Fulham Resident's Journal July 2013

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fulham Resident s Journal ’

JULY 2013 • I ssue 12

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Dear Resident, Ernest Hemingway once said that there is no friend more loyal than a book and I tend to agree with these wise words. In the pages of our favourite novels we find respite from a less than perfect world, travel to far-flung destinations and are exposed to new ideas. In short, whether you are a bookworm or only read on holiday, you cannot deny the power of a good book. Lauren Romano visits Fulham’s Nomad Books this month to meet the owner Harriet Morton, who still believes in a good old-fashioned paperback and is fighting back against the era of the eBook (p. 6). We also take a moment to appreciate SW6, with a feature anticipating this year’s Celebrating Fulham event, organised by the Fulham Society (p. 12). It promises to promote the best local businesses with an overwhelming sense of community spirit. We shall see you among the crowds. As it won’t just be you enjoying the sunshine this summer, we have rounded up the best summer holiday camps for children and activities to keep them occupied from July to September (p. 22). Smiles all round. Do not hesitate to get in contact, email: fulham@residentsjournal.co.uk.

Left: Henry Lamb Tennis 020 3478 4903 henrylamb.co.uk

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FULHAM Residents’ Journal

local news Keep your finger on the pulse with our round-up of local news

A right racquet With huge swathes of south west London currently gripped by Wimbledon fever, for many the motivation to take to the courts themselves has arrived. To give your rallies a sense of structure and a competitive edge, the next round of the Hammersmith and Fulham Tennis League begins on 25 July and runs until 18 September. The mixed singles league is divided into groups of six players of a similar standard, the idea being that everyone in the group plays each other on local public courts in Hammersmith and Fulham. The top one or two players can then cruise to victory by progressing to the next group. Put the strawberries and cream down and let the competition commence. Residents wishing to enrol should do so by Monday 22 July. (localtennisleagues.com)

Saved by the bell Fulham Residents’ Journal has previously reported on the Tower and Bells Appeal to restore the bell tower at All Saints Church. The historic church has been a fixture on the shore of the Thames since building work commenced on the structure in 1440. Several communitydriven fundraising events later, the sonic restoration to get the bells pealing once again has now begun. The first part of the lengthy process involved the careful lowering of the bells, the first time they have been released from their place in the tower for hundreds of years. -4-

New Mayor of Hammersmith & Fulham, Cllr Frances Stainton has taken up the mayoral chains for the second time, having held the position previously from 20112012. As cabinet member for culture and heritage, Cllr Stainton has been a constant driving force in bringing Lottery Heritage funding to the borough for the restoration of Bishop’s Park and the regeneration of Fulham Palace, its grounds and ancient moat. She has recently announced her chosen mayoral charity as Walking With The Wounded, and has decided to support three local causes, including young people’s charity Albert & Friends Instant Circus and The Daisy Trust as well as giving support to those leaving care from Hammersmith & Fulham’s Children in Care.

New Burger-ings ‘I’ll have The Viking with a side of Belgians delivered to the door please,’ will soon become an often-uttered Friday night phrase thanks to new gourmet burger delivery company Chosen Bun, which is launching in Fulham at the end of July. The brainchild of Andy Shovel and Pete Sharman, the dedicated duo have spent a year taste-testing and developing the best brilliantly-named burgers, which come with caramelised red onion and garlic chutney, pickles, cheese and the pair’s trademark Shoveman sauce (a shredded mushroom and edamame bean patty will be on offer for the vegetarians). Time has also been dedicated to developing packaging that protects the food during the journey to your door and perfect for at least half an hour after cooking. Takeaway just got an upgrade. Pop in to pick up a takeaway or ring for delivery 647 Fulham Road, 020 7731 2411 (chosenbun.com)

Greener commute In the midst of the typical furlongs of traffic, the New Bus for London will soon be a daily sight on Fulham roads. The fleet of new vehicles, inspired by the classic design of the old Routemaster, will be taking over route 11, running to and from Fulham Broadway and will be rolled out from September. During the rush hour, 25 of these new, fully accessible buses will carry the 23,000 passengers who travel along this part of the commuter belt every day. Reportedly the greenest diesel electric hybrid bus in the world, when all 600 New Bus for London passenger wagons are in service by 2016 it is predicted that carbon dioxide emissions in the capital will drop by around 20,600 tonnes a year, so commuters can breathe in fresher air when they hop off.

By the book The Fulham Palace Trust has published its first guidebook to help visitors discover more of the palace’s fascinating history. Written by Fulham Palace Museum curator Miranda Poliakoff, the book is an oracle on the Bishops of London who called the place home for more than 1,000 years. The garden’s horticultural heritage and its continued restoration are also covered within the guide’s informative pages. ‘Much of the information in the guidebook was previously only available by taking a group guided tour, so the Trust is delighted that our visitors now have another opportunity to uncover Fulham Palace’s secrets,’ comments Miranda. The guide (£3.50) can be picked up at the Fulham Palace shop and reception -5-

© Transport for London

Second time around for new Mayor

FULHAM Residents’ Journal

In the good books In the midst of a depressing slump for independent bookshops when our characterful stores are being culled from communities left, right and centre, Lauren Romano meets Harriet Morton, owner of Fulham’s very own overbrimming Nomad Books. In an articulate war of words and actions, Nomad fighting off the eReader with a very hefty whack of the hardback


blame Star Trek,’ says Harriet Morton as we discuss the digital reading paraphernalia attempting to stamp a rather final full stop to the plight of the humble paperback in the book-strewn café at Nomad. ‘I switched on to an episode once where all the children on the Enterprise were crowded around this hand-held screen. I’m sure Steve Jobs or one of the Amazon team saw it and had their “eureka” moment,’ she continues. The proliferation of the Kindle and company of portable libraries, where books can be downloaded cheap as chips and delved into at the flick of a touch screen, is no joking matter, however. We’ve all got our reasons, but every time another bookworm burrows headlong into the zeitgeist for reading material of the digital variety is another monumental smack in the face for the average book seller, with independent merchants of the written word shutting up shop by the week. ‘To say it’s been a blow is a bit of an understatement,’ Nomad manager Andrew Turtin pipes up. ‘Catastrophe would be closer to the reality,’ comes his sobering reply to my far from sunny line of enquiry as to the hand the eReader has dealt the shop. ‘It’s definitely much quieter than in the past,’ Harriet muses over her coffee. ‘People are still reading, but they might drop in and have a peek at some of our new recommendations and then go home and download them online. Regular customers might buy half as many books now as they used to,’ she quantifies. Added to this, business rates rocketing sky-high have been the nail in the coffin for other less fortunate bookshops.

Although slighter fewer browsers are pacing the aisles and dipping into the next page-turner, Nomad Books is ticking over and, true to its name, straying into pastures new to sustain the average reader’s appetite. Diversification has been instrumental in building up the fortifications against the battering ram that is the Kindle, the iPad, the eReader. There’s a café where fiction can be enjoyed with frothy cappuccino in hand and dispersed between the aisles of novels, rows of greetings cards and brightly coloured reams of wrapping paper. There’s also a Reading Room downstairs available to hire for birthday parties, book readings, exhibitions, homework clubs, writing workshops, discussion groups, you name it. While it might have always been the intention to create something of a community hub at Nomad, the present reality couldn’t have been further from the prototype dreamed up by Harriet and her (now ex) husband. United by a passion for globetrotting, the pair initially decided to set up a travel book shop before changing course to throw other strands of fiction and non-fiction into the mix as they found Fulham in want of a decent allround bookshop. The shop has grown up with Harriet too. ‘Fulham has changed a lot,’ she tells me. ‘When we first started out, Nomad was a much more adult affair, whereas now we cater for families and younger readers too.’ This is reflective of the demographic of the area and also of Harriet’s changing focus. ‘When I had my children, concentrating on that aspect of the business was more important to me,’ she admits. -6-

Nomad Books; Above left / Posters in the store

While a background in publishing might be an expected prerequisite to the task of setting up a shop, Harriet’s leap into the business of selling books is a work of fiction. ‘We found a book called The Complete Guide to Starting and Running a Bookshop by the Booksellers Association and we read it when we went on holiday with my mum. She thought we were mad,’ comes her startlingly refreshing confession. A love of reading and a dose of steely determination was all the motivation needed to get things off the ground. They chose Fulham as their base because they lived ‘down the road,’ opening at what is now Cologne and Cotton before acquiring first one half of the current shop

and then the premises next door. In the beginning, the shelves groaned with things Harriet wanted to read, presuming her customers were blessed with similar taste. ‘I have a degree in art history so we had a huge selection of coffee table books pertaining to every artist you could think of. We also went through a phase when we were obsessed with Vietnam and then poker, and our first assistant who came to work in the shop was Irish so we had a substantial smattering of Irish novelists too.’ An eclecticism of sorts remains, but the policy for stocking the shelves is a little less maverick these days and closely attuned to the customer’s -7-

FULHAM Residents’ Journal

What Nomad is reading… A Commonplace Killing by Sian Busby Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walker A Foreign Country by Charles Cumming Home by Toni Morrison Ghana Must Go by Taiye Selasi

reading habits. Rows of headline-hitting hardbacks and a table covered with the latest paperbacks greets customers on entering Nomad’s lair of literature. There’s a whole room dedicated to children’s fiction and educational aids; elsewhere cookery books rub spines with business, history, gardening, travel, art, photography, fashion and interiors bibles. The shop is welcoming and user- friendly, a place where those left scratching their heads, bamboozled by bestsellers lists, will be quietly appeased. Designated sections denote what team Nomad are reading and what they recommend. Volumes with bookmarks poking out of the top, scrawled with short, pithy reviews are dotted everywhere. But things don’t end there; keen

to go the extra mile, the team orchestrate a busy weekly schedule of enticing events, designed to get customers spilling the beans about their bedtime reading material. On the first Monday of every month the imagination is given a good jolt when the Modern Book Club meets to discuss the latest works of fiction, as selected by the group. Nomad manager Andrew is on hand to lead the relaxed discussions if needs be, but the conversation tends to flow unprompted and the forum is very open. A classic book club assembles bi-monthly too and a new poetry club is due to launch on Wednesday 3 July at 7.30pm with a reading and discussion of Stag’s Leap by Sharon Olds. Children are also catered for with a young readers book club and recently launched drawing classes for two to five year-olds which take place on Friday mornings led by artist Mark Pembrey. Nomad is also seeing more and more authors coming through its doors. To mark Independent Booksellers’ Week, the shop has pulled out all the stops. Author Louise Doughty will be dropping by at the Modern Book Club on 1 July to discuss her latest novel Apple Tree Yard, and later that week, Louise Mortimer, author of Dear Lumpy, and Charlie Mortimer, author of Dear Lupin, will be reading from and talking about their books. Andrew is also keen to set the wheels in motion for book chat on Wednesday mornings at 10.30am, the idea being that customers can arrive armed with any questions -8-

Some summer reading picks from Nomad…

they have regarding book reviews they have read in the weekend paper supplements and discuss them with staff. The team are all ears to recommendations and devour the books passing through the shop, finding their way onto the regularly inundated, ‘what we’re reading’ shelf. New books, old favourites and undiscovered gems can be picked out with their helpful pointers. As we talk, hemmed in by floor-to-ceiling shelves of books with review tags stuffed into their jackets on both sides, I marvel at the speed at which Andrew and the team manning the shop must blitz through the works. ‘I’m quite a slow reader,’ Harriet admits (the latest book to bite the dust was the new ‘fantastic’ James Salter-penned All That Is).

For Adults… The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell It’s 1924 and Rose Baker is working as a typist in a police precinct in New York when the new Prohibition laws start to take effect. Odalie Lazare, the new girl in the typing pool, is glamorous and captivating and has the whole precinct entranced within minutes, and none more so than Rose, who finds herself more and more absorbed in Odalie’s glamorous and shadowy world, with tragic consequences. (Hardback £12.99) Gossip by Beth Gutcheon Set in New York high society across the lives of three school friends, Lovie, Avis and Dinah this is a wonderfully-paced and well-rounded book. At times sad, at others joyous it’s a great story full of glamour and intrigue with a fulfilling ending. Perfect! (Paperback, £12.99)

Nomad Books is ticking over and, true to its name, straying into pastures new to sustain the average reader’s appetite ‘And I can’t multi-read. I don’t understand people who have lots of different books on the go.’ She also suffers from an affliction (which I unfortunately share) of being unable to turn her back on a book even if she has to prise open her eyelids with matchsticks to keep reading it. ‘I’ve got a notebook where I write down every book I’ve read; I started it when we opened Nomad. I can’t add a book to the list if I don’t finish it,’ she exclaims. ‘We’ll keep going for as long as we can,’ Harriet tells me, her upbeat outlook belying the challenges that ultimately lie on the rocky road ahead. ‘I think it is crucial to keep doing what we do best,’ Andrew adds. ‘People keep coming back time and again for the level of service we offer here and the personal touch, so we will continue to do that.’ ‘Andrew and I have talked about selling books online, and usually when we start chatting about an idea it eventually comes to fruition,’ Harriet continues. ‘We have done some initial research into looking at wholesalers, where an independent bookseller can set up a page that links to their database to buy books, but it didn’t feel like us. I think we’ll probably end up keeping our recommendation pages on the website and adding a link underneath where you can click through to buy the work in question.’ ‘We’ll wind up like ‘ye olde bookshop’ – a dusty relic from the cobwebbed analogues of time when old fogeys actually read books and people will come in and marvel at the antiquity of it all,’ she laughs with mock incredulity. One thing’s for certain though, with such a resilient and passionate team at the helm, this nomad has a bit more wandering left in him yet. 781 Fulham Road, SW6 5HA, 020 7736 4000 (nomadbooks.co.uk) -9-

The Orphan Master’s Son by Adam Johnson Starting life in an orphanage in North Korea isn’t exactly the most promising of beginnings, but Pak Jun Do finds himself propelled through all levels of society: from the bottomless pit of a prison camp, to the dizzying and paranoid heights of life as a member of the North Korean elite. This is a roller-coaster of a book that will leave you breathless. (Paperback, £8.99) White Dog Fell from the Sky by Eleanor Morse Forced to flee apartheid South Africa in a hearse, medical student Isaac Muthethe finds himself working as a gardener for American woman, Alice Mendelssohn in Botswana. Alice herself is struggling to redefine herself as her marriage collapses. An emotionally riveting story that will have you hooked from the first page. (Paperback, £12.99)

For Children… The Child’s Elephant by Rachel Campbell-Johnson Bat is out on the savannah when he finds a baby elephant whose mother has been killed by poachers. His decision to bring the little elephant back to his village is the beginning of a friendship that proves life-saving for Bat when he is snatched and forced to join an army of child soldiers. This is a beautiful story about the bond that can exist between children and animals. (Ages 12+) Moon Bear by Gill Lewis Forced to leave his mountain village and work in a bear farm to help his family, Tam is shocked at the terrible conditions. When a little cub from Tam’s mountain joins the farm, he decides that he will find a way for them both to return to where they belong. A moving and tale, perfect for fans of Michael Morpurgo. (Ages nine plus)

FULHAM Residents’ Journal

the CALENDAR Diary dates for residents looking for the best in the local area’s events

3-14 July

4-7 July

5 July

Lucky seven


Get down to the grub

The Putney School of Art and Design Diploma group are holding their graduation exhibition, Seven on local turf over at Studio 106. Themes of family trauma and memory are worked into tangible form. The exhibition is a visual manifestation of two years’ study of the history and theory of art and studio practice in printmaking, painting and digital art. In their daring debut show, the seven artists have let loose their creative energies to embrace the technical challenges of multi-media intermingled with traditional mediums.

Tease the taste buds with craft brews from across the pond at the White Horse’s American Beer Festival this month where the best beers from some of America’s smallest microbreweries will be available to try. Rarely-supped draughts from Brooklyn, Flying Dog and Sierra Nevada feature among other cask and keg beers and will get the Independence Day celebrations off to a high-spirited start, helped along with live music, a hog roast and burgers hot from the coals of the infamous barbecue, which will be fired up weather permitting.

Celebrating Fulham takes a turn down a culinary avenue for the evening, when roaming cooking duo, The Wandering Chef pop up at the Jameson pub. The event comes thanks to a helping hand from foodie collaborators Grub Club which set up unique platforms for budding Hestons to showcase their skills and create memorable dining experiences. The decamped cooks will be serving up four seasonal courses for their Floral Feast Pop Up Dinner, with lashings of blissful seasonal spirit, accompanied by live musical comedy.

106 Dawes Road, SW6 7EG, 020 7385 5618 (studio106artgallery.org)

1-3 Parsons Green, SW6 4UL, 020 7736 2115 (whitehorsesw6.com)

£38.50, 7.30pm-10pm, 43 Blythe Road W14 0HR (grubclub.com)



independence day - 10 -

4 August

4 August

Throughout the summer

Ride on

A flirt with comedy

Cinema under the stars

Local streets will be awash with a sea of cyclists whizzing by when one of the largest charity fundraising bike rides speeds through the borough this summer. 20,000 amateur cyclists will take part in the RideLondonSurrey 100, with the professionals taking up the tail wind in the RideLondon-Surrey Classic which gets under way later in the day (spectators should keep their eyes peeled for a glimpse of Bradley Wiggins). The amateur race meanders through London and beyond into Surrey before returning via Putney Bridge and New King’s Road.

Making eyes at anyone in Titipu has been made punishable by death in the Gilbert and Sullivan comedy opera The Mikado, which is staged at Fulham Palace this month. However, the biggest flirt in town, the Lord High Executioner Ko-Ko, finds himself in a bit of a pickle when he falls for his ward Yum-Yum. This latest production of the operatic classic is staged alfresco in the palace’s delightful walled garden, so the audience can soak up the afternoon rays and enjoy a few laughs simultaneously.

When the sun goes down across our local parks this summer, the wandering film buffs at Nomad Cinema and Pop Up Screens will move in their big screens. Throughout the summer both companies will be showing blast-from-the past films. Nomad bringsWhen Harry Met Sally, Four Weddings and a Funeral and Amélie to Fulham Palace gardens, while Pop Up Screens reels out The Big Lebowski, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Mean Girls, among others to Bishop’s Park and South Park.

For further information visit prudentialridelondon.co.uk

2.30pm, children £8, adults, £15, Bishop’s Avenue, SW6 6EA. Book tickets via The Lyric on 020 8741 6850 (lyric.co.uk)


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The Nomad Cinema: 29 August – 19 September £8.50-£12.50, Fulham Palace (whereisthenomad. com); Pop Up Screens: 12 July – 8 September, £8 Bishop’s Park & South Park (popupscreens.co.uk)

llustration by Mai Osawa

Feels like

community spirit Almost every summer since 2004 the Fulham Society, with a little help from the council and community groups, has been putting together a party to dance and shout about all that is fantastic in SW6. Lauren Romano dons her party hat and hits the streets for Celebrating Fulham 2013

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FULHAM Residents’ Journal


hen it comes to organising a summertime hoorah, Maya Donelan, Nicki Burgess and Graham Whittle know their stuff. I’m not talking trestle tables laden down with paper plates of sun-sweaty party food, wasps circling around volau-vents, lukewarm drinks and an angry rash of sunburn spreading like a contagious disease. These erstwhile party planners continually pluck a party of a rather different calibre from their rolled-up sleeves. Together they co-ordinate an army of local residents and societies to put on a nine-day shindig, stretching the length and breadth of Fulham, with an assortment of events and activities held at local businesses throughout the festivities. Aside from the general merriment, the festival places Fulham slap-bang on centre stage for locals and visitors of all ages to appreciate and enjoy. The intention of the day has been twinned since its inception with promoting local businesses and showcasing the area’s history, talent and hidden treasures. The Fulham Society honorary secretary Maya Donelan gives me a history lesson on Celebrating Fulham. The local amenity society was set up in 1971 and is dedicated to ‘keeping Fulham a splendid place in which to live and work.’ ‘The council refers to us for comments on matters relating to building, open spaces and the river. We monitor all large-scale development proposals and where necessary campaign for alterations and improvement. We also issue two annual newsletters,’ Maya tells me by means of an introduction to the tireless and applaudable work of the society. ‘A group of members of the Committee of the Fulham Society thought it would be fun to have a Fulham Festival to make local residents aware of what was happening around them,’ she adds. The first Celebrating Fulham happened in 2003, I learn. Hammersmith & Fulham Council then got involved in 2006. Maya casts her mind back: ‘I met Fulham town centre manager Nicki Burgess early that year. She was interested in the idea from a Fulham commercial point of view and by introducing and encouraging local shops to participate in the programme, she managed to get the council interested and they agreed to pay for the programme.’ While the Fulham Society takes responsibility for putting together the bulk of the cultural programme, the council takes the lead on communicating with and motivating businesses to take part, Nicki chips in. ‘As Celebrating Fulham is now pretty well-known, individual organisations often organise events within the week, because of the wide publicity they get,’ Maya continues and the Fulham Society committee looks for new initiatives to support. This year’s Forage Walk is an apt example. Taking place on Wednesday 3 July throughout the grounds at All Saints Churchyard and the untamed patches of the Fulham Palace

grounds, the guided walk will give strollers an opportunity to discuss the quietly inconspicuous yet edible foods that grow in the most unlikely of places. Led by foraging expert John Rensten of Forage London, the two-hour trundle will steer would-be scavengers in the right direction with tips on what to pick, where to pick it and what to do with it once you’ve got it home. ‘As far as the commercial side of proceedings is concerned, shops and local businesses hear about the events through the Fulham town newsletters and then volunteer their offers. The only criterion is that they must be found within the old London Metropolitan borough of Fulham.’ In the wake of the economic turmoil of recent years, Celebrating Fulham has in certain respects become a vital lifeline for the local community. ‘It puts a focus on what’s on your doorstep and seeks to encourage people to spend locally. There are approximately 35,000 households in Fulham,’ Nicki does some quick maths. ‘If each one spent an extra £5 in Fulham during one week that would boost the local economy by £185,000. A strong

The festival places Fulham slap-bang on centre stage for locals and visitors of all ages to appreciate and enjoy economy equals jobs and services for local people,’ she adds. At a time when residents might feel disassociated from the area they live in (spending more and more time rumbling underground on lengthy commutes every day) and in the age of internet shopping sprees, an event like this helps people to connect and feel part of the community bubble that surrounds them. The general revelry comes to a head with the Fair on the Green on Saturday 6 July. From 11.30am until 5.30pm, 100 stalls plonk themselves down on Parson’s Green, all in the name of raising money for numerous local and national children’s charities. The fair has local community etched into its bones and is organised by the prodigious efforts of the congregation of St Dionis Church, together with local residents and local businesses. Co-ordinating the whole shebang, Graham Whittle has been involved with the fair for the past 20 or so years. ‘Originally it was created from the Summer Fair held at St Dionis Church; one year it transferred

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If each local household spent an extra £5 in Fulham during one week that would boost the local economy by £185,000

The best bits…

castle, trampolines, a climbing frame, swing boats and a Punch and Judy show. The fair is a juggling act of sizeable proportions. ‘My colleague Neil Dunning who runs the Duke on the Green public house books the acts, funfair, entertainment and food areas, following a meeting between both of us,’ says Graham. ‘Neil looks after the sponsorship deals and the accounts and I allocate the stalls to those who have applied. We always hit our 110 limit and end up with a waiting list.’ About 30 per cent of the stalls are locally based businesses which benefit from the exposure. ‘We have gone from a few hundred visiting the Church Fair to somewhere near 5,000 people today who wander by throughout the day,’ Graham enthuses. And it’s not simply the sheer volume of the crowd that can be used as a marker of the event’s success, the staying power of the celebrations year on year makes it abundantly clear that the formula is a winning one. ‘It is fun, it brings people together, it opens the eyes of local residents to new things and makes them aware of what is available locally during one particular week,’ Maya aptly concludes. Now that sounds like our kind of party. The Celebrating Fulham programme can be viewed at lbhf.gov.uk/celebratingfulham. The organisers are always looking for additional support and ideas to help deliver the best festival event they can with extremely limited resources. Anyone who would like to get involved in this year’s event or future events can contact Nicki on 020 87535695 or email nicki.burgess@lbhf.gov.uk for more information

There’s an awful lot going on, as the action-packed schedule reveals

Saturday 6 July The Fulham Boundary Walk Meet at 11am outside Tesco in Hammersmith Broadway, 020 8753 5695 to book AND Ronnie Scott’s Allstars directed by James Pearson 7.30pm, £15, Main Lawn Fulham Palace

Sunday 7 July Community Fun Day & Paggs Cup Youth Football Tournament five-14 years, South Park, 020 7371 5253 (paggs.co.uk)

2 July H&F Archives and Local History Centre Open Day 2-4pm, Ground Floor, The Lilla Huset 191 Talgarth Road, W6 8BJ 020 3080 0655 to book

7 July Babe The Sheep Pig at Fulham Palace Outdoor Theatre 2.30pm, adults £12, children £8, under three’s £2, visit fulhampalace.org/visiting-whats-on to book

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From top: Entrance to walled garden at Fulham Palace; Fulham Palace

from the Vicarage Garden to Parson’s Green. It then started to get bigger and bigger as we allowed outside stalls to attend until eventually it became the community event it is today.’ The stalls are arranged around two live entertainment stages. On the main stage this year all kinds of wonderful acts will traverse, keeping visitors entertained with displays by pupils from La Sylvaine Dancing School, Stagecoach Theatre Arts, Albert & Friends Instant Circus and music from the Fulham Brass Band. While over on the Children’s Stage there will be a magician and a ventriloquist, along with other attractions in the vicinity, including carousels, a bouncy slide and

FULHAM Residents’ Journal

OUT & ABOUT Images courtesy of the London Transport Museum

The events and activities on our radar in central London

Until 27 October

LONDON UNDERGROUND BLOWS OUT 150 CANDLES The London Transport Museum’s ongoing exhibition celebrating the 150th anniversary of the world’s first underground railway is an event not to be missed. Poster Art 150 - London Underground’s Greatest Designs is tasked with the mammoth challenge of redefining commuters’ vision of the tube and does so by showcasing more than 100 of the greatest Underground posters ever produced.

Coronation portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth II, by Cecil Beaton, 1952, courtesy of the Royal Collection

Siemens are hosting a poster competition for the public’s favourite poster, to vote visit ltmuseum.co.uk/whats-on/exhibitions. £15 (£11.50 concessions),Covent Garden Piazza WC2E 7BB (ltmuseum.co.uk)

27 July – 29 September

An occasion to remember

10 July – 16 February

This summer, you can jump back to the Duran Duran era with the exhibition Club to Catwalk at the Victoria & Albert Museum. More than 85 outfits by designers such as John Galliano, Vivienne Westwood and Katharine Hamnett will be showcased, revealing how the underground club culture of the 1980s reinvented fashion worldwide. From £5.70, Cromwell Road, SW7 2RL (vam.ac.uk)

Dress designed by Willy Brown, 1980 © Victoria and Albert Museum, London


It’s the 2 June 1953: the Queen is crowned in a glorious ceremony at Westminster Abbey and a new Elizabethan era begins. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace will house The Queen’s Coronation 1953, a special exhibition. The display will include the Queen’s coronation dress and robe, created by the British couturier Norman Hartnell, the sumptuous vestments of the Duke of Edinburgh, the Queen Mother and the rest of the royal family. Cecil Beaton’s famous coronation portraits, works of art and objects used on the day will also recreate the atmosphere of that extraordinary state occasion to help you relive the historical day. £19 (£17.50 concessions), The State Rooms, Buckingham Palace SW1A 1AA (royalcollection.org.uk)

Words by Silvia Blanco and Antonia Michel - 15 -

FULHAM Residents’ Journal

FOOD & DRINK Tasty treats and delicious victuals; we explore the area through our tastebuds

Just add sunshine Managing director of Vagabond Wines Stephen Finch shares his pick of wines perfect for alfresco dining and summer barbecues REDS False Bay Pinotage, Western Cape South Africa, £7.95 Pinotage is one of those grapes that seems to have been made for a barbecue (yes, ‘made,’ since it’s the result of crossing Cinsault with Pinot Noir). Rich and spicy and surprisingly inexpensive. Ca di Alte Pinot Nero, Veneto, Italy, £9.95 This is Pinot Noir from Italy, hence its name ‘Pinot Nero.’ Finding a drinkable Pinot Noir under a tenner is incredibly difficult, so we’re very pleased to have found this little beauty, which is lightbodied, with clean red fruits and a touch of minerality reminiscent of red Burgundies. All it needs now is a blanket and some sun. Little Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon Blend Constantia, South Africa, £14.95 Delightful South African red that screams to be quaffed at a barbecue. Plenty of plump dark fruits, spice and a robustness that will pair well with any grilled meat. Peter Franus Napa Zinfandel, Napa Valley California, £24.95 A real show-stopper. Proper ‘Cali Zin’ has got to be one of the most satisfying wines around. This one is full-bodied and hugely complex yet remarkably friendly, like a big bear hug. Don’t waste this with supermarket meats; head straight to your local butcher and get some thick fillets of beef.

WHITES Vetiver White Rioja, Rioja, Spain, £7.95 If you’re grilling seafood then you have got to try this wine. It’s rich and crisp at the same time, with a slightly salty edge. Think seafood paella and you’ll be along the right lines. Quando Sauvignon Blanc, Robertson South Africa, £11.95 A Sauvignon Blanc from the Rainbow Nation that could pass for a Sancerre – I kid you not.

Claude Boisset ‘Chateau London’ Macon Ige, Burgundy, France, £17.95 An incredibly good value white Burgundy with a richness and toastiness that is sure to have your barbecue guests asking about the wine, and where you got it from.

ROSÉ Pasquiers, Southwest France, £7.95 A lovely dry and pale rosé with a touch of strawberry on the nose and palate and none of the harshness of cheap supermarket glug; just incredibly good value. Rimauresq, Provence, France, £14.95 The real deal. Delicate violets and berries on the nose, a dry and enticing palate of faint peach skin, strawberry and sea air. Book a flight to Nice right now.

SUMMER BUBBLY Jean Comyn Brut Reserve Non-Vintage Champagne, France, £24.95 Not only is this remarkably good Champagne, it’s also shockingly inexpensive. Why? Because we buy it direct

from the wine-maker. If you like Bollinger, you’ll love Jean Comyn. Dominio de los Duques Cava, Northwest Spain, £9.95 Forget what you know about Cava. This one is dry, toasty and oh-so-good. Perfect for the back patio with some fish and chips. All wines available to buy at Vagabond Wines. Try before you buy at a Vagabond Wines tasting event this summer. Beginners Guide to Wine Tasting sessions take place on 10 July and 14 August, at 7pm, priced £30. 18 Vanston Place, SW6 1AX, 020 7381 1717 (vagabondwines.co.uk)

spirits If spirits are more you thing… cue Summer Cup What? Think Pimm’s but a bit drier and made locally by Hammersmith-based, independent spirit makers Sipsmith, with a little help from Prudence the copper still (in which the alcohol is distilled). Based on London Dry Gin blended with Earl Grey tea, lemon verbena and cucumber, this refreshing tipple avoids being overly sweet. It does what it says on the bottle: a taste of summer in a cup (or five). How to drink it? Add three parts mixer to every part Summer Cup. Lemonade is the typical partner in crime, but Sipsmith also recommend ginger ale for a spicier hit. Serve with all the usual accompaniments: slices of orange and cucumber, a sprig of mint and plenty of strawberries. For something different, mix 10ml of Summer Cup with Prosecco or Champagne, pair with Campari and gin (of the Sipsmith variety of course) for a classic Negroni or mix with elderflower and a dash of tonic for a refreshing Collins. £19.35 for 50cl (sipsmith.com)

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Brunch crawl

Lauren Romano digs out an elasticated waistband and takes on Fulham’s best brunches, one triangle of toast at a time

For a continental twist On the bustling corner of Fulham Broadway, Labi Deli beckons hungry Fulhamites into its rustically charming hubbub. Low-lit corners strewn with newspapers make it a cosy destination in which to batten down the hatches and the children’s playroom scores top marks with families. The ‘Fulham Hole Filler’ (a full English breakfast) sits alongside more unexpected dishes, such as the Baltic-inspired Burek, a crumbly filo pastry parcel served with a blob of tangy homemade yoghurt. Post-brunch, browse the range of Mediterranean delicacies available to take home. What to eat: Burek with feta cheese and spinach if you’re a bit peckish; homemade pancakes piled with streaky bacon and drenched in maple syrup if you’re famished What to drink: A generously cocoa-dusted cappuccino Breakfast served from 7.30am-3pm, 609-611 Fulham Road SW6 5UA, 020 8617 1566 (labideli.com)

For a fruity wake-up call When the sun shines on Jerdan Place there is no better location to people-watch than beneath the awning at Moosh. Fruity pickme-ups in pulverised form are what this place does best and there are plenty of adventurous sounding options for those on a health kick (or looking to right the wrongs of the night before). To accompany your liquid brunch, order a side of delicious waffles or English muffins piled high with scrambled eggs. When the temperature shoots up, the new apple, raspberry and hibiscus lemonade makes for a refreshing post-brunch treat. What to eat: Moosh-recipe waffles, heaped with fruit and frozen yoghurt What to drink: Juice No.6 (apple, blueberry, raspberry and strawberry) or if you’re feeling brave, The Unbeetable (beetroot, carrot, lemon, apple and ginger) Breakfast served from 8am-6.30pm on weekdays and 9am-6.30pm on weekends, 17 Jerdan Place SW6 1BE, 020 7386 8688 (mooshfruit.com)

For laid-back brunching Towards the quieter end of Jerdan Place, the pastel-toned tables of Love Walk sprawl out over the pavement where leisurely brunchers sip coffees and watch the world go by. The extensive breakfast menu covers all the likely suspects, from the traditional full English to the Turkish Breakfast, which comes with spicy sucuk sausage, cubes of feta and olives. The portions here are on the generous side, so you definitely won’t go hungry. The pan-fried brioche soaked with fruit salad and probiotic yoghurt tops the list for best sweet option, while the Love Walk omelette, which comes crammed with numerous fillings, is the talk of the town. What to eat: Eggs royale (the zingy hollandaise is especially memorable), followed by a scoop of organic frozen yoghurt, if you have room What to drink: Love Walk does a mean coffee – try the latte. Breakfast served all day from 7am-7pm, 12 Jerdan Place, SW6 1BH, 020 7385 8508 (lovewalkcafe.co.uk) - 17 -

For an Artisanal touch Megan’s needs little introduction. Something of a Fulham institution, eggs are the order of the day for brunch and rightly so. Have them cooked any which way and served with granary, sourdough or Danish rye toast and enjoy in the shady outdoor courtyard. The kitchen has just put the finishing touches to its new range of homemade jams and chutneys, which can be purchased to take home too. Just down the road at number 191, Megan’s Wine Cellar might sound slightly better suited to evening tête-àtêtes (the intimate space is transformed nightly into a cavern of flickering candle light when the charcuterie bar dishes out delicious cheese and cured meats). But the place also serves the same morning fare as its big sister, so is also well worth a visit if you find yourself hungry and on the Chelsea Town Hall end of the King’s Road. What to eat: You can’t go wrong with the spinach, Parma ham, poached egg, hollandaise sauce and toast combo What to drink: Freshly-pressed apple, carrot and ginger juice to put a spring in your step or a punchy Bloody Mary if that doesn’t cut the mustard Breakfast served until 11am on weekdays and 3pm on Saturday and Sunday, 571 King’s Road, SW6 2EB, 020 7371 7837 (megansrestaurant.com)

FULHAM Residents’ Journal

HEALTH & FITNESS Tips and tricks to achieve a healthier, happier you

An ABC of summer fitness The Fulham Residents’ Journal unearths some alternative local exercise classes giving ‘Mission Beach Body’ a prod in the right direction AGILITY If you have yet to join the capoeira craze that has not only swept across the country, but indeed, the continent, now is your chance. Head down to Dance Attic, just off Fulham Road, to find out what all the fuss is about. The Brazilian marshal art, which is often referred to as a game, combines elements of dance and acrobatics. Dance Attic welcomes enthusiasts of all abilities to the exercise, perfect for anyone looking to improve their agility, reflex, stamina and speed. Classes cost £5-6, plus £2 daily membership fee, five classes per week. Dance Attic Studios 368 North End Road, SW6 1LY, 020 7610 2055 (danceattic.com)

BALANCE If you think Tai Chi is easy and just involves pushing air around really slowly, you can think again. The Mei Quan Academy of Taiji (or Academy of Tai Chi to us laymen) has been teaching the ancient art of Chinese self-defence in London for the last 23 years. With more than 30 branches and hundreds of current students, they are obviously doing something right. Head over to the Chelsea Academy today for your first class of what is touted to be the best form of exercise for a balanced mind and body. £110 for ten week course. Chelsea Academy, Lots Road, SW10 0AB, 0789 6658 172 (taichinews.com)

CARDIO For those undaunted by the words ‘boot camp’ get yourself down to Eel Brook Common. SW Fitness offers up to 10 boot camp sessions in Fulham a week, as well as personal trainers. With three time slots available for the group boot camp – two morning classes and one in the evening – this hard-core cardio workout typically burns 700 calories. The varied exercise routines cover everything from squats and lunges to running and games.

From left: Capoeira at Dance Attic; SW Fitness Group

A free trial session is available, via an online form. A single boot camp is £12 (or £38 for a one-month membership with unlimited sessions). Eel Brook Common, Novello Street, SW6 4JB (swfitnessgroup.co.uk)

DETOX There’s a lot standing in the way of actually liking Bikram Yoga: the unbearable temperatures (that make your skin sweat as soon as you’ve walked in the door), the mirrors facing you throughout the class (so you and 20 or so other students can document every wrong move) and the feeling of nausea every time you inhale too large a gulp of air. But all those negativities are swiftly emptied from your memory when you walk out of your session, 90 minutes later, smugly satisfied and with muscles that ache, so you know you’ve really used them. There’s no getting away from it, Bikram is honestly really hard work, but the hard work involved really does reap results. Not only will you feel muscles toning-up within a handful of sessions, Bikram also does wonders for maximising what you get out of other cardio exercises, such as running, due to the breathing techniques it teaches. Drop in sessions from £16.50. Ground Floor Studio, 25 Heathmans Road SW6 4TJ , 020 7036 3855 (hotbikramyoga.co.uk) Words / Antonia Michel and Lulu Rumsey

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FULHAM Residents’ Journal

the noticeboard A forum for residents’ daily concerns and activities


Former mayor Belinda Donovan meets Susannah Forland, a community fundraiser for Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres


usannah Forland and I recently met up for coffee in a local café. I know of Maggie’s, where Susannah works, because I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend the fifth anniversary birthday party of the caring centre, which offers those affected by cancer access to psychological and emotional support. The party was held in the orange Maggie’s building, that you can’t fail to spot when driving past the Charing Cross Hospital. Four years ago, five friends and I walked the 20-mile Maggie’s Moonwalk and I cannot recommend it highly enough. It is now called the Cultural Crawl, as you are able to view buildings that take part in the Open House Weekend along the way (this year’s nighttime hike takes place on 20 September). Maggie’s is named after its inspirational co-founder Maggie Keswick Jencks, who came up with the idea for a cancer caring centre after being diagnosed with breast cancer and initially given only months to live. She took an active role in her medical treatment and was determined to help others afflicted by the disease to avoid the label of ‘victim,’ believing that access to information and an opportunity to share experiences with others was crucial. Sadly she never lived to see her creation come to life but her husband Charles Jencks carried on her work,

designing the first centre, which opened in Edinburgh in 1996. There are now lots of centres stretching across the UK, and there is even one in Hong Kong. Our centre in the Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham was designed by acclaimed architect Richard Rogers. During my visit to Maggie’s, I was struck by the centre’s calm atmosphere. This is where those who have been newlydiagnosed with cancer and their relatives, can interact with others and talk about their emotions. There is a special support programme, which ranges from financial advice to stress management. I wish so much that my dear departed brother Will had benefited from this wonderful facility. Susannah started fundraising for Maggie’s in February and liaises with local businesses and schools to spread the word. There is also a concert planned in Richmond soon, check the Maggie’s website for details. Just before we left, Susannah promised me this chocolate beetroot cake recipe (right). It is a recipe after my own heart, being a chocolate cake which is supposed to be better for your health. I bake a cake for my family every week, but in practice I am the one who always eats the most. Thankfully, my cake baking session this week will be far less guilt ridden. Maggie’s, Fulham Palace Road, W6 8RF, 020 7386 1750 (maggiescentres.org)

from the row, second rland (bottom Susannah Fo ’s team gie and the Mag


The west London


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Chocolate Beetroot Cake with Chocolate Icing Serves 10-12

Cake Ingredients: • 100g cocoa powder • three eggs • 200g plain unbleached flour • 150ml rapeseed oil • two tsps baking powder • two tsp vanilla extract • 150g muscovado sugar • two tbsp milk • 300g home-cooked beetroot • 50g of chopped dark chocolate For the icing: • 100g dark chocolate • one tbsp butter • 1/4 tsp rosewater (optional, but makes it like a Turkish delight) 1. If using raw beetroot, in a large pan of boiling water boil the vegetable in the skins until tender (this normally takes 40 minutes). Leave to cool and peel away skins 2. Preheat the oven to 180C, 350F, gas mark 4. Butter and line a medium (20cm) cake tin 3. Sift the cocoa powder, flour and baking powder into a bowl; add the sugar and set aside 4. Puree or finely grate the beetroot. In a large bowl, whisk together the beetroot, eggs, vanilla and oil. Fold in the remaining cake ingredients 5. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and bake for 45 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Cool for 20 minutes in the pan, then place on a wire rack 6. To make the icing, heat the ingredients gently in a double boiler, mix and cool until spreadable

Recipe By Kellie Anderson, Nutritionist, Maggie’s Edinburgh


FULHAM Residents’ Journal

STREETWISE Local retail news for stylish SW6 residents


rain or shine

Katie Diment and Jo Thyne of Katie & Jo share their tips on how to put together the perfect outfit this summer

Katie Diment and Jo Thyne

typical British summer can be a slippery so and so, and dressing to please it a pain. The daily game of guesswork follows a more predictable pattern than the weather forecast: the entire contents of the wardrobe strewn unceremoniously in a crumpled heap on the bed, kneedeep in clothing Armageddon, you peel back the curtains and peek outside. The

Bon voyage… ‘The key to successful packing is flexible garments with a couple of key accessories to keep outfits on trend. A piece of artisan jewellery can give that boho summer feel. Opt for accessories with embellishments like rhinestones or embroidery for added impact.’

sky is inked a murky grey but the Met Office is adamant a big, bulbous sun will be beaming by lunchtime, only to be followed by gale force winds and a little drizzle. So what to wear? I’m sure this is a daily scenario in cramming a capsule holiday wardrobe into which local fashion boutique owners seam-straining suitcases. As for outsmarting Katie Diment and Jo Thyne never find the weather, layering is essential, I learn. themselves. Together the pair of old ‘Even if it isn’t as warm as you’d like it to school friends have curated a selection of be, you can still cheat and pretend it’s contemporary, utterly luxurious yet very summer by wearing a few floaty items of wearable labels, pulling in sartorial pointers clothing, which you can easily remove if you from all over the globe. get too hot.’ ‘Creating a wardrobe fit for a British summer is easy with a few quick and simple Investing in a few key pieces is alterations,’ Katie reassures easier, cheaper and quicker than me as I cite a weather forecast suffering from a trawling the High Street for an entire severe case of indecision new wardrobe as the source of my daily dressing irritation. Then, of course, there are the staples, ‘Investing in a few key pieces is easier, those everyday essentials. The cropped cheaper and quicker than trawling the trouser is one, the nude jacket another, High Street for an entirely new wardrobe.’ while the maxi skirt and a classic white shirt She continues to articulate good common also feature in the holy grail of dressing. sense, talking quality fabrics, vibrant colours ‘Cropped trousers are a summer must-have and uplifting prints – ‘Spots and stripes in this county. A tailored fit with straight or are essential for transitional dressing too.’ tapered legs in a neutral shade goes with The same ‘less is more’ mantra goes for

Key trends… Bird Prints ‘Bird prints and motifs found their way onto a number of runways for S/S 2013, bringing with them the romance of feathers and flight. Try pairing a bird print silk blouse with brightly coloured skinnies for a contemporary evening look.’

Boho ‘There is always a certain romance that comes with the bohemian. Floaty tops, tassels, Holly dress, part of the Charlie Jade S/S 2013 campaign available at Katie & Jo

embroidery and gladiators can help to create this look.’

Neons ‘Neons are big this summer and create a vibrant summer feel. Tropical azure blues, cherry fuchsias and acid yellows are all among the colour palette for this season. A statement neon blazer is the perfect way to brighten up your workwear attire, or for a more subtle approach look out for neon detailing on button holes, cuffs and accessories.’

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almost everything and can take you from desk to dance floor. For full fashion points, wear with a loose shirt, kick-ass heels and a pop of eye-searing colour,’ Jo tells me. ‘Nudes and pastels are key shades for summer and a blazer is an easy, flatter-all way to follow the trend. A maxi skirt is a hot buy for summer – it can look chic in the day with gladiators and a vest top and glamorous come the evening with gold jewellery and a clutch bag. A classic white shirt is a staple piece no woman should be without, and S/S 2013 offers up plenty of inspiration for reinventing it,’ the pair sum up in turns. Unless you live under a rock in the Outer Hebrides, however, you’re never a million miles away from a fashion magazine, billboard or advert proclaiming the latest in a lengthy anthology of looks, but trying to replicate these mixed messages into a flattering everyday outfit can involve a long process of trial and error. Katie and Jo identify a smattering of these key trends as neons, boho and, somewhat bizarrely, bird prints. The duo’s go-to summer fashion labels, stocked at the boutique, aptly epitomise their dressing philosophy: ‘We recommend Maison Scotch for its laid back boho vibe – the S/S 2013 collection consists of wardrobe essentials in new bright and luminous colours. We also love AG Jeans for their brightly coloured cropped jeans, Heidi Klein for beachwear and Charlie Jade for fabulous party dresses.’ These eye-catching pieces can be dug out alongside rails of other new and exciting labels that have recently hit the shop floor. ‘For S/S 2013 we introduced US dress label Charlie Jade (this year marks the popular American brand’s launch in Europe), as well as Kim & Zozi, a ‘hippie bling’ jewellery brand, Des Petits Hauts, J Brand and Pyrus,’ Katie enthuses. Repetitive dress syndrome, be no more. There is an art to summer dressing, it seems, and Katie & Jo has all the inspiration you could need.

Katie and Jo«s tips on how to dress to impress at... 1. A picnic…

For a picnic in the park, you can’t go wrong with a pair of well-cut chinos. Choose a bright colour, such as these neon coral chinos by Maison Scotch. Team with a Breton top like this one by Chinti and Parker.

2. A wedding…

When it comes to summer weddings, there are many factors to consider from the weather to the length of your hemline. The classic Libelula Millie dress is not only very flattering, but covers the shoulders (essential in church) and comes just below the knee making it an elegant choice.

3. An evening party…

This strapless dress by Charlie & Jade will get you in the mood for dancing. Wear with a cropped jacket and killer heels for a sensational summer evening look.

Ginger dress in blue and pink, Charlie Jade, £210



New stretch chino in neon coral, Maison Scotch, £95; Stripe button back tee in ivory/pebble, Chinti and Parker, £80

Millie Dress, tropical triangle print, Libélula, £335

All available at Katie & Jo

253 New King’s Road, SW6 4RB 020 7736 5304 (katieandjo.com)

   


Cropped trousers Nude jacket Maxi skirt Classic white shirt

Both images: Chinti and Parker

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FULHAM Residents’ Journal

the classroom An insight into Fulham education

SING AND DANCE THROUGH SUMMER It’s time for all little drama queens and kings to ditch the hairbrush and grab a microphone. Anyone between the ages of four and 18-years-old can take part in a week-long workshop with Stagecoach this summer. Under the guidance of professionals, young performers will get the chance to experience an all-singing, all-dancing, all-acting summer. The week will finish with a free performance for friends and family, enabling the enthusiastic thespians to showcase their hard work.

School«s out summer

Junior workshop (four to six-years-old) £135 or £115 for siblings. Senior workshop (six to 18-years-old) £180 or £140 for siblings 29 July – 2 August. All Saints CE Primary School, Bishops Avenue, SW6 6ED, 0845 202 5727 (stagecoach.co.uk)

for the

With the summer holidays stretched out ahead of us, Fulham Residents’ Journal rounds-up some of the best summer schools and clubs to keep younger residents occupied in July and August

BE ACTIVE WITH AKTIVA Aktiva Camps is holding a month of summer fun. With so many activities to choose from, covering sports, arts and the performing arts, summer 2013 promises to be a blast. Flexibility is the camp’s middle name, so your child can choose to go for the day or stay the whole summer long. Although a daily timetable is in place, the qualified teachers and specialist coaches in charge are eager for each and every child to get the most out of their break and are more than happy to be adaptable. From £25 per day, 9am-5pm or 10am-3pm, 29 July – 30 August, St John’s Walham Green CE Primary School, Filmer Road, SW6 6AS, 020 3551 8909 (aktivacamps.com) - 22 -

s Aktiva Camp

A SMASHING TIME Wimbledon-inspired children who are keen to emulate the achievements of their tennis idols will love the Henry Lamb Tennis summer camps. Smashes, serves and volleys will be practiced, improved and developed during the week-long courses for five to 15-year-olds. The courses kick off on 8 July and continue until the end of August with Kensington Prep School playing host to the junior camp and either St Paul’s School or Putney High School hosting the senior camp. The courses are a week long and have a fun yet instructional ethos with a teacher to child ratio of one to six, ensuring that your child receives as much coaching as possible. Henry Lamb Tennis is also offering a fantastic opportunity for 10-16-year-olds to attend a residential camp in France. This weeklong adventure at the magnificent Sainte Victoire International School in Provence allows youngsters to learn a language in the morning (French, Spanish, German or Italian) and then spend the afternoons receiving top-class sports coaching in tennis and golf. A variety of activities will be offered to pupils, from relaxing in the 102-acre estate of the school, to soaking up local culture on day trips to Aix-en-Provence.

ENCHANTING THEATRICS Budding actors and actresses will delight in the theatrical activities offered on the Perform Aladdin summer holiday courses. The courses run throughout the summer holidays at Christ Church, offering children aged four to eight-years-old the opportunity to develop their acting, dancing and singing prowess. The week culminates in a magical performance, a spectacle of colour and song, which whisks the audience away to the Arabian world of Aladdin.

Junior Camp (five to eight-years-old) £190, 9am-1pm, Kensington Prep School Senior Camp (8-15 years old) £285, 10am-4pm, St Paul’s School and Putney High School Residential Camp £1,200, 11-18 August 020 3478 4903 (henrylamb.co.uk)

£145 with 25 per cent discount for siblings. 22-26 July & 5-9 August 10am-12pm, Christ Church, 67 Studdridge Street, SW6 3TD 0846 400 4000 (perform.org.uk)

FOOTBALL MAD Football fanatics will be looking to score a place on the Fulham Football Club Summer School in Bishop’s Park this summer. Kids aged three to 14 will be able to hone their skills and become masters of dribbling, passing and shooting. Whether children attend for one day or for the week-long course, they will love the sessions and will develop under the guidance of energetic and accomplished coaches. The activities are tailored towards developing young football players and all levels of players are catered for. £12 per day or £55 per week (three to five-years-old) and £20 per day or £85 per week (six to 14-years-old). 15 July – 30 August Bishop’s Park, SW6 3LA, 0870 442 5432 (fulhamfc.com)

GOT RHYTHM? Monkey Music offers award-winning music classes for little ones, from three months to four-years-old. If constant repetition has made twinkle twinkle lose its sparkle, then this class might just be the very thing you’re after. Sessions incorporate songs, percussion instruments, puppets and dancing. Monkey Music’s term ends on 22 July, before which, all parents and tots are invited to enjoy a taster session, in preparation for the coming term in September. On 24 July, Monkey Music will be holding a free music workshop at Mission Hall, St Dionis Road where children and parents are invited to mingle from 10.50am to 11.20am. Free taster sessions in July, various locations across Fulham, 020 8480 6064 (monkeymusic.co.uk) - 23 -

FULHAM Residents’ Journal

Planning & Development Urban development and changes to logistics


Steve Mann/shutterstock.com

‘NO’ TO HEATHROW EXPANSION The proposed third runway at Heathrow airport has been rejected. The High Court Judge, Lord Justice Carnwath, ruled against the plan, citing the insufficient environmental assessments that were been carried out by the Davies Commission. While Heathrow still advocates its expansion, claiming it necessary for maintaining its reputation as a major international airport, the news was welcomed by more than 100,000 London residents who had voted against the expansion. Hammersmith & Fulham’s councillor for transport Victoria Brocklebank-Fowler says: ‘Previous Heathrow expansion plans have fallen at the first hurdle because the promoters failed to spell out the true environmental, financial and human costs.’

A series of CD and DVD banks have been installed in the area by the British Heart Foundation. The media banks, which also act as a repository for no longer loved cassettes and video tapes as well as newer forms of media, give those wanting to de-clutter CD towers and living room shelves the chance to easily dispose of that Westlife album (that is now secretly and securely downloaded to iPod). What’s more, said donations will be collected from the banks by volunteers and then sold at local British Heart Foundation shops, so ‘Coast to Coast’ might just find another home. Media banks can be found on Lillie Road outside the Clem Attlee Estate, on New King’s Road at the edge of Eel Brook Common and on North End Road, outside Burn Jones House.

Planning Applications DATE REGISTERED: 6 June ADDRESS: Niton Street PROPOSAL: Erection of railings around flat roof at second floor level DATE REGISTERED: 6 June ADDRESS: New King’s Road PROPOSAL: Change of property use from office to residential DATE REGISTERED: 5 June ADDRESS: Cambria Street PROPOSAL: External alterations, including the addition of a pitch roof

GET H&F MOVING Hammersmith & Fulham Council hand out a substantial number of parking fines each year, but the council says that more stringent measures have led to less rulebreakers. Most fines are incurred by drivers using bus lanes, but residents argue that the infrastructure should be improved. The latest campaign ‘Get H&F Moving’ aims to tackle the congestion by improving junctions, encouraging cycling and adding parking bays. This runs alongside the ‘Don’t Get Caught’ ad campaign, which reminds drivers of the traffic rules.

DATE REGISTERED: 3 June ADDRESS: Seagrave Road PROPOSAL: Construction of a covered sports pitch on an existing playground DATE REGISTERED: 31 May ADDRESS: Peterborough Road PROPOSAL: Removal of holly tree

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New Zinc showroom now open 1 Chelsea Wharf, 15 Lots Road, London SW10 0QJ

0679_Zinc Kensington & Chelsea Ad_Apr12_AW.indd 1

09/03/2012 16:51

FULHAM Residents’ Journal

The Directory Whether whim or wish, all of the essentials are taken care of in our round up for harmonious living

ESTATE AGENTS John D Wood & Co 287 New King’s Road 020 7731 4223

Marsh & Parsons 105 Moore Park Road 020 7736 9822

Belvoir! 632 Fulham Road 020 7736 2786

Knight Frank 203 New King’s Road 020 7751 2400

Savills 191 New King’s Road 020 7731 9400

Strutt & Parker 701 Fulham Road 020 7731 7100

PROPERTY SEARCH AGENT Penn Holmes London Ltd ‘SW6 ladies Katie and Francesca specialise in buying properties for their clients here in Fulham’ 55 Langthorne Street 07884 180480 07989 746499

FASHION Essam Guenedy 267 New King’s Road 020 7371 8010

Marc Wallace 261 New King’s Road 020 7736 6795

Katie & Jo 253 New King’s Road 020 7736 5304

Iceblu 24A New King’s Road 020 7371 9292

Claudia Sebire 136 Fulham Road 020 7835 1327

Mania Mia 307 New King’s Road 020 3441 1003

Zaeem Jamal ‘Luxury, hand-embroidered evening gowns decorated with radiant gem stones.’ 309 Kings Road 020 7100 2072



hair salon


Crew Experience 911 Fulham Road 020 3010 1096

The Fulham Dentist 9 Salisbury Pavement, Dawes Road 020 7385 8366

Gina Conway 612 Fulham Road 020 7731 7633




Virgin Active Fulham Pools, Normand Park Lillie Road 0845 270 9124 (enquiries) 020 7471 0450 (members)

Space NK 205 New Kings Road 020 7736 6728

The Fulham Medical Centre 446 Fulham Road 020 7385 6001

Amara Spa 18-20 Fulham High Street 020 7384 9111





A&L Antiques 284 Lillie Road 020 7610 2694

Alice Leigh Design 12 Parkville Road 07801 823953 aliceleigh.co.uk

Cologne & Cotton 791 Fulham Road 020 7736 9261

Bembé UK Ltd ‘German craft since 1780.’

ARCHITECTS Hogarth Architects Ltd 186 Dawes Road 020 7381 3409

B Lowe 10 Atalanta Street 020 7381 9207

gallery Piers Feetham Gallery 475 Fulham Road 020 7381 3031

315-317 New King’s Road 020 7371 9090

hotels b&b


guest house


Fulham Thames Walk B&B 91 Langthorne Street 020 7381 0198

La Reserve Hotel 422-428 Fulham Road 020 7385 8561

Fulham Guest House 55 Wandsworth Bridge Road 020 7731 1662

Millennium & Copthorne Stamford Bridge, Fulham Road 020 7565 1400

schools & nurseries Chelsea Independent College 517-523 Fulham Road 020 7610 1114

Godolphin and Latymer School Iffley Road 020 8741 1936

Latymer Upper School 237 King Street 0845 638 5800

Sinclair House School 159 Munster Road 020 7736 9182

Eridge House Preparatory School 1 Fulham Park Road 020 7371 9009

Hurlingham and Chelsea School Peterborough Road 020 7731 2581

L’Ecole des Petits 2 Hazlebury Road 020 7371 8350

The London Oratory School Seagrave Road 020 7385 0102

Fulham Cross Girls’ School Munster Road 020 7381 0861

Kensington Prep School 596 Fulham Road 020 7731 9300

Millie’s House Nursery & Pre-School 163 New King’s Road 020 7731 0440

The Moat School Bishop’s Avenue 020 7610 9018

Fulham Prep School 200 Greyhound Road 020 7371 9911

Lady Margaret School Parsons Green 020 7736 7138

Parayhouse School New King’s Road 020 7751 0914

Thomas’s Fulham Hugon Road 020 7751 8200



Pots & Co 133 Munster Road 020 7384 0133

Brasserie de l’Auberge 268 Fulham Road 020 7352 1859

pubs The Rose Pub 1 Harwood Terrace 020 7731 1832

Fabrella Eating House 786 Fulham Road 0871 971 7654

The Rylston 197 Lillie Road 020 7381 0910

Mao Tai 58 New King’s Road 020 7731 2520

food & drink bakery Well Bread ‘A family-run bakery with three fully qualified and professional chefs. Makers of bespoke cakes to-order in any size, including birthday and wedding cakes with any picture or shape.’ 383 North End Road 020 7385 7474

Kosmospol 138 Fulham Road 020 7373 6368

cafÉs Drawing Room Café Fulham Palace, Bishop’s Avenue 020 7736 3233 Pottery Café 735 Fulham Road 020 7736 2157



Kona Kai 515 Fulham Road 020 7385 9991

Demarquette 285 Fulham Road 020 7351 5467

The Hurlingham 360 Wandsworth Bridge Road 020 7610 9816

Vingt-Quatre 325 Fulham Road 020 7376 7224




post office

Ladbrokes Plc 344 North End Road 0800 022 3454

Vanston Dry Cleaning & Laundry 1 Vanston Place 020 7381 3609

Triangle Garage 2 Bishops Road 020 7385 1193

Fulham Road Post Office 815 Fulham Road 0845 722 3344





Cancer Research UK 350 North End Road 020 7381 8458

Town and County Flowers 131 Wandsworth Bridge 020 7736 4683

Filmer Newsagents 14 Filmer Road 020 7385 2953

Paramount Press Ltd 129 Munster Road 020 7731 0900





Fulham Nannies 69 Stephendale Road 020 7736 8289

Fulham Library 598 Fulham Road 020 8753 3879

Palace Pharmacy 331 Fulham Palace Road 020 7736 3034

The Ultimate Travel Company 25-27 Vanston Place 020 7386 4646


Due to popular demand in the Fulham area, we’ve just opened a new office in Bishops Park. Our 19 offices work together to find the best buyers and tenants and now we’ll provide an even better, award-winning* service to local home owners in Bishops Park. For a free valuation, please call 020 7368 4458 Bishops Park Office: 333 Fulham Palace Road, London SW6 6TE

* Voted ‘Best Customer Service 2012’ by The Sunday Times and ‘Best UK Estate Agent 2012’ by The Negotiator

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Finlay Street SW6 £2,325,000 An elegant five-bedroom family house with a stunning south facing garden, located on the desirable Alphabet streets of Fulham. The accommodation comprises an impressive drawing room, a dining room and kitchen on the ground floor. The upper floors provide four double bedrooms (including the master suite), a family bathroom and a study. The lower ground floor provides a fantastic additional reception room, a fifth double bedroom, bathroom and utility room. Freehold. EPC=D. Joint Sole Agent.

BISHOPS PARK: 020 7993 9888 sales.bis@marshandparsons.co.uk

Local know-how. Better results. Our ofďŹ ces:






Pimlico & Westminster


Bishops Park



Little Venice

North Kensington

South Kensington


Brook Green

Earls Court

Holland Park


Notting Hill

Munster Road SW6 ÂŁ1,395,000 A large three bedroom house, moments from the fantastic amenities of Fulham Road and Parsons Green. The superb accommodation comprises a double reception room with doors leading to a bright kitchen/dining room, three double bedrooms (two with en suite shower rooms) and a further family bathroom. The house benefits further from a pretty rear garden and additional basement storage. Munster Road is conviniently positioned just off Fulham Road. Freehold. Sole Agents.

BISHOPS PARK: 020 7993 9888 sales.bis@marshandparsons.co.uk

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See all of our properties online: marshandparsons.co.uk

Danehurst Street SW6 £999,950 An exceptional two-bedroom upper maisonette with a roof terrace on a tree-lined residential street. Presented beautifully throughout the property offers, on the first floor, an elegant reception room flooded with natural light, a master bedroom with large modern en suite bathroom, a further double bedroom and well appointed family bathroom. The second floor provides a huge, fully fitted kitchen with plenty of space for entertaining and access to a lovely roof terrace. Share of Freehold. EPC=C. Joint Sole Agent.

BISHOPS PARK: 020 7993 988 sales.bis@marshandparsons.co.uk

Elmstone Road SW6 £1,295 per week A beautifully presented four-bedroom family house, comprising a stunning entrance hallway with many original features, a double reception room, a fitted kitchen with dining area and concertina doors opening out to a lovely patio garden. The upper floors comprise master bedroom with a balcony, walk-through wardrobes and en-suite bathroom, three further bedrooms, a family bathroom and shower room. EPC=E.

FULHAM: 020 7736 9822 lets.ful@marshandparsons.co.uk

Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/marshandparsons

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Visit our YouTube channel: youtube.com/user/marshandparsons


See all of our properties online: marshandparsons.co.uk

Ellaline Road W6 ÂŁ775per week A larger than average corner plot house on a beautiful residential street in the Crabtree Estate. The property has been refurbished to exacting standards to provide stunning accommodation comprising a formal reception room, a large eat-in kitchen/family room leading onto a private garden, four large bedrooms and two modern bathrooms (one en suite). The house is located a short walk away from Hammersmith Broadway. EPC=E

BISHOPS PARK: 020 7993 9888 lets.bis@marshandparsons.co.uk


1 AN EXCEPTIONALLY WELL DESIGNED LION HOUSE quarrandon street, sw6 Reception room ø study ø kitchen/dining/family room ø basement family room with separate gym ø master bedroom suite ø 5 further bedrooms ø 3 further bathrooms ø utility room/additional kitchen ø west-facing garden ø 330 sq m (3,552 sq ft) ø EPC=C Guide £3.8 million Freehold

Savills Fulham - Parsons Green Lindsay Cuthill lcuthill@savills.com

020 7731 9420


1 A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY HOME napier avenue, sw6 4 reception rooms ø basement playroom ø kitchen ø master suite ø 4 further bedrooms (1 en suite) ø 1 further bathroom ø wine cellar ø utility room ø garden ø 247 sq m (2, 949 sq ft) ø EPC=E

Guide £3.5 million Freehold

Savills Fulham - Parsons Green Lindsay Cuthill lcuthill@savills.com

020 7731 9420


1 STUNNING GRADE 11 GEORGIAN FAMILY HOUSE new kings road, sw6 Double reception room ø master bedroom suite ø 4 further bedrooms ø kitchen/breakfast room ø family room ø 2 further bathrooms ø cloakroom ø south-facing garden ø good storage ø 212 sq m (2,282 sq ft) ø EPC=E Guide £2.35 million Freehold

Savills Fulham - Parsons Green Emma Stead estead@savills.com

020 7731 9420


1 SOUGHT-AFTER PETERBOROUGH ESTATE HOUSE bradbourne street, sw6 7 bedrooms ø 5 bathrooms ø 3 reception rooms ø bespoke kitchen ø utility room/kitchenette ø patio garden ø 334 sq m (3,595 sq ft) ø administration charges apply ø Council Tax=G ø EPC=E

£2,500 per week Unfurnished

Savills Fulham - Parsons Green Sophie Curtis scurtis@savills.com

020 7731 2692

KnightFrank.co.uk Chelsea Bridge Wharf, Battersea Park SW11 Riverside one bedroom

This bright one bedroom, second floor apartment offers open plan reception space, leading onto a balcony overlooking the communal gardens. 1 bedroom, 1 reception room, 1 bathroom, EPC rating B. Approximately 47 sq m (506 sq ft) Leasehold Guide price: ÂŁ515,000

KnightFrank.co.uk/riverside riverside@knightfrank.co.uk 020 3597 7670 (RVR130119)

York Mansions, Battersea SW11 Four bedroom apartment

Located on the 1st floor, it is one of the largest park facing units on Prince of Wales Drive and offers excellent lateral living space. 4 bedrooms, 1 to 2 reception rooms, kitchen, balcony. EPC rating D. Approximately 183 sq m (1,970 sq ft) Share of freehold Guide price: ÂŁ3,000,000

KnightFrank.co.uk/battersea battersea@knightfrank.co.uk 020 3597 7670 (RVR130114)


St. James’s Drive, Wandsworth SW17 Handsome house with huge garden

A beautifully presented double fronted house of substantial proportions with a 110 x 60 ft. south west facing garden. 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms (2 en suite), 2 reception rooms, playroom/media room, kitchen/dining/family room, utility/kitchen, south west facing garden, off street parking for 2 cars. Approximately 347 sq m (3,735 sq ft) Freehold Asking price: ÂŁ4,500,000 (WND070288)

KnightFrank.co.uk/wandsworth wandsworth@knightfrank.com 020 7768 0993


Chipstead Street, Fulham SW6

A six bedroom Lion House on the Peterborough Estate A six bedroom Lion House in an enviable position on the Peterborough Estate. 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, double reception room, eat in kitchen, formal dining room, wood floors, paved garden, close to local schools. EPC rating D. Approximately 256.49 sq m (2761 sq ft) Unfurnished Guide price: ÂŁ1,700 per week (FLQ112476)

Knightfrank.co.uk/fulham fulhamlettings@knightfrank.com 020 7751 2410

We believe that every building is one-of-akind. Every design is created to a unique, specific and personal vision. And every project requires individual understanding, research and planning. Blending architectural flair with building surveying professionalism. Collaborating with clients, suppliers, engineers and builders. Together we create original and beautiful bespoke houses. We are experienced and pragmatic, fresh thinking and innovative; we are Pennington Phillips.

Pennington Phillips 16 Spectrum House 32–34 Gordon House Road London NW5 1LP t: 020 7267 1414 f: 020 7267 7878 design@penningtonphillips.co.uk

FULHAM Residents’ Journal

home comforts Experts shine a light on the local property market

Spotlight on Fulham lettings Nicola Miller of Knight Frank talks to the Fulham Residents’ Journal about the local lettings market


house’ market has begun and is now in full swing. Another source for optimism is in the number of new tenancies that have been agreed this year, compared to the first six months of 2012. We have seen a rise of 29 per cent. The demand for a property in Fulham has continued to be strong, yet we saw equally strong stock levels at the beginning of the year which managed to keep the prices down. Family houses are in constant demand. The steady influx of tenants is made up of those moving to Fulham from neighbouring Kensington and Chelsea, and others choosing Fulham as Typical to Fulham, the their first base in London. They ‘family house’ market has begun are attracted to the area by the excellent schools and the benefits and is now in full swing of being in close proximity to central London, while obtaining value for money. Typical renters range from have their children attend the local schools. young families and professional couples, This year, we have seen a steady number of keen to be within easy commute of central these relocations and are confident that this London. They are enticed to the area by the will continue throughout the summer, as it lively social scene of bars and restaurants, has done in previous years. and the abundance of green space. Good According to our research, overall we have access to airports, as well as highly soughtseen a 1.1 per cent decrease in rents in the after schooling also makes Fulham a popular last six months in Fulham. However, a bigger base for the corporate family. decrease was seen in the first few months of the year, although it has now been revoked, and prices have crept back up in the last 203 New King’s Road, SW6 4SR few months. Typical to Fulham, the ‘family 020 7751 2400 (knightfrank.co.uk/fulham) he rental market is continually changing and as a lettings agent, we can see these changes happening as quickly as from week to week. So far this year, we have seen a whole range of activity levels, from the very quiet periods, in particular when the schools begin a new term, to very active weeks in May and June, when those looking to make a summer move begin their search. The Fulham market is very much dictated by corporate relocation activity and the drive for those individuals to

Charting the Fulham lettings market What is coming to the market?

under £350 £350 to £500 £500 to £750 £750 to £1,000 £1,000 to £1,500 £1,500+

Tenancies by price band

under £350 £350 to £500 £500 to £750 £750 to £1,000 £1,000 to £1,500 £1,500+

Mimosa Street - 42 -

18% 23% 19% 21% 9% 11%

Nationality of tenants

United Kingdom 39% France 9% Spain 9% United States 9% Ireland 7% Others 28%

Recently let family houses in Fulham

Doneraile Street

7% 26% 14% 21% 9% 22%

Harbord Street

fulham | Parsons green Sands end | munster Village barons court | west brompton


To LeT Stunning 5 bedroom family house with south facing private garden, immaculately presented and enviably

located within the Moore Park Estate and Waltham Green, close to the amenities of both Fulham Broadway and Chelsea. Newly refurbished to a sublime finish, this is an exceptional property with fabulous living and entertaining spaces. The property further benefits from being bright and airy, as well as having wooden floors, double glazing, ample storage and state of the art features throughout. EPC Rating C. Approximately 243.40 sq m (2,620 sq ft). Viewing Strongly recommended. AVAilAble immediAtely – UnfUrniShed.

632 Fulham Road | London | SW6 5RT 020 7736 2786 | fulham@belvoirlettings.com


Chelsea Fulham & Parsons Green Kensington & Holland Park Knightsbridge, Belgravia & Mayfair Notting Hill & Bayswater West Chelsea & South Kensington

Sales 020 7225 3866 Sales 020 7731 7100 Sales 020 7938 3666 Sales 020 7235 9959 Sales 020 7221 1111 Sales 020 7373 1010

Lettings 020 7589 9966 Lettings 020 7731 7100 Lettings 020 7938 3866 Lettings 020 7235 9959 Lettings 020 7221 1111 Lettings 020 7373 1010

City Office Professional Valuations UK Commercial & Residential Residential Investment Property Management

020 7600 3456 020 7318 5039 020 7629 7282 020 7318 5196 020 7052 9417


Parkville Road | Fulham | SW6 1,681 sq ft (156.1 sq m) EPC Rating E

A lovely family home in excellent condition, boasting fantastic entertaining space. Drawing room | Family room | Kitchen/breakfast room | Master bedroom with walk in wardrobe | Two further double bedrooms | Bathroom | Shower room | Cloakroom | Garden Asking price ÂŁ825 per week Unfurnished

Fulham 020 7731 7100 fulham.lettings@struttandparker.com

Scan this QR code with your camera phone to read more about this property. Free QR code readers are available for download from our website at struttandparker.com/qrcode

Kinnoul Road | Fulham | SW6 1,405 sq ft (130.51 sq m)

An excellent opportunity to purchase a charming and well presented three bedroom house on this popular road. Drawing room | Kitchen/dining room | Cloakroom | Three bedrooms | Bathroom | Utility room | Garden Asking price ÂŁ1,150,000 Freehold

Fulham 020 7731 7100 fulham@struttandparker.com

Scan this QR code with your camera phone to read more about this property. Free QR code readers are available to download from our website at struttandparker.com/qrcode

Chelsea Fulham & Parsons Green Kensington & Holland Park Knightsbridge, Belgravia & Mayfair Notting Hill & Bayswater West Chelsea & South Kensington

Sales 020 7225 3866 Sales 020 7731 7100 Sales 020 7938 3666 Sales 020 7235 9959 Sales 020 7221 1111 Sales 020 7373 1010

Lettings 020 7589 9966 Lettings 020 7731 7100 Lettings 020 7938 3866 Lettings 020 7235 9959 Lettings 020 7221 1111 Lettings 020 7373 1010

City Office Professional Valuations UK Commercial & Residential Residential Investment Property Management

020 7600 3456 020 7318 5039 020 7629 7282 020 7318 5196 020 7052 9417


Fulham Park Gardens | Fulham | SW6 2,024 sq ft (188 sq m) EPC Rating E

A wonderfuly wide, semi detached and very well presented Victorian terrace family house. Hall | Kitchen/dining room | Drawing room | Conservatory | Five bedrooms | Four bathrooms | Cloakroom | Side access | 32 ft garden | Potential to substantially extend Asking price ÂŁ2,250,000 Freehold

Fulham 020 7731 7100 fulham@struttandparker.com

Scan this QR code with your camera phone to read more about this property. Free QR code readers are available for download from our website at struttandparker.com/qrcode


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