Run Home Jack Portfolio

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All grown ups are pirates. This is the wisdom of Rufio and his followers of Lost Boys. Run Home Jack is a phrase from this same movie, Hook; my favourite childhood movie about Peter Pan and the children and pirates of Neverland. While a boy Jack plays a baseball game with a group of pirates, they misuse the phrase ‘home run’ and rephrase it to ‘run home’. The movie has remained an inspiration even into my approaching-pirate years, as the underlying theme in the film of finding one’s way home has become evident in my life as a graphic designer. While a physical home is not to what I refer, a home can be found in defining one’s style, creativity, and talents; and finding all of these things certainly is a journey, and in some ways, a way home. As Jack’s sister says before being carted away by a group of grown ups, “Think of a way to run home, Jack. Run Home.” Run home to your style, to your comforts in design. Run home to your process of inspiration. Run home to that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming. Run home, Jack.

Americans for the Arts AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS IS A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION FOCUSING ON ADVANCING THE arts in America. One of their biggest services is creating awareness about the multitude of budget cuts that schools across the nation are turning to in times of economic hardships. Unfortunately, the arts programs are typically the first classes cut from a student's curriculum. The first decision that was made with the ad campaigns was to stay away from the generalized, heavily repeated images associated with art programs. Smiling children with finger paints and macaroni necklaces is usually what one associates with these ads. They focus on scenes that would depict the future of a child that grows up without arts, and to show the consequences instead of benefits. Drab colors and dilapidated conditions are meant to suggest that just as this is not an environment you would want your child to learn in, it is also not a future you hope to see for them. The ads focus on the three major aspects of the arts programs; music, painting, and acting. These are all images that the target audience - parents with a college education level - will remember from their own childhoods. A nostalgic tagline also evokes memories of their younger years. The call to action is a plea to keep these programs alive in their children’s futures, or soon they will be extinct.

The environmental ads would be placed near public transit locations - places that parents would go, especially with their children. Bus stops and subways are a main hub in cities, and having their child present with them when seeing these ads could have an even greater impact.

Americans for the Arts AMERICANS FOR THE ARTS IS A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION FOCUSING ON ADVANCING THE arts in America. One of their biggest services is creating awareness about the multitude of budget cuts that schools across the nation are turning to in times of economic hardships. Unfortunately, the arts programs are typically the first classes cut from a student's curriculum. The first decision that was made with the ad campaigns was to stay away from the generalized, heavily repeated images associated with art programs. Smiling children with finger paints and macaroni necklaces is usually what one associates with these ads. They focus on scenes that would depict the future of a child that grows up without arts, and to show the consequences instead of benefits. Drab colors and dilapidated conditions are meant to suggest that just as this is not an environment you would want your child to learn in, it is also not a future you hope to see for them. The ads focus on the three major aspects of the arts programs; music, painting, and acting. These are all images that the target audience - parents with a college education level - will remember from their own childhoods. A nostalgic tagline also evokes memories of their younger years. The call to action is a plea to keep these programs alive in their children’s futures, or soon they will be extinct.

The environmental ads would be placed near public transit locations - places that parents would go, especially with their children. Bus stops and subways are a main hub in cities, and having their child present with them when seeing these ads could have an even greater impact.

Lord of the Flies Posters for book re-release LORD OF THE FLIES WAS INTRODUCED TO ME IN HIGH SCHOOL AND STILL REMAINS TO BE one of my favourites today. It tells the story of a group of boys from a choir that survive a plane crash on an island and fend for themselves without adults. As the boys create their own society, it becomes clear that a few of them have monsters inside their human natures. Their struggle for survival takes a turn for the worse when they realize that their fellow classmates are the biggest danger on the island.

The basis for the posters was designed so that the text could convey the same impact that one feels when reading the book. Adobe Garamond was chosen for the typeface because of its connections with English literature, as well as holding a classic, sophisticated style of William Golding. Just as there are many various layers to the story in Lord of the Flies, the typography speaks in various forms through the posters. The chaos of the underlying story is still held in check through it’s refined layout.

Lord of the Flies Posters for book re-release LORD OF THE FLIES WAS INTRODUCED TO ME IN HIGH SCHOOL AND STILL REMAINS TO BE one of my favourites today. It tells the story of a group of boys from a choir that survive a plane crash on an island and fend for themselves without adults. As the boys create their own society, it becomes clear that a few of them have monsters inside their human natures. Their struggle for survival takes a turn for the worse when they realize that their fellow classmates are the biggest danger on the island.

The basis for the posters was designed so that the text could convey the same impact that one feels when reading the book. Adobe Garamond was chosen for the typeface because of its connections with English literature, as well as holding a classic, sophisticated style of William Golding. Just as there are many various layers to the story in Lord of the Flies, the typography speaks in various forms through the posters. The chaos of the underlying story is still held in check through it’s refined layout.

The structured layout of the header is identical through the four posters, and balances the chaotic text in the lower portions. This, in addition to the off-white paper, creates a deeper sense of the classic nature of the book.

The structured layout of the header is identical through the four posters, and balances the chaotic text in the lower portions. This, in addition to the off-white paper, creates a deeper sense of the classic nature of the book.

BullHorn Magazines BULLHORN IS A FICTIONAL MAGAZINE CREATED WITH AN EMPHASIS ON CITY BIKING AND commuting. It’s target audience are bikers that live in various cities, ages 21 to 30, with a steady income and a love of bicycles. The tagline for the magazine reads ‘the evolution of revolution.' The magazine would focus on real bikes and bikers in the city that use it as their main mode of transportation. BullHorn magazines would, ideally, be sold in all major city locations and local bike shops that riders frequent. The logo for BullHorn is derived from the typeface Andes, the curls from the capital letters relate directly to the straight, flowing and curved lines found on a bicycle. The title of the magazine comes from the term for ’bull horn’ style handle bars, which are named because of their upward curves representing the horns of a bull when installed on the bike.

BullHorn Magazines BULLHORN IS A FICTIONAL MAGAZINE CREATED WITH AN EMPHASIS ON CITY BIKING AND commuting. It’s target audience are bikers that live in various cities, ages 21 to 30, with a steady income and a love of bicycles. The tagline for the magazine reads ‘the evolution of revolution.' The magazine would focus on real bikes and bikers in the city that use it as their main mode of transportation. BullHorn magazines would, ideally, be sold in all major city locations and local bike shops that riders frequent. The logo for BullHorn is derived from the typeface Andes, the curls from the capital letters relate directly to the straight, flowing and curved lines found on a bicycle. The title of the magazine comes from the term for ’bull horn’ style handle bars, which are named because of their upward curves representing the horns of a bull when installed on the bike.


April 2010 Second Edition

San Francisco Edition

The Highest Hills Fixed in San Fran Pedal Power; the Constant Uphill Battle


bikemag4.indd 1

4/5/11 5:48:02 PM

Handmade Edition

The Best Parts Frame Building Assembling Antics Cro-Mo vs Carbon Fiber When Building Isn’t Worth the Stress

May 2010 Third Edition bikemag3.indd 1

4/5/11 5:48:47 PM


April 2010 Second Edition

San Francisco Edition

The Highest Hills Fixed in San Fran Pedal Power; the Constant Uphill Battle


bikemag4.indd 1

4/5/11 5:48:02 PM

Handmade Edition

The Best Parts Frame Building Assembling Antics Cro-Mo vs Carbon Fiber When Building Isn’t Worth the Stress

May 2010 Third Edition bikemag3.indd 1

4/5/11 5:48:47 PM

Adobe Creative Suite THE ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE IS THE STANDARD FOR ALL DESIGN PROGRAMS. It contains Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign for both Mac and PC computers. Recently, Adobe released CS5, the most comprehensive up to date software for the Creative Suite. The new opening and loading screens of CS5 feature an angular, multi-color shape that evokes origami. Hand folded paper shapes mimic this opening screen with a color range of the three colors relating to the programs - blue, orange, and purple. Within these three colors two additional ranges were created that were then also cut from paper for the form of the origami shapes. The varying colors were assembled into a pattern and photographed. The text overlay also relates to the three colors from the corresponding platform. The hand drawn type was made with a Wacom tablet and serves as a bridge between the traditional art and digital mediums of which all three programs are capable of.

Adobe Creative Suite THE ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE IS THE STANDARD FOR ALL DESIGN PROGRAMS. It contains Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign for both Mac and PC computers. Recently, Adobe released CS5, the most comprehensive up to date software for the Creative Suite. The new opening and loading screens of CS5 feature an angular, multi-color shape that evokes origami. Hand folded paper shapes mimic this opening screen with a color range of the three colors relating to the programs - blue, orange, and purple. Within these three colors two additional ranges were created that were then also cut from paper for the form of the origami shapes. The varying colors were assembled into a pattern and photographed. The text overlay also relates to the three colors from the corresponding platform. The hand drawn type was made with a Wacom tablet and serves as a bridge between the traditional art and digital mediums of which all three programs are capable of.

To reach the target audience, environmental ads would be placed in transportation terminals such as airports where the creatives traveling on business would see them.

To reach the target audience, environmental ads would be placed in transportation terminals such as airports where the creatives traveling on business would see them.

Dye, Dye My Darling Hair salon and specialty typeface DYE, DYE MY DARLING IS A FICTIONAL HAIR SALON IN CHICAGO. IT WAS CREATED for a niche market with young adults interested in punk genres, and caters only to specialty punk hair styles and fashions. The design of the posters is based around style as the main focus. While it is strictly a hair salon, the target audience cares about the presentation of the salon as a whole. Instead of focusing on hair alone, the outfits and attitude of the people depicted in the pictures as well as the people interacting with the customers is what will cater to the market. Every aspect of the salon, including the music playing and the appearance and demeanor of the employees, would be taken into consideration and controlled for the specifics of a punk rock niche market. The typeface Clipped 2.0 was originally created as a portfolio piece by itself, but it was decided that it would work well with branding of a punk hair salon. Thus, Dye, Dye My Darling was born. Clipped 2.0 is a font complete with upper and lower case characters, numbers and standard symbols found on a keyboard. In all, it encompasses a total of 91 characters.

AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuV vWwXxYyZz

Dye, Dye My Darling Hair salon and specialty typeface DYE, DYE MY DARLING IS A FICTIONAL HAIR SALON IN CHICAGO. IT WAS CREATED for a niche market with young adults interested in punk genres, and caters only to specialty punk hair styles and fashions. The design of the posters is based around style as the main focus. While it is strictly a hair salon, the target audience cares about the presentation of the salon as a whole. Instead of focusing on hair alone, the outfits and attitude of the people depicted in the pictures as well as the people interacting with the customers is what will cater to the market. Every aspect of the salon, including the music playing and the appearance and demeanor of the employees, would be taken into consideration and controlled for the specifics of a punk rock niche market. The typeface Clipped 2.0 was originally created as a portfolio piece by itself, but it was decided that it would work well with branding of a punk hair salon. Thus, Dye, Dye My Darling was born. Clipped 2.0 is a font complete with upper and lower case characters, numbers and standard symbols found on a keyboard. In all, it encompasses a total of 91 characters.

AaBbCcDdEeFfGg HhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuV vWwXxYyZz

Bullets are a main feature in punk fashion, and are incorporated in the design of both the posters and the interiors of the salon.

Bullets are a main feature in punk fashion, and are incorporated in the design of both the posters and the interiors of the salon.

Post Comp Magazines POST COMP IS A FICTIONAL MAGAZINE CREATED FOR ALL THINGS SUSTAINABLE IN DESIGN. THE magazine focuses on everything from building materials to types of soy based ink - anything that makes our world more environmentally conscious. The name Post Comp was derived from a play on the word ‘compost’, as well as a slight pun on the design term ‘comp’, or a comprehensive. Instead of focusing on detail product shots for the covers, The magazine shows full bleed landscape photography to place emphasis on sustainability relating to the world on a global scale. Because environmentally friendly design is a word-wide issue, it should be given plenty of room. The Post Comp logo is a modern style sans serif. The clean cut look also relates to modern sustainable design, as minimalistic features are a current design trend that the target audience would relate to. Young adults ages 25-40 with a secure income and heavy interest in benefiting the world would be the main group to purchase the magazine. Ideally, it would be found on a large scale at any book store across the nation.

Post Comp Magazines POST COMP IS A FICTIONAL MAGAZINE CREATED FOR ALL THINGS SUSTAINABLE IN DESIGN. THE magazine focuses on everything from building materials to types of soy based ink - anything that makes our world more environmentally conscious. The name Post Comp was derived from a play on the word ‘compost’, as well as a slight pun on the design term ‘comp’, or a comprehensive. Instead of focusing on detail product shots for the covers, The magazine shows full bleed landscape photography to place emphasis on sustainability relating to the world on a global scale. Because environmentally friendly design is a word-wide issue, it should be given plenty of room. The Post Comp logo is a modern style sans serif. The clean cut look also relates to modern sustainable design, as minimalistic features are a current design trend that the target audience would relate to. Young adults ages 25-40 with a secure income and heavy interest in benefiting the world would be the main group to purchase the magazine. Ideally, it would be found on a large scale at any book store across the nation.

Post Comp always features at least one article for easy sustainable improvements that readers can do in their homes at low cost.

Post Comp always features at least one article for easy sustainable improvements that readers can do in their homes at low cost.

Miami Critical Mass Advertising and bicycle awareness THE MIAMI CRITICAL MASS IS AN EVENT THAT HAPPENS MONTHLY THROUGH THE STREETS OF Miami. It is organized by participants in the Miami community and is run solely by volunteers. A critical mass is a joining of bicycles on the streets and roads. Most cars are not aware of the rights cyclists retain on the road, and because they share the same laws as cars, their presence is completely legal. Cyclists ride to generate awareness for motorists and to remind them to proceed with caution and to lawfully share the roads with bikes. The critical mass ad campaigns focus on the three major parts of a critical mass; the roads, the bikes, and the people. Yellow was used to emphasis these three parts because of its direct correlation to road signs and markings. The yellow lines are repeated in the text to unify the image. Using black and white images is reminiscent of asphalt on most major roadways. The photshopped awareness ads would be placed on taxis in major cities where bikes have little room to maneuver around cars. Roads that have more vehicular traffic are less likely to notice a biker, and when there are no bike lanes available, these cyclists are in danger from potentially unattentive and distracted motorists. Placing the ads on a vehicle remind drivers and pedestrians that bicycles ride alongside the traffic just as any car does. They move, stop, and slow with the flow of traffic. In addition to this, the ads may help drivers grow accustomed to the sight of bicycles in standard lanes with the cars. If this is a more generally accepted sight, drivers will be less surprised in dealing with cyclists on the roadways and extend the same courtesy that they do to fellow drivers.

Miami Critical Mass Advertising and bicycle awareness THE MIAMI CRITICAL MASS IS AN EVENT THAT HAPPENS MONTHLY THROUGH THE STREETS OF Miami. It is organized by participants in the Miami community and is run solely by volunteers. A critical mass is a joining of bicycles on the streets and roads. Most cars are not aware of the rights cyclists retain on the road, and because they share the same laws as cars, their presence is completely legal. Cyclists ride to generate awareness for motorists and to remind them to proceed with caution and to lawfully share the roads with bikes. The critical mass ad campaigns focus on the three major parts of a critical mass; the roads, the bikes, and the people. Yellow was used to emphasis these three parts because of its direct correlation to toad signs and markings. The yellow lines are repeated in the text to unify the image. Using black and white images is reminiscent of asphalt on most major roadways. The photshopped awareness ads would be placed on taxis in major cities where bikes have little room to maneuver around cars. Roads that have more vehicular traffic are less likely to notice a biker, and when there are no bike lanes available, these cyclists are in danger from potentially unattentive and distracted motorists. Placing the ads on a vehicle remind drivers and pedestrians that bicycles ride alongside the traffic just as any car does. They move, stop, and slow with the flow of traffic. In addition to this, the ads may help drivers grow accustomed to the sight of bicycles in standard lanes with the cars. If this is a more generally accepted sight, drivers will be less surprised in dealing with cyclists on the roadways and extend the same courtesy that they do to fellow drivers.

Awareness campaigns would take place in large scale cities where cyclists have little room to maneuver, or in places where bike lanes are not present.

Awareness campaigns would take place in large scale cities where cyclists have little room to maneuver, or in places where bike lanes are not present.

New Logic NEW LOGIC IS A FICTIONAL COMPANY WHO’S SERVICE IS ALTERNATING THE MINDS AND QUALITIES of its customers. If one desires to be more outgoing, or less messy, or to eradicate jealousy from their minds, New Logic would provide a service by changing these individual qualities intrinsically. Similar to plastic surgery, the results would literally change the desired quality of a person. Because the technology for New Logic does not yet, or very well, may never exist, the exact process in which it would work cannot be described. But through a series of visits to a New Logic location, the individual would be able to alter their mind set within three complete visits involving gene therapy. New Logic would supply its potential customers with a tester bottle that would be carefully controlled and regulated, and only available directly through specified New Logic locations. The effects of the desired result would only allow for 72 hours to ‘test’ the desired changes before the customer commits to purchasing it. The logo of New Logic was made by arranging the letters N and L from the typeface Advent. The sans serif type has clean cut and modern lines, relating to a new style, futuristic company. The design of the letters also evokes the shape of a single vertebrae, which relates the company to its medical roots.

New Logic NEW LOGIC IS A FICTIONAL COMPANY WHO’S SERVICE IS ALTERNATING THE MINDS AND QUALITIES of its customers. If one desires to be more outgoing, or less messy, or to eradicate jealousy from their minds, New Logic would provide a service by changing these individual qualities intrinsically. Similar to plastic surgery, the results would literally change the desired quality of a person. Because the technology for New Logic does not yet, or very well, may never exist, the exact process in which it would work cannot be described. But through a series of visits to a New Logic location, the individual would be able to alter their mind set within three complete visits involving gene therapy. New Logic would supply its potential customers with a tester bottle that would be carefully controlled and regulated, and only available directly through specified New Logic locations. The effects of the desired result would only allow for 72 hours to ‘test’ the desired changes before the customer commits to purchasing it. The logo of New Logic was made by arranging the letters N and L from the typeface Advent. The sans serif type has clean cut and modern lines, relating to a new style, futuristic company. The design of the letters also evokes the shape of a single vertebrae, which relates the company to its medical roots.

This New Logic tester bottle will allow a strict 72 hours of time in which to experience your specified adaptation. Drink the full bottle for desired results. Any report of misuse of its contents will result in a strict balance of one hundred thousand US dollars charged to the account in question.

The packaging for the New Logic tester bottle retains the same clean lines from the logo. Each bottle is carefully numbered for controlled distribution.

This New Logic tester bottle will allow a strict 72 hours of time in which to experience your specified adaptation. Drink the full bottle for desired results. Any report of misuse of its contents will result in a strict balance of one hundred thousand US dollars charged to the account in question.

The packaging for the New Logic tester bottle retains the same clean lines from the logo. Each bottle is carefully numbered for controlled distribution.

Pedigree Foundation THE PEDIGREE FOUNDATION IS A GROUP THAT FOCUSES ON PROMOTING THE ADOPTION OF dogs from local shelters. Every year, over four million dogs are relocated to shelters and rescue organizations. The Pedigree Foundation donates grants to shelters as well as education people about the dangers of puppy mills, and the advantages of adopting a dog from local rescue shelters. While doing research for these ads, it was determined that typical print ads focused on sad, disheveled dogs behind grates of in cages. This campaign uses a different approach by showing how much personality a shelter dog can have, and what a fun loving asset they can be to any family. I arranged my own photo shoot at my local shelter, and all the dogs featured in the ads were available for adoption. By showing real dogs from local shelters, the ads are able to hold true to the message they convey while still showcasing the personality of the pups. Because most of the shelters that dogs live in are in dire need of assistance, the photos were shot on a backdrop of a dirt background and chain link fence. Because this imagery was not conductive to the visions that I wanted to convey, a backdrop of grass and shadow was added to compliment the dogs.

Pedigree Foundation THE PEDIGREE FOUNDATION IS A GROUP THAT FOCUSES ON PROMOTING THE ADOPTION OF dogs from local shelters. Every year, over four million dogs are relocated to shelters and rescue organizations. The Pedigree Foundation donates grants to shelters as well as education people about the dangers of puppy mills, and the advantages of adopting a dog from local rescue shelters. While doing research for these ads, it was determined that typical print ads focused on sad, disheveled dogs behind grates of in cages. This campaign uses a different approach by showing how much personality a shelter dog can have, and what a fun loving asset they can be to any family. I arranged my own photo shoot at my local shelter, and all the dogs featured in the ads were available for adoption. By showing real dogs from local shelters, the ads are able to hold true to the message they convey while still showcasing the personality of the pups. Because most of the shelters that dogs live in are in dire need of assistance, the photos were shot on a backdrop of a dirt background and chain link fence. Because this imagery was not conductive to the visions that I wanted to convey, a backdrop of grass and shadow was added to compliment the dogs.

The environmental ads would be placed in areas that get heavy traffic of men and women with a steady income and a small family.

The environmental ads would be placed in areas that get heavy traffic of men and women with a steady income and a small family.

Overlooked Environmental Typography Article OVERLOOKED IS A TYPOGRAPHY INSTALLATION COMPLETED BY ASHLEY SMITH, SAMANTHA Benoit and Elaine Damasco. The concept was to depict typography with a word and arrange it in an area that the general population would take note of. The word ‘overlooked’ was chosen because typography and design are witnessed every day and, for the most part, goes unnoticed. The word was chosen to be created with pretzels as pixels to form a social commentary on the way design and typography is ‘devoured’ by the everyday masses. In addition to an edible pixel, the word was constructed on the beach. When it was completed, it was revealed to the ‘masses,’ or in this case seagulls that would devour the design. Because no such article featuring the Overlooked installation actually exists, I wrote all of the copy seen in the article. The typeface is Mrs. Eaves, and the repetition of the letters and symbols relates to the repetition of the pretzel pixels used to complete Overlooked.

Overlooked Environmental Typography Article OVERLOOKED IS A TYPOGRAPHY INSTALLATION COMPLETED BY ASHLEY SMITH, SAMANTHA Benoit and Elaine Damasco. The concept was to depict typography with a word and arrange it in an area that the general population would take note of. The word ‘overlooked’ was chosen because typography and design are witnessed every day and, for the most part, goes unnoticed. The word was chosen to be created with pretzels as pixels to form a social commentary on the way design and typography is ‘devoured’ by the everyday masses. In addition to an edible pixel, the word was constructed on the beach. When it was completed, it was revealed to the ‘masses,’ or in this case seagulls that would devour the design. Because no such article featuring the Overlooked installation actually exists, I wrote all of the copy seen in the article. The typeface is Mrs. Eaves, and the repetition of the letters and symbols relates to the repetition of the pretzel pixels used to complete Overlooked.

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss


Cfmpx;!b!qbqfs! tufodjm!ifme!epxo!cz! xppefo!tlfxfst!ipmet! uif!qbuufso!gps!uif! qsfu{fm!qjyfmt/

Buzqphsbqiz!xsjuufo! !tupsz!pg!fmfnfoubm! boe!eftjhofe!cz! BTIMFZ!TNJUI!


Uif! tupsz! cfhjot! xjui! b! tnbmm! hspvq! pg!


opuijoh! npsf! uibo! b! mbshf.tdbmf! qptufs! eftjho<! dpouspmmjoh! wbsjpvt! mjof! xfjhiut! boe! bohmft! up!

tuvefout<! Btimfz! Tnjui-! Fmbjof! Ebnbtdp!








nptu! gvoebnfoubm-! zfu! fmvtjwf! btqfdut! pg! hsbqijd!

xpse! uibu! fncpejfe! uzqphsbqiz-! eftjho! b!

btqfdut! pg! bsu! jo! hfofsbm! boe! fwfo! uif! tnbmmfs! tvc.tfut! bsf! pwfsmpplfe! cz! uif!


qjyfm! vtjoh! bo! fwfszebz! pckfdu-! boe!

hfofsbm! qpqvmbujpo! fwfsz! ebz/! Ju! nfbot! uibu! qfpqmf! ublf! gps! hsboufe! bmm! pg! uif!

pvu! uif! ibse! xbz/



gps! uif! qvcmjd! up! qfsvtf/! Uif! dpodfqu-!

bewfsujtjoh! xf! ibsemz! opujdf/! Fwfszuijoh! xjui! b! xpse! ibt! cffo! eftjhofe-! tpnf!







mpdbujpot-!tvdi!bt!b!epdupsÖt!pggjdf/!Uiptf!boopzjoh!qbhft!zpv!gjmm!pvu-!sfrvftujoh! nfejdbm!ijtupsz!boe!jogpsnbujpo@!Zft-!fwfo!uiptf!xfsf!eftjhofe!cz!tpnfpof!bu!b!

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss


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Cfmpx;!b!qbqfs! tufodjm!ifme!epxo!cz! xppefo!tlfxfst!ipmet! uif!qbuufso!gps!uif! qsfu{fm!qjyfmt/

B !tupsz!pg!fmfnfoubm! uzqphsbqiz! xsjuufo! boe! eftjhofe! cz! BTIMFZ! TNJUI!


Uif! tupsz! cfhjot! xjui! b! tnbmm! hspvq! pg!


opuijoh! npsf! uibo! b! mbshf.tdbmf! qptufs! eftjho<! dpouspmmjoh! wbsjpvt! mjof! xfjhiut! boe! bohmft! up!

tuvefout<! Btimfz! Tnjui-! Fmbjof! Ebnbtdp!








nptu! gvoebnfoubm-! zfu! fmvtjwf! btqfdut! pg! hsbqijd!

xpse! uibu! fncpejfe! uzqphsbqiz-! eftjho! b!



qjyfm! vtjoh! bo! fwfszebz! pckfdu-! boe!

qpqvmbujpo! fwfsz! ebz/! Ju! nfbot! uibu! qfpqmf! ublf! gps! hsboufe! bmm! pg! uif! eftjho!

pvu! uif! ibse! xbz/



gps! uif! qvcmjd! up! qfsvtf/! Uif! dpodfqu-!

ujtjoh! xf! ibsemz! opujdf/! Fwfszuijoh! xjui! b! xpse! ibt! cffo! eftjhofe-! tpnf! uijoht!







tvdi!bt!b!epdupsÖt!pggjdf/!Uiptf!boopzjoh!qbhft!zpv!gjmm!pvu-!sfrvftujoh!nfejdbm! ijtupsz!boe!jogpsnbujpo@!Zft-!fwfo!uiptf!xfsf!eftjhofe!cz!tpnfpof!bu!b!dpnqvufs/!

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssss


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jodsfbtjohmz!fbtz!gps!vt!up! Pwfsmpplfe!

pwfsmppl!uif!ebjmz!tzncpmt!boe! tjhot!uibu!gjmm!pvs!mjgf-!b!dpvstf!jo!









Fmbjof!Ebnbtdp! xbudift!b!hspvq!pg! tfbhvmmt!efwpvs!uif! uzqphsbqiz!jotubmmbujpo! ifs!hspvq!ibe!gjojtife! bttfncmjoh!pomz! njovuft!cfgpsf/

























usbjofe!up!mppl!opu!pomz!bu!uif! bsfbt!cfjoh!vtfe-!cvu!bmtp!vujmj{ft! uif!fnqujoftt!boe!tqbdf!bspvoe!

hspvoe-!bopuifs!tvctujuvuf!ibe!up! cf!gpvoe!up!qmbz!uif!spmft!pg!








sfqsftfoufe!cz!b!qmfuipsb!pg! tfbhvmmt/!Uif!qsfu{fmt-! hfofsbmj{joh!bsuxpsl! bt!b!xipmf-!bsf! fbtjmz!Õpwfs. mpplfeÖ<!bsu!jt! fwfszxifsf!


qjmf!pg!csfbe!boe!tbmu/!Kvtu!bt! ju!ibe!cffo!qmboofe-!uif! qsfu{fmt!xfsf!hpof!jo!b! nbuufs!pg!njovuft!boe!podf! uif!tfbhvmmt!ibe!cffo!gfe! uifz!rvjdlmz!ejtbqqfbsfe! podf!bhbjo!pwfs!uif!ipsj{po/! Ejmbqjebufe!boe!ejtifwfmfe-!





tffo!tp!sfbejmz!uifz! bsf!bmtp!fbtjmz!gpshpuufo/

bsu-!boe!uif!nbttft!uibu! dpotvnf!ju/

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss The close up photography of the individual pretzels shows how one pixel can be a part of the whole and still stand on its own.

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jodsfbtjohmz!fbtz!gps!vt!up! Pwfsmpplfe!

pwfsmppl!uif!ebjmz!tzncpmt!boe! tjhot!uibu!gjmm!pvs!mjgf-!b!dpvstf!jo!









Fmbjof!Ebnbtdp! xbudift!b!hspvq!pg! tfbhvmmt!efwpvs!uif! uzqphsbqiz!jotubmmbujpo! ifs!hspvq!ibe!gjojtife! bttfncmjoh!pomz! njovuft!cfgpsf/

























usbjofe!up!mppl!opu!pomz!bu!uif! bsfbt!cfjoh!vtfe-!cvu!bmtp!vujmj{ft! uif!fnqujoftt!boe!tqbdf!bspvoe!

hspvoe-!bopuifs!tvctujuvuf!ibe!up! cf!gpvoe!up!qmbz!uif!spmft!pg!








sfqsftfoufe!cz!b!qmfuipsb!pg! tfbhvmmt/!Uif!qsfu{fmt-! hfofsbmj{joh!bsuxpsl! bt!b!xipmf-!bsf! fbtjmz!Õpwfs. mpplfeÖ<!bsu!jt! fwfszxifsf!


qjmf!pg!csfbe!boe!tbmu/!Kvtu!bt! ju!ibe!cffo!qmboofe-!uif! qsfu{fmt!xfsf!hpof!jo!b! nbuufs!pg!njovuft!boe!podf! uif!tfbhvmmt!ibe!cffo!gfe! uifz!rvjdlmz!ejtbqqfbsfe! podf!bhbjo!pwfs!uif!ipsj{po/! Ejmbqjebufe!boe!ejtifwfmfe-!





tffo!tp!sfbejmz!uifz! bsf!bmtp!fbtjmz!gpshpuufo/

bsu-!boe!uif!nbttft!uibu! dpotvnf!ju/

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss The close up photography of the individual pretzels shows how one pixel can be a part of the whole and still stand on its own.

Bear & Branch Menu and advertising BEAR & BRANCH IS A FICTIONAL RESTAURANT BASED IN SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. THEIR FOOD is all natural and home grown, but unlike most restaurants specializing in the same thing, Bear & Branch works only with local farmers to ensure that their food is completely natural and pesticide free. In addition to this, Bear & Branch only uses foods that are in season, so their menu is constantly changing as new foods become available; such as a winter, spring, summer, and fall menu. The copy for the menu depicts a fall menu, with proposed foods that Bear & Branch would have. They ensure that all of their plates can also be made vegan and vegetarian friendly upon request, and many plates have alternate options available for main course substitutes. All of the copy for the menus was written by myself, using inspiration from existing fall themed dishes. Because Bear & Branch is so heavily influenced by all natural options, their menu would be printed on 100% recycled paper with soy based inks - ensuring that as they print new menus for the changing seasons, their environmental impact is still as low as possible. In addition to pesticide free foods, all animals used in products for Bear & Branch are free roaming stock for the ultimate guilt-free meal.

Bear & Branch Menu and advertising BEAR & BRANCH IS A FICTIONAL RESTAURANT BASED IN SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. THEIR FOOD is all natural and home grown, but unlike most restaurants specializing in the same thing, Bear & Branch works only with local farmers to ensure that their food is completely natural and pesticide free. In addition to this, Bear & Branch only uses foods that are in season, so their menu is constantly changing as new foods become available; such as a winter, spring, summer, and fall menu. The copy for the menu depicts a fall menu, with proposed foods that Bear & Branch would have. They ensure that all of their plates can also be made vegan and vegetarian friendly upon request, and many plates have alternate options available for main course substitutes. All of the copy for the menus was written by myself, using inspiration from existing fall themed dishes. Because Bear & Branch is so heavily influenced by all natural options, their menu would be printed on 100% recycled paper with soy based inks - ensuring that as they print new menus for the changing seasons, their environmental impact is still as low as possible. In addition to pesticide free foods, all animals used in products for Bear & Branch are free foaming stock for the ultimate guilt-free meal.

The menus for Bear & Branch have a recycled texture, giving a home grown feel directly to the hands of the patrons.

The menus for Bear & Branch have a recycled texture, giving a home grown feel directly to the hands of the patrons.

Modern Storybook Covers Pinocchio, The Jungle Book and The Little Mermaid FOR THE MODERN STORYBOOK DESIGNS, A DIFFERENT APPROACH WAS TAKEN FROM SIMPLY reproducing original storybook art. These books returned to the roots of the stories, back to their more gory and violent natures. Unlike their Disney predecessors, these original stories are not intended to be read by children and cater strictly to an adult audience. In the story of the Jungle Book, Mowgli does return to the village at the end, but on the back of an elephant. Mowgli and the elephant raze the entire village to the ground, murdering everyone as penance for their crimes against the jungle. In The Little Mermaid, the prince leaves Ariel for another woman, and when Ariel is unable to convince him to believe in the power of their love she dissolves into sea foam. Pinocchio’s skin is eaten of by a group of ‘helpful’ fish in attempt to save him from being skinned alive by a musician. The covers of the books were originally hand carved and inked on linoleum block and scanned in. All three images feature a red inked area that ties them together as a series, and relates back to the gory background of the original stories outside of the Disney context most people know. The hand printed quality relates back to the originality and classic feel of the stories from their 19th century publications.

Modern Storybook Covers Pinocchio, The Jungle Book and The Little Mermaid FOR THE MODERN STORYBOOK DESIGNS, A DIFFERENT APPROACH WAS TAKEN FROM SIMPLY reproducing original storybook art. These books returned to the roots of the stories, back to their more gory and violent natures. Unlike their Disney predecessors, these original stories are not intended to be read by children and cater strictly to an adult audience. In the story of the Jungle Book, Mowgli does return to the village at the end, but on the back of an elephant. Mowgli and the elephant raze the entire village to the ground, murdering everyone as penance for their crimes against the jungle. In The Little Mermaid, the prince leaves Ariel for another woman, and when Ariel is unable to convince him to believe in the power of their love she dissolves into sea foam. Pinocchio’s skin is eaten of by a group of ‘helpful’ fish in attempt to save him from being skinned alive by a musician. The covers of the books were originally hand carved and inked on linoleum block and scanned in. All three images feature a red inked area that ties them together as a series, and relates back to the gory background of the original stories outside of the Disney context most people know. The hand printed quality relates back to the originality and classic feel of the stories from their 19th century publications.

The block printed symbols relate to each story’s most violent part of the book.

The block printed symbols relate to each story’s most violent part of the book.

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