Raise The Praise Publication 04-10-2011

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SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 2011 S





Monday-Articles Only Deadline 4:30P.M. Tuesday - Articles W/Photos Deadline 4:30 P.M.


Which “L” Describes you? Whether we desire to be or not, each of us is labeled and categorized so as to distinguish us from others due to circumstances that present themselves in our lives. Does your life depict the characteristics of one who gives lip service to life situations or are you someone who is known by the lifestyle you represent? Each of us from time to time may present a great defense of what we did or did not do and of whom we are or are not; which will only be settled when the facts are presented. However, our true labeling is not based on others’ opinions, but rather on whom we are and what we do. Luke 6:44For every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. This verse affirms the truth that we are properly labeled according to our actions. Our title asks the

question “Which “L” Describes You?” The “Lip” describes a person who talks a “Good Talk”, selling himself and attempting to persuade others to follow them based on what they are saying. The “Lip” mentality knows just what to say, how to say it, and when to say it! So much that if they did not know any better they would deceive themselves! Unfortunately, many have deceived themselves by their own “Lip Action”. However, when people think or see this type of person, in their minds the labeling of that person is “There Ain’t Nothing to Them”, liar, hypocrite, faker, etc. For there is no noticeable creditability to what they represent, who they really are and definitely to what they say. Then there is the “L” representing “Lifestyle”! This person knows what they say will be impacted more by demonstration. The “Lifestyle” Men-


tality is in touch with reality as we learn that actions go much farther than mere words. Their Lifestyle communicates and endorses a certain behavior. The “Lifestyle” mentality realizes that the message will be better understood by seeing it executed in the life of the one encouraging

such action. Even if one is unable to demonstrate “It” now in their “Lifestyle”, the regret for not making wise decisions should be sincerely communicated to others. The “Lifestyle” Mentality understands that just as the saying: “Don’t Do As I Do, But As I Say” is not effective with children, neither is it effective in the lives of adults! So the questions we must ask ourselves are: What messages do we desire to communicate to others? What are we really attempting to “Get Them to Understand and Embrace?” Are they seeing it demonstrated in our “Lifestyle” or are they just seeing our “Lips” move? Are we saying one thing and doing another? Are we inviting them to do as “I Do and Not Just As I Say”? Are we setting a good example for all we encounter, whether they are children or adults? Are we speaking from true experience that the advice, encouragement, method or word that we share will really make a difference in their lives because we have tried it? Is what

we are saying able to be a reality in their lives or are we setting them up for a “Sure Fail” and “Defeated” mentality? The Apostle Paul references in 2 Corinthians 3:2 of people being “Written Epistles”, known and read by all men. What has your “Lifestyle” penned about you? What are others reading and seeing of your life? Are you known because of your words or deeds? We will not have to answer this question verbally; the type of fruit on our trees will sound out the answers! A powerful quote is” Your life is your message to the world. Make it inspiring.” (Lorrin L. Lee) Prayers and Blessings to you and yours!! Each of you is invited to attend our 1st Sat. Fellowship for May, which will be held on April 30, 2011, 12:00 noon. Contact information: Dr. Tonya Lewis, onefaith2007@aol.com, One Faith Fellowship, P. O. Box 56641, Los Angeles, CA 90056, www.onefaithfellowship.org, (323) 481-6724, and http://www. facebook.com/Dr.TonyaLewis


The Leader’s Emotional Health


Did you know that the experiences of our past could have an affect on how we lead? Could it be that the leader who strives to be in control is acting that way because in their past life experiences they suffered abuse, and they are now determined that they will never be powerless again? Negative life experiences can cripple us as leaders and can be detrimental if we don’t come to terms with them. R. Paul Stevens is quoted

as saying, “We are often crippled because of past hurts. These are not our deliberate sins, or the results of our sin, but our weaknesses, points of vulnerability, where there is a proneness to sin, because others have sinned against us.” It is vital not only to our spiritual well-being, but also vital for the spirituality of ministry that we quickly that come to terms with these issues. The first step is in confession before our Lord. “Psalms 51: “I will confess therefore what I know of myself, and what I do not know: for what I know of myself, I know through the shining of your light; and what I do not know of myself, I continue not to know until my darkness shall be made as noonday in your countenance.” Confession brings forgiveness and restoration. Confession also puts me in a place where I must trust

Jesus Christ. Trust Him in light of Who He is, al l powerful and more than capable to heal me in lieu of my past. Jesus helps us to realize that our experiences do not define who we are. That by itself should take away the sting and the power of our past life experiences. Only our relationship with Christ defines who we are, we are now no longer victims but victors! To God be the glory! Dr. Joyce is a layperson under the leadership of Dr. Ticey Brown at the Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church; where she serves as the Strategic Leadership Director. Dr. Joyce’s mission is to develop servantleaders and enhance ministries within the Church; Dr. Joyce is available for one-on-one consultations, small group training sessions and workshops. Dr. Joyce’s contact info is, joyce-harrell@ sbcglobal.net or (323) 753-3189.

PRAISES OF ZION MASS CHOIR PRESENTS “YOU’RE TOO SHORT TO BOX WITH GOD” Greetings to all the Saints of God! Dr. J. Benjamin Hardwick, the proud Senior Pastor of Praises of Zion M.B.C., on behalf of the Mass Choir, proudly extends an invitation to the entire church community to join us on Friday, April 22, 2011 at 7:00 p.m., and also on April 24, 2011 at 6:00 p.m., as we present adaptation of “Your Arms Are Too Short to Box With God”, written by Ms. Vinnette Carroll. Our production is entitled, “You’re Too Short To Box With God.” Truly all roads will lead to Praises of Zion, and there is a seat waiting just for you! We have tickets for limited preferred seating available. General admission is free. Please call the church office for tickets at (323) 750-1033. We are located at 8222 S. San Pedro Street, in Los Angeles. Please conduct the church office at (323) 750-1033 if further information is desired. What? You say you have already seen it before? Good, then you know what a wonderful message the play delivers. It really does not matter because the story is the same. Nothing added, and nothing taken away. But there are yet many who have not heard the Easter message of

redemption and hope. Our message is: “He is not here…On that first Easter morning the disciples came to the tomb of Jesus and found it empty. They came expecting to find a body and instead they found emptiness.. The empty tomb is a compelling image. The angel at the empty tomb explains that the risen Jesus has gone ahead of the disciples and would meet them in Galilee. Put another way, what is being said is that Jesus who died in the past has been raised in the present, and he goes ahead of the disciples to Galilee where he will meet them in the future. Past, present and future find their focus in Jesus. Consider this fact: Jesus is still ahead of us. We are not stuck with whatever our past may have been. We are not mired in the problems of our present. Jesus has gone ahead of us and will meet us in our future…“He has risen like He said He would.” And more than that, that same Christ is available to all people. Believe it or not, this is a perfect beginning or ending to the celebration of Easter for men, women, children (of all ages), families and church groups. You will feel nothing but spiritual vibrations throughout the sanctuary as the Mass Choir

of “Praise City”, under the direction of Sister Harriesha Neal, and our musical director is none other than the anointed Rev. Calvin Rhone, along with many special guests who will breathe life into the characters before your very eyes. You will meet Jesus, Mary, the high priests, the elders, Judas, King Herod, and Pontius Pilate! You will see the miracles that Jesus performed, and experience the agony of Christ during the Crucifixion, and the hope and glory of the Resurrection. So plan on joining us for a joyous, foot-stomping, hand-clapping, and fan waving celebration of Gospel music primarily based on the Gospel of St. Matthew, which tells the story of Christ, and traces the scriptural events from the day Jesus Christ arrives in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to the morning of the Resurrection. So until that appointed time, no matter what situations you might find yourself in, remember, “You’re Too Short To Box With God!” God bless, and we expect to see you there. To God be the glory! Dr. J. Benjamin Hardwick, Senior Pastor, Sister Veal Neal, Choir President, and Sister Clarice Holmes, Reporter.

Of The Proverbs 31 Blend The good book describes a woman In the 31st chapter of Proverbs She doesn’t advocate Women’s Lib And never get on a man’s last nerve She does her husband good and not evil All the days of her life But my brother had a Proverbs 31 Woman That became a neck-wringing wife She girds herself with strength And makes her arms strong But not to drag his Lazy Boy Sofa out of the house Because he has been reclining there too long

The heart of her husband trusts in her And he will have no lack of gain But some nag all the daylong Causing her dear man a migraine There are many god-fearing women Of the Proverbs 31 blend But when she feels mistreated The real soul sister walks in But there’s a remedy to the problem With the world’s lopsided plan To benefit from a Proverbs 31 woman You must be a Proverbs 31 man

______________________________________________________________________ Email: richardojones1@verizon.net Or visit his website at: www.richardojoneslive.com

GOOD NEWS FROM GREATER NEW UNITY Greetings to you, in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is still the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!! What an awesome God we serve!! Do you magnify the Lord today, for all of His wonderful works? Way back in the day, Sis. Andrews taught the Original Pastor’s Choir a really difficult song.....it took us forever to learn...but we learned it..in 3 parts!! It was called, “ Lift Up Your Heads O Ye Gates”! And within that song originated in the Psalms, we shout out “ MAGNIFY HIM, MAGNIFY HIM, MAGNIFY HIS HOLY NAME, FOREVER, AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER MORE!!” That is a command, a mandate, so we WILL magnify HIM!! Check yourself - and I will check myself.......are we Magnifying HIM today? And all through the week? Are we Magnifying Him in our talk?? How about in our walk, which is what really counts anyway!! Thank God, for even being able to MAGNIFY HIM with everything that is in us... Thank God for a loving Pastor and a loving church family...Thank you Pastor, for heaping words of thanks upon our heads this past Sunday...a little appreciation goes a long, long way. Though there is still a lot of room for improvement, it sure feels good to be on the receiving end of kind and thankful

words, especially coming from our Pastor. So we keep continue on the path, onward and upward, not looking back, but pressing forward. Encouragement helps you keep going just a little bit further..praise God for encouragement!! There is a whole lot going on at Unity in the month of April..today is Youth Sunday and we praise God for our youth who will minister in today’s morning worship service. Next Sunday, April 17, at 4 pm the Voices of Unity, under the direction of Bro. Wayne Allison will present a Musical,” The Sounds of the The Church” . Make sure that you come back and support the Voices of Unity as they lift up the name of Jesus and minister the Gospel in song. Sis.Mouton serves as President; Pianist is Sis. Ella Andrews, Organist is Bro. McHale, Percussionist is Bro. David Floyd and Music Director and Advisor is Pastor Allison. To God be the Glory!! On Saturday, April 23, at 10 am our Youth will have their Annual Easter Frolic and Luncheon beginning at 10 am. Then on RESURRECTION SUNDAY, APRIL 24, we will convene at 6 am for a RESURRECTION PRAYER BREAKFAST in the HP Pavilion for Prayer and Supplication to God, and after, we will eat a hot delicious breakfast prepared by the Mother’s Board. Donation is $7.00, and you are cordially in-

vited to join us on Easter Sunday Morning EARLY, because He got up EARLY!!!! The Men’s Ministry will be sponsoring their Annual Easter Family Photos, so all families are encouraged to come and be photographed for our church family photo collage! Then at 9 am, the Sunday School Dept will sponsor it’s Annual Sunday School Easter Program. Resurrection Sunday Service begins at 10:45 am and we will have a great time in the Lord and you are welcomed to come and join us all day long, on Resurrection Day, April 24, 2011! Greater New Unity is a Forward Moving Church, serving a Forward Moving God. We continue to pray for those who say, “pray for me” and those on our ever-growing prayer list, especially our Mother’s Board in it’s entirety.. We are located on the corner of 98th and Avalon, in the heart of H.P. Rachal Square, “where the power lines of the city, meet the power of God; where everybody is somebody, and Christ is the center of all”. Leading us as Shepherd of this flock with the aid of the Holy Ghost and still excited about it, is our Pastor, Rev. Randy F. Allison. Keep on being excited in Jesus, Pastor! Reporting is yours truly, Sis. Arlene T. Andrews, and until next week, don’t forget to KEEP RAISING THE PRAISE!!


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