainability Programs Technician

Jackie Pace Office Manager

Shane Sawyer Regional Planner III

Wayne G. Strickland Executive Director

Regional Planner III





Jeremy Holmes, LEED GA Sustainability Programs Coordinator

Eddie Wells, AICP, CZA Senior Planner




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Annual Report 2012


313 Luck Ave., SW • PO Box 2569 • Roanoke, VA 24010 Ph: 540.343.4417 • Fax: 540.343.4416 Email: rvarc@rvarc.org • www.rvarc.org For Media Inquiries Contact: tgodsey@rvarc.org

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