Russ Kirin Radeoactive Portfolio

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(615) 491-1256

RUSS KIRIN RADEOACTIVE Strategic Bomber. Tactical Fighter. Sometimes you need a strategic thinker who can envision the big picture. Sometimes you need a creative tactician who can execute the individual brushstrokes. Sometimes you need both.

I create, develop and implement high-level, highquality marketing, communications and business strategies. I create and develop branding, content and tactical campaign assets for video, audio, print, digital, interactive and online media.


A Broad Spectrum of Experience. I have worked with major advertising agencies, and corporations such as Burson-Marsteller, Bozell-Kamstra, Ketchum Communications, BRAND, Ltd., BrabenderCox, Elias/Savion, Pittsburgh Public Broadcasting, printCafe, PPG Industries, Westinghouse and ARCO Chemicals. I develop comprehensive marketing and business plans that prepare new companies for the capital market and the consumer marketplace. I also re-invent and reintroduce existing companies, brands, products and services. I identify and develop new profit centers and revenue streams.


I help develop and market film, television and music entertainment properties, as well as cutting-edge digital media solutions.


I work at the executive level to create, develop and implement integrated corporate and marketing strategies, branding and identity, strategic partnerships, promotional programs and strategic communications. I lead a proprietary Branding and Strategy Workshop - a comprehensive discovery, identity development and brainstorming exercise. The workshop yields a Strategic Development Plan. This is a blueprint that empowers new and established companies to create and implement fully integrated corporate, branding, product and service marketing, advertising, sales, promotion and public relations strategies and tactics.

RKR Award-Winning Thinking. I created and produced an integrated POS promotion for national sportswear retailer, The Athlete’s Foot. A massive “boom-box” was given away by each store. A custom radio show hosted by an infamous “shock jock” and featuring Classic Rock songs about feet and shoes played on the boom-box. The show included co-op spots from major athletic footwear makers. Print and radio ads supported the promotion. In one key urban market, sales increased by 75%. It was hailed as the most successful promotion in the client’s history. It also received a Clio Award.


LivOn Laboratories / Altrient Inventing a Company and a Brand. The Challenge

The Strategy

LivOn Laboratories achieved a modicum of success selling its highly effective, yet esoteric liposome encapsulated vitamin formulas primarily to a niche market of Seniors age 65 to 85 actively involved in maintaining good health and extending their lives.

• Create a new company, Altrient, Inc., with identical, but re-branded products and packaging, targeting health-driven consumers age 25-55.

LivOn products were only sold online through an international distributor network and a company site that was crammed with arcane scientific studies and complex product descriptions.

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In-place agreements enabled LivOn distributors to undercut retail pricing to sustain and increase sales. This resulted in lower margins from distributor sales and limited higher-margin sales on the company site. As a result, LivOn was forced to compete on price with its own products being sold elsewhere.


Strict FDA regulations prohibited LivOn from making almost any claims about the attributes or benefits of their products. Even the use of customer testimonials and recommendations was prohibited. Only peerreviewed research findings could be cited to establish product credibility, performance and efficacy.

• Create targeted, integrated strategies, tactics and messages that eliminate direct competition with LivOn and its price-driven distributors. • Simplify the science and the message - Altrient delivers more nutrients right where your body needs them the most. Inside your cells. • Position the products as “high-performance nutrients” instead of “vitamins” to help justify the higher price. Position Altrient ME as a safe, superior lower-cost alternative to unhealthful energy drinks. • Create a new e-commerce website, social network sites and a blog supported by intensive SEO to dominate category conversations and SRPs. • Deploy a cost-effective mix of PPC and print ads, YouTube content, social and trade show marketing.

The products were far more expensive than the ubiquitous, albeit far less effective alternatives. They were also more difficult, even unpleasant to take. One product actually smelled like rotten eggs.

• Initially launch into a hardcore health and fitness segment - the exploding, highly committed, social and loyal CrossFit community - to establish product and brand credibility, and nationwide buzz. Sponsor respected CrossFit athletes as spokespersons and advocates. Sponsor major CrossFit events.

The client wanted to increase sales exponentially on a modest budget.

• Use CrossFit success to leverage entries into national mainstream markets and retail channels.


The Delicious Adventures of Chilly Wonton Willy Creating a Global Entertainment and Marketing Franchise The Challenge Waldo West Productions was developing the screenplay for a major CGI animated motion picture in the tradition of highly successful, family-oriented features such as Shrek, Toy Story and Finding Nemo. The company needed a detailed Informational Memorandum (IM) to attract investors and potential distributors, and raise the more than $100 million required to complete production, secure worldwide theatrical and aftermarket releases, and promote the film to multiple audiences. The IM not only had to describe the film and its realworld box office and aftermarket earnings potential, but it also required a comprehensive, integrated marketing strategy that envisioned the development and potential of global brand with multiple, additional self-sustaining revenue streams.

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The Strategy


• Exploit all in-film sponsored branding and product placement opportunities, and promotional tie-ins. • Create a Franchise Content Development Plan that identifies and realizes all creative and revenue opportunities of a full range of Chilly Wonton Willy (CWW) content, including film sequels, TV series, video and online games, websites and social networks, audio and music, storybooks and other printed materials, educational materials, etc.

• Create a Franchise Lifestyle Development Plan that identifies and develops all CWW brand and merchandise licensing opportunities for a full range of products and experiences, including toys and games, clothing and accessories, housewares, foods and beverages, personal products, travel and leisure products, collectables and heirlooms, paper products, educational products, experiential products and events, etc. • Integrate the content and lifestyle components into a unique “Cradle-To-Cradle” franchise marketing strategy. This constantly extends and renews the customer and franchise life cycles by creating a shared tradition of loyalty that his passed from one audience generation to the next. • The high-quality lifestyle products and experiences are age- and developmentally- appropriate for each audience segment from babies, kids, tweens and teens to young adults, parents and seniors. As each segment matures (e.g. as kids move to the grownups table and young adults become parents) there is a carefully crafted and relevant expression of the CWW lifestyle waiting for them to embrace. This enables all audience members to share the CWW lifestyle with family and friends whether they are young or young at heart. This bond becomes a tradition as the first-generation audience passes the CWW lifestyle on to the next generation. The tradition becomes a culture as the franchise and each new audience generation continue to develop and grow together.


The Circle

Creating an Integrated Vertical Entertainment Brand Painting the Big (Marketing) Picture The Circle is about Country Music – beloved songs that celebrate family, faith, hard work, hard play and the everyday experiences that bring emotional and spiritual richness to our lives. The Circle is also about Country Music personalities, celebrities, stars and legends – their secret stories of hardship and success, their enduring values, deep motivations and precious insights. This is the stuff of great television and radio programming. And it can open a gold mine of marketing opportunities.

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The cross-generational appeal of our host, Larry Gatlin, our guest Legends and our young Rising Stars will capture the eyes, ears and hearts of a broad spectrum of Country Music and NASCAR fans. This, in turn, will capture the attention and the dollars of significant, national advertising sponsors seeking to increase and reinforce their presence and sales in this huge, lucrative and loyal market.


In order to establish The Circle as a successful, bankable entertainment property and a powerful marketing force, LBK Holdings (LBK) will develop and execute comprehensive, integrated marketing strategies and tactics. LBK will also spearhead additional marketing and business strategies that will transform The Circle from a television show into a national, vertical entertainment brand. Once the initial episodes are completed, LBK will begin securing the integrated sponsorship and public relations opportunities, as well as building the critical promotional partnerships necessary to explode national awareness of and interest in The Circle.

These and other efforts may create several potentially significant revenue streams from: • National and local television, radio and Internet advertising sales. • Integrated national and local corporate sponsorships. • Integrated national and local promotions (including entertainment distributors). • Targeted affinity group marketing programs for NASCAR, the SEC, “values organizations,” etc. • Retail and direct (e-commerce) sales of any video and audio content or products generated by The Circle television and radio shows, including DVDs (such as seasonal compilations of the TV series), audio CDs (from the series, specials and other original productions), licensed video and audio downloads (The Circle, guest artists, other music, music videos, concert videos, etc. provided by entertainment sponsors/business partners), The Circle official merchandise (as well as guest artist, sponsor and entertainment business partner merchandise). • The Circle website data (fan club/site membership, member preference surveys, social networking/blog analytics, e-commerce performance, etc.) • Any other products/media created and/or produced by The Circle entertainment brand, including music licensing, publishing, distribution and performance revenue from new Country artists “discovered” and signed to The Circle’s publishing, record label, touring divisions.


Core Brand Identity LivOn Laboratories

Health / Passion / Responsibility

It’s a story of hope – about how millions of people can benefit from the secrets I’ve learned and the products I make to live healthier, live better and live longer.


It’s a story of freedom – the freedom each of us should have to make the choices we believe are best.

LivOn will constantly invest the profits earned from our relationships, acumen, research and business success to perfect exceptional products that empower the body with proven, life-changing benefits. Our company, principles, reputation and products will be respected by our industry, accepted by its regulators and trusted and embraced by people throughout America and around the world.

I want to tell you this story. I want to speak this truth more than anything else in the world. But I can’t.

Brand DNA




It is our responsibility to reach, educate and convince people to take ownership and take control of their health. This is our purpose and our passion. Our nutritional products can give people the freedom, the opportunity, the confidence and the power to succeed. Our customers and our company will share in this success.

Brand Personality I am LivOn. And I want to tell you a story. A true story. It’s a story of wonder – about the human body’s amazing power to use ordinary, natural elements to keep it healthy, extend its life and even cure its diseases. It’s a story of science – about an ingenious way to provide the body with far more of these essential, health-giving elements than ever before.

Sure, my heart tells me I should do whatever it takes to tell this story. Shout it from the rooftops, if I have to, so everyone will hear. My conscience and my convictions tell me it’s the right thing to do. This is invaluable information that will open your eyes, change your mind and change your life. Not the launch codes. But I’m smart enough to know that certain “powers that be” don’t want you to hear this story. They have a lot to lose if you learn this truth. And the moment I ignore their rules, the moment I raise my voice, they will find a way to silence me. And that is unacceptable. So, I will speak my mind with honesty and without hyperbole. But I will speak in parables and metaphors that lead you to question what you believe and empower you to discover the truth for yourselves. We will tell this story together. And it will become our story. I have one life and I will live it on my terms. I have one chance to make a real difference in this world and I will make it count. I have one mission – to spend every waking moment trying to reach you, trying to educate you, trying to convince you, trying to help you live healthier, happier, longer lives. And I will succeed. I am LivOn.


Brand Development Altrient

The Altrient brand name was created by combining altius, the Ancient Greek word for higher, and nutrient. The name not only hit the bullseye for the brand and the products, but also struck gold in the form of a concise, memorable and unregistered URL, The colorful and compelling package graphics depict how Altrient’s liposomeencapsulated nutrient gel formulas are transported throughout the body and absorbed directly into individual cells.


The logo uses custom serif and sans serif letterforms, open horizontal strokes and a “liposome� in motion to suggest a company constantly under development.





Brand Development Altrient

The Altrient brand was tied directly to its initial primary target market of CrossFit members. This tightly knit community is extremely social in the “boxes� (CrossFit speak for their no-nonsense training facilities) and online. CrossFitters share their personal training tips and progress, as well as product recommendations with members and friends across town, across America and around the world. Altrient’s CrossFit relationship began with the sponsorship of Cheryl Brost, a top competitor in the annual, worldwide CrossFit Games, which determine the Fittest Man and Woman on Earth. Altrient also sponsored CrossFit events and tailored its messages to the culture and the organization - all to help create maximum positive buzz and credibility.




Brand Development Altrient


Brand Development College Mine


College Mine needed a unique look and language to connect with high school students, planning college and career decisions, as well as parents, making these enormous and important investments.


The branding, course names and marcom assets featured a fresh take on a retro style that resonated with both segments. However, all assets had a dual brand personality with content sections tailored specifically to both students and parents. The “parent” sections were more formal, rational and responsible, while the “student” sections were edgy and even just a bit irreverent. There really was “a lot to dig about College Mine.”




Re-Branding Re-Branding Learning LearningLab Lab

Over 25 years, The Learning Lab earned an excellent reputation as a high-quality provider of educational diagnostics and assessments, remedial and advanced tutoring, and home schooling support services. Their conservative imagery reflected the clinical seriousness of their approach. But, their customers were being lured away by not-so-old-school competitors.

A comprehensive re-branding infused the “new� Learning Lab with vibrant colors, a more casual and approachable personality, and an infectious spirit of excitement that spoke to the needs and preferences of students, as well as parents and referral sources. Learning Lab’s time-honored, proven values and methods gained new energy, relevance and attention.




Re-Branding Learning Lab


Entertainment: Introducing Chilly Wonton Willy Investor Informational Memorandum (Excerpts) A New Classic

A Classic Entertainment for All Ages

The Delicious Adventures of Chilly Wonton Willy is the story of an unlikely, reluctant hero with a mysterious past and an uncertain future. One who has forgotten who he is and how special he is. One who must master his fear and summon his inner strength to overcome adversity, complete his quest and fulfill his destiny.

The hero’s journey, the comedy, the romance, the suspense all combine with magical, state-of-the-art animation, a rousing soundtrack of Golden Oldies, impeccable casting and tons of incredible talent to create a classic motion picture entertainment. But beyond this somewhat standard recipe for box office and aftermarket success lies the true potential of this film.

Sound familiar? It’s an age-old story you’ve heard many times before. It’s the saga of the Classical hero. It’s the story we all want to hear, we all need to hear over and over again: There is a hero somewhere within each of us waiting for the call; ready, willing and able to make a difference. Of course, Chilly’s story is not The Odyssey, The Lord of the Rings or even Star Wars. But Chilly makes the same heroic journey as Odysseus, Frodo and Luke. He awakens to his true self and risks everything to triumph over evil, rescue his long lost love and find his place in the world. As we follow his adventures we discover and share a deep emotional connection with Chilly. It’s a reassuring and satisfying sense that, no matter who you are, all things are possible.

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A Classic Comedy


Nobody ever said a classic has to be all dark and dreary or mired in multiple, moaning monologues or lousy with epic battle scenes. Above all else, The Delicious Adventures of Chilly Wonton Willy is a very funny film. It’s humor ranges from banana-peel slapstick to the sublimely sophomoric to dry, wry and sophisticated. It’s visual as well as verbal. And it will hammer the humerus of just about everybody who isn’t embalmed and interred.

The Delicious Adventures of Chilly Wonton Willy is timeless and boundless in its appeal. It gathers all ages, genders, races and cultures. It embraces all social and economic groups. Chilly Wonton Willy is first-rate entertainment that can stand shoulder to shoulder with other great animated and live action classics of the genre. It is also first-rate family entertainment. It’s simple enough for kids to understand. There’s more than enough non-stop action and fun for tweens. It’s way cool enough for teenagers. And it’s thoroughly satisfying for adults, especially parents. Chilly is a great role model for children of all ages. He’s kind, respectful and humble yet self-possessed. He knows the difference between right and wrong. He’s not perfect, but he learns from his mistakes. He’s resourceful, responsible, determined and courageous. And he knows the most important things in life are family, friends, love and life itself. The Delicious Adventures of Chilly Wonton Willy has classic values. Archetypal values. The kind of values that cross borders, speak a common language, join hands and open hearts. Values that empower a deeper understanding between all people and celebrate the uniqueness, the nobility and the worth of every human being.


Banking: S&T Bank “Too Big” :60 Radio

(Establish intimate piano music track from “It’s A

Wonderful Life” radio spot.)

Narrator: (Warm, homey tone) Beginning October 12th, your neighbors at S&T Bank invite you to join them in celebrating the Grand Opening of their new office in Clarion. Producer: (SFX control room mic switching on) Cut. Uh, Ted? Narrator: Yes? Producer: (Mic SFX) I think it needs to be uh... bigger. Narrator: Bigger. Producer: (Mic SFX) Yeah, this Clarion Grand Opening is a really big deal so. . . Narrator: OK. Bigger.

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(Establish new music track, slightly larger with piano and strings, narrator’s voice is slightly louder with more energy)


Narrator: Celebrate the Grand Opening of the new S&T Bank office at 410 Main Street in downtown Clarion! Celebrate full-service banking with a hometown touch!

Producer: (Mic SFX, as if reading copy points) Yeah. Look, they’re having all kinds of refreshments, everyone gets a free gift. . . Narrator:

(As if reading copy points, impressed) Daily drawings for valuable prizes. (Scanning) Win free checking for a year. (Scanning, incredulous) Win bags of money? Wow!

Producer: (Mic SFX) Yeah, you know, it’s. . . Narrator: (Heftier voice) Big! Producer: (Mic SFX) Exactly! (Establish huge music track, 1812 Overture with Voice Of God narration) Narrator:

And make sure you enter our “Win Your Weight In Change” contest. You could take a seat on the giant S&T scale and we’ll balance your bottom line with cold, hard coin! So, come on over to the Grand Opening of S&T Bank in Clarion! And celebrate a whole lot of change. . .for the better! (Music fades)

Producer: (Short pause, mic SFX) Uh, Ted? Narrator: Too big?

Producer: (Mic SFX) Ted?

Producer: (Mic SFX, short pause) It’s bigger.

Narrator: (Slightly irked) Hello.

Narrator: (Whimper)

Producer: (Mic SFX) It’s bigger. Narrator: It’s bigger?


Retail: The Athlete’s Foot “Let’s Go Home” :60 Radio

(Establish Yuletide mall ambiance, two sets of strolling footsteps in the foreground) Guy: (Impatient, groaning) Let's go home. Girl: (Incredulous) Honey, we just got here! Guy: (Sotto voce) I wanna snuggle. Girl: Well, that's nice. But I need to Christmas shop. Guy: I want to snuggle and you want to shop. You have no sense of priorities! Girl: (Miles away) Hmmm, you know Timmy wants basketball shoes... Guy: (Urgent) Okay, here's The Athlete's Foot. Get your basketball shoes for Timmy and then can we snuggle? Girl: (Emphatic) No, no! I've got to get Aunt Phoebe's robe and slippers at Bedroom Heaven…

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Guy: Robe and slippers. That's so boring! Why not get her a warm-up suit at The Athlete's Foot?


(Live Donut Version "A") Announcer: 'Tis the season to be jocky. With fun gifts for everyone at The Athlete's Foot. Like the Adidas Dijon fleece warm-up for her. In three winning color combinations - just $49.99! Or, how about an Athlete's Foot gift certificate? (Live Donut Version "B") Announcer: 'Tis the season to be jocky. With fun gifts for everyone at The Athlete's Foot. For hoop shooters, why not Reebok 5600 hi-top leather basketball shoes for $55.99? Or, how about an Athlete's Foot gift certificate? Girl: (Enthusiastic banter) Oooh! They have gift certificates... Guy: Instead of a tie for Uncle Boris… Girl: And socks and laces and running mitts and... Guy: Use ‘em as stocking stuffers!

Girl: Aunt Phoebe? A jock?

Girl: (Pensive) What about my mother?

Guy: Well, everyone's a little jocky at Christmas.

Guy: (Snickering, sotto voce) Dumb bells!

Girl: (Eureka) Ah! So we could get everybody's gift at The Athlete's Foot...

Girl: (Petulantly) Oooh, no snuggle for you!

Guy: (Interrupting) And then?

Announcer: 'Tis the season to be jocky. At The Athlete's Foot.

Both: Go home and snuggle! (Deck the Halls instrumental track under live donut narration)

(Live announce over closing bars of music)


CPG: Larry’s Stuffed Potatoes Website Product Descriptions (Excerpts) Stuffed Potatoes

Chicken Flavor

OK. You’ve got only a few minutes between work and soccer practice to turn that lonely entree into a complete dinner that won’t eat up your budget. No problem! Count on Larry’s Stuffed Potatoes!

If your dull dinner needs a “reality chick”, try Larry’s new Chicken Flavor Savory Rice Side Dishes! Enriched long grain white rice and mini noodles blended with rich, chickeny broth, parsley, and a hint of buttery garlic flavor. Hey! It’s a great excuse to chicken out!

All seven varieties of these supremely spudly side dishes are paragons of potato perfection. They’re microwaveready for heat and eat convenience. And each serving comes in its own disposable tray for fast and easy cleanup! Larry’s makes the meal everyday delicious, everyday simple, everyday affordable! Larry’s Stuffed Potatoes!

Bacon & Cheese Got a gaggle of hungry mouths to feed? Bring home the Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Potatoes from Larry’s! They’re loaded with hunks of smoky sugar-cured bacon, sharp cheddar cheese, onions, herbs, and spices. Enough to stuff the heartiest appetite!

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Sometimes basic is the best. Like Larry’s Stuffed Potatoes simply slathered in rich, golden butter! Try ‘em when you need a milder side dish to complement a zesty entree. Or when you really have a taste for pure potato flavor with just a touch of something extra!

Savory Rice Tired of burgers and blah? Hotdogs and blah? Chicken and blah, blah, blah? Well, now it’s time to ban the blah! Introducing Larry’s Savory Rice Side Dishes! In the tasty tradition of Larry’s Stuffed Potatoes, these savory, flavory sides add the perfect punch to just about any entrée. Try all three sensavory flavors!

Hearty Stuffing You need more stuff! Sure. But, we’re talking about stuff that makes your life easier. Stuff that makes dinner a simple, sensible, satisfying snap! Stuff like Larry’s new Hearty Stuffing Side Dishes! With even more delicious stuff than Larry’s famous Stuffed Potatoes, these sensational sides are the stuff of dreams! And Larry’s makes the meal everyday affordable. So, you have more money to buy more stuff! Try all three Hearty Stuffing Side Dishes – new from Larry’s!

Turkey Flavor For a tasty twist on traditional turkey and stuffing, try Larry’s new Turkey Flavor Hearty Stuffing Side Dishes. Crusty bread shreds tossed with real turkey broth, parsley, celery, and spices! Gobbling is permitted!

Chicken Flavor Here’s the perfect “chick me up” for tonight’s tired entrée. Larry’s new Chicken Flavor Hearty Stuffing Side Dishes. Crusty bread shreds blended with real chicken broth, parsley, celery, and spices! You gotta “chick out” this hot stuff.


Education: College Mine Website Student’s Room (Excerpts) Hey

Reality Check


Sugar-Free Food for Thought

OK, let’s get down to business.

How important is the right career decision? The right college decision? Before you answer, check out these stats.

College is probably your first step into the real world. You’re on your own - maybe for the first time. It’s different, it’s difficult and it’s definitely expensive. Get it right and you’re golden. Get it wrong and you could be flippin’ burgers until you wise up.

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If you’re headed to college this fall or in the near future, there’s a ton of stuff you need to know. Stuff your parents probably don’t know. Stuff you can’t find online. Stuff your high school counselor can’t or won’t tell you.


• The average college student requires six years to obtain a degree from a “four-year” college. • 43% of students attending four-year colleges and 69% of students attending two-year colleges do not graduate. • Today’s student will hold 10 to 14 different jobs by age 38. What’s ahead: • The top 10 in-demand jobs of 2012 did not exist in 2006.

You need top-quality information, rock-solid advice and big- • This means many of today’s college-bound Ninth Graders league coaching you can count on to help you make the should be preparing for jobs that do not exist right now. right career and college decisions. You need to be ready to • For college freshmen pursuing a four-year technical hit the ground running at full speed from day one. You need degree, half of what they learn in their first two years will to know exactly where you’re going and what it takes to get be outdated by their third year. you there. What’s the bottom line? College isn’t a game. It’s not a place to hang and check out • Workers with high school diplomas earn $27,915 per year. what’s what. It’s not a four-year party with, oh, a few • Those with advanced degrees earn $74,602 per year. classes every now and then. And giving it “the old college try” is just a waste of time and money. Time and money • Over a lifetime, a master’s degree is worth $1.3 million wasted if you drop out of college. Money you’ll never make more than a high school diploma. if you don’t have a college degree. How important is it to have a comprehensive career and College is the front door to the rest of your life. You either college plan? When should you start planning? How have the key or you’re locked out. You either want it or you important is it to get the right help to make the right don’t. You’re either ready or you’re history. decisions? If you want the challenges, the opportunities, the life college College Mine can help answer all of your questions and put can deliver, College Mine is ready to help you find them. If you on your personal pathway that leads from high school you’re willing to dig deep and go the distance, we’ll help through college and into the workforce. College Mine is prepare you to step up, achieve and succeed. ready. Are you?


Random Writings

Words That Inform, Invite, Inveigle and Inspire. (Excerpts) Duquesne University Tamburitzans

Morton’s Reserve Magazine

Souvenir Program

Discovering the Lore, the Lure and the Luxury of the Wristwatch

The love affair between the performer and the audience… Few relationships are so true and so lasting. It is a young love. They spend hours gazing and smiling at each other. It is a generous love. One applauds for such a splendid show of prowess as the other bows in humble deference to their good judgment. There is a magic and a passion in each brief rendezvous. So much to experience and so little time together. Best of all, there is the great satisfaction in knowing that even after fifty years they will meet again when the curtain rises. The Tamburitzans appreciate your commitment and need your continued support. There are new players in the leading roles who are working hard behind the scenes in preparation for the next rendezvous, the next fifty years. There is much excitement and confidence, and perhaps even a few butterflies. But that’s only natural. Tonight, the curtain rises for them, as well.

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You know how that feels whether you’re a performer or a patron. Tonight we share an experience, an encounter, a celebration of our common values, an expression of love. Anticipation draws us together, reaching across the space between the stage and the seats. You can feel it. An energy crackling through the air and racing around you. The startling moment of a missed heartbeat as the lights dim. Sudden hushes. A huge silence holding its breath, ready to burst. Tonight, the curtain rises for you. Join us in the spotlight.

Whoever invented time was a real genius. Forget all of that Big Bang, relativity and quantum theory nonsense. It is this indefinable movement from history to eternity that makes everything tick. Time is the great paradox upon which the whole swirling universe constantly teeters. It is, at once, a loathed enemy and a trusted ally, an incessant reminder of our mortality and the instant herald of inspiration, opportunity, serendipity and luck. Of course, ever since it first dawned on Man that the sun arose more or less on schedule each morning, we have been grappling with the mystery, the meaning and the metering of time – from sundials to miniature mechanical marvels to whirling subatomic particles. Style, on the other hand, is that magical quality that simultaneously exists in time, moves with time and transcends time. It is more of a statement than a temporal state. Fashions may come and go at Time’s whim, but true style is beyond such caprice and endures the test of time. Nowhere are the genius of time and the magic of style more harmoniously blended and rendered than in the artistry of the watchmaker. Indeed, if you are looking for the ultimate expression of this divine duality, you need but consult your cuffs. As they say, it’s all in the wrist.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.