Reasons That Makes Online Rummy Better than Binge Watching | Rummy24

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If you’re stuck at home, like the times of pandemic yet again, then what’s the best thing you can do? Binge watching of movies, series and short films have increased in last one year. Before that engagement in household and commercial works did not provide a feasible leisure time to the individuals. The sudden lockdown and pandemic situation have made “staying indoors” the new normal. Playing online rummy under such circumstances has been a hobby for many. Filling up pockets while sitting idle does seem like a great and appealing opportunity! However, there has been a cut-throat competition between online rummy and binge-watching. While binge-watching is an ultimate source of entertainment, however there’s no denying of the fact that playing rummy in app is thrilling, entertaining and opportunity to earn as well! The debate between the two has been going on for quiet some-time now. Binge watching can be an attractive option, but rummy card games seem a more economical one. Let’s check out why.

Level of activeness: We all agree to the fact that binge watching is entertaining. But does it keep you active throughout the day? Scientifically binge watching leads you to become lazier and cozier since you can lie down on your couch and keep on watching the series without break and without engaging yourself in any work. But playing rummy in app keeps your brains in working conditions. You have to think and make strategies if you want to level up into the game.

Probability of skill development: You may love watching movies for hours, but what skills do you develop out of the same? To be precise nothing! Alternatively playing rummy can help you become intelligent. Rummy has its own set of skill development possibilities. The more professional you get into the game, the better! Moreover, the online rummy apps also give you the opportunity of getting social with other players.

Possibilities of winning cash: Unlike binge watching, you can get a lot of money from playing rummy online. With numerous rummy tournaments and single player games lined up in the rummy apps, getting some amount of

money is assured. Movies and series will help the actors get money. There’s no monetary benefit for you in the same.

Acts as a stress reliever: Staying locked indoors can be a real stress and depressing, especially for the ones who have been engaged in outdoor works. At some point of time this may seem tiring. Binge watching can lift your mood but later again the gloominess will set in. What you can do here is opt for playing rummy in apps. This is a great opportunity to earn money. So, the jobless people will definitely enjoy earning some cash out of the game while they are stuck indoors for the pandemic. We’re not discouraging you from watching some of the masterpieces that are being televised nowadays, however engaging in the same all day long can make your already boring day more boring in nature. Download online rummy app and start playing the smart game.

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