Just a Gentle Reminder… I thought now would be a

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Just a Gentle Reminder… I thought now would be a good time to remind everyone that the savvy investor is in it for the long haul. In these times of market downturns, we need to remember that it’s the long term investor who makes the returns. Your investment success is much more about YOUR BEHAVIOR than it is about the market’s behavior. Nick Murray who is a long time financial advisor and now an industry journalist for investment advisors wrote an article in the June issue of Financial Advisor Magazine entitled “Forty One Epiphanies”, one for every year of his career. Number 29 states the following: “The advance is permanent. The declines are temporary. There have been

twelve bear markets with a mean decline of 25% since the end of WW II. The first one started on May 29, 1946. That day, the S&P closed at 19.5. As I write, twelve ‘ends-of-the-world’ later, it is 1400. Stocks are up seventy times over these six decades because earnings are up seventy times.” We are all inundated each and every day with advice from the TV, the newspaper and various magazines. Each one is telling you the ‘best way” to do this or that as far as your money is concerned. However, I believe, as do the top financial minds in the world, that long term, diversified investing is the only way to assure long term financial success. Turn off the TV, put down the newspaper and go do something fun! If you have your money diversified well and are in it for the long haul, you will be able to ride out yet another ‘end-of-the-world’ temporary down market and come out on the other side poised to capture the returns of the permanent upside. Please give us a call at 404-254-6993 or email us at russ@thorntonwealth.com if you’d like to discuss further how we can help you. And be sure to check out our website and blog at www.thorntonwealth.com where you can sign up to receive automatic updates when new information is published.

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