Secret Societies

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Secret Societies: Gardiner’s Forbidden Knowledge every source; to integrate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to be all things to all men. It seems to be a peculiar world that the Jesuits inhabit. On the one hand they fraternise with Freemasons, royalty, and presidents, and on the other, they take an oath that puts them at odds with just about everybody who is not Catholic. It is into this world that Weishaupt was brought up. By 1775, Weishaupt was professor of canon law at Ingolstadt, and it was this year he or somebody else chose for Weishaupt to form a plan of an association of which he would head. This association would “oppose the forces of superstition and lies”—which implies religion. The thoughts of many commentators are that Weishaupt so hated the Jesuits that he thoroughly intended to do away with them once and for all. Others believe that Weishaupt was in fact trained by the Jesuits for the purpose of raising a worldwide army of spies who would constantly be feeding back information—information that the Jesuits could not get anymore through their confessions. In fact, the Illuminati even set up their own confessions in line with those of the Jesuits: “this means consisted mainly in the introduction of an obligation of unconditional obedience, reminiscent of Loyola’s Constitutions; of a far-reaching mutual surveillance among the membership of the order; and a kind of auricular confession, which every inferior had to make to his superior.” All of this surveillance and confession were fed back to the Jesuits from the very people who were supposed to be against them. How better to find out what was in the mind of the opposition than to be the opposition? This is a standard double ploy utilised for centuries by the secret services of all religions and states. After all, it is the very reason for the double 0’s on James Bond’s code name. They even fed the anti-Semitic rhetoric, which suited the Catholic Church down to the ground.

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