Run Minnesota Magazine January/February 2018

Page 11



amy lake When did you start running and why?

I went to a new school in 9th grade, and one of the first friends I made was the fastest runner on the track team. She talked me into joining. Our coach, Sue, was strict and tough, but we loved her. I fell in love with running and never stopped.

Why do you run or what keeps you motivated?

I love to run. I love being out on the trails, the fresh air, the quiet time alone to think or the chance to catch up with friends.

What do you consider to be your favorite distance/race?

I love the marathon.

How do you stay healthy?

I am interested in alternative medicine and started seeing a naturopath a few years ago. She recommends different supplements – usually a variety of herbs – based on how I’m feeling. It’s made a huge difference in my energy level. I also go to acupuncture regularly when I’m training a lot. It helps nip injuries before they become a problem.

What is your shoe of choice?

I rotate three pairs of shoes at a time but I’m not brand-loyal.

What are your interests outside of running? I love animals and have three rescue dogs. I love traveling, cooking and reading.

What’s your bucket list/running goal for 2017-18?

I’m running the Charleston Half in January, Boston in April, and still thinking about fall races!

Why are you a member of the MDRA?

I love the marathon training programs. I’ve met so many great people and learned so much from the coaches. I love that the training plan, the routes, and the water stops are all figured out for me, so I can just show up and run.

Amy lake is all smiles at the mdra 10-mile run in 2017.


Photo by Wayne



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