Run, Rabbit Magazine Issue 2

Page 51




Began as:

Began as:

Began as:

A new take on Aztec traditions, tequila became the first factory product to be made in the state now known as Jalisco, in the 1600s. Mexican laws specify restricted areas that can officially claim to produce tequila.

The origins of vodka are contentious, and we don't want to upset anyone. Let's just say it's another spirit that was used, in a less alcoholic state, as a medicine. It was a Polish or Russian creation that was never meant to be flavoured ‘peanut butter and jelly’.

It was a happy accident whisk(e)y evolved from the raw drink it once was to the refined spirit we know today - the miracles of the ageing process were allegedly discovered by someone desperate enough for a drink to try a long-forgotten brew.

Made with:

Made with: Made with:

Distilled blue agave.

Ethyl alcohol, water, grains, potatoes or fruits.

Fermented grain aged in a wooden barrel.

Allegedly Drunk by:

Allegedly Drunk by:

Allegedly Drunk by:

Jack Keroac.

Truman Capote.

William Faulkner.

Goes with:

Goes with:

Goes with:

Lime and salt, itself.

Itself, mostly anything else.

Coffee, cola, mint, sweet vermouth.


Also Known as:

Also Known As:

Nothing, if it's real tequila.

Water of Life.

There’s enough debate surrounding the spelling without confusing it even further.

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