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The Package From Back In Time



and wouldn’t be destroyed and after twenty minutes of thinking Wallace had come up with the perfect solution. The next day he put his plan into action. The following morning Wallace went to school as per usual apart from the fact that he had a certain package in his school bag. When 3:30 finally came, Wallace raced out the door, grabbing his bag on the way and ran straight to the school garden. It was here that Wallace planned to bury his beloved time capsule in the hope that it wouldn’t be dug up for a very long time. Wallace found a spot in the garden where there was lots of bushy vegetation. He started to dig in the soft rich soil making a parcel shaped hole in which he placed the parcel and buried it without hesitation. There was no time to relive the memories of the dearly precious contents of the capsule for if he were to return home late his mother would get suspicious. Wallace sprinted. 140 years later…

Molly and Peter Farwell, who forty years ago had bought a small school from the retiring headmaster, had finally decided to renovate. Samuel, their fourteen-year-old son, aspired to become a builder so he was more excited than either of his parents at this prospect. The family had agreed to start by digging up the garden and the Farwells believed that the best way to do the garden would be the oldfashioned way, which meant everyone was either digging or lifting. Samuel’s five younger siblings were given the job of lifting all the plants and dirt into the family’s ginormous trailer. This left Samuel and his parents to do the digging. Samuel made his way over to a patch of the garden where there was lots of thick bushes and vegetation. It was here that he set to work. As Samuel was digging he found a patch of earth that was not as compacted where it was obvious someone had dug a hole and filled it back in. Samuel felt his shovel go straight through something that was definitely not soil. He bent down and started uncovering an old decaying package which he had split with his shovel. Samuel grabbed an empty bucket and carefully placed all the old items in it to carry inside. He carried it inside. After close inspection of all the objects, Samuel determined that there was only one object left fully intact, a sporting medal that

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