Real Farmer Autumn 2022

Page 42



in style


Autumn walking tracks

Details courtesy of the Department of Conservation Dawson Falls Track— Egmont National Park, Taranaki Walk to a picturesque 18m waterfall or through goblin forest to lavaformed pools that are good for a dip—these tracks are suitable for children and have plenty to keep them interested. KAPUNI LOOP TRACK TO DAWSON FALLS: 1 HR LOOP, 1.4 KM Walk through mountain rainforest to the picturesque Dawson Falls (18m). From Manaia Road, the track descends along the Kapuni Stream through ‘goblin forest’ passing the short steep track to the base of Dawson Falls/Te Rere o Noke (18m). Continue past the falls lookout point, cross Manaia Road and head uphill through forest to the visitor centre car park. Getting there: The track begins 75m down Manaia Road from the Dawson Falls Visitor Centre. WILKIES POOLS LOOP TRACK: 20 MIN TO THE POOLS, 1 HR 20 MIN LOOP, 1.9 KM LOOP Walk through young forest then subalpine (goblin) forest to a series of pools, scoured from 20,000 year old lava. Take togs and a towel and enjoy a refreshing dip in the pools. The first 900m of this track (to the pools) is baby buggy/ wheelchair friendly with the remainder of the track good for children. The track winds through ‘goblin forest’, crossing the bridge over the Kapuni Stream to reach the turnoff to the small lava formed Wilkies Pools. These pools were named after the Wilkies brothers who farmed locally. Families may want to return the same way – continuing around the loop requires some rock hopping across Kapuni Stream. Return



to the signpost to continue around the loop, past small waterfalls, bubbling springs and the intake weir for the power station. Recross the Kapuni Stream and head back to the visitor centre. Take care when crossing the Kāpuni Stream as the river bank may be eroded, making access difficult. There is no bridge across this stream. It may be impassable after heavy rain. Getting there: The track starts above the Dawson Falls Visitor Centre.

Little Mt Peel/Huatekerekere Tracks—Peel Forest Park Scenic Reserve, Canterbury LITTLE MT PEEL/HUATEKEREKERE VIA DEER SPUR: 2–3 HR ONE WAY, 4.6 KM ONE WAY From the car park at Blandswood, walk up the steep Blandswood Lookout Road to the top. Follow Fern Walk for about 350m before turning left onto Deer Spur Track. The track follows a ridge up to the summit (1,311m). There are magnificent views to Mt Somers, Mt Hutt and across the plains to the coast. Tristam Harper Memorial Shelter is just below the summit. Boardwalk on the track may have snow and ice in winter—wear appropriate footwear and consider taking walking poles. LITTLE MT PEEL/HUATEKEREKERE VIA SOUTH RIDGE TRACK: 3 HR 30 MIN ONE WAY, 3.5 KM ONE WAY An alternative to climbing or descending Little Mt Peel/Huatekerekere from Deer Spur is to use the South Ridge Track. The South Ridge is steep and involves a couple of rocky scrambles. South Ridge Track connects with Deer Spur at the top of the mountain and Emily Falls Track near the bottom. When descending from Little Mt Peel/Huatekerekere it is important to keep to the ridge until the track sign shows the route down a tussock-covered spur to the bush line and Emily Stream.


What’s on at the Movies With David Favel, Regent Cinema

Downton Abbey: A New Era OPENS 17th MARCH

Lord and Lady Grantham request the pleasure of moviegoers’ company at their Yorkshire country estate. Follow-up to the 2019 feature film in which the Crawley family and Downton staff received a royal visit from the King and Queen of Great Britain. Starring Hugh Bonneville, Michelle Dockery, Dominic West, Hugh Dancy & Elizabeth McGovern

The Lost City

OPENS 24th MARCH Reclusive author Loretta Sage writes about exotic places in her popular adventure novels that feature a handsome cover model named Alan. While on tour promoting her new book with Alan, Loretta gets kidnapped by an eccentric billionaire who hopes she can lead him to an ancient city’s lost treasure from her latest story. Determined to prove he can be a hero in real life and not just on the pages of her books, Alan sets off to rescue her. Starring Sandra Bullock, Channing Tatum & Daniel Radcliffe

The Duke

OPENS 24th MARCH In 1961, a 60-year-old taxi driver steals Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. He sends ransom notes saying that he will return the painting if the government invests more in care for the elderly. Starring Helen Mirren & Jim Broadbent

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Articles inside

Plan for Covid like you would the Irrigation Season

pages 69-72

Take no chances with grass grub this autumn

pages 73-74

Doing it the right way

pages 63-65

Arable Ys staying true to its initial goals

pages 66-68

Beware of fires on farm

page 62

The year’s realities already bite

pages 59-60

It’s a bread marketer’s dream

pages 56-58

Autumn in style

pages 42-48

Smart ideas to reduce working hours on dairy farms

pages 49-50

Fifty years of training rural workers

pages 51-52

Legumes under the spotlight for Hill

pages 53-55

The Farmer’s Law Firm

page 41

Full circle with Andrew Barlass

pages 10-14

Timing is everything

pages 33-34

The special power of oats

pages 37-40

Recognition for hard mahi

pages 15-17

Methane mitigation tech not science fiction

pages 30-32

Family in tune with bees’ needs

pages 18-20

Brits foil bid to protect Manuka

pages 21-24

New EV charging station to be launched at Ruralco

pages 25-26
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