2010 RVARC Annual Report

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Working to bring local governments together by promoting regional cooperation, coordination, and communication.

commissioners Alleghany County The Honorable Carolyn Barnette The Honorable Dave Price John Strutner Botetourt County The Honorable Stephen Clinton The Honorable Billy Martin, Sr., Vice Chair Ned McElwaine Todd Wampler Craig County The Honorable Jennifer Durling The Honorable Richard Flora Franklin County The Honorable Russell Johnson The Honorable Ronnie Thompson The Honorable Charles Wagner Chris Whitlow Roanoke County The Honorable Ed Elswick B. Clayton Goodman, III The Honorable Kevin Hutchins Dean Martin, Treasurer The Honorable Charlotte Moore J. Lee E. Osborne City of Covington The Honorable B. B. Bryant, Jr. John Doane City of Roanoke The Honorable David A. Bowers Jay Foster Rob Logan, III Chris Morrill The Honorable Court Rosen The Honorable David Trinkle, Chair City of Salem The Honorable John Givens The Honorable Jane Johnson Melinda Payne

Town of Clifton Forge Darlene Burcham The Honorable Jimmie Houff Town of Rocky Mount James Ervin The Honorable John Lester Town of Vinton The Honorable Bradley E. Grose Chris Lawrence

LIAISON MEMBERS (Non-Voting) Beth Doughty (Roanoke Regional Partnership) Teresa Hammond (Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce) Landon Howard (Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau) Debbie Kavitz (Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce) Dr. Robert Sandel (Virginia Western Community College) Dr. Richard Teaff (Dabney S. Lancaster Community College) Doloris Vest (Western Virginia Workforce Develop. Board) Joyce Waugh (Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce)

(NOTE: Member listing as of June 30, 2010)

As we close out another work program year, I believe the Regional Commission has made some great strides in expanding its services to our constituents. It has been a rough economic time for our member governments as well as our partner organizations throughout the region. Although the Commission has seen reductions in revenue sources, we have worked diligently to provide the best service we could in light of our limited resources.

chairman’s message

The FY2010 Comprehensive Work Program outlined more than 30 projects to be undertaken by the staff during the fiscal year. The Work Program addressed numerous planning projects in the areas of transportation, community/ economic development and environmental analysis. These projects are highlighted in this annual report. Beyond the regional and local government projects pursued this year, the Commission’s staff also provided assistance to various agencies of the Commonwealth to help implement the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (i.e., the federal stimulus program) and initiatives called for by the General Assembly. For example, our staff was part of a consortium of PDCs that helped the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy establish procedures for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program. The staff also worked with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) throughout Virginia to establish the Virginia Association of MPOs, as requested by the General Assembly during the 2009 session. As we examine regional approaches to issues that affect our local governments, it is clear that challenges and opportunities still exist. The issues facing our region also face neighboring regions around us. For that reason, the staff of the Regional Commission worked with the staff of the Region 2000 Local Government Council (serving the greater Lynchburg area) to convene the first joint meeting between our two organizations. This meeting provided the opportunity for our Commissioners to discuss common issues and concerns. Our hope is to have similar meetings with other neighboring Commissions in the future. As we enter a new Work Program year, I want to let our member governments and other constituents know that we stand ready to assist them as they work to enhance the quality of life of residents in the region. Please contact me, or the staff of the Regional Commission, if we can be of assistance to you.

Dr. David B. Trinkle Chairman

service area City of Covington 2009 Population: 5,927 5.7 Square Miles

Alleghany County 2009 Population: 16,885 445 Square Miles (Includes Clifton Forge)

Town of Clifton Forge 2008 Population: 3,932 3.1 Square Miles

Botetourt County 2009 Population: 33,299 543 Square Miles

Craig County 2009 Population: 5,211 331 Square Miles

City of Salem 2009 Population: 25,163 14.6 Square Miles

Town of Vinton 2008 Population: 7,868 3.2 Square Miles Bedford County (Member of MPO)

City of Roanoke 2009 Population: 93,304 42.9 Square Miles Roanoke County 2009 Population: 92,991 251 Square Miles (Includes Vinton)

Franklin County 2009 Population: 53,450 692 Square Miles (Includes Rocky Mount)

Town of Rocky Mount 2008 Population: 4,535 6.5 Square Miles

Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Boundary

2009 Region: 326,230 Population 2,325 Square Miles

financial report (Year Ended June 30, 2010)


REVENUES Grants and Appropriations Federal Grants


State Grants and Appropriations


Local Grants and Appropriations


Miscellaneous and Interest


Total Revenues




Contract Services


Operations & Other Expenditures


Total Expenses


Excess (Deficit) of Revenues Over Expenses


Revenues Misc. & Int. 2% Local 22%

State 23%

Expenses Federal 53%

Operations & Other 21%

Contracts 13%

Personnel 66%

community/environmental planning



At the request of Botetourt County, Commission staff assisted the Town of Troutville in the development of the Troutville Strategic Plan. Staff provided planning consultation, meeting facilitation, and SWOT Analysis. The Plan can be reviewed at www.rvarc.org/work/work. htm. Staff provided grant management assistance to Craig County for the Craig County Health Center Community Development Block Grant. The project was reviewed by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development and successfully closed out in April 2010.


The Regional Commission staff is providing Labor Standards compliance assistance for the Iron Gate Water Tank Project, funded by the Virginia Health Department through the American Reinvestment & Recovery Act. Operation of the new water tank began in September 2010.


The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and the Louis Berger Group, Inc., in cooperation with MeadWestvaco and the local governments in the Alleghany Highlands, have completed the development of the Jackson River Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study Phase 2. The work included the development of the stressor identification report, the development of the endpoint, the calibration and validation of the water quality model, and

the development of the Chesapeake Bay Existing Conditions Scenario. The TMDL was approved by the US EPA in July 2010. n

Regional Commission staff worked with the City of Covington Planning Commission to update Covington’s Comprehensive Plan.


Senior Planner Eddie Wells is serving on the Vinton Downtown Revitalization Management Team. The Town of Vinton is utilizing a Planning Grant from the Department of Housing and Community Development to develop a plan for revitalizing the downtown area.


Regional Commission staff worked with Chad Williams, Director of Alleghany County Parks & Recreation, to develop Jackson River Greenway grant applications for the VDOT Transportation Enhancement Program and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Recreational Trails Program. The County received approval for a $300,000 grant from the VDOT Transportation Enhancement Program in June 2010.


The Regional Commission, in cooperation with local governments and the Greenway Commission, is conducting user counts for area greenways. Current or recent trail counts have been conducted on the Roanoke River Greenway, Lick Run Greenway, Murray Run Greenway, and the Appalachian Trail. The Regional Commission is also working with the Greenway Planning and Standards Committee to develop a standard trail count protocol and methodology. To conduct the trail counts, Regional

community/environmental planning

Commission staff use infrared and/ or magnetic trail counters along area greenways. Trail count data is downloaded and can be analyzed and displayed in various formats. n



The Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission, participating local governments, and the Virginia Department of Forestry completed an Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) Analysis for the Roanoke Valley. UTC for the study area localities are as follows: City of Roanoke, 48%; City of Salem, 39%; Town of Vinton, 38%; and Roanoke County – urbanized area, 51%. The UTC analysis reports and associated GIS files are available to assist local governments and other stakeholders in conducting similar analyses on selected “geographies” in the study area and setting tree canopy goals. Additional information – www.rvarc.org/utc. The Regional Commission continues to coordinate the Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Advisory Council on Homelessness. The Advisory Council facilitates and coordinates the region’s efforts to prevent, treat, and end homelessness and serves as the lead entity for the Blue Ridge Continuum of Care planning process. The Regional Commission is assisting in the development of three separate regional water supply plans covering localities in the RVARC service area —

the Greater Roanoke Regional Water Supply Plan, the Upper James Regional Water Supply Plan and the Craig County-Town of New Castle Water Supply Plan. Additional information is available at www.rvarc.org/water. n

The Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission is conducting a Regional Housing Study to provide an overview of a range of housing and housing-related issues – housing stock, affordability, income, access, land use, transportation, etc. Upon completion of the study, the Regional Commission will work with the Roanoke Regional Housing Networks to develop recommendations and actions to address identified housing needs or opportunities. Additional information is available at www.rvarc.org/housing.


Staff continues to represent the Regional Commission at meetings of various watershed and conservation groups in the region. Organizations include the Upper Roanoke River Roundtable Advisory Committee, Clean Valley Council Citizens Stormwater Advisory Committee, Upper James Resource Conservation and Development Council, and Virginia Roanoke River Basin Advisory Committee.


Staff assisted the localities of the Alleghany Highlands and the Citizens’ Committee appointed to work for Alleghany County and the City of Covington on a consolidation agreement. Staff developed six voting district map scenarios for the committee. Staff also attended a public meeting held by the Citizens’ Committee to receive comment on the maps.

sustainability programs n

The Regional Commission’s RIDE Solutions Transportation Demand Management program has grown, moving its offices into the unoccupied first floor of the Commission building, and is preparing to operate a Commuter Store-style service, with its traditional online and telephone commuter services augmented by transit pass sales, walk-in service, and an improved Smart Trips-style sustainable trip planner. Having recently completed a Long-Range Transportation Demand Management Plan, the RIDE Solutions program continues to be the leader in green transportation services in the region, supporting multiple nonprofit and municipal sustainability efforts including the Roanoke Valley Cool Cities Coalition, the annual Green Living and Energy Expo, Roanoke City’s Citizens for Clean and Green Committee and Roanoke County’s RC-CLEAR initiative, among others. Employer-based transportation programs continue to expand, with over 30 partners representing 40,000+ employees in the Roanoke and New River Valleys. Our most recent partnership with Virginia Tech has resulted in a doubling of the commuter database. For more information on the region’s rideshare program, visit www.ridesolutions.org.


The Regional Commission is one of the inaugural participants in the Roanoke Regional Chamber’s “Cool Green Biz” program. The certification program, developed by the Roanoke Valley Cool Cities Coalition and administered by the Chamber, is a first-of-itskind partnership between the local business and environmental communities to provide organizations a measurable path to sustainability and recognition for their efforts. The Commission is proud to have been designated at Level 2 out of a three-tiered certification system. Measures the Commission has undertaken as part of this program have been a paper reduction program, better control of lights and thermostats, motion detectors on lights in the 3rd-floor hallway, and a replacement of the building’s lighting with higherefficiency equipment. The Commission has seen energy reductions of 10% to 25% over the course of the year and hopes to continue to improve its performance.


The Regional Commission received a grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia to develop a regional energy efficiency program, to be known as Volunteers for Energy (VfE). The VfE is intended to assist businesses, industries, institutions, and governmental entities in reducing energy usage, eliminating waste and managing natural resources efficiently. VfE will utilize retired engineers and scientists to provide confidential and nonregulatory energy efficiency and pollution prevention assessments to its clients. VfE will be based on successful programs throughout the nation that harness the expert knowledge of retired technical professionals, such as North Carolina’s Waste Reduction Partners program.

economic development & tourism




Staff continued work on the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) process, a regional strategy which reflects local economic development needs and priorities and recommends a regional approach to achieving sustainable economic development. Staff worked closely with the majority private sector CEDS Committee to receive project nominations and to rank those projects by a set of regionally selected criteria to arrive at regional priorities for the Economic Development Administration (EDA) investment. For more information on the CEDS process, visit www.regionalstrategy.org. Staff submitted information necessary to pursue designation as an Economic Development District. The designation request is awaiting final resolution of an issue involving EDA’s regulation of Economic Development District Board composition. Our staff is now working with other PDCs in Virginia, as well as the EDA Philadelphia Region Office, to determine how PDCs will structure their boards to meet the EDA regulation. Commission staff assisted Alleghany County with an application to the US Economic Development Administration’s Community Trade Adjustment Assistance program, a new program initiated to assist communities with significant job losses due to a certified trade-related plant closure. Alleghany County applied for funds necessary to acquire the Low Moor Data Security Center site, a former limestone mine in the Low Moor area of Alleghany County.


Staff continued coordination of Virginia’s Western Highlands tourism initiative by working with the Virginia’s Western Highlands stakeholder committee to coordinate the project, and a funding request to local governments involved in the project was made to obtain funding necessary for the development of additional collateral.


The Roanoke Valley–Alleghany Regional Commission worked with the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge to quantify the economic impact of the Arts and Cultural Industry on a 12-county area. Institutional members of the Arts Council were surveyed as to their budgets, including sources of their revenues, and as to their estimated visitation. The Commission’s IMPLAN model for the region was employed to estimate the impacts, including the appropriate multipliers, on the study area. (IMPLAN is used to create complete, extremely detailed Social Accounting Matrices and Multiplier Models of local economies.) The full report can be downloaded from www.rvarc.org/ work/artsimpact.pdf.


The Regional Commission analyzed the regional impact of the National College Blue Ridge Marathon, which was held in the Roanoke region in April of 2010. Staff prepared an economic impact analysis of the Marathon, which showed that outdoor recreation is big business for the Roanoke region. A copy of the full report can be viewed at www.rvarc.org/work/ marathonimpact.pdf.


Staff worked with the Roanoke Regional Partnership to select and collect data on a series of metrics involving both regional economic performance and quality of life amenities. The report details regional trends in gross metropolitan product, income, population growth, trail usage, state park attendance, and a host of other data points.


In September of 2009, members of the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission met jointly with members of the Region 2000 Local Government Council at the Peaks of Otter to discuss the two regions and explore possible avenues for cooperative activities.


Staff developed a listing of programs and projects in the region funded through the American Reinvestments and Recovery Act. Staff reported that the region had been awarded over $146 million dollars through the end of 2009.

technical assistance




Commission staff served on the City of Roanoke Complete Census Count Committee and worked as active members of the committee to promote Census form completion through various promotional campaigns. The Commission donated temporary storage space to the US Census Bureau to assist in its efforts to ensure complete coverage throughout the immediate region. Staff continues to organize various regional meetings, such as the area Mayors & Chairs and Chief Administrative Officials. The Regional Commission hosted several American Planning Association Webinars on such topics as Ethics & Planning Law, Performance Measurement in Transportation Planning, Planning with Large Institutions and Monetizing Sustainability. AICP certified planners were able to earn up to 1.5 certification maintenance credits for each conference attended.


A Public Information Meeting/Open House was held in June 2010 to obtain citizen and business input on regional transportation planning issues. The event also serves to showcase the many programs/projects undertaken by the Regional Commission and the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.


The Commission continues to host Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals webinars.


Staff examined the Financial Impact and Leveraging of Regional Commission Investments from 1990-2009. The report examined local government investment in the context of federal, state and other grant funds that are secured for the region. For each $1 of local investment, the Commission generates $7.90 of impact and leverage from other sources.


Staff studied data on population growth, migration and education trends to identify population dynamics within the region, with a focus on Franklin County. Data from the 2000 Census was compared to 2006-2008 Census estimates to examine potential growth trends in the region.


Staff defined and mapped “green infrastructure�-related features for the region. This mapping effort provided a complete inventory of protected land parcels, trails, streams, forested areas, and ecologically significant areas. This inventory can now be used for other planning efforts such as greenway planning, general long-range planning, and land preservation efforts.


Commission staff combined future land use mapping from member localities into a composite future land use map for the region.


Staff assisted the Alleghany Highlands with an update to the Alleghany Highlands Enterprise Zone. The proposed update includes changing the enterprise zone boundary to include more land parcels that could benefit from enterprise zone incentives.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency produces free software for natural disaster impact analysis called HAZUS. Staff evaluated the software using portions of Botetourt County as a pilot study. Staff expects to use the software more fully with a 2011 update to the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan.

technical assistance




Regional Commission staff developed an archive system to maintain historical data on land parcel records for the region. The data will be useful for tracking changes in land parcels ,such as average parcel size and value. The Commission hosted a Regional Legislative Luncheon in December of 2009. The Commission works with its Chief Elected Officials and Administrators/Managers to develop a Regional Legislative Agenda which addresses some of the key regional issues and concerns of its member localities. Area Senators and Delegates are invited to these meetings to discuss with local officials issues of concern and to provide their perspectives on what the General Assembly will be focusing on during the upcoming Session. In 2010, staff updated the Regional Report Card. The purpose of the report is to address

the lack of understanding about the level of regional cooperation taking place. The Report Card highlights how local governments are working together on numerous types of cooperative activities. There are 117 multi-jurisdictional cooperative programs/projects cited in the report (www.rvarc.org/ work/2010reportcardfinal.pdf). n

Staff assisted the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission in developing and submitting a TIGER Discretionary grant to the U.S. Department of Transportation for $19.4 million to complete the Roanoke River Greenway from Green Hill Park to Explore Park.


Staff continued to maintain the website of the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission. Staff also prepared map brochures and kiosk maps for the area greenways, as well as an interactive greenway map.


Staff held meetings with Valley Metro and the City of Roanoke concerning the feasibility of a bus connector to the passenger rail station in Lynchburg. A staff report was produced on the subject, which can be viewed at www.rvarc.org/ work/BusConnectorStaffReport.pdf.


The Commission was re-designated as a “Bicycle-Friendly Business” by the League of American Bicyclists (Bronze Level). This award was given, in part, because of the significant support the staff provides the “bicycle community” in the region. Staff is also working with other localities and businesses in the area to pursue designation.


Staff assisted Valley Metro with an update to the Hollins Express map and timetable, and mapping of private property access for Valley Metro bus routes.


One responsibility of the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission is to provide a leadership role in the transportation planning process for the cities of Roanoke and Salem, the town of Vinton, and portions of Bedford, Botetourt and Roanoke counties. This is accomplished through the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), which is staffed by the Regional Commission. The Roanoke Valley Area MPO is recognized as the official transportation planning agency for the Roanoke urban region as required by federal law. n

In order for the region to receive federal funds for use on highway, transit, non-motorized, and multimodal systems, the MPO is required to develop a long-range transportation plan with a 20-year planning horizon. Staff devoted much time during the fiscal year toward the development of the 2035 Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan. The plan is a long-range strategy and capital improvement plan developed to guide the effective investment of public funds in multi-modal transportation facilities. The Long-Range Plan provides the context from which the region’s Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), a short-range capital improvement program for implementing highway, transit, and bikeway projects, is drawn. The long-range plan also has an active public involvement process (www.rvarc.org/work/ LRTP2035draftsmall.pdf) .


The Roanoke Valley Area MPO worked jointly with MPOs from across Virginia in developing a framework to form the Virginia Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (VAMPO). The VAMPO will provide a forum for MPOs to exchange information and experiences, enhance the practice of metropolitan transportation planning, provide education opportunities and discuss issues relative to local, state and federal policies and requirements for transportation planning. The organization will likely be chartered in 2011.


A large project undertaken by the staff during the fiscal year was the Route 419 Corridor Plan. In the fall of 2008, the Roanoke Valley Area MPO partnered with the Virginia Department of Transportation and local governments to undertake the multi-modal transportation plan of Route 419. The consultant firms of Renaissance Planning Group and KimleyHorn Associates were retained to assist in developing the plan. Through extensive public involvement and study, a vision and supporting recommendations were developed for the corridor. The planning effort was jointly funded by the Roanoke Valley Area MPO, Salem District-VDOT, and a grant from the Virginia Intermodal Planning Office. The MPO and VDOT will seek ways to coordinate with local governments to implement the plan. The completed Corridor Plan can be reviewed at www.rvarc.org/ mop/419/419plan.htm.


The Regional Commission continued its partnership with VDOT to complete phase III of a Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan for the region. Detailed recommendations were



developed for each member local government and the public to review. The plan is scheduled for completion by the end of FY2011. Draft documents of the plan can be reviewed at www.rvarc.org/mpo/ rural.html.

Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board

The MPO assisted Roanoke County with the Transportation component of the Vinton Area Corridors Plan, including analysis and recommendations regarding safety, wayfinding, bicycles, pedestrians, and traffic capacity. The plan was a cooperative effort between Roanoke County, the Town of Vinton, and the MPO. The completed Corridor Plan can be reviewed at www.rvarc. org/work/work.htm.

Roanoke County The Honorable Richard Flora, Vice Chair The Honorable Charlotte Moore (Alternate: The Honorable Ed Elswick)

Other transportation/multi-modal projects undertaken during the program year included: n Refugee and Immigration Trends Long-Range Planning Scenario n Greenhouse Gas Reduction Long-Range Planning Scenario (FY2010 and 2011 joint effort) n Car Sharing Feasibility Study n Online Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Map n Draft RVAMPO Bicycle Plan Update (to be completed in FY2011) n Roanoke Valley Greenway Status Map Update n Several micro-simulation models of regional corridors using Synchro software

Bedford County The Honorable Dale Wheeler Botetourt County The Honorable Billy Martin, Sr. Ron Smith

City of Roanoke The Honorable David Trinkle, Chairman Dr. M. Rupert Cutler City of Salem The Honorable Jane Johnson Melinda Payne Town of Vinton Doug Adams The Honorable Carolyn Fidler Greater Roanoke Transit Company Leon Alder Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission J. Lee E. Osborne Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Jacqueline Shuck (Alternate: Efren Gonzalez) Virginia Dept. of Transportation—Salem Richard Caywood (Alternate: Michael Gray) NON-VOTING MEMBERS Federal Highway Administration Tony Cho Federal Transit Administration Tammye Davis Virginia Dept. of Rail & Public Transportation Jeff Sizemore

mission The Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission serves its member governments, citizens and businesses by actively promoting inter-jurisdictional communication, coordination, and cooperation on issues affecting the district and by providing local technical assistance.


Front (left to right): Shane Sawyer, Regional Planner III; Olivia Dooley, Finance Director; Mark McCaskill, AICP, Senior Planner; Jeremy Holmes, Coordinator of Sustainability Programs Back (left to right) John Hull, CCR, Regional Economic Development Manager; Eddie Wells, AICP, Senior Planner; Jake Gilmer, AICP, Senior Planner; Jackie L. Pace, Office Manager; Matt Miller, GISP, Director of Information Services; Wayne G. Strickland, Executive Director

director’s message

The staff of the Regional Commission has worked hard to provide the best services it can to its member governments during this time of economic uncertainty. Although the Commission has experienced a 36% reduction in State funding and a 14% reduction in local funds, we have tried to accommodate projects requested by our member governments, as well as pursue some new regional projects. Over the last year, the staff prepared 5 grants for multi-jurisdictional (regional) projects and assisted with 12 individual grants for member governments. The Commission was successful in obtaining $1.9 million in grants that benefit multiple governments in our region, and our member governments were awarded $1.6 million in funding for individual projects. Some of the successful regional grant applications include: the Western Virginia Transportation Equipment Manufacturing Assistance Project; the Volunteers for Energy Program; a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Planning Project; and an Economic Development Administration Planning Project (the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy). Our ability to bring in additional funds from outside sources (Federal and State) illustrates that we are able to generate additional revenue for our region even during lean financial times. As the Commission moves into its new work program year, we look for opportunities to support our member governments and partner organizations throughout the region. It is only through your support of our programs and services that we can continue to offer the quality services we provide. By working cooperatively we can help our region enhance its economy and the quality of life for all our citizens.

Wayne G. Strickland Executive Director

The Regional Commission 313 Luck Ave., SW / PO Box 2569 / Roanoke, Virginia 24010 Tel: 540.343.4417 / Fax: 540.343.4416 www.rvarc.org / rvarc@rvarc.org

Serving the counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin and Roanoke, the cities of Covington, Roanoke and Salem, and the towns of Clifton Forge, Rocky Mount and Vinton

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