Vicinitee Feb/ Mar 09

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Clockwise from bottom left: Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See (Seville), Old city of David (Jerusalem), Neuhaus Galerie de la Reine(Brussels), Holy Week Procession (Seville), Grote Markt (Brussels), Royal Alcazar gardens (Seville), King David Hotel (Jerusalem), Plaza de Espana (Seville)

processions of ‘La Estrella’ (‘The Star’), ‘La Expiración’ (‘The Expiration of Jesus Christ’), ‘La Santa Cruz’ (‘The Holy Cross’), Jesús del Gran Poder’ (‘Jesus of Great Night’), ‘El Santo Entierro’ (‘The Holy Burial’) and ‘El Resucitado’ (‘The Resurrected Christ’). The tour will also give you the chance to explore some of Seville’s most architecturally impressive sights, such as the palace of the Countess of Lebrija, which boasts the most extensive collection of Roman mosaics in Europe, and the Cathedral of Seville, the largest Gothic cathedral in the world, as well as giving you a flavour of much more of the sights, sounds and tastes of Seville. Jerusalem, Israel There is one location in particular that is the most appropriate and relevant place to be at Easter time. Jerusalem provides the dramatic backdrop for the entire Easter

Story, from Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city on Palm Sunday, right the way through to his resurrection on Easter Sunday. I have never been to Jerusalem, and was therefore ignorantly unsure as to how many, if any; places within the Easter Story are known as exact locations in modern Jerusalem. Knowing my vicar to be somewhat of an expert on the subject, I emailed him to find out. The information he provided me with was astonishing. Whilst we cannot be 100% sure of the crucifixion site (although there seems to be only one credible location, on which now stands the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, containing both the place of crucifixion and the place of burial), many of the places where Jesus spent the last week of his life have been accurately located and, better still, can be visited. The Mount of Olives, particularly, is a key site, since it is unlikely to have changed

location geographically (as my vicar told me, “Mountains don’t usually move!”) and has numerous connections with Jesus’ whereabouts in the final week, including his entry into Jerusalem, the various teachings during the Passover week, and his betrayal and arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives.You can also trace the route to his trial across the Kidron Valley to the High Priest’s house, the steps leading to which are still there and can be climbed even today. This makes Jerusalem a destination of historical interest, as well as religious fervour, best experienced at Easter. The famous King David Hotel (part of The Leading Hotels of the World at www.lhw. com), located in the heart of the city and overlooking its ancient walls, is an ideal base from which to explore the sights of Jerusalem, and is popular with tourists and VIPs alike from all over the world. n

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