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Senior citizens in a group housing society of Dwarka in New Delhi urge the government to save them from dust pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution of extended FAR construction activity. Photo and Campaign by Rakesh Raman

This report includes Widehouse corruption scandal facts, figures, names of accused officials, government documents, infographics, photographs, video links, and the actions expected from the Indian and international law-enforcement agencies.

The citywide construction cum corruption racket termed as Widehouse Corruption Scandal - is being run by local criminals who operate as management committee (MC) members of Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies in connivance with crooked politicians, corrupt bureaucrats, complicit police officials, dishonest members of judiciary, and builders’ mafia.

After the criminal enterprise of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust for the genocide of millions of European Jews, the Widehouse corruption scandal is the largest organized massacre not only in India but also in the world. In this criminal attack, millions of people are victims of a single crime which is being brazenly supported by the Indian government to harm its own citizens.

Corruption Scandal


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Although a range of crimes are being committed by the MC members of cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) in Delhi, the following report describes the floor area ratio (FAR) construction crime. Among other disturbances and financial implications for residents, FAR construction is spreading lethal dust pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution in occupied housing societies where millions of people live.

Corrupt Actors in the Widehouse Corruption Scandal of Delhi

As a journalist and anti corruption activist, I have been fighting against this scandal for the past few years. While I am facing constant threats including death threats for my editorial and anti corruption work, I have written a number of reports (links given below) to highlight the crimes in the FAR construction projects This report as an update aims to sensitize law enforcement agencies in India and abroad and seek their help so that this genocidal crime could be stopped in Delhi.

I have received dozens of letters from different government departments to inform me that the action is being taken against the accused officials. However, no action has been taken during the past couple of years and the lethal construction continues Some of the government letters are reproduced below and more of these letters are included in the hyperlinked documents given in this report.

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CRIMES IN THE CASE: Corruption, Rent Seeking, Human Rights Violations, Environmental Crimes [ Ecocide ], Misuse of Authority, Criminal Conspiracy, Extortion, Intention to Harm Citizens, Anti national / Unlawful Activities, Crimes Against Humanity.


The Widehouse scandal is a citywide construction cum corruption racket being run by local criminals who operate as management committee (MC) members of Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) with support from crooked politicians, corrupt bureaucrats, complicit police officials, dishonest members of judiciary, and builders’ mafia.

The estimated annual corruption money involved in this scandal is hundreds (or may be thousands) of crores of rupees (equivalent to millions of dollars) and nearly 2 million (20 lakh) residents are the direct victims in this criminal case. If not stopped, the harmful FAR construction will continue in Delhi for many years even until 2030.

I have given it the name Widehouse, because this scandal is being run under the garb of widening the occupied houses where men, women (including senior citizens), and children are living The expansion of existing houses is being imposed on residents to extort money from them. If you just see the photographs and video links provided below of construction happening in the housing societies, you will find that the corrupt officials are allowing a heinous environmental crime which is posing serious health threats and apparently causing deaths of residents

The crimes being committed by the MC members of housing societies include corruption, fraud, cheating, bribery, intimidation, illegal surveillance, unauthorized occupation of parking space, human rights violations, illegal appointment of vendors, environmental damage, defiance of court orders, and obstruction of justice The MC members bribe the police and other government functionaries to commit all the crimes and enjoy impunity.

The Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office of Delhi Government is supposed to regulate and supervise the functioning of housing societies. But the RCS officials are so corrupt that they brazenly violate the Delhi Cooperative Societies Act (DCS Act) to protect the corrupt MC members who regularly bribe the RCS officials

When the aggrieved residents complain against the criminal MC members of their housing societies, the RCS officials ignore their complaints and refuse to follow the DCS

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Act because they are bribed by the MC members who use public funds of society members to bribe the government officials. Since the Delhi Government politicians also take their share of the bribes running into crores of rupees, they do not take any action against the corrupt RCS officials As a result, the ordinary residents who complain against the MC members keep suffering while corruption is spreading rapidly.

Further, to terrorize the complainants, the criminal MC members file false complaints against them, impose arbitrary financial penalities on them, and file expulsion cases at the RCS office against the residents who raise their voice against the crimes in their housing societies Since there is a criminal nexus between RCS officials and MC members, the RCS office accepts bogus complaints filed by corrupt MC members to harass the ordinary members of housing societies. Even courts which are full of corrupt and incompetent judges refuse to entertain aggrived residents’ complaints against the crimes of RCS officials and MC members of housing societies There is no forum for the harmed residents where they could go and complain.

The criminality of RCS officials is also visible in the fact that they do not enforce their own laws in housing societies. For example, the RCS office issued specific directions in 2015 for all the housing societies making it mandatory for them to create the society website to keep all the members informed of the society activities in a transparent manner.

But more than 90% of the 2,000 housing societies in Delhi still do not have their website and those societies which have their website do not put proper information on it or do not update the website at all. The RCS office knows about this violation of its regulation, but it never takes any action against the criminal MC members who run the society activities in an opaque manner to cheat the resident members. The RCS office does not penalize the MC members who defy its website creation order because the RCS officials get monthly bribes from the MC members of housing societies. The bribe money runs into hundreds of crores of rupees (equivalent to millions of dollars)

While the RCS office is one of the most corrupt offices in India, there have been myriad cases of corruption involving RCS officials. Many of the corrupt RCS officials have been jailed, but the corruption has not stopped. Now, it appears that the imprisonment is not a sufficient punishment for RCS bureaucrats They should rather be publicly executed to stop corruption at the RCS office

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Now, the criminal MC members are forcing the residents in cooperative group housing societies to accept exorbitantly expensive extended construction in their existing flats under a dubious floor area ratio (FAR) scheme, which is designed to plunder more public money. The MC members and builders’ mafia in collusion with the top RCS officials even hire musclemen to intimidate those residents who oppose FAR construction. Since police officers are also bribed, they ignore the complaints of residents who are threatened to pay huge money for FAR construction.

Perils of FAR Construction in Widehouse Scandal

The dangerous FAR construction in hundreds of occupied housing societies where hundreds of thousands of people (men, women, children, and senior citizens) live is spreading lethal dust pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution and causing serious accidents Despite numerous complaints from the residents during the past couple of years, the authorities have not stopped construction and corruption

Although a number of departments and officials are involved in this scandal, the criminal MC members mainly collude with the corrupt officials of Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office of Delhi Government, Delhi Fire

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Service (DFS), Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), and Delhi Police.

In some cases where the illegal construction is challenged and stopped, the MC members bribe the court judges to get the unauthorized construction resumed. The court judges are so corrupt that even when the cases do not fall under their jurisdiction, they take bribes to allow illegal construction. While the whole system is corrupt, there is no punishment for bureaucratic corruption and judicial corruption.

Dirty Departments in Widehouse Scandal

Since the MC members collect crores of rupees as extortion money from residents in each housing society, they bribe the corrupt officials to commit this crime with impunity.

The harmful FAR construction will continue for many years in Delhi’s housing societies

Although DDA refuses to entertain even the RTI (Right to Information) applications

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inquiring about the extent of FAR construction, it is learnt that the FAR projects are at various stages of implementation in hundreds of housing societies. [ List is given below. ]

While the FAR policy is totally ambiguous and harmful, it ignores many other existing laws. When FAR construction is allowed in a housing society, it violates various laws including Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, Unified Building Bye Laws (UBBL), Delhi Apartment Ownership Act, Delhi Fire Service (DFS) Rules, National Building Code (NBC), Easementary Rights, Delhi Preservation of Trees Act, and Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act. FAR construction also violates a number of environmental and human rights laws

You can click here to download and read a report that describes the environmental and human rights laws that the FAR construction violates.

Although the government claims that the current phase of FAR extension is based on the Master Plan for Delhi 2021 (MPD 2021), it brazenly violates even the requirements for the implementation of MPD 2021

Since FAR construction is a criminal activity, it was stated in Lok Sabha (Parliament of India) that “No additional FAR will be granted on existing structures, as these could compromise the structural safety of existing buildings and risk to living inhabitants.”

But the criminals in housing societies who get support from builders’ mafia and corrupt government officials ignored the Parliament decision to commit this heinous crime which has made life miserable for residents in housing societies I am also a victim of FAR construction which is happening in my housing society.


1. Driven by corruption, the FAR construction in cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) of Delhi is a form of extended construction activity in the occupied housing complexes.

2. The extended construction is spreading lethal dust pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution in the city This pollution will directly affect the health of almost 2 million people who live in nearly 2,000 housing societies. And millions of other citizens who live around these residential areas will also get affected with harmful pollution.

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3. The housing societies are regulated by the office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government. However, the RCS office refuses to stop FAR construction crime and corruption that MC members of housing societies are committing.

Office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, which is among the most corrupt departments of India RCS office can stop crimes of MC members in housing societies. But the RCS officials are bribed by MC members to commit crimes.

Photo: Rakesh Raman / RMN News Service

4. Now, the FAR approvals are being given by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) Once DDA approves the FAR proposal of a housing society, the Delhi Fire Service (DFS) and Delhi Urban Art Commission (DUAC) blindly clear FAR projects.

5. Although the FAR scheme was first floated about 10 years ago, it was shelved with a government notification of 2012 from the office of the Lt Governor (LG) of Delhi which stated that FAR is not allowed in the occupied housing societies.

The notification states that “it has been decided in public interest that increased FAR should not be permitted in respect of already constructed and occupied CGHS (cooperative group housing societies). ”

As the “public interest” factor is still valid, FAR cannot be permitted in occupied CGHS. Many society management committees (MCs) baselessly argue that it is an old rule But

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the point is that this rule was made keeping in view the “public interest” because extended construction will be harmful to the public in occupied housing complexes. Then how can the “public interest” concern suddenly disappear after a few years? It can’t.

6. Also, The Times of India (TOI) newspaper quoted a DDA official who said about the FAR scheme that “the existing societies cannot be allowed to extend the structures as this would undermine the strength of the building and put people's lives at risk. The only way they can make use of the additional FAR is by constructing another block or tower on the premises." The TOI report also added that “since the increased FAR from 150 to 200 applies only to new constructions, these societies are considering bringing down old structures to make way for new buildings.”

7. The LG office notification mentioned above and the DDA had anticipated that the additional FAR construction in occupied housing societies will weaken the structural stability and the strength of the buildings and put people's lives at risk That anticipation was correct, as the existing housing society buildings where FAR construction is happening have started crumbling and major accidents are happening in the buildings as well as individual flats. [ You can click here to study a related report along with photographic evidence of the destructive effect of FAR construction on the buildings ] Although this report was shared with the authorities, they did not stop FAR construction which shows that FAR work is part of a criminal enterprise.

8. The current phase of FAR projects is based on a standalone gazette notification dated August 11, 2016 issued by the Ministry of Urban Development (Delhi Division). According to the notification’s Para 4.4.3 for Group Housing Max. ground coverage: 33⁄% [ in case of addition / alteration of existing DUs (dwelling units) for availing balance FAR, ground coverage upto 40% may be allowed ].

9. The new FAR scheme which breaks many existing laws vaguely allows inhabited group housing complexes of Delhi to extend their existing buildings by allowing individual flat owners to add more rooms, etc while ignoring the health and safety concerns of others who prefer to live in a clean, peaceful environment.

10. It is learnt that the new FAR policy was announced by the government under pressure from local lawmakers who are part of the criminal racket being run by dishonest builders and the MC members of housing societies Therefore, corrupt politicians are not eager to stop it even when FAR construction is hazardous.

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11. As DDA has stated, FAR is possible as separate blocks without disturbing the existing flats only when all the members (100% members) in a society agree for FAR. If only one member does not want FAR construction, it cannot be started in a society building. You can read below the DDA / government rule:

“The existing societies cannot be allowed to extend the structures as this would undermine the strength of the building and put people’s lives at risk… If even a single flat owner disagrees (for FAR), the proposal would have to be shelved (canceled).”

12. But now DDA violates its own rule to allow FAR construction. The total corruption money involved in the FAR projects is estimated to be thousands of crores of rupees Corruption happens as the MCs quote inflated rates and force flat owners to pay those rates. In some cases, the MCs charge 100% more money than the actual costs of construction With this ill gotten money, MCs bribe government officials, politicians, and judges to get FAR approvals and carry out FAR projects in an unlawful manner

13. The complaints of people who oppose FAR are falling on deaf ears. Now, many complainants are going to the courts to get FAR stopped. But the Indian judicial system is not working properly while most lawyers and judges lack understanding of the emerging environmental issues So, people do not get justice in Indian courts

14. Governments and courts in India have failed to understand that environmental pollution has become a major factor that is causing ‘global warming’ or climate change Unlike other local problems such as poverty, unemployment, and illiteracy, pollution and environmental damage have global implications and local environmental crimes can adversely affect people on the entire planet

15. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) of India has observed that one of the major sources of air pollution is dust emission from construction activities, which must be stopped to avoid pollution related diseases and deaths. Since FAR construction is spreading enormous dust in housing societies where people live, it must be stopped immediately [ You can click here to study a related report along with video links and photographic evidence. ]

16. Despite guidelines, the housing societies where FAR construction happens blatantly defy pollution control norms and dust / noise pollution increases drastically in the buildings where people are living. Since police and other law enforcement agencies are


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bribed by the MCs of societies, they ignore residents’ complaints to get dust and noise pollution stopped. [ You can click here to study a related report along with photographic evidence. ]

17. No activity can be legal if it poses a risk to even one person’s life. The truth is that the FAR extended construction related pollution as well as accidents in buildings put at risk the lives of millions of people who live in and around Delhi. Thus, FAR construction is an illegal activity.

You can click here to download and read a 64 page petition dated October 14, 2021 sent to different authorities to get FAR construction stopped in Delhi. But the complicit authorities did not take any action.

18. As FAR projects are happening in a number of housing societies of Delhi, it is believed that thousands of people are already suffering in the city. But unfortunately the government is not keeping data related to FAR related diseases and deaths. Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has even refused to share data requested through RTI applications about housing societies that have applied for FAR approvals.

19. Pollution with FAR construction is spreading like a deadly pandemic disease in Delhi But the pollution control agencies ignored my complaints after writing casual, useless letters. The officials at these pollution control agencies are also culprits in this citywide Widehouse scandal [ You can click here to read a related report ]

20. Unlike essential construction for hospitals, schools, roads, and bridges, FAR construction is totally avoidable and hence must be stopped immediately.

21. The residents of Delhi urge the government to save them from the dust and noise pollution coming in group housing societies from FAR construction so that they could live in a clean, pollution free environment. [ You can click here to watch a related video. ]

22. In some cases, the corrupt MC members are deceptively linking FAR construction with building repairs in order to extort money from all the members including those who oppose FAR construction. The retired / senior citizens who do not have financial resources to pay for FAR or deceptive building repairs are forced by MCs and external criminals of builders’ mafia to take loans and pay for this criminal activity. Since the RCS

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officials are bribed by MCs, they collude with MC members to harass those residents who cannot pay for FAR or repairs.

A number of corrupt government functionaries, MC members, and companies of builders’ mafia are involved in the Widehouse corruption scandal. A thorough and transparent investigation can catch all the culprits However, the names of a few accused officials, the builders’ mafia leaders, and their accomplices are given below.

Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Names of the Main Accused

Mr. Devinder Singh, IAS former Registrar, RCS, Delhi Government

Mr. Devesh Singh, IAS Registrar (RCS)

Mr. Manish Kumar Gupta, IAS Vice Chairman, Delhi Development Authority (DDA)

Mr. Ajay Saroj Director (Building) at DDA

Mr. Manish Khurana AD&SJ cum P.O. at Appellate Tribunal MCD (ATMCD), Delhi

Mr. Anto Alphonse DCP, Delhi Police

Ms. Chhaya Sharma Jt. Commissioner, Economic Offences Wing (EOW), Delhi Police

Mr. Sanjeev Khirwar, IAS Chairman, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC)

Dr. K.S. Jayachandran Member Secretary, DPCC

Mr. Joseph Baxela Assistant Registrar, RCS Office

Mr. Pankaj Kumar, IAS District Magistrate (North East) Delhi

Mr. Rakesh Das Deputy Registrar at RCS office

Mr. Anurag Jain, IAS former Vice Chairman, DDA

Mr. Yogesh Tyagi Dy Director at DDA

Mr. Santosh Kumar Meena DCP, Delhi Police

Mr. Shankar Choudhary DCP, Delhi Police

Mr. Tanmay Kumar, IAS Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)

Mr. N.K. Gupta Divisional Head, UPC I, CPCB

Mr. Gopal Rai Delhi Environment Minister

Mr. Dharmender Sharma Director SAGR, DDA

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Mr. Phool Meena

Deputy Secretary (Vigilance) Delhi Government

Mr. Bhupesh Chaudhary D C Najafgarh, MCD South, Delhi

Design N Design Architects

Leading Builders’ Mafia Anupam Plaza, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016. Ph: 011 26853257

Vivek & Arti Architects

Builders' Mafia Gang Member

Team Professional Consultant Builders' Mafia Gang Member

Mr. Praveen Dhamija former Dy. Director (Building), DDA

Mr. Tarun Kapoor, IAS former Vice Chairman, DDA

Mr. Udai Pratap Singh former Vice Chairman, DDA

Mr. H. Rajesh Prasad former Secretary, Cooperation of Delhi Government

Mr. Amit Kumar, JD(P) / CVO Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) New Delhi

Ms. Varsha Sharma

Dy. Commissioner of Police, Delhi Police

Mr. Akshay Bhardwaj

Enrl No. D 2106 / 2008, Bhardwaj Law Firm

Mr. M.N. Sampathkumar

Builders' Mafia Gang Member

Om Star Constructions Builders' Mafia Gang Member

Mr. Surjeet Jaradhara former Director (Building), DDA

Mr. Atul Garg, Chief Fire Officer Delhi Fire Service (DFS), Delhi Govt

Mr. Virendra Kumar, IAS former Registrar Cooperative Societies

Mr. Jayadev Sarangi former Registrar Cooperative Societies

Ms. Garima Gupta, IAS Secretary (Cooperation), RCS

Mr. Rajendra Pal Gautam Delhi Cooperative Minister

In addition to the main accused persons whose names are given above, more names of persons involved in the Widehouse corruption scandal may come out at the investigation and prosecution stage of the case. In order to stop corruption and environmental crimes, these accused persons must be immediately jailed because their presence in the public poses a serious threat to the citizens who want to live in a corruption-free and pollution-free environment.

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Crime, Corruption, and Impunity in India

Politicians, bureaucrats, police, and judges have formed a criminal gang in India. The following cases depict how they collude with criminals and commit crimes with impunity while the ordinary citizens are suffering.These cases also include FAR construction crime cases under the Widehouse corruption scandal. Click the following links for details.

Cabinet Secretariat Case

Prime Minister Office (PMO) Case

Ministry of HomeAffairs (MHA) Case

Delhi Lokayukta Case

DoPTCase CBI Case

Economic Offences Wing (EOW) Case

Supreme Court Case

Delhi Govt Case Delhi Petitions Committee / CVC Case

NHRC Case School Education Case

Environmental Crime Case

Judicial Corruption Case

Lokpal Removal Case


Important Note: This case of criminal FAR construction in the Widehouse scandal is also available on the Public Grievance Monitoring System (PGMS) of Delhi Government under Grievance No 2021120462 dated 14 10 2021 along with a number of additional documents that highlight massive crime and corruption in this case. [ You can click here to know the details of the case including the names of the accused officials who are trying to close this case with a criminal intent. ]

[ See photographs given below and click here to watch a related video, click here to watch another video, click here to watch another video, and click here to watch yet another video of FAR construction crime in the Widehouse scandal. ]

Threats to Me: In order to intimidate and silence me, the accused against whom I have complained and their accomplices are sending multiple threats to me. These include false police complaints against me, threats of physical harm to me, expulsion notices, legal notices, and slanderous attacks on my social as well as professional status

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India has been directing the Delhi Police to take action so that I could be protected. The NHRC issued its latest notice on June 11, 2021 with the direction to the Commissioner of Delhi Police to investigate the

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matter and file its report. Police ignored NHRC directions. I have again approached NHRC and other authorities to take action to protect me and my rights. The case is in progress. [ You can click here to read my letter dated August 26, 2021 sent to NHRC and other authorities ]

Note: Since this is a digital document, please click the blue hyperlinks to download and study additional documents to understand various aspects of the Widehouse corruption scandal.

Availability: I will be available for online / virtual meetings to explain various aspects of the Widehouse corruption scandal to law enforcement agencies and human rights groups in India and abroad.


All the Indian and international human rights groups and law enforcement agencies are urged to help me in this campaign to stop lethal construction in Delhi and get all the accused involved in the Widehouse corruption scandal arrested and jailed. The construction already done under FAR policy must be demolished in all housing societies

Also, the entire investigation and prosecution exercise including hearings with the accused should be live streamed and recorded. As a petitioner, I should be allowed to participate in the judicial hearings of the accused so that I could ask them relevant questions about their involvement in this massive Widehouse corruption scandal in Delhi.

Special Proposal: Since top Indian politicians, bureaucrats, and members of judiciary are involved in the Widehouse scandal, a fair prosecution in this case cannot happen in India Therefore, an international court must be set up to prosecute and punish Widehouse criminals. The proposed court will work on the lines of the International Military Tribunal which was constituted at Nuremberg to prosecute Nazi war criminals for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity

Exhibits, some of the official documents, photographs related to the Widehouse corruption scandal, and my profile as well as contact details are given below on the following pages.

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Exhibit 1: Mr. N.K. Gupta (Divisional Head, UPC I, CPCB) wrote a perfunctory letter dated April 1, 2022 to Member Secretary, DPCC who ignored it and did not take any action to stop construction and pollution in Delhi’s housing societies.

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: The letter dated May 5, 2022 from the DoPT to Cabinet Secretariat to hold investigation into the involvement of Anurag Jain (IAS), Pankaj Kumar (IAS), and Devinder Singh (IAS) in the Widehouse corruption scandal including FAR construction.

Exhibit 2
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letter dated April 22,

from the DoPT to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to hold investigation into the involvement of Sanjeev Khirwar (IAS) in the Widehouse corruption scandal including FAR construction.

Exhibit 3: The
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: The letter dated April 22, 2022 from the DoPT to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change to hold investigation into the involvement of Tanmay Kumar (IAS) in the Widehouse corruption scandal including FAR construction.

Corruption Scandal



Exhibit 4
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Exhibit 5: Mr. N.K. Gupta of CPCB sent a letter dated November 12, 2021 to a number of negligent officers who ignored the letter and did not take any action to stop harmful construction and pollution in Delhi’s housing societies. All of them are operating in the Widehouse scandal

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With its reminder letter dated 16.03.2020, India’s top anti corruption authority

asked the investigative agency CBI to take action in this case of corruption involving bureaucrats and others. The CBI ignored CVC’s advice.

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Exhibit 7: Letter dated 20.01.2021 from the Lokpal office informing me about the progress of investigation into the case that I have filed against bureaucrats and others in the corruption racket. Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman May 2022 Page: 22 of 43
Exhibit 8: DoPT letter dated May 13, 2021 about
case against DDA Vice Chairman Anurag Jain, IAS, who is involved in the
corruption scandal.
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Raman May 2022 Page: 23 of 43
9: DoPT
letter dated May
13, 2021
about the case against Pankaj Kumar (IAS) and Devinder Singh (IAS) who are involved in the Widehouse corruption scandal.
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by Rakesh Raman
May 2022 Page: 24 of 43

: Letter dated July 5, 2021 from DoPT about the confirmation of complaint against Anurag Jain (IAS), Vice Chairman, DDA, who is involved in the Widehouse corruption scandal.

Exhibit 10
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: DDA responds to RTI application saying that DDA has not kept the record of FAR proposals that have been submitted to it. It is a clear case of dereliction of duty by DDA officials who are leading the Widehouse corruption scandal.



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Exhibit 12: Letter from Central Pollution Control Board to the Delhi Pollution
Committee about FAR pollution in Delhi. No action was taken to stop pollution. Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman May 2022 Page: 27 of 43
Exhibit 13: Letter from Delhi
Pollution Control Committee
Vice Chairman DDA
about FAR construction and pollution in Delhi.
Vice Chairman DDA
it. Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman May 2022 Page: 28 of 43
Exhibit 14: Residents who oppose FAR construction are forced by the management committees (MCs) of housing societies to pay for FAR construction. They succumb under threats from MCs.
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say that they do not want FAR construction,

disturbance, and accidents in the society

Exhibit 15: Signed representation of residents who
etc. as it is causing pollution,
building. Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman May 2022 Page: 30 of 43
Photographs of destruction being caused by FAR construction in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) and the affected residents are given below. Photo 1: People participating in a signature campaign to stop FAR (floor area ratio) construction dust and noise pollution in New Delhi. Photo and Campaign by Rakesh Raman Photo 2: Senior citizens in a group housing society of Dwarka in New Delhi urge the government to save them from dust and noise pollution of extended FAR construction activity. Photo and Campaign by Rakesh Raman Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman
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Photo 3: Deadly dust and noise pollution is caused by FAR construction in occupied cooperative group housing societies of Delhi. Photo: Residents of Delhi Photo 4: Children demonstrating in the streets of New Delhi so that the Indian government should protect them from dust and noise pollution coming from extended FAR construction activity. Photo and Campaign by Rakesh Raman Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman
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Photo 5: FAR construction is causing serious accidents in the residential buildings. A car was damaged when a large stone fell on it during the construction activity. Photo by Rakesh Raman Photo 6: Case of a broken IGL (Indraprastha Gas Limited) gas pipeline during FAR construction activity in a housing society. Photo: Rakesh Raman Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman
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Photo 7: A corrupt management committee (MC) of a housing society in Delhi continues FAR construction even during coronavirus pandemic. As the occupied society building is totally destroyed and polluted, it is difficult for residents to live in it. Photo 8: Lawless management committees (MCs) of housing societies mercilessly destroy the green parks of children and break the entire buildings with illegal FAR construction activity. Photo by Rakesh Raman Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman
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Photo 9: As FAR construction weakens the structural stability of buildings, rocks and bricks fall inside the rooms of flats in housing societies. Photo by Rakesh Raman Photo 10: As FAR construction weakens the structural stability of buildings, rocks and bricks fall inside the rooms of flats in housing societies Photo by Rakesh Raman Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman
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Photo 11: As FAR construction weakens the structural stability of buildings, the walls and ceilings fall and that can kill people. Photo by Rakesh Raman Photo 12: As FAR construction weakens the structural stability of buildings, the debris of rocks and bricks that fall from the damaged ceilings. It can cause fatal accidents. Photo by Rakesh Raman Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman
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Photo: 13: FAR construction causes corruption, pollution, disturbance, and accidents in housing society buildings where men, women, children, and senior citizens live. Photo by Rakesh Raman Photo: 14: Deep pits during FAR construction spread filth and diseases in housing societies where people are forced to live Photo by Rakesh Raman Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman
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Photo: 15: A resident, who is threatened and forced by the criminal MC members of a housing society to accept and pay for FAR construction, protests outside his society building. Photo: 16: FAR construction which will continue for many years (if not stopped) has made it difficult for people in Delhi’s housing societies to live in their homes. Photo by Rakesh Raman Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman
May 2022 Page: 38 of 43

Related Photo: Delhi Air Pollution: The Real time Air Quality Index (AQI) shows hazardous air quality level in Delhi. Air quality in Delhi is bad throughout the year.

Report Corruption in Delhi Housing Societies to Clean House

“Clean House” runs as a community court to report about crime and corruption happening in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS). If you want “Clean House” to report about corruption and illegal activities in your housing society, you can contact it with relevant documents and details. You can click here to visit the "Clean House" service.

A partial list of Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) where illegal FAR construction projects are at various stages of implementation is given below. There may be many more housing societies where illegal FAR construction is happening or it is being planned. In most of these criminal projects, the builders’ mafia leader Design N Design Architects - is directly or indirectly involved.

Appu Enclave, Address: 3D, Sector 11 Dwarka, Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi 110075

Kumudi Apartments, Plot 11, Pocket 6,, Sector 1, Dwarka, Pocket 9, Sector 1A Dwarka, Nasirpur, New Delhi, Delhi 110045

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Bahawalpur Apartment, Plot 1, Sector 4, Dwarka, Delhi, 110078

St Columbas Apartments CGHS, Sector 7 Dwarka, New Delhi

DPS CGHS, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi 110078

The Elephanta Heights Apartments, Plot No 41, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi

Seema CGHS LTD, Plot No 7, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi

Mahajan Shree C.G.H.S. Ltd. Plot No. 13, Sector 23, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075

Sleuth C G H S LTD Plot No 06, Sector 19, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075

Lords C.G.H.S. LTD, Plot No. 07, Sector 19B Dwarka, New Delhi

Nishat C.G.H.S. LTD, Plot No. 05, Sector 19B Dwarka, New Delhi 110075

Apni C.G.H.S. Plot No. 05 B, Sector 11 Dwarka, New Delhi

Jai Mata Kalyani Plot No 31, Sector 04 Dwarka, Ph I, New Delhi

Shaman Vihar C.G.H.S. Plot No. 9, Sector 23 Dwarka, New Delhi

Mis Badhwar C.G.H.S. Plot No. 3, Sector 6 Dwarka, New Delhi

Nanda Devi CGHS Plot No. 19, Sector 10 Dwarka, New Delhi

The Sanmati C G H S LTD Plot No 19A, Sector 06 Dwarka, New Delhi 110075

Ashoka Enclave C. G. H. S. LTD., Plot No. 8B, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi

Param Puneet C.G.H.S. Plot 27, Sector 06, Dwarka, Phase 1 New Delhi 110075

Pragjyotishpur Apartments C.G.H.S. Plot 07, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi 110075

Supriya C G H S Plot No 20, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi

Surya C.G.H.S. Plot No. 14, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi

Rashtrapati Bhawan Cabinet Affairs CGHS, Plot 3, Dwarka, Sector 10, New Delhi

Rajvihar CGHS, Plot No 13, Sector 18 A, Dwarka, New Delhi

New Ashiana CGHS, Plot No 10, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi

Green Valley CGHS, Plot No. 18, Sector 22, Dwarka, New Delhi

JAYPEE CGHS, Plot No.2, Sector 22, Dwarka, New Delhi

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IDC CGHS, Plot No. 8C, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi

Neelanchal CGHS, Plot No. 3, Sector 4, Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi

HoltecCGHS, Plot No 2, Sector 9, Dwarka, New Delhi

Ministry of Rural Development CGHS, Plot No. 20, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi

The Griha Mantralaya CGHS Ltd., Plot No. 28, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi

RAO C.G.H.S. Ltd. Plot No. 2, Sector 23, Dwarka, New Delhi

Mother Dairy C G H S LTD , Plot No 6, Sector 5, Dwarka, New Delhi

Himachal Dhauladhar, CGHS Ltd, Plot No. 15, Sector 5, Dwarka, New Delhi

The Thiruvizha CGHS Ltd. Plot No. 37, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi

Diamond Square C.G.H.S. Plot No. 13 A, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi

Anmol Apartment, Plot No 3A, Sector 2, Dwarka, New Delhi

Ratnakar C.G.H.S. Ltd. Plot No. 21, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi

Shiv Shankar C.G.H.S. LTD. Plot No. 10A, Sector 9, Dwarka, New Delhi

Patel C.G.H.S. LTD. Plot No. 4, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi

Chandanwari C G H S LTD Plot No 8, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi

Sabka Ghar C.G.H.S. LTD. Plot No. 23, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi

Adarsh Purwal Vaish C.G.H.S. LTD., Plot No. 33, Sector 8, Dwarka, New Delhi

Shahdara C.G.H.S. LTD. Plot No. 20, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi

Aarti C G H S Ltd Plot No 1A, Sector 2, Dwarka, New Delhi

Defence Land & Cantt. C.G.H.G. Ltd., Plot No. 8, Sector 12, Dwarka, New Delhi

True Friends C.G.H.S. Ltd. Plot No. 29, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi

Sant Sundar Dass Ji CGHS. Ltd. Plot No. 21, Sector 12, Dwarka, New Delhi

Modest Ketki C G H S Ltd Plot No 8B, Sector 11, Dwarka, New Delhi

Mandakini CGHS Ltd. Plot No. 3C, Sector 2, Dwarka, New Delhi

Shivlok CGHS Ltd., Plot No. 6, Sector 6, Dwarka, New Delhi

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Saral CGHS Ltd. Plot No. 15, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi

E I L Employees CGHS, Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi 110018

Sanchar Vihar CGHS, Plot No 15, Dwarka Sector 4, New Delhi 110078


Rakesh Raman is a national award winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation, which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. Nowadays, for the past 12 years, he has been running his own global news services on multiple news sites.

He runs various environment protection, education awareness, and anti corruption campaigns, and publishes digital magazines and research reports on different subjects. Earlier, he had been associated with the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) as a digital media expert to help businesses use technology for brand marketing and business development.

Recently, he has launched a comprehensive research project to compile an exclusive research report on corruption in India. Its working title is “India Corruption Research Report 2022 (ICRR 2022)”. He has also launched a nationwide campaign to introduce social democracy in India in order to build an egalitarian society in which all citizens could enjoy equal rights, opportunities, freedoms, and access to justice.

Rakesh has launched a public campaign which aims to get the directionless school education system in India revamped so that students can acquire contemporary skills that can help them progress in the modern information driven world. He has launched a new editorial section / microsite “Power Play: Lok Sabha Election 2024 in India” to cover the election news, events, and campaigns.

In his anti corruption activities, he participated in a global petition led by Germany based international organization Transparency International to call for the UN General Assembly Special Session against Corruption, UNGASS 2021, to direct all countries to set up central, public registers of beneficial ownership

Rakesh has also participated in the Varieties of Democracy (V Dem) Project for 2022 as a Country Expert for India to provide expert research inputs on multiple topics pertaining to

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democracy and governance. The V Dem Project is managed by V Dem Institute under the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

In April 2022, he filed to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) a comprehensive corruption complaint against Indian bureaucrats to be prosecuted under the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), which is the only legally binding universal anti corruption instrument.

In May 2022, he filed a petition at the Delhi Lokayukta and the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Government of India, to start investigation into the alleged crime and corruption cases of the ministers of Delhi Government and legislators (MLAs) of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) headed by Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal

In May 2022, he also filed an updated complaint against the Lokpal of India officials for making misleading statements and their complicity in corruption crimes to protect the corrupt government functionaries.

He runs a community driven anti corruption social service “Clean House” to help the residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in housing societies where millions of people suffer because of rampant corruption and lawlessness

He has also formed an environment protection group called Green Group in New Delhi, which is the most polluted national capital in the world.

As Rakesh has been facing constant threats including death threats for his editorial and anti corruption work, the Paris based international organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) that defends freedom of journalists has urged the Indian government to save him from threats and persecution. You can click here to download and read his full profile.


Rakesh Raman

Editor, RMN

Founder, RMN

DPS Apts.,


News Service [ Website ]
Foundation [ Website ] 463,
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I, New Delhi 110 078, India Mobile: 9810319059 | Contact by Email Widehouse Corruption Scandal in Delhi Report by Rakesh Raman May 2022 Page: 43 of 43

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