Simple Moroccan Sensations

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SIMPLE MOROCCAN SENSATIONS Simple and easy recipes

A Compilation of Moroccan Recipes

by Evelyne Hadida Singer 1

Dear Friends and family: I am back at it offering you something different, my family’s Moroccan recipes. For my nephew Jonathans’ wedding in Florida, his brother Eric, wanted to give him the best present ever; our family’s recipes. He asked every one of us to give in our best every day and holiday dishes. Christmas vacation 2004, I was in Florida with my mother helping her preparing all her goodies for the engagement party, I wrote everything she was doing and got all the real Moroccan recipes down pat. I then transferred them to the computer, emailed them to my sister who passed them on to Eric who had a recipe book printed just in time for the wedding. The book was presented to the couple on their rehearsal night and all the guests there received a copy as a loot bag. The book was amazing with all kinds of pictures of the foods as well as pictures of each one of us, with our individual recipes. A few years later I thought that it would be nice that everyone here should take advantage of these treasures, so I decided to write one as well in addition to the original one. After I had finished my Sweet Passover Sensations I kept mentioning that I might be writing a Moroccan cook book and everyone seemed to be very interested, so here I am again typing away. I am hoping to have this book finished by the end of this year, 2008. Sorry no pictures here, it would cost way too much to do. I only want to give you recipes that have been used by my sisters ,my mother and of course myself. They are not too complicated and they have been tried and proven. I don’t really want to give you more than necessary and I want to keep this book as simple as my first one. There are tons of Moroccan recipes out there, but these are the basic and simpler ones. Once again, of course, should you need help you can call or email me. So far no one has asked for my help for the Passover recipes, they have told me they tried different things and they were happy with them, I guess that’s why they did not need me. I hope this book will be the same. I apologize for any typos, but the recipes are all correct.


SALADS & SALAD DRESSINGS SALAD ROUGE, typically Moroccan and loved by all. 2 12 oz. cans of diced tomatoes (you can use chopped up fresh tomatoes 1 green pepper or red pepper 2 to 3 cloves of garlic 2 Tbsp of vegetable oil Use a deep pot and pour in the canned tomatoes and put on burner at medium heat. Cut the pepper in small cubes and add to tomatoes. Cut the garlic in small pieces and add. This takes a long cooking time and must be done when you know you will be in the kitchen for at least 4 hours. Let it simmer for about 2 to 4 hours till there is no more water, just a heavy tomato paste like spread. Add the oil and cook for another 15 minutes. Let it cool off before you put in a glass container and refrigerate. Can last up to 10 days or more. You can add hot peppers to the mix to give it a spicier taste. Can be eaten over bread, toast, and cracker or with a meal. (We usually eat it as a side dish with our meal) Every Moroccan loves this salad. Can be eaten hot or cold. The Ashkenazi have added this one to their favorites as well. I often make it when the tomatoes are not too expensive and freeze it. It will stay frozen, just take out when you want it and let it thaw at room temperature. As a matter of fact this salad is best served at room temperature.


EGGPLANT One large eggplant, cut in 1/4 slices 1/4 cup of salad dressing of your choice. Pour dressing over slices and let sit for a few minutes. Place slices in a cookie sheet on top of wax paper. Bake in oven at 375 until golden brown on both sides. You might have to turn the slices over to brown both sides. Take out of oven and immediately place in a glass jar. Close tightly and put in fridge while they’re hot. They are delicious hot or cold. EGGPLANT (ZELOUK) Moroccan version of eggplant salad 1 big eggplant 1 red pepper 1 garlic clove crushed Salt and pepper to taste 2 tsp. Paprika Cut the eggplant in half lengthwise. Cut the red pepper in half. Place them in oven under broiler; do not close the door completely. Keep checking. Cook for about 15 minutes to broil. Eggplant skin should be shriveled and the pepper’s skin should be almost burned. Remove from oven and let sit for about 10 minutes till it cools. Remove the skin of eggplant by pulling the skin from the bottom to the stem, it should all come out in one piece. Cut in pieces and put in a colander to drain. Peel the pepper and put aside. Put the eggplant in a processor and just with a few strokes mix everything. Make sure not to over process as it will liquefy. Take out of processor put in a bowl and add 2 tablespoons of oil, salt and pepper to taste. Chop up the pepper in very small thin slivers and add to eggplant. I prefer doing it all by hand for eggplant, and cutting pepper in smallest pieces. But we always want a short cut to make our life easier. Not me.


CARROT SALAD, my version Carrots, about 6 2 tbsp. Crushed garlic 1/4 cup Oil 1/2 tsp. Paprika 1tbsp. cumin A little less than a 1/4 cup of White vinegar Half a bunch of Coriander chopped up Peel the carrots and boil them till tender, not too soft, not too hard. Slice them in 1/4 inch slices. Put in a glass jar and add all the other ingredients. Mix very very well and put in fridge. Can be kept for up to a week. This is our version of tsimis, but not sweet at all. COOKED CARROT SALAD, my sister Berthe’s version 8 medium carrots 2 garlic cloves crushed 1/4 tsp. Red cayenne 1 tbsp paprika 1/4 tsp cumin 1/ cup olive oil 1 tbsp red vinegar Salt and pepper Wash, peel and boil the carrots till tender, do not cover the pot. Remove from fire and let cool. Cut carrots in any length you want but all the same size. Put in a glass bowl or jar. Add all the other ingredients and mix well. ASPARAGUS Fresh asparagus Wash, clean and steam them Remove from pot and let cool. Pour mustard dressing over. You can also fry onions in a tablespoon of olive oil and garlic, salt and pepper, adding the asparagus once the onions are caramelized.


ENDIVE SALAD Three to four endives cut length wise in two. One can of hearts of palm. 4 large mushrooms sliced 1/2 bunch of cilantro (coriander) chopped up. Put it all in a nice glass bowl. Sometimes I like to add black olives. Dressing: 1/2 cup oil 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard Pepper and 1 tsp. Crushed garlic Mix everything very well, preferably in a hand blender. Fold cut up cilantro with the dressing, or if you prefer you can blend the cilantro in the blender, it will cut much smaller. Cover the salad with the dressing and toss. MIXED MOROCCAN SALAD 2 tomatoes 1 cucumber 2 celery sticks 1/2 green pepper, 4 scallions 4 sprigs of cilantro chopped up Lemon juice from a lemon 1/4 cup of vegetable oil Salt and pepper to taste Cut all the veggies in small cubes, put in a glass salad bowl and add chopped up coriander, oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. You may add more lemon juice to your taste.


TOMATO & CORIANDER SALAD 3 to 4 tomatoes diced small 1 bunch of coriander chopped fine 1 garlic clove crushed, but you can use more if you like garlic 3 tbsp olive oil Salt pepper to taste Put everything in a salad bowl and mix well. Serve immediately. If you like coriander, this is it. It is delicious. This salad is good as soon as you make it, but can only stay as left over for one day only. HEARTS OF PALM SALAD 2 cans of heart of palm cut in 1 to 2 inch pieces 1 tbsp Dijon mustard 2 twigs parsley or coriander chopped fine 2 tbsp safflower oil 1 tbsp red wine vinegar or lemon juice Salt & pepper to taste Mix all above and pour over hearts of palm. You can also use the mustard dressing. TOMATO GARLIC SALAD 2 to 4 medium firm tomatoes 3 to 4 medium garlic cloves crushed 2 tbsp of oregano 1/4 cup of olive oil Salt, pepper to taste This is a last minute salad to make and serve. Cut the tomatoes in eighth and put in a salad bowl. Add the pressed garlic cloves, oregano, oil salt and pepper and mix well Serve immediately 7

CUCUMBER SALAD 1 whole celery cut up small 2 to three English cucumbers 4 to 6 shallots 1 green pepper 1 tomato cut up small 1/2 coriander bunch, chopped up 1/4 cup Oil A little less than 1/4 cup of lemon juice Salt and pepper to taste Cut all the veggies very very small, put them in a large salad bowl, add the coriander and the rest. Mix very very well and serve. This salad becomes very watery, so eat it the same day. This is a very large salad. If it stays for the next day, drain it from the liquid. But it is best served immediately. My son Richard loves this salad, I make it for him at least two to three times a week and that’s all he eats as a snack. Calories are very low, only the oil has the calories. My sister puts vinegar and parsley instead of lemon juice and cilantro, you can try it that way too. ROASTED PEPPERS Green or red peppers or any other colour. You can also mix them all. Salt & pepper to taste 1 tsp. Paprika 2 tbsp. Oil 2 cloves of garlic crushed 1 Tbsp. Lemon juice Cut the peppers in two, clean them and take out seeds and put them in oven to broil, open side face down. Watch they don’t burn. Do not turn them. When ready, the skin is almost black, take them out and put in a plastic bag until they cool off, then take the skins off. Cut them in two. Season them with ingredients. Toss well and serve. They can be frozen.


SWISS CHARD (SLEK) Typically Moroccan 1 bunch of Swiss chards 1 tsp. Salt, 1 tsp. Pepper 1 tsp. Paprika 2 tbsp. Lemon juice 2 tbsp. Oil 3 cloves of garlic crushed Clean the chards thoroughly. Steam the leaves and cut and boil the stems separately. Once the chards are cooked, drain out as much water as you can by squeezing them. Put them in a frying pan with oil, garlic, salt pepper and paprika. Cook slowly and keep mixing so the spices are well distributed and the water evaporates. As you’re mixing cut the chards in smaller pieces. This should not take more than five minutes. After 5 minutes, add the lemon juice and mix well. Let cool and store in fridge. It can be eaten hot or cold. You can do the same thing with the leaves from beets. This can be frozen My daughter Amanda loves this salad. TUNA SALAD 2 6 oz. cans of tuna 2 hard boiled eggs 2 celery stems 1 tsp. capers Juice of 1 lemon Salt and pepper to taste 1 tsp. Mayonnaise (optional) (I never put mayonnaise) Empty the cans of tuna in a glass bowl, add the hard boiled eggs cut up in pieces, celery cut up in very small pieces, capers, lemon juice, salt and pepper Mix well and serve over cracker, toast, in a sandwich or over a field of greens 9

RED BEET SALD Not my favorite but everyone else loves it 5 medium beet heads 2 to 3 twigs of parsley 2 tbsp. Olive oil 2 tbsp red wine vinegar 3 cloves garlic, crushed Salt & pepper Wash beets very well, remove roots and stems, do not peel. (You can chose to save the stems for the other salad mentioned above). Boil the beets till tender, approximately 15 to 20 minutes at medium heat in a covered pot. Do not over cook, check with tooth pick till they’re tender. When ready remove the beets and rinse in cold water. Use plastic gloves (as beets stain badly) to take off the skin. It comes off easily; just squeeze the beet head in your hand. Cut the beets in shape and size you like, add oil, vinegar, garlic, salt, pepper and parsley and put in a glass jar (not plastic) and refrigerate. Serve cold. Can be in fridge for up to one week RED CABBAGE SALAD 1 medium red cabbage 1/2 red onion or 4 shallots 1/4 cup of olive oil 3 tbsp red vinegar Salt and pepper Slice the red cabbage very thinly and put in a bowl. Chop the red onion, or shallots and add to bowl. Dress with salt, pepper, oil then vinegar last. Mix and let sit for 1/2 hour before serving so the salad will soak, as cabbage is usually dry. Keeps well in fridge for a few days.


FATOUCHE , some of us do it as well. 1 head of romaine Lettuce, 1-diced tomato 2 chopped up cucumbers 1 bunch of shallots 1 chopped up Green pepper 2 tsp. Salt, 1/4 cup oil, 1/4 cup lemon juice, 5 sprigs of Cilantro 1/4 marinated Lemon chopped up fine Juice of two lemons 2 tsp. sumac 4 sprigs of parsley 6 mint leaves Toasted pita cut up in small pieces. Put all the vegetables in a bowl. Pour the oil and remainder of seasonings over salad. Mix the salad well. Just before serving add the pita and toss gently. You cannot put the pita before cause it gets soggy. If you need to adjust dressings you can do it before adding the pita. This is not a Moroccan salad, but close enough, I got it from a Lebanese student and we make it often. It has become part of our repertoire.


TUNA POTATO SALAD 8 small red skinned potatoes, boiled and cut in 8 cubes 2 eggs, boiled and cut in small pieces 4 scallions cut in small pieces 10 pitted black or green olives cut in small pieces 1 6 oz. can of tuna 2 tbsp capers 4 sprigs of parsley or cilantro, chopped fine 3 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp red vinegar Salt & pepper to taste After boiling the potatoes and eggs, remove from hot water and let them cool off. Once cooled off combing all the ingredients in a salad bowl, adding the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper last and mix well. Can be prepared in advance and can be refrigerated up to 4 days. Great for lunch, or snack or side dish for dinner. BASIL TOMATO SALAD 3 medium size vine tomatoes 6 sprigs of fresh basil (big leaves) 10 kalamata olives 1/2 lb. Of Feta cheese 2 Garlic Cloves 2 tbsp. Olive oil Salt and pepper Wash and dry the basil leaves and arrange to cover a large glass plate. Cut the tomatoes in eighth and place to cover the plate. Add the olives and feta in crumbed pieces over the tomatoes and basil as garnish. Crush the garlic, mix with oil, salt and pepper and pour evenly on salad. Good to serve after it is prepared or can be refrigerated but not for more than one day as basil will blacken 12

SALADE NICOISE 3 small boiled potatoes 1 tbsp chopped parsley 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp red wine vinegar Salt & pepper to taste 2 hard-boiled eggs 12 boiled green beans

20 black olives 3 radishes sliced 2 small red onions 1 6 oz. Can of tuna

Cut the boiled potatoes in round slices and place in large round plate. Place the tuna in the middle of the plate over the potatoes. Cut the boiled eggs in round slices and put on top of potatoes. Cut radishes in the same shape and put on top of eggs, then cut the onions in same shape and place on top of radishes. Add the green beans on top of onion and garnish with black olives. Pour the oil on top of entire salad evenly, then the vinegar and sprinkle with salt, pepper and parsley to garnish. This salad is good to serve right away or cold from fridge. MOROCCAN SALAD DRESSING 1 tbsp. Lemon juice or wine vinegar 8 tbsp. Olive oil 4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped 1/2 tsp. Sweet red pepper 1/8 tsp. Hot red pepper, optional Salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 tbsp. Each flat leafed parsley and fresh coriander Simply mix all these together, let stand for a while to allow the flavors to blend.


TABOULI, not really Moroccan, but close enough 1 cup of couscous, put water over couscous till it is completely covered. (not overflowing) 1 bunch of scallions, sliced in small pieces 3 bunches of parsley, cleaned without the stems and chopped fine in food processor 4 medium vine tomatoes, diced in small pieces Juice of 3 to 4 lemons 1/4 cup olive oil Salt and pepper First thing you do is soaking the couscous. Then you clean your parsley. This takes about half an hour. Then process it till it is quiet fine. Put parsley, tomatoes in large bowl and then add the couscous, which should have soaked up all the water and is now quite dry, add the shallots. Mix it with your hands so there aren’t any clumps. Pour the oil, then the lemon juice, salt and pepper and mix very very well. The first time you make it, it might be a pain, but eventually you will get used to it. Because the cleaning of the parsley is very time consuming and not exciting. This is another salad that I make once or twice a week as Richard can live on that, he likes it so much. Sometimes he adds the cucumber salad on top of the tabouleh. It’s just as good. You can also reduce the recipe to make less. This recipe gives enough for 15 people. MUSTARD DRESSING , my sister’s 1/4 cup olive oil 3 tbsp red vinegar 1 tsp Dijon mustard Salt and pepper to taste Put all the ingredients in an electric hand blender and blend till texture is smooth and heavy.


SAUCE A LA MOUTARDE 4 hard boiled eggs 3 anchovies filets, purred 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 tbsp. Wine vinegar 3 tbsp. Olive oil Salt and pepper, few drops of hot sauce Put yolk through a sieve, add anchovy puree and mustard and mix well. Add the other ingredients. MUSTARD DRESSING, mine 2 tbsp. Dijon mustard Juice of one lemon 2 tbsp. Crushed garlic 2 tbsp. Water 1/2 cup oil 1/4 bunch coriander Put the mustard in hand blender with the garlic and coriander, add about half of oil and whip thoroughly with hand blender. Add slowly the rest of oil as machine is running. Add the water and lemon juice and keep mixing until smooth. Great dressing for hearts of palm, endive salad, artichoke hearts etc‌. I sometimes even serve it as a sauce with fish.


VINAIGRETTE 1/2 cup oil 2 tbsp. Vinegar 2 tbsp. Red wine 1 tbsp. Chopped chives 1 tsp. Salt 1/4 tsp. Ground pepper Mix thoroughly and dress salad ANCHOVY DRESSING 4 hard-boiled eggs 3 anchovy filets, pureed 1 tbsp. Dijon mustard 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 1 tbsp. Wine vinegar 3 tbsp. Olive oil Salt & pepper, a few drops of hot sauce Crush the eggs with a potato masher or a hand crusher, add anchovy puree and mustard and mix well. Add the rest of ingredients and use as dressing


MAIN DISHES OEUF ENROBE DE VIANDE(Egg wrapped in meat) 1 lb. Of mince meat 1/4 bunch of parsley 1 potato and 1 onion minced, A little water 1 egg 2 tbsp. Oil 1 tsp. Macia Salt and pepper ----------------------------------4 hard boiled eggs cut up in 4 2 beaten eggs Breadcrumbs Sauce: Salt and pepper to taste A few saffron hair 1/4 cup water Juice of one lemon Mix all the meat with the ingredients as explained above. Mix very well. Make a hamburger patty and place 1/4 egg inside the meat. Fold the meat over to cover the egg completely. It will have an egg shape, but bigger than an egg. Dip this meat patty in the egg, then dip it in breadcrumbs. You can also repeat this procedure twice. Fry them in a little oil. Once they are all fried cook them for another for 20 minutes. Make a sauce with Salt, pepper, Safran and lemon juice and a little water, mix well and pour into pot over the patties. Let simmer for 15 more minutes. Serve them alone or with as side dish. If you like a lemony taste add more lemon juice


CHICKEN EN ROBE DE CHAMBRE (in bathrobe) 8 chicken breasts, deboned 4 to 6 shallots cut up small 1 package of mushrooms 3 tbsp chicken soup powder 1 cup wine, red or white 3 cloves garlic crushed Salt & pepper to taste 1 tbsp oil 1 to 2 package of puff pastry dough, some come in square shape that would be the best. Put chicken in a 9 x 13 Pyrex dish. Pour 1 tbsp chicken powder diluted in 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup of wine. Bake for 30 minutes at 350. Take out and drain. Discard the juices. Chop up the shallots and mushrooms and put in a frying pan with 1 tbsp of oil. Mix 2 tbsp chicken powder and pour in the 1/2 cup wine. Cook at low heat until mushroom and shallots are soft. Remove and let cool. Cut the chicken breasts in 6 x 6 inches squares. Roll out the puff pastry dough to a square about 12 x 12 inches. Place one piece of chicken on the square and cover with a spoonful of shallot mixture. Fold over the dough and make sure you close it completely. You can brush the edges with water or beaten egg so the dough will stick better. When you have finished them all, spread beaten egg over the top of dough and place in oven at 350 until they are golden. Make sure to save some of mushroom sauce to serve over the chicken. I usually serve these with a side order of sweet potatoes and green beans.


MOROCCAN CHICKEN WITH ALMONDS My sister Esther makes this chicken on the holidays and it is excellent 1 Chicken cut up in 8 1/4 cup of vegetable oil 1 large onion 5 Strings of saffron 1 tsp salt 1/3 tsp pepper 1/2 cup of blanched, fried Almonds 1/2 cup of raisins 3 tbsp lemon juice Pour the oil in a pot at medium heat. Chop the onion in small pieces and put in pot as soon as the oil has heated up. Wash and dry the chicken, remove the skin and put in the pot to sautĂŠ on both sides with the onions. Sprinkle salt and pepper; ground the saffron and sprinkle on the chicken. When the chicken has browned, place in an oven-covered tray, keep small amount of onions in the pot. Cook the chicken in the oven at 350 F till tender, about 45 minutes to 1 hour. Prepare a sauce using the onions left in the pot. Add the almonds, raisins, lemon juice and mix well with onions. When chicken is ready pour the almond sauce over the entire chicken and broil for 5 minutes till golden. Place the chicken in a serving platter and serve immediately. Bon appetit.


COUSCOUS, this is the Moroccan specialty. Loved by everyone This is a long recipe but worth the while. Couscous is a famous Moroccan dish that is very easy to prepare today as you can use the microwave. But he secret is to know what accompanies the couscous that makes this dish very special. 2 cups of couscous, medium 2 cups of boiling water 3 tbsp of vegetable oil 1 chicken cup up in 8, skinned 2 onions 2 carrots 2 tomatoes 1 sweet potato 2 green zucchinis 2 yellow zucchinis 1 small pumpkin or squash 3 cups of water

3 tbsp sugar 1 tsp Salt 1/2 tsp pepper few hairs of saffron 1 can chick peas 1/4 cup of oil 1/4 cup of oil 1/4 cup raisin 1/4 cup prunes 1/4 tsp cinnamon

Make the couscous according to directions on the box; you can usually use the microwave. You can also cover the couscous with hot water and let it sit until it is dry. You can taste to make sure it is cooked. So that the couscous is not sticky, use some oil and mix well by hand and set aside. Prepare the chicken to your liking. If you decide to boil the chicken, drain the water and use as broth for the vegetable. Otherwise just cook your chicken the way you like it and put aside. The chicken with almonds recipe is great with couscous. Use a big soup pot and pour 3 cups of water in, if using the chicken broth make sure you add water to equal 3 cups. Peel the veggies and do not cut. Keep the veggies whole. Boil the water at high . When water is boiling put the veggies in with salt, pepper and few


hair of saffron, crushed. Lower the heat to medium and cook for 15 to 20 minutes till all veggies are cooked but not too soft. Use a toothpick or knife to check. Remove from stove and put aside. Take a frying pan and heat 1/4 cup of oil at medium. Rinse and drain the chickpeas and fry them in oil, with salt and pepper. Let the chickpeas fry till golden and dry, then set aside. Use another frying pan and heat 1/4 cup of oil and fry the slices of onion. When onion is golden, lower the heat and add the prunes, raisins, sugar and cinnamon and stir till the texture is like jam. Turn the heat off and let cool in a serving plate. Now that you’ve prepare everything, it’s time to serve and enjoy. Put the couscous in a large platter and pour the broth from the cooked vegiesover the couscous mix well by hand. This will give flavor to the couscous and will keep it from being dry. Next, Place the chicken in the middle of the platter and place the veggie around the border of the platter, sprinkle the chickpeas over. Or you can place the chicken in a separate dish and the prune sauce in the middle. Put the couscous on the table and you now have a feast. You can incorporate the prune mixture in, or serve it separately ESTHER’S KEFTA 1 lb. Mincemeat 1 tsp. Salt, 1 tsp. Cumin 6 sprigs of Cilantro chopped very fine A little bit of minced mint chopped very fine 1 tsp. Paprika 1 Egg 1/4 cup of Bread crumbs, maybe more maybe less, this is to keep the kefta together. Mix everything together and roll into long shapes about 4 inches long by 2 inches wide. You may B.B.Q. them or cook them in a frying pan on medium heat. Alone or with onions. You put the amount of spices you like, mostly a tsp. Of each is what is needed, but you might want less or more.


DAFINA , our Shabbat lunch meal This is the meal we cook overnight on Friday night for lunch on Saturday. You can also have it for supper. It is only the Moroccan Jews that make this dish and everyone loves it. They miss it if they don’t have it for a while. Rice 1 Cup of rice 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp of pepper 3 tsp oil Few hairs of saffron crushed 4eggs or more 1/2 tsp of turmeric

Dafina 1 Cup of chick peas 1 lb. Of Flanken Meat, boiled 2 Bones with marrow, boiled with meat 8 potatoes, peeled, leave whole 1 Sweet Potato cut in big slices

1 cup Ble (cracked wheat)

This is our famous Moroccan traditional dish for Shabbat. This was created a very very long time ago by our great, great grandmothers. They could not cook on Shabbat, but needed a hot dish for Saturday lunch, after the men and family came home from synagogue. So they created a recipe that could cook, from before sun down Friday night to lunch on Saturday. We use to take it to the central ovens to cook, from Friday till lunch Saturday when we went to get it. Preparation: Step 1. Rice: I like to start with it. Using a plastic bag that goes in oven, or a glass jar that would fit in the dafina pot. Combine all the rice ingredients and fry gently for a few minutes in oil, put it inside the bag. Step 2: Ble (that’s wheat). Cut some onions in small pieces and fry them up a little, they do not have to turn brown completely. Add salt, pepper to taste, and paprika,stir fry it a little and add the ble and stir fry it some more. Place in plastic bag, or jar. Step 3: Using a very large deep pot, with a good lid that will fit all ingredients and is oven safe. You can also use a crock-pot. Rinse the 22

chickpeas and place at the bottom of the pot. Boil and rinse the meat and bones, drain and rinse and arrange on top of the chick peas. Place the two bags, (or jars) of rice and ble beside the meat. Put the potatoes, eggs and sweet potato slices inside pot around bags. Find a small opening on the side of the pot and incorporate the spices, salt, pepper, paprika, mace and saffron (be generous with these spices Pour water 1 cup at a time in the opening to cover all the ingredients in the pot. Water should come to the top of the pot and you will see all the spices distributed all over. Fill the pot without risking the water to overflow once it boils. Put about 2 cups of water inside each plastic bag or jar. Cover the pot very well and put in the oven, on the middle rack, at 250, before sun down for lunch the next day. Open the oven before you go to sleep and see that the water is still at the same level. If not then your oven is too high, lower the temperature. Check again when you wake up to make sure that there is still enough water (approximately 1/3). If not enough water, add 1 cup and keep pot covered. If there is too much water left, and potatoes look raw then your oven is not high enough. Then increase the temperature. (It does happen that the oven’s temperature is not what it says it is. It happened to me a few times. I use to not put enough spices, but then I realized and put plenty spices, because it cooks for so long you do need a lot of spices. The Dafina should be ready and looks golden brown at lunch time. It will all be very brown. Even the eggs will be brown once you peel them. This is excellent for Saturday lunch, or even supper if you don’t eat lunch, we make it for the holidays, and it has been a custom in our family to make it for Yom Kippur to break the fast. (I know it is heavy, but delicious, and we can live with that.) We also like to add a meatloaf, not big, just a little one, here it is. Mince meat, macia, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs and egg. (raw) Mix everything together and form into a little loaf. Boil it and put it in the dafina with the rest of the stuff.


KFITATES (Moroccan hamburgers) 1 Lb. Mince Meat 1/4 bunch of Coriander, chopped up 1 tsp. Cumin 1 tsp. Paprika 1 tbsp. Garlic 1 tsp. Salt Little hot stuff Mix everything very well and shape into small hamburgers. You can B.B.Q them or cook them in a pot. My son loves it when I cook them with onions, potato and broccoli. I slice two onions and fry it up in a little oil. I slice 2 potatoes (sometimes I even put sweet potato) I fry them gently, then I put 1/4 cup of water and cover the pot. Let it cook until the potatoes are a little tender. I then add the hamburgers and let them cook very well. At the last minute I put in broccoli just to steam them a little. Richard can eat this every day all day long. The measurements for the spices can be changed by adding or reducing a little depending on your taste, just put as much as you would like, not too much of everything, but at least 1 to 2 tbsp. of garlic, 1/2 tsp. Of hot stuff, lots of paprika and lots of coriander.


BOULETTES / MOROCCAN MEATBALLS, our kids all time favorite 1 lb. Mincemeat 1 egg A little parsley, minced 1 potato 1 onion 1 egg 1/4 cup Bread crumbs 1/2 tsp. Salt, Pepper & Mace Put the onion, potato and parsley in Cuisinart and grind well. Add it all to the minced meat. Add Breadcrumbs, egg, salt, pepper and mace. Form into meatballs and put aside for a few hours. I usually make them the night before. (so the spices blend with the meat) Boil some water and put meatballs in and let cook for about 30 minutes. Drain the meatball out of pot, but keep the water they have boiled in. My mother sifts the water through a cheese cloth and keeps clarified water for future use. I also rinse my meatballs to get rid of any extra fat we don’t need Put the meatballs back into the clarified water, add peas or green beans or even cut up celery and let cook for another 20 to 30 minutes. Add some salt, pepper and saffron. This is my kids’ favorite. We of course don’t make 1 lb. Because there won’t be enough and they want left overs. This meatball mixture is used for many other recipes.


OMELETTE MAROCAINE (for special occasions) (MGINA) This is a special Moroccan omelet; we make for holidays and special occasions. For every day, you can do the same but omit the veggies and boiled egg. 6 medium potatoes 13 eggs Salt, Pepper, Turmeric, 2 tsp. of each Peas, 1/2 cup 2 Carrots (diced very small) 1 boiled egg, cut up very small Pieces of boulletes or cooked chicken Boil potatoes, mash them very well and add the eggs, one at a time and keep mixing. Add rest of ingredients and mix well. All done by hand. Don’t use a blender. Put foil paper at the bottom of a large pot. Put generous amount of oil in it. Heat the oil until it bubbles. Pour omelet in the pot and put it in a preheated oven at 400 for a good 2 hours. When the top is golden brown, flip the omelet over and put it back in pot to brown the other side. The way to do this is to flip the pot over a large dish, then slide the omelet back into the pot and return to oven to brown the other side. I once made it in a large quiche dish and it was very good as well. You can even try it in a spring form pan. You don’t have to turn it over, cause it is a little hard at first, but make sure to serve the golden part up, so it looks great. (the picture on the front page is of this omelet.


CHICKEN WITH SAGE 1 or 2 chickens cut up. I always remove the skin of the chicken. 3 onions chopped up 2 tsp paprika 1/4 cup wine, Salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp crushed sage leaves 2 tbsp crushed garlic Put the chicken in a zip lock bag and add all the other ingredients. Mix well to cover the chicken and put in the fridge overnight. Bake the chicken at 375 for 1 1/2 hour to 2. I like to cover for the first 1 hr and 30 minutes and then uncover it till ready so it gets roasted but will stay moist. I serve it with roasted potatoes using the same ingredients except the wine. I also add one or two sweet potatoes to the mix. You can change sage for oregano. Cooking potatoes for one hour covered and 30 minutes uncovered. Check for doneness. CHICKEN WITH OLIVES, another moroccan specialty (Dzaza Bzitoun) 1 large chicken cut up in 8th 2 lbs. Of pitted green olives 1/2 tbsp. turmeric (curcuma) 2 soft tomatoes 4 to 5 garlic cloves Âź cup oil 1/2 marinated lemon 1/4 cup minced parsley or coriander depending on your taste for either. Olives need to be boiled thoroughly at least 2 to three times, rinsed and drained well. Put the tomato and garlic and stir fry for a few minutes. Add the pieces of chicken and add the turmeric, parsley, marinated lemon. Stir fry it all for 30 minutes. 27

The olives are well drained now, add them to the pot and add 1 cup of water and cook for another hour at a low heat. Add Salt and pepper to taste. If you don’t have the marinated lemon, for which we have a recipe here, you can add the juice of one lemon or two according to your taste at the last 15 minutes of cooking. This can be eaten hot or cold. CHICKEN AND OLIVES, another way 12 chicken pieces, I like to take off the skin 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp ginger 1/2 tsp turmeric 1 tsp sweet paprika 1/2 tsp pepper 1/4 cup olive oil 2 onions, chopped 1/4 cup fresh coriander, chopped 1 1/2 cups chicken stock 4 pieces of marinated lemon, chopped up very fine 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 cup green olives Combine chicken with spices in a large bowl and let marinate for one hour. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a large pan. Cook chicken until well browned, but not cooked through. Transfer to a larger pot. Add remaining oil to first pan. Add onion and cook for 5 minutes at low, stirring often. Transfer to large pot with chicken pieces. Add coriander, stock, lemon rind, juice and olives. Simmer covered for 40 minutes, until tender and liquid has reduced. Of course, again, you need to boil the olives twice and rinse well. Unless you buy olives in jars that are ready to be eaten. You can even put olives that have a stuffing in them. Put the olives in with chicken and cook for another 30 minutes.


BOULETTES STUFFED WITH ONIONS As you can see, boulettes and keftas are our most loved dishes. 2 lbs of mince meat prepared as previous boulettes. 3 to 4 large onions 2 eggs well beaten 1/2 cup minced parsley 1/2 cup flour 1 cup water 1/2 tbsp pepper 1/4 tbsp. salt 1 tsp paprika 2 cloves garlic crushed 1 cup water Chop up 2 onions very finely. Spice the meat according to recipe for boulette. Press a handful of meat in the palm of your hand and flatten it well. Put a tbsp of chopped onion in the middle and shape the meat in a hot dog style but shorter and thicker. (like a kefta) about 2 inches wide by 3 inches long. Dip the meat in flour, then beaten egg. Fry these in hot oil until golden brown all over. Fry up the other onions with the garlic and add the meat into it together with the parsley, paprika, salt and pepper and 1 cup of water. Cook at low heat for about 1 hour. These are delicious. No need to add anything else but have a side dish with it. I sometimes like to add sliced potatoes and mushrooms with the onions.


MEATBALLS (BOULETTES) WITH CUMIN Cumin is one of the most used spice, some people don’t like it at all, others love it, so give it a try and see. This is a little different recipe, but it’s still a boulette 2 lbs of meat 5 to 6 garlic cloves crushed 1/2 bunch of coriander chopped 1/4 cup oil 3 tbsp water 1 cup of water 1 1/2 tsp cumin 1 tsp paprika sweet or hot 1/2 tsp salt Mix the meat, garlic and coriander. Add 2 tbsp oil, 1 tsp cumin and 2 tbsp water. Form meatballs but flatten them a little. In a pot, heat up 1-cup water, 2 crushed garlic cloves and the rest of spices. As this is boiling, add the meatballs and cook for 1 hour a low heat. Toward the end of cooking, sprinkle some coriander and 1/2 tsp of cumin over


APPETIZERS AND SIDE DISHES OLIVES One large container of olives, 1/2 can of diced tomatoes coriander, at least 1/4 of a bunch 3 garlic cloves sliced, Marinated lemon, a whole one cut up in small pieces Red pepper in strips First you need to soak the olive in hot water, then rinse them very well. Once well drained, put the olives and everything else in a pot and let cook a little, add 1/2 to 1 cup of water Cook low and slow, for 40 minutes. Most of the water will have evaporated. You are left with olives cooked in a tomato sauce with red peppers. MY SISTER’S OLIVE DISH Pitted Olives Garlic, crushed Marinated Lemon 1/2 red pepper diced Paprika, salt, cumin 2 tbsp. Tomato paste Boil the olives, rinse and drain them. Put in pot and add all other ingredients. Let cook at medium heat for about 45 minutes. They are ready when they are soft. BEANS & EGGS Do the same recipe for beans on page 17 as above but without the hot dogs and crack eggs sunny side up over them. Cover the pot over the eggs and cook for 10 minutes longer. This is a poor man’s feast. That was my father’s favorite


HARICOTS BLANC... MAROCAIN Flanken or pieces of chuck. Wash and boil the meat. Soak 1 cup of beans in water overnight. Put meat in a deep pot. Add beans, 2 tsp. paprika, 2 cloves galic crushed, salt, 2 tbsp. Oil, 1 tsp. cumin, 1 can of tomato paste. Add 2 cups of water and let simmer until water has evaporated. (you may add some hot stuff for spicier taste) Us Moroccan love spicy food, so we add it all the time. But not everyone likes hot stuff. RIZ (Rice) 2 cups of rice 2 onions diced Peas, kernels, carrots and other vegies about 1/3 cup each 2 tbsp. Soya sauce 4 cups of water Salt and pepper to taste Fry onions add the rice and stir-fry it. Add one cup of water at a time and keep Checking so rice doesn’t stick (keep the pot covered). Once all water is absorbed, put soya sauce and add all the vegies, cover and cook a little longer. Once the rice is ready, mix it all thoroughly and serve.

EGG OMELET WITH HOT DOGS 2 eggs 1 hot dog, cut up 2 tbsp oil Salt & pepper Fry the hot dogs till golden. Beat the eggs and pour over hot dogs. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve. As simple as this dish is, it is a delight. My father asked for it when there was nothing to eat.


HOT DOGS & CABBAGE or CAULIFLOWER 1 head of white cabbage 4 to 6 hot dogs, cut in thirds 1 tsp. Paprika 1 tbsp oil, Salt and pepper 1 onion chopped up Fry up the onion till golden. Cut the cabbage in quarters, and then slice it. Not too thin. (this is not coleslaw) Wash the cabbage and put in a pot with onions to cook. Cook over medium heat, the cabbage releases a lot of water so you don’t need to add any, only if necessary. After the cabbage has soften, add oil, paprika, salt, pepper and the hot dogs, cook for another 10 minutes covered. You can do the same thing with cauliflower instead. HOT DOGS & BEANS Here again mamie (that’s my mother) makes this recipe the long way by first soaking the beans overnight, then cooking for 1 to 2 hours. Here is the faster way. 2 8oz. of White Kidney beans or northern beans 4 hot dogs, cut in 3 inch pieces 1/4 cup water 1 tbsp of olive oil 2 tsp. Paprika 2 cloves of Garlic crushed 1/2 tsp. Cayenne (Optional) Salt & Pepper to taste Pour the cans of beans in a pot, add the water, paprika, garlic, salt, pepper and oil and bring to a boil. When the water is boiled, reduce the heat. Let the beans cook till soft, then add the hot dogs for 15 minutes in a covered pot.


HUMMUS 1 25 oz can of chick peas 1/4 cup of tahini paste 1 to 2 garlic cloves crushed 1/3 cup olive oil Juice of 1 medium to large lemon 1 tsp. Salt 1/2 tsp. Black pepper Put garlic, chick peas , tahini , oil, lemon, salt and pepper and process till very creamy. Garnish the hummus with olive oil and sprinkle with paprika or cayenne before serving. To store pour in a plastic container and refrigerate. Always keep it covered

GREEN BEANS 1/4 cup pine nuts 1/4 cup capers 1 tsp. Paprika 2 cloves garlic crushed, 1 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. Oil, 1tsp. cumin 1 onion Fry up onions, garlic and pine nuts. Boil green beans till tender, not too soft and not hard. When ready, add other ingredients and put in with onions and mix well. Serve as a side dish to meat or chicken. I often cook the beans with pine nuts or slivered almonds. I also will add a little lemon juice just before serving. But with lemon juice you need to eat them the same day.


RICE WITH OLIVES 1/2 cup Rice 2 cups water 1 Onion diced 1 Carrot diced 1/2 green pepper, diced 5 mushrooms cut up 1 tomato, diced 1 celery stem, diced 1 8 oz. jar of pitted green olives 2 tbsp Soya sauce 1/4 cup olive oil 2 garlic cloves, crushed Heat the oil at medium and fry all the ingredients till onion is brown. Wash the rice, drain and add to pot. Mix the rice with all ingredients, add one cup of water at a time until rice is covered and bring to a boil. When water is boiling, lower the heat to low and simmer for 30 to 45 minutes. Check to make sure water is reduced and rice is cooked. STUFFED ARTICHOKES 1 can of artichoke heads, whole, you can also buy them frozen. 2 cups of boulettes mixture oil for frying 1 beaten egg 4 tbsp. Oil 1/2 package of saffron 1/2 tsp salt Juice of one lemon 1/2 cup bread crumbs Stuff the artichoke heads with the meat. Flatten it well so it stays there. Dip the artichoke in egg then in bread crumbs. Fry them in hot oil. When fried, place artichokes side by side in a pot. Add the 4 tbsp. Oil, saffron, salt , lemon juice and 1 cup of water. Cover and cook at medium heat for 30 minutes. 35


4 Zucchini 2 greens, 2 yellows, or all the same colour 1 onion 2 Tomatoes 3 tbsp olive oil 3 garlic cloves Salt and pepper Cut the zucchini in 1 inch slices on a diagonal, cut the onion in half and slice it length wise to get long strings. Dice the tomatoes. Use a large wide frying pan at medium heat and add oil. Cut the garlic in slices and fry. When garlic is golden, add the onions and sautĂŠ. Add the zucchini once onions are brown. SautĂŠ till zucchini is golden but still firm. Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper and lower the heat to low. Do not cover the pan as the tomato and zucchini will liquefy. You want the zucchini to remain crisp. Turn the heat off after 5 minutes and remove from stovetop. This is excellent served immediately or can be refrigerated for up to one week. Can be served over rice or pasta. This is a simple, quick and delicious veggie stew to prepare at the last minute.


PASTELLES AND CIGARS This is a long process but definitely worth the while. Preparations for cigars 1 lb. Minced meat Garlic, cumin, paprika, salt and a little chili (hot stuff) About 2 tsp. of each. Mix all thoroughly and form into a big loaf. Put in pot and cover the loaf with water. Boil the loaf until all the water has evaporated. Preparations for pastelles 1 lb. Minced meat Salt, pepper and mace. About 2 tsp. each. Mix all thoroughly and form into a big loaf. Put in pot and cover the loaf with water. Boil the loaf until all the water has evaporated. Directions Once it has boiled, put each mixture separately into the Cusinart and process well. Take out, knead a little and form egg size balls and put aside. (with each batch.) Using small won ton wrappers, take one small wrapper, put a quarter of the egg size ball inside and fold in the shape of cigar,(by rolling it) or pastel.(pastel shape is triangular) Close them well and store in Freezer. When needed you fry them in a deep fryer, (frozen), till golden. These are delicious and we can’t stop eating them. You have tasted them at weddings and bar mitzvahs, I am sure. But my mother’s are the best.


SAUTEED SPINACH 2 to 3 bunches of spinach 3 tbsp olive oil 3 to 4 garlic cloves Juice of 1/2 lemon Salt and black pepper You might think you have a lot of spinach but once cooked there will not be much left. Wash the spinach but make sure to remove all the water before you put it in a deep pot at medium to low heat with a little water. Once the spinach is reduce to half the size, remove immediately from fire and put aside. Drain well. Heat up the oil in a large frying pan at medium heat. When oil is hot, slice the garlic and fry till nice and crispy, but do not burn. Add the spinach a little at a time turning over a few times. Turn the stove off and remove immediately. Put in a serving dish. Add the salt, pepper and lemon juice and serve hot. SAUTEED MUSHROOMS 1 Pint of mushrooms 3 tbsp. Of olive oil 3 garlic cloves crushed 2 tbsp teriyaki sauce Pepper, no salt, teriyaki is salty enough Wash, peel, dry and cut mushrooms in quarters. Put the oil in a frying pan and heat up at medium heat. Drop the mushrooms, and let them cook at medium to high till all liquid is gone. Add the garlic, teriyaki and pepper and sautĂŠ till mushrooms are brown and dry. Good with meat, fish, chicken or by themselves.


ARTICHOKES Whole fresh artichokes are the best, use as many as you need. Wash and cut the stems and remove the top few leaves. Place them in large soup pot , heads up. Cover with water and add 1 tsp of salt. Cook over medium high heat till water boils, then lower to low and cook for 20 to 30 minutes until leaves come off easily. Remove and let the water drain and cool off. Peel one leaf at a time, dipping it in a sauce and eat the top part. Cut off the head, this is the best part. Pull out the hair with your fingers or knife. You can dip them in a mustard sauce. BROCOLI / CAULIFLOWER Heads of Broccoli or Cauliflower Wash and cut to the size you want, steam them. When ready, dress them with salt, pepper, 4 tbsp olive oil, and vinegar. Mix well and sprinkle with chopped parsley. This is a last minute thing we do when there isn’t much to eat. COOKED OLIVES Pitted green olives, 1 large can 3 cloves crushed Garlic 1/2 Marinated lemon cut up in small pieces 1/2 red pepper diced 1 tomato diced Paprika, Salt, cumin 1 tsp. each 2 Tbsp. Tomato paste Boil the olives. Rinse them well and drain. Put in a pot together with all the other ingredients and let them cook until they are soft. At a low fire. For a good half hour. Check for doneness


PAPRIKA CHICK PEAS 2 15 oz. cans of chick peas (washed and drained) 1/2 bunch of cilantro, washed, drained and chopped up 4 garlic cloves, crushed 2 tbsp of paprika 1/4 cup olive oil Salt and pepper Put the oil in a large pot and heat up at medium heat. When oil is hot, Put all the ingredients, mix them well and cook till the chickpeas are roasted for about 20 minutes. You can add some cayenne if you want it a little spicy. I love coriander, so I put a lot. Judge how much spices to put in. Not too much, not too little. Just enough. Taste and see if you like it. Mix well and refrigerate. I also make it without cooking it at all. Everything mixed together cold. CUBED POTATOS AND ONIONS 6 small potatoes, diced 2 medium onions, diced 4 garlic cloves, diced Âź cup of olive oil Salt and pepper Âź cup water Us a large frying pan and heat the oil at medium. When oil is hot, add the garlic and onions and fry till golden. Add the potatoes, salt and pepper and water mix well. Keep heat at medium and watch as the ingredients are frying. Keep turning over till all potatoes are cooked and brown. Serve immediately. For dryer potatoes reduce the water These same potatoes can be cooked in the oven at 350 for 1 hour and 30 minutes. I sometimes add oregano or sage to the mixture.


MASHED GARLIC POTATO CASSEROLE 6 Medium potatoes 3 medium onions 3 tbsp crushed garlic Ÿ cup of oil salt and pepper Boil the potatoes. Cut the onions in half and slice. Put the oil in a frying pan and fry the onions and garlic till golden, don’t burn them. Put the boiled potatoes in a bowl. Mash them and add the onions mixture with the oil, salt, pepper and mix very well. Put the entire mixture in a glass dish, (corning ware, quiche dish etc.) Cover the surface of potatoes with a little oil and put in oven at 350 for 30 minutes. or serve them as is without putting them in the oven.

ROASTED POTATOES Potatoes Onions Paprika Crushed garlic Oregano Sage Oil , Salt & Pepper Water Cut potatoes in 4. Dress them with the seasonings; add a little oil and water. Mix them well. Put in oven for about 1 to 1 and half hour, at 350. If you like them crunchy do not cover them. If not, cover them, then uncover towards the last 20 minutes. OKRA


Okra, the amount you want 1 onion 1 tomato Salt, pepper , mace You have to wash the okra and dry them well. Fry the okra in a little oil. Fry the onion separately. Add the tomato cut up in four with the onion and let cook a little. Then mix everything together and let it cook a little longer until okra is good and soft, with spices.


L’OMELETTE de MAMIE 6 potatoes 11 eggs, a little more or less depending on consistency 1 tbsp. Baking powder Salt, pepper and a little turmeric 2 parsley sprigs (chopped) Boil potatoes with a little turmeric in the water. Mash them very well. Mix 8 eggs together and add potatoes a little at a time and keep mixing. If consistency is too liquid add potatoes, if too thick add another egg at a time. The mixture should be quite liquidy, enough to be poured out, but not like water, a little thicker, like syrup or cream soup. When oil is hot she pours the entire mixture in the pot and cooks for 1/2 hour. When you move the pot and the omelette moves, you know the bottom is cooked. Then you need to turn the omelette over to cook the other side. Otherwise you can put the mixture in an oven dish and cook at 350 for 1 hour. Keep checking the oven, when the top of omelette is golden, then you know it is ready. There is a trick to turning the omelette. Cover the pot with a large dish and turn the pot over the dish. Then slide the omelette back on its uncooked side into the pot for another 30 minutes. Mamie makes it very often and we serve it with salads. We love it. You can make small ones as well. (like latkas).



In many of the recipes you will notice we use these. We use them to enhance any dish with lemon taste. They are easy to make. Lemons, Salt Whenever you juice lemons, keep them and put salt inside each half of lemon, you put them in a glass jar after having filled them half way with coarse salt. pile one lemon on top of the other until it reaches the top of the jar. Add water to cover them, close the jar and leave them in the fridge for a few weeks. They marinate like that and you use them as per recipes. (They become a brownish/goldish color. MARINATED LEMON SAUCE Take some marinated lemons; add garlic, red pepper, coriander and oil. Put in blender and blend till it becomes pasty. Use in any dish to enhance the taste again. You can eat this sauce on toast or cracker as well. It is different and good.

BEAN DISH 1 cup of beans that you have soaked over night. The little white ones. Boil and wash your meat. (a piece of flanken or chuck) Put a little piece of meat in pot; add beans, paprika, crushed garlic, cumin, and tomato paste. Add one chopped up red pepper. Add water till it is covered and let it simmer for a long time until meat and beans are soft and all water has evaporated. If not ready, add water. Once ready, it is good just like that or you can add some eggs on top and let the eggs cook till they are ready.


FISH BOULETTES DE POISSON( fish balls) We make these every Friday night. 1to 2 lbs. Minced fish 1/2 bunch of coriander chopped fine 1 tsp. Salt 2 tbsp. Crushed garlic 1 egg 2 tsp Paprika 1/4 cup bread crumbs 1 can of diced tomatoes Put everything in a bowl, except for tomatoes, and mix very well. Save some coriander. Shape into balls, (just like meatballs) size of golf balls. Put the can of diced tomatoes in deep pot. I keep the coriander stems and cut them up small, which I add to the tomatoes. Cook the tomatoes at medium heat, when it starts bubbling put the boulettes in and add more coriander over the boulette. Cook for 1 hour until balls are done. For a little variety, you may add 1 can of chickpeas with the tomatoes. FISH SAUCE CALLED “Tchermela� 6 cloves of garlic crushed 1 tsp. sweet paprika 1 tsp. hot paprika 1 tsp. cumin Salt 1/2 cup oil 1/2 cup vinegar Mix all the ingredients together to make a type of vinaigrette for fish. You would marinate any fish with this sauce and then cook it the way you like it.


MERLAN, or red snapper Have the fish opened in butterfly. Rinse thoroughly and dry it well. Dip it in flour, then egg, then bread crumbs which have been seasoned with salt, pepper, paprika and some ground coriander. Fry the fish in a little oil. No too long, just until the fish is ready. PASTA TUNA OMELET 1/4 lb. Spaghetti or angel hair pasta 2 6 oz can of tuna 3 to 4 eggs 1/4 cup vegetable oil Salt and pepper Boil the pasta, rinse and let drain. In a big bowl cut the cooked pasta; add the tuna, eggs, salt and pepper. Mix well till all ingredients are blended. Put oil in a medium size frying pan. When oil is hot pour the entire pasta mixture in the frying pan and cook uncovered for about 15 minutes at medium heat. Turn over for another 15 minutes. When both sides are golden remove and serve it hot. The left overs can be refrigerated and tastes very good cold too.

SALMON WITH CORRIANDER Dress the salmon with lots of cut up shallots, coriander, salt and pepper and paprika, add two tablespoons of oil. Drizzle juice of one lemon. Bake for 20 minutes till done. You may add or omit the mushrooms. I like to also use one of the mustard dressings with fish as well


MOROCCAN FISH You can use any type of fish you like. I make it with Salmon as well

2 potatoes, sliced 1/4 inch thick 3 red peppers cut in 2 1/2 bunch of cilantro chopped up 3 tbsp of crushed garlic Salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp Oil 2 tsp Paprika 1/4 cup water Line bottom of pan with potatoes, place red peppers cut in two on top of potatoes. Place some cilantro on top of that; you can use stems as well. Put slices of fish on top of cilantro and cover fish with more cilantro as well. Put all the spices in the water and oil. Pour over everything and let cook at medium heat until fish is ready. About 20 to 30 minutes. Check to make sure potatoes and peppers have cooked. Here again you may add one can of chickpeas, if you like them. I’ve tried this recipe with Cod, it was excellent. BREADED FLOUNDER 2 lbs. of flounder, without bones or skin 1/2 cup of flour 2 eggs 1 cup of oil Salt and pepper 2 lemons Put 1/2 the oil in a frying pan at medium heat. Put the flour in a plastic bag and put the flounder in it one piece at a time, shake well so that fish is completely coated. (make sure fish is dry) In another bowl beat the eggs and add salt and pepper. Dip the floured fish in egg, and again in flour. When oil is hot put the fish in the frying pan. Keep adding oil as you add more fish. Lower heat and cook till fish is golden on both sides. Stay near and watch so it won’t burn. Serve with lemon pieces. 46

SALMON & MUSHROOMS 1 salmon filet 2 lbs. Mushrooms 2 Garlic cloves 3 tbsp olive oil 4 tbsp teriyaki sauce 2 lemons Salt & pepper Wash salmon filet and dry. Put the oil, teriyaki, crushed garlic and pepper in a container and mix well. Soak the salmon till completely covered with sauce, remove and place in a pan. Wash and dry the mushrooms, cut them in quarter and place them around the salmon mixing them in the sauce. . Put in the oven at 350 for 20 minutes. Before removing from oven, put under broiler for 5 minutes till mushrooms are dry and salmon top golden. Serve immediately by cutting the salmon in serving portions according to whom you will serve and add the mushrooms on top of salmon in individual plates. Decorate with slices of lemons. This is just as good when it is cold as left over, if any.


SOUPS LEEK SOUP About 4 to 6 Leek, sliced thin 2 Onion chopped up, 2 Potatoes cut up small Feuille de laurier, Chevril, Parsley, Salt & pepper to taste 3 tbsp chicken soup mix Put everything in a large pot and cover with water, cook at low till boiled and then lower heat and let cook for another 20 minutes. You can keep it like that or cream the soup by blending it with hand blender MUSHROOM & LENTIL SOUP 1 8 to 10 oz. Can of whole tomatoes with juice 4 cups of water 1 onion, thinly sliced 2 celery stems with leaves, chopped up 2 tbsp. Chopped parsley 1/2 green pepper, chopped 1/2 cup of barley 1/2 cup of small lentils 1 carrot, sliced 1 lb. Of mushrooms, sliced 2 tsp of salt 2 tbsp of fresh dill cut in long pieces 1/2 cup porcini mushrooms In a large soup pot, combine the tomatoes, juice, water, onion, celery, parsley, green pepper, barley, and lentils and bring to a boil. Lower the heat to low and simmer covered for 1 1/2 hours. Add the carrot, porcini mushrooms (which you dip in boiling water first to soften, and cut in small pieces) add it to soup with its juice. Add salt and dill. Continue simmering until the carrots are tender. (About another 20 minutes. Correct seasonings by tasting soup and sprinkling additional dill if desired. (This recipe is from a Moroccan family in Chicago)


SOUPE DE POIS CHICHES /CHICK PEA SOUP 2 18 oz. cans of chickpeas 2 onions 1 carrot 1 bunch of coriander Salt and pepper to taste 6 cups of water Boil the water in a soup pot. Chop the onions, cut the carrots in small pieces, wash and chop the coriander. When water has boiled add all the ingredients and let it cook for about 30 minutes. Water will be reduced and soup will be thickened. Us a small electric blender and liquefy the soup till all ingredients are liquified and soup has a smooth texture. Add water if necessary so that texture is smooth and not too thick, lumpy or watery. Soup is better if served immediately but can be prepared up to 2 days in advance and refrigerated up to 3 days. Enjoy this as everyone in the family can’t wait for my mother to make it. My mother, of course, makes this soup the long way by soaking chickpeas over night in water and baking soda. Then she peels the chickpeas and then makes the soup. She always made it on Friday nights and we loved it. But we found the shorter, faster version. But of course, hers is the best.


BROCCOLI POTATO SOUP 1 bunch of broccoli 3 medium potatoes 2 medium yellow onions 5 garlic cloves 1/4 cup olive oil Salt and pepper to taste 4 to 5 cups of water Put ½ the olive oil portion in a big uncovered soup pot at medium heat. Cut the garlic in slices and add to hot oil. Fry, when garlic is golden cut the onion in very small pieces and add till golden. Cut the broccoli in very small pieces including the stems and add to onions and garlic. Keep turning over till broccoli is dark green. Cut the potatoes in very small cubes as the last ingredients to add to pot. Add the rest of the oil, salt and pepper and turn over till entire mixture is roasted in a brownish color. Add water, one cup at a time to make sure the ingredients are all covered. Do not go beyond that. Just cover veggies. Keep the heat at medium till soup comes to a boil. If soup gets too thick add a little water. Soup should have a heavy texture. You can now cover the pot but not tight. Leave the lid off a little to keep an opening so steam doesn’t penetrate the pot to add more water. When soup is boiling, reduce the heat and keep stirring mashing the potatoes and broccoli with an electric hand blender. You can keep the soup to a creamy texture or add a little more water so it won’t be so creamy.


SOUP DE LENTILLE 1 1/2 cups lentil 2 onions 1 tomato 1 carrot 2 celery sticks 3 garlic cloves 6 cups of water Bay leaf Rinse the lentils, drain and put in boiling water. Cut carrots, onions, and celery in small pieces and add to the pot. Cut the tomato as well, crush the garlic and add to soup with bay leaf, salt and pepper. When soup comes to a boil, cover the pot and reduce heat to medium low. Simmer for 30 to 40 minutes. Soup should have a heavy texture so you can add water if needed. LENTIL SOUP, MY VERSION 3 tbsp. Butter 2 medium onions chopped 2 carrots chopped 8 cups beef stock 2 1/2 tbsp. Tomato paste 2 cups lentils, rinsed and drained 1 tsp. Chervil 2 bay leaves 1 tbsp freshly chopped parsley Salt & pepper Heat butter over medium heat, add onions and carrots and cook for 5 minutes. Add beef stock and tomato paste; mix well and season. Stir in lentils, chervil and bay leaves. Bring to a boil. Then reduce heat and cook for another 1 1/2 hours. Partly covered over low heat. Add salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.


HARIRA (Traditional Moroccan Soup) This is a long recipe but the result is unbelievable. If you want a real taste of Morocco, this is it. 2 cups of chopped onions 2 cups of cut up celery in small pieces 1 cup of lentils 1 bunch of parley (chopped) 1 28 oz. can of chickpeas 1/4 cup rice 1 19 oz. can of tomato sauce 1 28 oz. can of whole tomatoes 1/2 bunch of coriander 1/2 tsp pepper 6 cups water 2 tbsp flour 1 tbsp lemon juice 1/4 cup water 1tsp turmeric 1 tsp salt Pour 6 cups of water into a big soup pot and bring to boil. When water is boiled add onions, celery, lentils, parsley and coriander and cook at medium low heat for 1 hour. Add the chickpeas, rice, tomato sauce, whole tomatoes (which you’ve cut in quarters ) turmeric, salt, pepper and let cook for another 1/2 hour. In a small glass bowl combine the flour, lemon juice in the 1/4 cup of water and mix well. When the soup is ready and before serving it, pour the flour mixture in the soup and stir with a spoon till the mixture is well blended with no trace of flour. Serve the soup immediately.


HSEU… ANOTHER TYPICAL MOROCCAN SOUP 1 1/2 cup of Bulgur, rinsed and drained. 3 cups of water 2 tsp Paprika 2 tbsp Garlic crushed 1/2 bunch coriander, including stems cut up Salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp oil 1 tbsp chicken soup powder Boil water and add all ingredients. Cook at medium heat and don’t let it boil over. If too thick add water. Let it simmer for a while and check to see if bulgur has softened. My family loves it, I don’t make it often enough. But it is great on a very cold day. This is very healthy and there isn’t any fat except for the oil. HSEU with cream of wheat 1 cup of cream of wheat 2 to 3 cups of water 1 tsp. Salt, pepper 1/2 bunch of coriander chopped up 1 tbsp. Oil 2 garlic cloves crushed 1/2 tsp. Cumin 2 Tbsp. chicken powder Boil two cups of water, when water is boiling, pour cream of wheat very slowly and keep mixing and stirring continuously. Add the other ingredients except coriander. It will thicken, if too thick add a little water at a time. It shouldn’t be too thick or too liquid. Add the coriander when soup is ready, and stir for two minutes.


VEGETABLE SOUP 1/2 a small squash 1 green zucchini 1 yellow zucchini 2 stems of celery 12 green beans 1/4 small cabbage 2 medium carrots 2 medium onions Parsley 1 broccoli stem 4 cauliflower flowers

Coriander Saffron 1 tsp. turmeric 1 tsp Garlic powder Salt & pepper to taste 2 tomatoes

Peel, rinse and cut all vegetable in small cubes. In a large soup pot filled half with water, bring the water to a boil. Add vegetables starting with onion, celery, green beans, carrots, as you cut the veggies you add to the pot. Last is the tomato. You might want to add two potatoes cut up in small pieces. When all the veggies are in the soup, and it is boiling, lower the heat and add, salt, pepper, turmeric, garlic, saffron. Stir just once so all spices are well distributed and cook for 15 minutes. Veggies should be crisp. When you serve the soup, sprinkle it with chopped parsley and or coriander. If you have potatoes cook soup a little longer till potatoes are tender.


CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP 1 chicken breast (bone and skin) 2 small carrots 1 onion 1/2 bunch of dill 12 spaghetti sticks 5 saffron hairs Salt and pepper 6 cups of water Pour water in a big soup pot and bring to boil at medium high heat. Add the chicken only and cook till chicken is well done about 20 minutes. Remove chicken from pot, take off the skin and cut in small pieces and put aside. Take the water in the pot and strain it through paper toweling till it is clear and put back in pot over medium heat. Dice the onion, cut the carrots in thin sticks, wash the dill which you cut or chop in small pieces and add to the broth with the cut up chicken. Salt, pepper and saffron are put in and brought to a boil. When soup is boiled, reduce heat to low and cook for 20 minutes. Cut the spaghetti in small pieces and add to the soup and cook another 10 minutes. This sure is a different recipe for chicken soup.


TYPICAL PASSOVER VEGETABLE SOUP, which of course can be made any time. We only make this soup at passover, we call it soupe de pessah. Somehow it has been our custom and we have never made it any other time, but it’s too bad cause it’s so good. We should try to make it during the year. 2 zucchinis 2 carrots 2 potatoes 3 onions 4 celery stalks 1 bag of “flagolet” , little green lima beans we find in the freezer section 1 bunch of coriander A good piece of meat and two bones First you need to boil the meat and bones for a few minutes and then rinse the meat and bones. This eliminates any of the stuff that comes out during the soup. Cut up all the veggies in very very small pieces and put in a pot. Cover the veggies with water. Add the meat. Season with Salt, pepper, Saffron and turmeric, about 1 tsp each but 1/2 tsp. of turmeric. Cook for about 1 to 1 1/2 hour at medium heat. Add the lima beans after one hour of cooking. Let cook at low heat for the last 45 minutes. Adjust spices to your taste. BARLEY SOUP 1 cup of pearled barley 2 potatoes 2 onions 2 celery sticks 2 carrots Salt and pepper to taste 5 cups of water Bring water to a boil t medium high heat. Add barley. Cut potato, carrots, onions and celery and add to soup. Mix it with salt and pepper. When it reaches the boiling point, lower and cover pot, let simmer for 30 to 50 minutes till barley is very soft.



Many of the cookies recipes call for flour of course but there isn’t any measurements. You add the flour as you prepare your dough and depending on the consistency that’s when you stop with the flour. After trying once you’ll know the trick. Most of these recipes have been given down from generation to generation and back then, who measured anyways. But when we work with these recipes we also figure things out as we go along. But you do have good instructions, so have fun with them. As for the cakes, there aren’t that many cakes in the Moroccan repertoire. There is one famous one, but mainly there are what we call Pasta, which is similar to a pound cake but even lighter but there are mostly little different cookies. SABLE (melting moments) This is my husbands favorite, they are addictive, you eat one, you need to eat more. 1 cup icing sugar 1 cup of vegetable oil 2 cups flour Combine icing sugar and oil in a mixing bowl (I also used my cuisinart) and blend well. Add the flour 1/2 cup at a time and keep mixing. The texture should be soft and manageable to form little balls. Shape little balls and put them on a cookie sheet, but press them with your thumb to flatten them up a little, place a blanched almond on top or leave it with nothing. Bake at 300 for 15 minutes or until they are golden. Keep watching. You get about 2 dozens.


FAZUELOS, my mother use to make them for a bakery (pictured on the front cover) These are like fried won tons, but rolled together 1 egg 2 tbsp water 1 cup flour Oil for frying Using the dough blade of a food processor, combine all ingredients and mix till smooth consistency. If too loose add flour, if too thick add a little water or egg, depending on texture. Once dough is at the desired texture, which is smooth and can easily be rolled out, roll with a rolling pin to form a thin sheet. Cut the sheet in long strips approximate 2 to 3 inches wide. You can also use a pasta machine to make these strips. The machine will get them thinner and longer. It is better when it is very very thin. And of course better with the machine. You will need 15-inch long strips by 2 to 3 inches wide. In a small deep fryer, add enough oil to be able to deep fry the dough at medium heat. When oil is hot, but not burning, insert a fork at the tip of the strip of dough (this should be like holding the top of a ribbon high on one hand and the end of the ribbon is attached to the fork, low on other hand). Dip the fork with the dough attached to it into the oil and fry. As the piece of dough on the fork is frying the dough will inflate, roll the fork over fresh dough to fry and continue rolling on itself quickly not to burn the dough, till the entire strip is cooked and forms a layered roll. This sounds complicated but once you get the hang of it, it will be simple. The idea is that it comes out like many fried won ton stuck and rolled together. Sprinkle icing sugar, or normal sugar or syrup or honey on them.


SHUBAKIYA, my mother’s famous for this one. No one makes it like she does. 2 cups of lukewarm water 1 package Fleischmann yeast. 1 cup flour 1/2 tsp. Salt Oil for frying Combine, the water, yeast and salt and mix by beating with a wooden spoon very well. Add the flour a little at a time and continue to beat with the spoon, till all flour is mixed in. Let stand for 15 minutes. Repeat the mixing, beating 2 to 3 times every time letting it stand for 15 minutes. This process should take about one hour. The dough by now should be watery, but you can see that it has risen as well. Use a small but deep frying pan and add oil half way at medium heat. When oil is hot, place a mold (a can of tuna without top or bottom) in the oil. Put the mixture in a funnel, you must block the opening of the funnel until you are ready to pour it in the pot and the funnel is full. Point the funnel inside the mold, but not too low. As the dough comes out make a design inside the mold. Any design will do. The dough now is frying and will inflate, fry to golden on one side, then turn over for a minute and wait a little until it is ready. Golden, but not burned. Remove, place in a dish and continue with the rest of the dough. Yields 24 My mother is an expert at this and famous for it in Montreal. All you need is a good funnel, a 3-inch circular mold; a tuna can open on both sides. You can sprinkle them with icing sugar, syrup or pour honey on them. Recipe for syrup 5 cups of water to 6 cups of sugar (use foam cups for measurements). One whole lemon sliced. Put on medium heat and let boil until syrup is formed and sugar is diluted add lemon. Keep stirring continuously. Dip the Sabakia in that syrup. They are delicious warm or cold. Serve with Moroccan tea.


COCO MACAROONS 4 cups of finely shredded coconut 1 cup of sugar 2 eggs 2 yolks 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/2 cup of icing sugar Combine all ingredients in same sequences as above in a mixing bowl. Using your hands mix thoroughly. If consistency is too thick add another egg yolk, if too loose add more coconut. If mixture sticks to your hands, oil your hand a little and form small balls. Dip them in icing sugar so all sides are covered and place in paper cups. Bake them in a preheated oven at 300 to cook for 15 minutes or until golden. Keep watching so they don’t burn. Remove from oven and let cool off before you place them in a plastic container to store. Yields about 2 dozens. COCO DE MAMAN 6 cups coco 2 cups sugar 2 teaspoon baking powder (generous) 2 yolks and 3 eggs Work with the mixture by hand very well. ( you can do it in a food processor as well) , As you knead the mixture, feel the texture not too soft and not too hard. If too soft add coconut, to hard add egg. Shape into little balls, size of golf ball. Roll them in sugar and put in little paper cups. Bake at 300 until they crack. Take out and cool. They freeze very well. .


CHOCOLATE TORTE 1/4 lb.butter 1 cup icing sugar 4 eggs 4 unsweetened chocolate squares melted 1 cup chopped walnuts. Separate the eggs and beat whites with salt till foamy. Put aside. Beat sugar and butter and add 1 yolk at a time. Add chocolate and nuts. Gently fold egg whites to chocolate and nuts. Put aside 2 cup and bake the rest in a pan for 20 minutes at 350. When torte is ready and cooled completely, cover with the two cups you put aside. PINWHEELS, Esther’s, these are my all-time favorites. They bring me back to my childhood. This recipe calls for two different batches, one white, one chocolate 1/2 cup butter or margarine room temperature 3/4 cup sugar 1 egg 1 tsp. Vanilla extract 1 1/2 cup flour 1/4 tsp. Salt 2 tbsp cocoa powder Cream butter, sugar, egg together until nice and fluffy. Stir in vanilla then add the flour and salt. (For the next one add the cocoa powder) Make two batches. One with cocoa powder added to it, the other batch without. Form each one into a ball and cover each dough and refrigerate for several hours until firm. On floured wax paper, roll each to a rectangle. Place one rectangle over the other. One white, one brown. Roll them together tightly in a long log. Cover the roll and refrigerate Overnight. Cut in thin evenly slices, you now have pinwheel shapes and cook at 400 for 5 to 7 minutes or until brown. 61

PIE CRUST 1/2 cup butter 1 egg 5 tbsp. Sugar 1 cup flour or more Mix all the ingredients together and pat the dough onto a pie dish. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes , till golden. COURONNE DE MAMAN 4 eggs 1 cup oil 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup water 1 Tbsp. Baking powder Mix everything together adding as much flour as needed. Dough should not be too thick or too soft. Like pizza dough. Put through a meat grinder that has a special nose so that it comes out in long rope like forms. Cut about 10 inches of this rope and form them into a circle. With a knife, put some slivers 1 inch apart all around the circle. If you don’t have the machine you can roll out the dough in long ropes and form your circles from there. Bake at 350 till golden brown.


RRIBA , Maman (melting moments) 1 cup crisco 1 cup icing sugar, sieved through cuisinart 2 cups flour Put the Crisco in cuisinart, add icing sugar, add flour slowly until the consistency is not too hard and not too soft. Mix well , form into balls and cook at 300 for 20 minutes GALETTES MAROCAINE SUCREES. My sister’s 4 eggs 3/4 cup oil 1 cup water 1 tbsp. Baking powder 1 1/ 2 cup sugar Mix everything and then add as much flour as you need to make soft dough. You should need about 4 cups of flour. Dough should be soft. Mix it all together. Roll out the dough not too thick and cut desired shapes. Bake at 350 until golden GALETTES SALEES MAROCAINE another version 1 cup of flour 1 tbsp oil 1 tsp salt a little water Put everything together and knead the dough by hand. Form into a ball and punch it down. Roll it out to a thin thickness and cut shapes as you like. Make a design on each shape by running a fork all along in different directions. Bake at 400 for about 10 to 15 minutes. Golden brown. Keep an eye on them so they won’t burn.


GALETTES MAROCAINE 4 Eggs 1 cup oil 1 cup sugar 1 Tbsp. baking powder ½ cup water Mix it all together, adding flour to form soft dough. Roll it out and do the same thing as the ones above. Bake at 350 until golden brown. About 20 minutes MOROCCAN COOKIES, my mother’s 2 oeuf 3/4 cup oil 3/4 cup sugar 1/3 cup water We do the same thing here, mixing everything and adding flour till dough is good consistency, soft and pliable. Roll out and make shapes, squares or circles. pliable. Roll out and make shapes, squares or circles. Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes. All the above gallettes have to be cooked at 350 for about 20 minutes


MERINGUES MERINGUES AND MORE MERINGUES The consistency of meringue should not be runny at all, if you turn the bowl over it will not spill. It is basically egg whites and sugar.

1 cup of egg whites to 2 cups of sugar Mix it all and put on double boiler on a very low heat, Beat it at high speed to form a meringue at very low heat, About 20 minutes. You can use a decorating kit to squeeze the meringue out and form into shapes you like. Or drop by spoonful. Bake at 275 for 1/2 hour, then lower to 20 for another 1/2 hour. You can leave them in oven over night. Meringues 1 cup egg white 2 cups sugar Beat the egg whites for longest time, then slowly every now and then add 1/4 cup Sugar at a time. As soon as ready put in 250 oven for one hour, turn off oven, then Leave overnight. This is a recipe you can make little ones, or a large circle that you can use as the base of a mousse. PRETTY LITTLE MERINGUES 4 egg whites 1-cup sugar 1 tsp. Baking powder 1 tsp. Vanilla Bake at 275 for 1/2 hour, then lower to 20 for another 1/2 hour. You can leave them in oven over night. Make little shapes. When ready, stuff them with chestnut cream and stick two together. Place in a cake plate and add strawberries all over. It looks pretty and it is good. 65

CREME DE MARON, chestnut cream 1 1/2 to 2 lbs. Fresh chestnuts 1/2 cup butter 2 tsp. Vanilla powder Icing sugar to taste 2 to 3 tsp. different liqueur to taste. Put everything in cuisnart and add icing sugar and liqueur to your liking. Process it until it becomes creamy. The easiestway is to buy the cream already made for you. Or even the chestnut already cooked and peeled, We want to make our lives less complicated. GATEAU DE HZIN , Maman 3 eggs 1 tsp. oil 1 tsp. baking powder Mix the eggs and oil together, Add flour and baking powder until a doughy consistency. Soft enough to roll, very pliable. Roll out in shape of ropes about 1/4 inch thick and cut in little 1/2 inch pieces. (they should be the size of peanuts or a little larger) In a deep fryer put some oil about 1/2 cup. Fry these little balls like shapes until golden. Remove from oil and cool. Put them in a flat pan and pour caramel over them and coat all of them with the sauce. Flatten them out on a cutting board. Cut them into squares or rectangles to the size you want. (about 2 inches square) To make the caramel. Put 2 cups of sugar to 1 cup of water over low heat. Stirring continuously until thickened. When it starts becoming sticky, you have your caramel which you will pour over the little balls and then flatten them, by hand or put a parchment paper over then and roll out with a rolling pin. Cut them into squares. 66

HLOUA D'AMANDE , Maman (almond cake) Bake almonds in oven till nice and brown. Make caramel with sugar and a little lemon juice. (as above) Mix almonds with caramel and pour into a cookie sheet and flatten out. You will have to press hard and fast cause it will be hot. Use gloves. You can also roll them out with a roller. Cut into squares. If you don’t care for squares, just spoon them out in small little mounds. MKHIBLAT: 4 eggs, 1/2 cup water and approx. 5 foam cups of flour. Again add flour and work with dough until a pizza dough texture. Roll into a ball, cover and check your syrup. Ideally, if you have a pasta machine it’s greata, cause you need to roll out the dough as flat as you can. (Cut into strips and pass through pasta machine, so that the dough becomes very thin). If you don’t have a machine, then you roll it out with a rolling pin. I often use the cuisinart to make the dough, so the consistency is more pliable. Separate the dough into little mounds and roll each mound into long strips. Put the individual strips on big sheet on table. They are nice and very thin. Take one strip at a time, cut out squares, 6 x 6 inch , then cut lines through the square from top to bottom without cutting them through. Interlace them one into the other, like a pretzel, and fry into tuna cans, in hot oil As soon as they are holding together and are firm, take them out of the cans, and repeat until you have used all the dough. When they are ready, take them out and put them in sieve so oil will drip out. You can also put them on scott towels to absorb the oil. Then dip them in Syrup and serve. Can be frozen forever.


GATEAU PASTA TATA SARI (pound cake) 5 eggs separated 2 cups flour 3/4 cup oil 1 tbsp. Baking powder 1 peel of lemon grated 1 cup orange juice 1 ½ cups sugar 1 cup ground walnuts Mix sugar and oil with fork and add one yolk at a time. Mix well. Then mix flour, baking powder alternately orange juice. Whip egg white till foam, fold with mixture. Add 1 cup of crushed nuts, which ever one you like. I use walnuts Cook for 55 minute at 350 degree I have made this cake, depending on your stove it might need more time in cooking. You don’t have to decorate it. It is moist and heavy, like a pound cake. You may sprinkle some icing sugar on top.


TATA SARI’S STRAWBERRY CAKE 1 1/2 cup sugar 3/4 cup oil zest of one lemon. 4 to 5 eggs, separated 1 cup of orange juice 2 cups of flour 1 tbsp. Baking powder, 1/2 tsp. Salt Mix the yolks by hand. Add alternately flour and juice. Starting with flour and finishing with flour. Add baking powder and keep mixing. Beat egg whites to foam. Slowly incorporate the batter and fold gently. Bake at 350 for one hour Filling 1 small package of strawberry jello. 1/2 package of frozen strawberries, chopped in small pieces. 1 small whipping cream, beaten. Put 2 Tbsp cold water with jello, add 1 cup of hot water and mix well to dilute. Set aside and cool off. Put the chopped strawberries into the jello. Blend the jello and strawberries into the whipping cream and fold gently. Cut the cake into layers. Place one layer into spring form pan, pour jello on the first layer and repeat with the rest of the layers. Refrigerate. When ready to serve decorate as you like, with whipping cream rosettes, Icing sugar, or drizzle some chocolate syrup over.


HARRISSA AU AMANDES 5 eggs 1 1/2 of grounded almonds 3/4 cup oil 1/2 cup of cream of wheat 3 tbsp. baking powder 1 tsp. Almond extract 1 cup of sugar Rind of one orange (zest) SYROP: 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup water Boil together to form syrup. Add some Rum. Beat the eggs with sugar, add the oil, the cream of wheat, Almonds and baking powder. Incorporate the zest. Mix well. Grease a mold and pour the batter in it. I like to do it in a Pyrex dish. Bake at 275 for one hour. Take out of oven and pour the syrup over it. Bake for another 10 minutes. GENOISE, Esther sotto 6 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 1/2 cup melted butter, cooled off Beat the eggs with the sugar over a double boiler. Sift the flour and add gently into eggs, pour the butter in very slowly and continue beating. Pour the butter like a thread. Put in an 8 inch spring form pan and bake at 325 for 38 minutes. Cut the cake in two. Put whipping cream and strawberries on top of first layer and cover with other layer. Decorate the top with whipping cream rosettes. And add grated chocolate, or little silver bullets.


TARTE AU AMANDES Crust 8 yolks 3/4 cup sugar 3/4 cup oil 1 tsp magic powder 2 cup or more of flour Mix everything together and add the flour a little at a time to obtain a nice pliable dough. Spread into a mold. Pliable consistency. Put in mold. Filling 1/2 cup margarine 2 eggs 1 1/2 cup nicely ground almonds 1/2 cup sugar Mix everything together and spread the crust in pie dish. Cook at 300 for 45 Minutes. SAVARIN 1/2 cup flouor 1/4 cup butter 1 cup sugar 3 tbsp warm milk lait chaud 1 tsp baking powder 3 eggs separated salt Sel Beat the yolks, sugar and salt together. Add the warm milk, flour et melted butter. Pour the baking powder at the last minute. Beat egg whites and add to yellow mixture. Pour into a mold and bake at 350 for 25


SYRUP 1 cup of water 1 tsp vanilla, 1/2 cup sugar 6 tbsp of rhum Mix everything together and warm up to prepare syrup. Pour warm syrup over cold cake. . PASTA TATA SAADA 9 eggs 2 cups sugar 1 cup oil 1 cup orange juice 3 tsp. Baking powder 3 cups flour Beat the eggs, add sugar and keep mixing, add the oil and pour flour and orange juice alternately till well blended. Pour in tube pan and bake at 350 for 1 hour NUT CAKE TATA SAADA 8 eggs 2 cups sugar 2 cup farine 2 cups crushed nuts 1 cup oil 2 tsp. Baking powder 2 to 3 tbsp. Honey 1 tsp. Vanilla Beat eggs, add sugar and oil and vanilla. Fold in flour, then the nuts, baking powder and honey. Blend very well. Pour in a non greased tube pan at 350 for 1 hour. Always check for doneness with a tooth pick, it should come out clean. This cake comes out moist and high.


MAMIE’S FRIED ALMONDS 2 to 3 cups of raw almonds 6 to 8 cups of boiling water 2 cups of safflower oil Put raw almonds in a metal container. Cover them with boiling water for 30 minutes. When water is cooler use gloves to take the skin of the almonds off by squeezing the almonds with you fingers, the skin will just pop out. Dry the blanched almonds with paper towel. (You can also buy them already blanched for you). Heat the oil at medium heat, when the oil is hot; add the almonds and fry till golden. Make sure to watch the whole time not to burn. Remove and put on paper towel, sprinkle with salt and let them cool off. Store them in a glass jar. ROASTED NUTS Any kind of raw nuts in any quantity you need. Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts, Cashews, Macadamia, Hazel Nuts etc. Put the nuts in a tray and put in the toaster oven or if a lot put in oven under the broiler for about 10 minutes. Watch they do not burn When golden, pull the tray and sprinkle salted water on the nuts,(about 1/4 cup water and 1 tsp salt) turn the broiler off and leave in oven till cooled completely.


BEIGNE, name for doughnuts 1 egg 1 cup milk 1 Tsp. baking powder 1 1/2 cup flour powdered sugar Beat egg and add milk. Beat well. Add flour and mix thoroughly. Just before frying, add baking powder. Drop teaspoons of dough in hot oil. Remove and cover with sugar or honey. PIE SHELL 2 yolks 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup butter Vanilla 1 cup flour but up to 2 1/2 depending. Beat yolks, add sugar, butter and mix in flour, Pat on pie shell and bake at 350 for about 20 min.


MORROCAN ORANGE MARMALADE, picture on front cover 6 large oranges with thick skin 6 cups of sugar 6 cups of water As you can see, for each orange there is a cup of sugar and a cup of water, so you can increase or reduce the amount. The night before, grate the rind out of the oranges; be careful to only remove the orange zest. Let them sit in water overnight. Next day: Step 1. Boil the oranges for about 15 minutes; they have to stay a little hard. Drain and put aside. Step 2. Dilute water with the sugar over a low flame. Step 3. Put 4 little slits through each orange, (as if you were to quarter the oranges) but make sure to keep the orange together, do nut cut through. Add the oranges to the pot and let simmer. Keep doing this until you see the oranges are golden brown and have flattened out a little. Let cool completely and transfer to jar with a tight cover. This keeps forever.


MAFLETA This is for the last night of Passover (Mimouna’s) specialty. It is not an easy task and it takes a long time, but everyone loves this. This is like a crepe but it doesn’t have the same texture. 4 cups of flour 1 Tbsp baking powder 1 egg Salt and water 1/4 cup oil Directions Mix everything together in cuisinart until a soft dough is made. Take the dough out and cut the dough in little pieces and make little balls and put on counter top. (the size of nectarines) Take each ball and flatten it as thin as you possibly can. It will stretch and keep stretching it the max. Once this is done, you can now put it a frying pan, without any oil. If you have a square flat frying pan it is the best. But a round flat one will do. You will work with the dough with your hands as it is cooking and you have some oil in your hand to be able to stretch the dough better. You need to flatten it till paper thin as it is cooking. The cooking doesn’t take long. When it has turned golden, take it out and place on plate. Continue with each ball but put a piece of wax paper between each crepe so they don’t stick together. Use all the little balls We only eat this at mimouna. We have never done it at any other time. We serve it with jam, honey, butter or other. Everyone in the family comes just to eat this, when they don’t I save some for the ones who missed out on it. They come and get it the next day.


SFENZ, Moroccan doughnuts These doughnuts are our specialty. They are so good that you can’t only eat one. In July 2008, I was in Morocco with my mother and sister and we went ballistic when we found this little place, the size of a powder room where the guy was making these sfenz and selling them by the dozens every minute. We of course bought a bunch and enjoyed every morsel. We don’t make them often cause it takes too long, but any time we get a chance to have them, we don’t miss out on it. Cooking time is only 4 minutes per beignet 1 cup flour 15 grams of yeast 1 cup of warm water Sugar for dusting 1 tsp salt Oil Preparation: Put the flour in a large metal bowl. Add the salt. Dilute the yeast in a 1/2 cup of warm water and add to flour and mix. (by hand). Add 1/2 cup of water and keep kneading the dough. It should be soft and elastic. That’s about all there is to these, but they are good. Once it’s nicely mixed cover the bowl, put aside and let it rise for about 3 hours. Heat oil and knead the dough some more. To get them ready, oil your hands a little and take a little bit of the dough and form a little ball, the size of an egg. Flatten it lightly and make a hole in the middle with your finger. It should have the shape of a crown. (A deep fryer would be the best) Fry it in hot oil for 4 minutes turning it over once. Once golden take out and drain on paper towel. Cover with sugar and serve preferably hot. (you can also serve them with honey).


PIECE MONTE, the traditional birthday cake or even wedding cake My sister makes this cake for everyone’s birthday, it is one of my favorites. It is basically a layer cake stuffed with almond paste, apricot jam and sprinkled with the syrup. Decorated with Meringue. Ingredients: 6 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 package of vanilla 1 Package of baking powder 2 cups of flour 125 grams of margarine or butter 1 cup melted chocolate with 2 tbsp. butter 1 jar apricot jam Preparation Mix together the eggs, sugar and vanilla. Add the baking powder, margarine or butter and 2 cups of flour. Mix well and pour in spring form pan ,put in oven at 225 for about 25 minutes. Let cake cool completely Almond stuffing: 350 grams ground almonds 1 cup sugar drops of a liqueur of your choice, (orange liqueur is good) Mix it all until it forms a paste. Syrup 1 1/2 cup water 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup of Rum Put the water and sugar on low heat and stir continuously till all sugar has dissolved. When it starts thickening, add the rum and mix well.


Cream for decoration 4 egg whites 1 cup sugar Beat the egg whites and sugar and make a meringue out of it. Putting everything together. Once the cake is completely cooled off, slice it to have 3 layers. Sprinkle some syrup on the first layer, then spread some apricot jam on it. On second layer, sprinkle the rest of syrup and spread the almond paste. Cover with last layer and put chocolate sauce .Decorate with meringue, making little rosettes all over the cake You can spread some chocolate shavings on top, we like to put those little silver bullets all over the cake. It gives it that bling bling look. ALMOND CIGARS. Another specialty you don’t see often Almond Stuffing 2 cups of ground blanched almonds 1 egg yolk or white 1/2 cup sugar Zest of one lemon Combine all ingredients and mix well with hand till texture is like a paste. Form small finger shape like pieces with the almond paste and put in a dish, cover with plastics and refrigerate overnight. Dough: 1/2 cup of melted Crisco oil (do it in microwave) 1/2 cup of oil 1 cup of water 1/2 tsp salt 3 cups flour Additional ingredients needed 1 egg white beaten, and oil for frying.


Directions for dough: Combine the oils, water, salt and add flour one cup at a time while mixing well by hand till dough is smooth. Not too soft not too hard. Divide the dough in half and use a rolling pin to spread and flatten each piece of dough in a thin layer. Roll each layer into a log. Wrap the logs in a plastic sheet and refrigerate overnight Next day, when you are ready to make cigars, slice the logs (dough) to create circular pieces. Use a rolling pin spread each little piece of dough very thin again. Place one almond piece in the front of the circular piece of dough and begin rolling the dough over the almond paste to create a cigar shape. Fold the ends to enclose the paste completely. Use the egg white to secure the ends of the cigars, so it wouldn’t open. Continue till all the dough and almond paste is used and cigars are all made. Using a deep fryer, heat the oil at medium. When oil is hot (not burning hot) drop one cigar at a time to fry till golden. Make sure you do not burn the cigars. Keep watching. Remove and put in a strainer so excess oil drips. Honey 2 cups of sugar 1 cup of water 1 lemon sliced very thin Simmer everything at medium heat till texture has thickened. Be careful it doesn’t burn. You must watch for it to thicken and becomes syrupy. Prepare the honey as above. When honey is ready, dip one cigar at a time and continue till all cigars are covered with honey. Cigars are now ready to eat. Yields about 24. They can be stored in a plastic container or even frozen. Yes, this is a lot of work, and we appreciate them even more cause we know how hard we worked at them.


ALMOND MACAROONS 2 cups of ground toasted almonds 1 egg 1/2 cup of sugar 1 tsp ground clove Directions Combine all ingredients in a mixing bowl; knead very well with hands till thoroughly mixed. For small balls, which you dip in icing sugar so all sides are covered and place in small paper cups. Warm up the oven at 250. Place the macaroons in an oven tray and cook for 15 minutes. Keep an eye on them and when you see cracks are forming you know that they are ready to remove from oven. Let cool off before you store in plastic container. Freezes well. These are my nephew’s favorite and we make them specially for him to take back to Florida when he comes in . SESAME SQUARES 1 cup sugar 1 cup toasted sesame seeds Toast sesame in toaster oven and watch not to burn. Approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Remove.

Pour the sugar in a medium size Teflon (non stick) pot, and put on stove at medium high. Keep stirring the sugar with a wooden spoon till the sugar becomes liquid. Lower the heat to medium and continue stirring till sugar is golden liquid caramel. Using your counter top or a large cookie sheet, spread with you hands a small layer of oil on top, about 1/2 tsp. Lower the heat to very low (almost off, just to keep the pot hot) and immediately pour the sesame seeds in. With a wooden spoon mix the seeds 81

very well till all are soaked in caramel. Pour while hot onto the oiled board or counter top so it wouldn’t stick. Using a wooden spoon flatten the mixture in a very thin layer. You can also try to use a rolling pin, but put wax paper on top. Use a large knife and cut small square pieces or any shape you like. Cut quickly as the caramel will get cold and harder making it difficult to continue cutting. You must cut while it is still hot. Store these sesame square in zip lock bags or plastic container. They freeze well. You can do the same system with peanuts.

STUFFED DATES 24 pitted dates 1/3 cup ground almonds 1/3 cup sugar 1 tsp almond liqueur 1 egg white To make almond paste: Mix the ground almonds and the sugar. Add the egg white and mix well together with the almond liqueur. Mix well and form into a paste. Roll the paste into 24 little ovals a little smaller than the size of the dates. Stuff the dates with that. Roll them in sugar and place in small paper cups. You can also add food coloring to the almond paste and have different colours. When you prepare to display them they will look pretty in different colours.


BGHRIR WITH HONEY, Moroccan pancakes These pancakes have a light spongy texture. They are cooked on one side in a griddle (Teflon) and little holes prick the top to give it a honeycomb look. They are often served with honey & melted butter. 1 (1/4 oz)package fleischman dry active yeast 1 tsp sugar 1/2 cup warm water Pancakes 2 cups all purpose flour 1 cup fine semolina (cream of wheat) 1 tsp salt 2 eggs 1 cup water 1 cup milk Canola oil Sauce 2 tbsp butter 4 tbsp honey 1/4 cup water Directions Put the cream of wheat in a bowl. Put in the salt, the baking powder and the crumbled yeast and the eggs. Mix the tsp sugar with warm 1/2 cup water, then add the yeast. Stir well and put aside in a warm place for 5 to 10 minutes until bubbly. Mix the water & milk together and let stand out till room temperature. Beat the eggs and add to the milk mixture. Sift the flour, semolina & salt into a large bowl. Slowly pour half the milk mixture into the flour, stirring constantly by hand until well mixed.


Add the yeast mixture to the dough & beat vigorously by hand in order to air it and to eliminate any curds. Add a little more of the milk mixture from time to time, until the batter is runny smooth (like thick cream). Cover with a towel & set aside to rest for 1-2 hours. (The longer you let the batter rest the more holes will be in the pancakes). When ready to cook, rub your pan with a paper towel that has been dipped in canola oil & then heat over medium-low heat. Pour 1 small ladle (3-4 tbsp) of batter onto the pan, smooth into a perfect circle with the bottom of the ladle, & cook until bubbles appear over the surface of the pancake & all trace of raw dough disappears. You do not want the bottom to turn brown so if you need to you can turn it over for a second or two to finish the top side. But it is not necessary Place the pancakes in a large heatproof shallow bowl in overlapping circles and keep them warm until ready to serve. I would put wax paper in between each on. Do not stack them or they will stick together. Heat the butter and honey with water in a pan. Simmer for 5 minutes then place in a small serving bowl. Drizzle the honey mixture over the beghrir & then roll it up. Eat with your fingers & have fun.

CORN STARCH COOKIES 1 cup margarine Almost 3/4 cup sugar or a little more 3 eggs 1/2 tps. Baking powder 1 cup corn starch Mix all the above together then add flour a little at a time until there is a nice flexible texture to the dough. Should be malleable Shape cookies and bake 10 minutes or less at 325. Keep an eye on them so they don’t burn.


MAKROUD, date rolls This originated in Algeria, but the Moroccans made their own version. 4 eggs, separated 1 cup of icing sugar 1/2 cup oil 2 tbsp rum 2 3/4 cup flour 1 package of baking powder 2 cups dates, ground 1/2 tsp. cinnamon a pinch of ginger a pinch of cloves Caramel Orange liqueur 350 grams of fine cream of wheat Mix the yolks by hand and add little by little the oil and the rum. Beat the whites to a foam and fold to the yolks. Add the flour, the cream of wheat and the baking powder. Mix well and set aside while preparing the rest. Put the ground dates with the spices, cinnamon, ginger and cloves and mix well. Take the prepared dough and flatten it out with a rolling pin to a 1/2 inch thickness. Spread the dates on top and role the dough over to form a type of cylinder (like a roly-poly). Cut slices of about 1 ½ inch long. Fry in very hot oil. Take out and drain. You can serve them like this or dip each slice into a caramel sauce. About 1 cup of caramel to 1/2 cup of orange liqueur.


MIMOUNA Mimouna is a traditional north African Jewish celebration held the last night of Passover to return to eating chametz. In Moroco, every jewish family would prepare a festive evening that last night, and spread all kinds of sweets on the table. Cakes, cookies, nuts, and dried fruits (which we call Fachia) as well as a dish full with flour, 2 eggs, a glass of oil and some gold pieces. This represents various symbols of luck , fertility and riches, Once all this done we expect family and friends to come have a glass of mint tea and eat some desert. It is an open house to all the people we know and they are automatically invited every year. Most importantly we make Mufleta . It is a type of crepe which we only serve on Mimouna night. So here is the recipe, it is a little complicated and takes a long time to do My mother use to do it every Mimouna night and she would stay up till midnight preparing and serving it. But it is the tradition to do it and everyone comes especially to have it. But now we do it ahead of time and freeze it. MUFLETA: 4 cups of flour 1 ½ cup of warm water, not boiling Pinch of salt 2 tsp. baking powder 1 egg Vegetable oil, as needed (not olive oil) Put the flour in a bowl and scoop a well in the middle and add water, egg and baking powder. Mix, adding a little extra water if dough seems too dry. Mix together until a light and elastic dough is formed. Divide the dough into 15 to 20 small balls and put aside covered with a dish cloth. Let sit for 30 minutes on a flat, well oiled surface. With oil hands and on an oiled surface, roll dough into very very thin circles. They should be around 8 inches diameter.


Spread small amount of oil in frying pan and cook mufleta over medium heat. Cook both sides. (Pan doesn’t t need to be regreased before cooking the rest) Once it is ready, place one on top of the other on a plate and cover with a dish towel to keep warm. Serve warm with butter, honey, or jam. This may be frozen and reheated in microwave or oven at low heat. Makes about 15 to 20 mufletas, but at Mimouna we need a lot more. I usually have about 100, if I don t get a chance to make them ahead of time I will order them from a lady who makes them well


TABLE OF CONTENT SALADS & DRESSINGS Anchovy dressing Asparagus Basil & Tomato Salad Carrot salads Cucumber salad Eggplant salad Endive salad Fatouche Hearts of Palm Moroccan Salad dressing Mixed Moroccan salad Mustard dressings Roasted peppers Red Beet salad Red Cabbage Salad Salade Nicoise Swiss shard Salade rouge Tabouli Tomato coriander Tomato garlic Tuna potato salad Tuna Salad Vinaigrette

p. 15 p. 4 p. 11 p. 4 p.7 p. 3 p. 5 p. 10 p. 8 p. 12 p. 5 p. 13/14 p. 7 p. 9 p. 9 p. 12 p. 8 p. 2 p. 13 p. 6 p. 6 p. 11 p. 8 p. 15

MAIN DISHES Egg wrapped in meat Chicken in bath robe Chicken with almonds Couscous Kefta, Esther’s style Dafina

p. 16 p. 17 p. 18 p. 19/20 p. 20 p. 21/22 88

Moroccan Hambergers Meatballs Omelette Chicken with sage Chicken and olives Boulette with onions Boulette with cumin

p. 23 p. 24 p. 25 p. 26 p. 27/28 p. 28 p. 29

APPETIZERS & SIDE DISES Artichokes Beans & eggs Bean dish Brocoli & cauliflower Cooked olives Cubed Potato & Onions Egg omelette and hot dogs Esther’s olive dish Fried Almonds Green beans Haricots blancs Hot dogs & Beans Hot dogs & Cabbage Hummus Marinated Lemons Marinated lemon sauce Mashed potato casserole Omelette & Hot dogs Omelette Marocaine Omelette de Mamie Okra Olives Pasta omelette Pasteles & Cigars Paprika Chick Peas Rice Rice with olives Roasted nuts Roasted potatoes Sautéed Spinach Sautéed mushrooms

p. 38 p. 30 p. 42 p. 38 p. 38 p. 39 p. 31 p. 30 p. 72 p. 33 p. 31 p. 32 p. 32 p. 33 p. 42 p. 42 p. 40 p. 26 p. 25 p. 41 p. 40 p. 30 p. 45 p. 36 p. 39 p. 31 p. 34 p. 72 p. 40 p. 37 p. 37 89

Stuffed artichokes Zuchini stew

p. 34 p. 35

SOUPS Barley soup Brocoli & Potato soup Chicken noodle soup Chick pea soup Cream of wheat soup Harrira Hseu(Bulgur soup) Leek soup Lentille soups Mushroom & Lentil soup Passover soup Vegetable soup

p. 55 p. 49 p. 54 p. 48 p. 52 p. 51 p. 52 p. 47 p. 50 p. 47 p. 55 p. 53

FISH Boulette de poisson Flounder Fish sauce, chermela Merlan Moroccan Fish dish Pasta & tuna omelette Salmon and coriander Salmon salad Salmon & mushrooms

p. 43 p. 45 p. 43 p. 44 p. 45 p. 44 p. 44 p. 16 p. 46

DESERTS Amond Cigars Almond macaroons Beigne Bgreir, crepes Chocolate torte Couronne Coco Cornstarch cookies Coconut macaroons

p. 78 p. 80 p. 73 P. 82/83 p. 60 p. 61 p. 62 p. 83 p. 59 90

Coco de maman Creme de maron Galettes de maman Galettes Gateau de Hzin Fazuelos Genoise Harissa aux amandes Honey dipped Mhiblat Hloua D’amande Moroccan orange marmelade Mafleta Makrooud, date cake Meringues Moroccan cookies Nut cake Tata Saada Nut cake Piece Monte Pinwheels cookies Pasta Tata Sarhi Pie shell Pie crust Rribat/Sable melting moments Sable, melting moments Sfenz Sebakia Savarin Strawberry cake Stuffed dates Tarte aux amandes Cigar aux amandes Sesame Squares Mafleta

p. 59 p. 65 p. 63 p. 62 p. 65 p. 57 p. 69 p. 69 p. 66 p. 66 p. 74 p. 75 p. 84 p. 64 p. 63 p. 71 p. 71 p. 77 p. 60 p. 68 p. 74 p. 61 p. 62 p. 56 p. 76 p. 58 p. 70 p. 67 p. 81 p. 70 p. 78/79 p. 80 p. 85


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