PROFILES - Fall/Winter 2012

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profiles VOL 6D

1st Annual Pink Ribbon Charity Golf Classic Recap Giving Mother Nature a Boost Saying Good-Bye to Wrinkles Tips for Luscious Lips Eating Healthy for the Holidays Botox Blunders

a Rucker MD & Enza Medispa Publication &

Rucker MD Plastic Surgery Clinic Plastic surgeons assist people with making life-changing choices. We are called upon to reconstruct a breast after cancer, rescue a smile from disfigurement or reinforce a foundation of selfconfidence. Through Profiles I wish to educate readers about the possibilities of reconstructive, plastic and cosmetic surgery, as well as non-invasive options. I hope that Profiles will encourage you to develop a life plan for looking and feeling your best. Your comments are always welcome.

Joseph Rucker, MD, FACS Cosmetic & Laser Surgery Reconstructive Plastic Surgery


800.456.8222 | 715.833.2116 | 715.832.1774

Enza Medispa & Enza Essentials Skin Care BEAUTY BOOST Growing up, I remember how meticulously my mother took care of her skin and her routine was simple. She swore by the gentle cleansing of a mild soap, invested in a good moisturizer that she diligently used every night, avoided the hot sun and believed in a healthy diet. The care that my mother took with her skin has stuck with me through the years and though I have more advanced treatments and products at my disposal, she was proof that the results are always worth the effort. Now with more advanced ingredients and technology at our disposal, guessing how you will look in future years has taken on a new meaning. The question now becomes how to find the right balance between letting nature take it’s course and giving your look a professional boost. Will your genetics, lifestyle choices, and advice from a professional dictate how you will age? Ultimately, it’s a personal choice.

Deb Markham Paramedical Skin Care Expert

Dr. Rucker and his staff are committed to keeping you informed about these choices to help you fight the signs of aging with products and treatments to restore your skin to its healthiest state. Healthy skin is beautiful skin – let us help guide you on your beauty journey. Make today your best day, Deb

This publication provides general health related information and is not intended to be substitute for professional medical care. If you have questions or concerns, contact your physician or healthcare provider. Profiles is published by Rucker MD Plastic Surgery Clinic & Enza Medispa, 3221 Stein Blvd, Eau Claire, WI 54701

Thanks to our Sponsors! Chippewa Valley Orthopedics Terpstra Orthodontics HOEFT Builders Eau Claire Anesthesiologists Oak Leaf Medical Clinic The Salon Professional Academy Enza Medispa Da Vinci Therapeutic Massage Charter Media Sacred Heart Hospital Evergreen Surgical Eau Claire Medical Clinic Simply Cakes Eau Claire Ford Eau Claire Auto Group Larson Allen RBC Details BOXX Sanitation Dental Health Center People’s Bank Western Wisconsin Urology Eau Claire Anesthesiologists Pathology Group at Sacred Heart Southside Medical Clinic Obstetrical & Gynecological Care Medical X-Ray Consultants Precision Pipeline, LLC Lasker’s Jewelery Lydia’s Lighting & Furniture Specialists &

The 1st Annual

Pink Ribbon Charity Golf Classic On Friday, September 14th, RUCKER MD Plastic Surgery Clinic hosted the 1st Annual Pink Ribbon Charity Golf Classic at the Eau Claire Golf and Country Club. The event raised over $20,000 for the American Cancer Society in their fight against Breast Cancer. Guests enjoyed 18-holes of championship golf on a perfectly sunny day and an evening reception with guest speakers Ann Harris and Lois Joseph from the Breast Cancer Awareness Association in Minnesota. Dr. Rucker expressed his sincere appreciation for the generosity of the guests and sponsors as well as his renewed commitment to find the cure for Breast Cancer. “We are grateful to our sponsors and our donors for their support for the fight against Breast Cancer. In addition to the $20,000 we have raised, I am making a commitment to personally donate towards the cure for every Breast Reconstruction procedure I perform,” he stated. Breast Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer. In 2011, an estimated 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed among women.

$20,000 THE TOTAL AMOUNT WE RAISED! Wonder what the money will go towards? Here are a few examples, according to Joe Lustek of the American Cancer Society. • Educating our local schools on the importance of exercise and eating right through programs like Relay Recess and Coaches vs. Cancer at schools such as Putnam Heights Elementary, Eau Claire Memorial and North High School. • The Colleges Against Cancer chapters at UW-Eau Claire and UW-Stout. • Supporting patient navigators within the local community, organizing informational meetings, and providing support groups for local breast cancer survivors, and more. • The “Look Good… Feel Better” program, which helps combat appearance-related side-effects caused by the treatment. • Daffodil Days, which delivers flowers to cancer patients.


Giving Mother Nature a Boost

Joseph Rucker, MD, FACS

Breast enhancement is perennially the most common aesthetic procedure sought by women of all ages. For many, breasts are an expression of their femininity, yet few are completely happy when examining their reflection. Whether you are considering an augmentation, reduction, or a lift there is much to learn about these popular procedures including what factors might influence your decision and/or your surgeon’s recommendations. Understanding the procedure or combination of procedures that best fit your goals is the first important step. Despite my experience and aesthetic judgment, asking me to define “the perfect breast” is not only misleading, it assumes I can make a unilateral decision on the patient’s behalf. Certainly shape, size, position and proportion are important, but my patients have taught me my point of view is not necessarily their perception. Having said that, in general a woman’s profile should present a gentle curve with rounding from the nipple to the chest wall—not down or out, but up. Facing the mirror with arms down, the breast should start at the armpit then subtly extend outward touching the bicep with the nipple positioned slightly upward and roundness evident beneath the nipple in a smooth curve. Size is very subjective, but should ultimately be proportional. While I am confident in my surgical and aesthetic opinions, my recommendations are always tempered by the pa-

tient’s desires and goals. For instance, some physicians make the mistake of evaluating the ideal shape by looking at the patient through their own eyes versus hearing that patient simply wants to see cleavage when looking down at her breasts. One of the most misunderstood procedures is the breast lift. When you look at your breasts you most likely evaluate them on size. Am I too big? Not big enough? Simply increasing or decreasing the size of your breasts will do nothing for the positioning of the nipple or the degree of sag. Perhaps you will recognize yourself as being in one of three categories of patients who do well to consider a breast lift. One, you have had 2 or more children, started as a B cup but went up to a D while nursing. You have stretch marks and your nipples have dropped, cleavage has disappeared and your breasts look “long.” Two, you always were a C cup and were successful in losing significant weight. As you progressed to your ideal weight, your breasts lost mass, but the envelope stayed the same, leaving you with “empty pockets.” Three, if you are older and notice the elasticity of your breasts gives them the appearance of drooping, a lift will reverse that condition. An easy way to determine if a lift is indicated is to put a pencil under the fold of your breast. If it stays, a lift might be an appropriate course of action. A breast lift can be done as a solo procedure but is most often combined with either augmentation or a reduction to

achieve the proper positioning and shape along with the desired size. If you feel your breasts are too long, the nipples are too low and that you have lost your natural cleavage, a breast lift may help you reclaim what you thought was lost forever.

The Optimum Age to Enhance Your Breasts Improving your appearance can be rewarding at any age, provided you have no underlying health conditions that impact the safety of surgery. However, there are some advantages to considering certain procedures during a particular age range. For breast augmentation, anytime between the ages of 21-45 is ideal. Prior to having children, you would want the implant under the muscle where it will not interfere with your ability to nurse. After children, you might have a combination of an augmentation and breast lift because of the toll pregnancy, nursing and gravity takes on the body. Breast reduction is most rewarding in your earlier years so you can enjoy a lifetime without restriction or pain. Prior to your reduction, it helps to be close to ideal weight because significant weight loss will impact the volume and sagging of your breasts, potentially necessitating a lift to restore position.


Breast reduction is one of the most rewarding procedures both aesthetically and functionally and in many instances is covered by insurance. If you have been self conscious about having large breasts since high school, are sensitive to men always “looking there” or have had to adjust your activity level and clothing to accommodate your chest, you might want to consider a breast reduction. Upper or lower back pain, neck pain, rashes, arm numbness and chest wall heaviness are all physical symptoms that can be attributed to overly large breasts. Breast reduction surgery is a blessed relief for unnecessary pain and suffering, both psychological and physical—so much so that insurance companies recognize the connection and will often reimburse you for the correction. Physical therapy, chiropractic care, and muscle relaxers may stem the discomfort temporarily but will not treat the cause. Most breast reductions will go from a D+ cup to a small or medium C cup. The nipple areolar complex is left attached so as to preserve sensation and the ability to breast feed. Contrary to having a simple lift or augmentation, breast reduction requires approximately a 3 week recovery time before resuming normal activities. I have performed approximately 2,500 breast reductions on women 25-65. Post surgery advice by those who have had it to those debating? “Don’t wait, I should have done this years ago.” Breast augmentation has become unnecessarily confusing for the patient. While you could say information is power, the sheer amount of choices available with regard to implant type, size, location and shape can seem daunting. I suggest that patients concentrate on communicating their desired result and letting me coach them in their choices on how to get there. Most women want natural, proportional breasts, so usually a moderate profile implant is the best. Under the muscle helps contribute to a less obvious change. Placed too high or too close together will telegraph the fact that you are “enhanced.” Sizing options are determined by a patient’s height, weight and shoulder width, but truth-

fully most decide on a full C cup with upper pole fullness. Prior to surgery our office will help envision the final result by experimenting with different sized implants placed in a non padded bra. The days of fake, overfilled, improperly placed implants seems to be behind us as are the arguments over the safety of silicone. The latest breast implants are superior to those of the past. Both saline and silicone can deliver beautiful, natural results and each has distinct advantages and disadvantages so you will want to know the trade offs. For instance thin women might show a ripple with saline but silicone might dictate where the scar is to be placed. Aside from a conversation about your anatomy and goals, think about if you mind others noticing that you have been augmented (relating to the size you choose) and aspects of your lifestyle. The idea is for you to be comfortable and confident in your own skin. Being self-conscious defeats the entire proposition. You do not want others to be preoccupied with your chest. You do want them to leave with the impression that you look great. It is never a good idea to rush into elective surgery, but many women hesitate for the wrong reasons. Some women who come in for a consultation to increase their breast size are concerned that others might perceive them as being vain, shallow or exaggerating their sexuality. If you are preoccupied by your appearance and find yourself stuffing your bra, buying heavily padded bras

Special Event Planning When your RSVP to that special event involves more than injectables, it is prudent to be realistic about healing. The downtime, or length of time necessary to appreciate proper results,must be taken into consideration. Breast Augmentation: 3-4 weeks Breast Lift: 4 weeks Breast Reduction: 5 weeks Weddings, reunions, vacations and other special events are the perfect catalyst to want to look your best. Keep in mind, the physical and emotional aspects of recovery vary from person to person. Do not let that special day be compromised because you didn’t give yourself the time you deserved to heal.

or your disparity in proportion causes you to buy bathing suit tops much smaller than the bottoms, and this bothers you, that is a healthy reason for aesthetic intervention. If your breasts have always been large and you long for a reduction but are concerned about finances, you might be surprised to know many of these procedures are covered by insurance. Simply accepting you will always “be big-chested” is unnecessary when a reduction can potentially provide the jump start your self-esteem has been yearning for. If your breasts are good size but sagging, do not assume this is just another point of surrender to aging. Repositioning the breast through a lift alone or in combination with an augmentation or reduction can make a big difference in your appearance and how your clothing fits. In addition, despite what you might have heard, breast enhancement will not influence your ability to nurse, experience sexual arousal or interfere with a cancer diagnosis. Who is not a good candidate for breast enhancement? The woman who is doing it for someone else.


Kissing Wrinkles Good Bye by Heather Hejna, RUCKERMD Public Relations Intern

It is an inevitable evil, and it happens to us all -- with each increasing year come new wrinkles. We have tried it allcreams, medications, even surgeries in hopes of minimizing wrinkles and reducing age. The good news is that Dr. Joseph Rucker and the Enza Medispa have taken initiative and began using a new, revolutionary procedure: the Pellevé® Wrinkle Reduction System. With the holidays underway and a new year just around the corner, now is the perfect time to get rid of those frustrating age lines and see how Pellevé® can work for you! Dr. Rucker explains, “I have utilized all of the available technologies for wrinkle reduction and Pellevé® is the only one that provides three things that

our clients desire: an appreciable wrinkle reduction that is painless, and no downtime.” After the introduction of Pellevé®, countless clients at the Enza Medispa have gone through the procedure, each with specific goals in mind: “to maintain face radiance,” “get rid of wrinkles,” “tighten the lower face,” or “to obtain a younger complexion”. Patients have personalized needs when it comes to their complexion which is why Pellevé® is so valuable to the Enza Medispa. After a typical 45-60 minute Pellevé® session, clients are glowing and relaxed from the procedure and of course, amazed at their results. Barb,

a Pellevé® patient at the Enza Medispa, explains, “It feels like a warm facial, and it’s relaxing. I even dozed off a few times”. Patients can also see and feel immediate results following the procedure. “My face had this healthy glow; [it] felt tighter and firmer,” said Melissa, another Pellevé® patient. Dr. Rucker and patients alike see the benefits of Pellevé®. “The gold standard for wrinkle reduction is the thickening and rearrangement of the collagen layer beneath the skin. This is the only technology that I have used that can accomplish this in a non-invasive (no downtime) way,” according to Dr. Rucker.

this procedure will enhance comfort and confidence levels of their patients in terms of wrinkle reduction, tightening of the skin, and an overall brighter complexion. Dr. Rucker reinforces, “Before incorporating any new technology into my practice, it must pass the following criteria: one, have research that shows it’s benefits; two, a waiting period to review the long term effectiveness of the technology; and three, my own personal use of the technology. Pellevé® has passed all these challenges with flying colors and I am delighted to make this new and dynamic technology available to our patients.” Whether it is your New Year’s resolution or for that upcoming holiday party, be sure to look your best and schedule an appointment for Pellevé® before it’s too late! For more information or to set up an appointment, please call our offices at 800.456.8222. All inquires are welcome and can be answered by an experienced staff member.

This is something greatly appreciated by our patients.

“One of the biggest things is that it’s not invasive. It’s a proactive approach without having to use needles and lasers,” said Melissa. Dr. Rucker and the Enza Medispa are confident that Become our Fan on

After one treatment, 60 days later.

for exclusive specials

ABOVE: After one treatment, 180 days later.


EATING HEALTHY FOR THE HOLIDAYS & by Tammy Schofield, MS, RD, CD Sacred Heart Hospital

For many people, the holiday season brings more than joy; it can also bring unwanted, extra weight. So, what can you do to avoid weight gain and still enjoy holiday parties? These simple tips can help. Take the edge off your hunger before attending a party. Don’t go to a party hungry; snack on healthy, filling foods before leaving the house. You’ll be less likely to indulge later. Try healthy party foodshandful of nuts, an apple, or string cheese. Position yourself for success. Turn your back to the table. Focus on the party, not the food.


Try to avoid alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories and tends to weaken your ability to eat better. Try alternatives, such as sparkling water with a twist of lime or lighter drinks.

Think small. Use smaller, appetizer sized plates to limit your portions. Fill up on the healthier options first and then allow yourself that treat you’re craving after first filling up on nutritious offerings.

Be realistic. Don’t try to lose weight during the holidays, focus on maintaining weight. Try eating small, lower calorie meals during the day so you can splurge in the evening.

Most of all have fun! Don’t forget to enjoy the holiday season and settle into the festivities by spending time with your family and friends!

by Deb Markham, Paramedical Skin Care Expert at the Enza Medipsa

Lip skin has 3-5 cellular layers that contain sebaceous glands. They are one of the most delicate and driest spots of our body. Keeping your body healthy with a nutritional diet rich in vitamins and regular exercise for overall health is important for great looking lips. By following these tips, you can make your lips look soft, luscious, healthy and attractive. • Use a soft toothbrush to gently exfoliate your lips and remove dead skin to keep lips smooth.

lips: Apply honey, coconut oil or almond oil on a daily basis to lock in natural vitamins and moisture.

• Enza Essentials Lip Treatment is specially formulated with avocado oil, peptides and vitamins to moisturize and enhance your lip contour. Apply morning and night.

• Consumption of fruits and vegetables high in fiber and vitamins are essential along with plenty of water to maintain hydration and ward off dry lips.

• Home-remedy for chapped

• Hyaluronic Acid filler (Restylane) is a naturally occurring substance

that attracts water, causing it to swell and withstand pressure. Restylane is useful as a lip filler. This treatment may last 6-8 months. • Pellevé - uses heat and energy of radio waves to trigger collagen production. The results are noticeable after just one treatment! Contact the Enza Medispa for your lip treatments today!

BOTOX BLUNDERS Botox ® results are very technique and application dependent and can look beautiful and natural if done correctly. On the flip side, having just anyone inject your Botox has many consequences such as bruising and swelling, a droopy eyelid, and overall unacceptable and uneven results. Make sure to schedule your next appointment with an experienced physician, such as Dr. Joseph Rucker, who values a natural, even-looking appearance and understands facial anatomy.

Dr. Joseph Rucker on How to Avoid Botox Blunders Not enough material used at the injection site: I use 5 units per injection site and I have found most patients require the treatment of 8 to 14 sites to receive an acceptable result.

Improper injection technique: An injector not familiar with the muscular anatomy may execute an improper placement, causing unwanted side effects and a less than optimal result.

Dr. Rucker’s Opinion: “50 units per treatment. I have found that 50 units gives an even, natural-looking appearance. A common statement we hear is: ‘I paid for one area in order to save money, but did not receive the results that I desired.’”

Dr. Rucker’s Opinion: “Seek treatment from an experienced licensed physician.” for more articles and tips, visit:


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