STAR Policy 2017

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Your Growth Is Our Strategy STAR Policy 2017 XXXIXth STAR Board



Executive summary This document describes STAR’s policy for the year 2017. It provides an overview of the strategic goals that support the foundation of our strategy, and how we plan to implement them. In order to fulfil these goals, 12 initiatives will be implemented in 2017. Among others, more emphasis will be put on sustainable and climate neutral day-to-day practices. The book sale strategy will be fully revised and STAR’s IT roadmap will be executed. STAR’s policy for 2017 is in line with the mission: “To enrich RSM student life”. This mission is reinforced by the personal and professional development of our Active Members and is underpinned with four strategic pillars: -

Career start support


Social activities


Academic support


Corporate social responsibility

Supervisory Board, Verico and Public 3




p. 4

Supervisory Board, Verico, Public

Definition of pillars

p. 5

Supervisory Board, Verico, Public

Strategic objectives

p. 6

Supervisory Board, Verico, Public

External factors

p. 7

Supervisory Board, Verico, Public

Value drivers

p. 8

Supervisory Board, Verico, Public

Initiatives: Today, Tomorrow

p. 9

Supervisory Board, Verico, Public


STAR’s mission is to enrich the RSM student life by means of four primary pillars Mission TO ENRICH RSM STUDENT LIFE









All four pillars contribute to the enrichment of the RSM student life in different manners Definition of pillars

Career Support

The Career Support pillar focuses on providing RSM students with all the career orientation, career preparation and training they need to be successful in the business world. With offline recruitment orientation during the STAR Management week, the Erasmus Recruitment Days, and other separate events organized throughout the year to bring students and companies together. During the whole year, STAR provides online career orientation on the Erasmus Recruitment Platform.

Social Activities

The social pillar of STAR contains all the activities STAR organizes to enrich the social life of its members. Not only did we organize the Opening Party in September and the closing party of the SMW in November. We also organize various smaller events like after exam drinks, BBQs, the Women’s Day and many more! Members are always welcome to join our weekly drinks at De Vrienden Live as well!

Academic Support

STAR also supports RSM students in their academic endeavours. We offer students access to various study materials such as books, summaries and tutoring. Furthermore, we enable students to develop themselves both personally and professionally by offering trainings in diverse fields and projects like the RSM Case Society, RSM Case Competition and the Erasmus Consultancy Project. We also aim to inspire students through seminars like the Speaker Series and Honorary Discussions and offer Study Trips to destinations all over the world.


Our Corporate Social Responsibility pillar represents all actions STAR takes which contribute to society. Besides the iCare and Reach Out committees, CSR is highly prioritized within every committee at STAR. For example, waste is minimized, remains are gathered and money is donated to charity. Committees individually, and the association in general, are sustainable, think of other people and the environment. Moreover, one of STARs partners is KNGF geleidehonden.


For every pillar a strategic objectives for 2017 is designed to measure how the different pillars will enrich the RSM student life Strategic objectives

Career Support

By the end of the year, 70% of the RSM students argue that in 2017 STAR contributed to their career (career orientation, professional development, recruitment)

Social Activities

By the end of 2017 100% of the RSM students argue that STAR organizes social activities that are accessible for them

Academic Support

By the end of 2017 65% of the RSM students argue that STAR facilitated them in their academic development


By the end of 2017 RSM 20% students argue that STAR activated them to contribute to society

Personal and Professional development

By the end of 2017 100% of the Active Members argue that STAR contributed to their personal and professional development


Nevertheless, external factors influence the way STAR can reach its mission External Factors

The importance of sustainability is increasing for businesses and

Companies expect more practical skills and experience from


students, next to a quality education

Recent introduction of new student loan system RSM is becoming more and more international

Changing RSM bachelor and master application requirements

Manner of education and studying is becoming more online based Introduction of the master program F&I advanced. This also functions as a pilot for different Masters at RSM.


We have identified twelve value drivers that will be implemented in 2017 Value Drivers TO ENRICH RSM STUDENT LIFE






Improve positioning and organizational support of MSCs

Re-evaluate and execute the ERS strategy


4 Revise Booksale strategy

Evaluate and enhance academic support pillar

ACTIVE MEMBERS 11 Evaluate and enhance Evaluate portfolio recruitment process

10 Evaluate and enhance passive membership value

7 Structuring data and applying data analytics


Evaluate and enhance future positioning of ECP












2 Process optimization and enhance knowledge management

Create and execute IT roadmap



Focus on corporate social responsibility

With the completion of its 2017 strategy implementation, STAR will make a difference (1/3) Initiatives



There is an outdated ERS strategy which needs to be reevaluated to

In March, a clear strategy is written which gives direction to how Marketing, IT

be of added value.

and commercial activities need to be executed in the next three years.

STAR is a bureaucratic organization in which approval takes a lot of

The processes within STAR are mapped to manage expectations. Approval for

effort and time. The board does too many committee tasks. Processes

committees & board goes smooth and fast. The knowledge is well transferred

between board, Verico and SB are lengthy and inefficient. Knowledge

and committees know where to find existing information. All required documents

transfer between committees and boards is lacking.

are easily accessible and contain useful and clear information.

As part of the academic pillar STAR offers students cheapest books on

STAR leverages its intermediary position to make desired (e-)books and articles

3 Revise booksale strategy

campus. However, volume of books sold is stagnating and students

accessible for RSM students through updating the booksale, based on current

are changing their way of studying.

and future needs.

4 Evaluate and enhance academic support pillar

Students go to different associations for academic support. This is

STAR is the ‘go to’ organization for academic support for RSM students. STAR

because STAR is not doing enough to support students in their

offers and facilitates multiple academic services and products to enrich the

academic activities.

RSM academic life.

1 Re-evaluate and execute the ERS strategy 2 Process optimization and enhance knowledge management


With the completion of its 2017 strategy implementation, STAR will make a difference (2/3) Initiatives



5 Improve positioning and organizational support of MSCs 6 Create and execute IT roadmap

STAR can’t add enough value to the MSCs. The widely dispersed

STAR facilitates the MSCs to adhere to the career, academic, social and

budgets result in highly diverse opportunities to add value.

societal needs of their students. For all MSCs, it is beneficial to be a part of STAR.

STAR’s many IT applications are highly differentiated. The systems

All applications used by STAR (members) are integrated within one system via

are hosted in different places, accessible in diversified manners, do not

the website, accessed by either a personal or an active member account.

communicate correctly and are operated in different ways.

There is a central spot where members go for their needs (website, shop, cloud and portal in same style), all applications communicate properly.

7 Structuring data and applying data analytics 8 Evaluate and enhance future positioning of ECP

There are no clear guidelines on how to collect, store and use data for

Data is structured and collected consistently in the right place to enable data-

both board and committees.

driven decision making for all STAR active members.

ECP’s value to companies is unknown, and the academic value is

ECP is well-known on- and off-campus and offers both students and companies


a value proposition based on the combination of academics and business


With the completion of its 2017 strategy implementation, STAR will make a difference (3/3) Initiatives



9 Focus on corporate social responsibility 10 Evaluate and enhance passive membership value

11 Evaluate portfolio

12 Evaluate and enhance recruitment process

STAR momentarily does not focus enough on the CSR pillar. (Active)

CSR is a core part of STAR, which is represented through sustainable and

members, RSM and society expect STAR to be more sustainable and

climate neutral day-to-day practices. Furthermore, each project is encouraged

develop more initiatives.

to contribute to society in its own way.

The gap between offered value for active and passive members is too

All RSM students buy a STAR membership because it offers exclusive access

big. Not enough diverse value is offered to passive members. The

to a wide array of desired academic, social, societal and career-related benefits

division of value offered to active, passive, and non-members is

for the right price. There is a good and balanced difference in value between


active, passive, and non-members.

Committees are not critically being evaluated. Many projects receive

The wishes of RSM students are (to our ability) aligned with our portfolio. All

financial assistance from STAR (allocation), this is not always

committees have a structure and goal that fits these wishes. Besides, we can


justify the financial assistance that committees receive from STAR.

The online recruitment system needs to be improved to stay optimal.

The online and offline recruitment process is aligned. The offline recruitment

The offline process takes a lot of work, especially planning all the

process is more efficient. The workload is lowered.



The End


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