Michigan Daily October 1

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‘U’ officials E. Royster Harper and Laura Blake Jones: Campus should stand up for Armstrong. » PAGE 4

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The Michigan Daily reviews ‘The Social Network.’ Plus: Interviews with the film’s stars and its award-winning writer, Aaron Sorkin.

SPORTS With Denard back and ready to go, the Wolverines take on Indiana in Bloomington tomorrow. » PAGE 5

» PAGES 7 & 8


Ann Arbor, Michigan



More students choosing to go ‘green’ when picking a major ‘U’ officials: Spike in majors due to increased focus on environment By JOSEPH LICHTERMAN Daily Staff Reporter

Green is the new blue at the University as more students are pursuing undergraduate majors and graduate degrees in sustainability. Since 2005, the Program in the Environment has increased from 128 students to 291 students and the School of Natural Resources and the Environment has seen an 83-percent increase in enrollment — from 123 to 225 students — during the same time period, according to a University press release. University officials attribute the drastic rise in interest in both programs in large part to the increased media attention surrounding the issue of global warming. Bill Currie, an associate professor in the School of Natural Resources and Environment, said in an interview yesterday that he thought more students became aware of and interested in environmental issues from films like former Vice President Al Gore’s Oscar-winning documentary

“An Inconvenient Truth.” Currie added that college students grew up in homes that were more environmentally conscious and attentive to the changes that society needs to make to combat climate change than their parents’ or grandparents’ childhood homes. “Young people are a ripe audience for that impact,” Currie said. “Their parents grew up interested in the environment. If you’re in your early or mid-20s today, you grew up with parents who were more likely to have environmental understanding and sensibility than generations ago. “ The interest in environmental programs and degrees isn’t limited to the University of Michigan, as enrollment in these programs has spiked nationwide. Ronald Hendrick, director of the School of Environment & Natural Resources at Ohio State University, wrote in an e-mail interview that nearly 500 students are enrolled in OSU’s program. “(There has been) some increase in freshman/first-year students,” he wrote. “But even more so in transfers from other institutions, both two and four year and from both in-state and out-of-state institutions.” PitE Director Paul Webb said the interest in the environment See GREEN, Page 2


Jason Jones, a correspondent from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, interviews LSA junior Lauren Blanchard for a future segment on the show about Andrew Shirvell’s derisive blog and criticisms of Chris Armstrong. The University community has rallied around Armstrong amidst heightened media attention on the issue.

Cox: Shirvell suspended Move comes after outcry intensified from national media, campus community By RACHEL BRUSSTAR Daily Staff Reporter

Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox suspended Andrew Shirvell, an assistant attorney general, yesterday, capping what had become a national news story after The Michigan Daily first reported in early September on Shirvell’s controversial blog that targeted Michigan Student Assembly Presi-

dent Chris Armstrong. Cox told The Detroit News that he was wrong to stand by Shirvell and support his behavior toward Armstrong. “I’m at fault here,” Cox said in the article. “I’ve been saying for weeks that (Shirvell’s) been acting like a bully, that his behavior is immature, but it’s after-hours and protected by the First Amendment.” Cox told the News that he hadn’t read all of Shirvell’s blog when he made those comments. Earlier in the day yesterday, the University administration and community rushed to stand by Armstrong amidst the growing controversy.

In a statement released to The Michigan Daily on Thursday, University President Mary Sue Coleman wrote that the administration supports Armstrong and opposes anyone who compromises the rights and safety of students. “A high-profile situation involving one of our students is highlighting the importance of values that our institution holds dear,” Coleman wrote. “An individual has chosen to target the elected president of the U-M student body in a reprehensible manner.” Shirvell started a blog called Chris Armstrong Watch shortly after Armstrong was elected in March. The blog — which he closed to all but “invited readers”

on Thursday — accuses Armstrong of promoting a “radical homosexual agenda” on campus and makes contemptuous comments about Armstrong’s family and friends. Last month, Shirvell also spoke during the public comments portion of a Michigan Student Assembly meeting, calling Armstrong a racist and demanding his resignation. At the meeting and during another confrontation on campus earlier in the year, Shirvell criticized Armstrong for joining the senior honor society Order of Angell. The organization has weathered criticism for allegedly using Native American artifacts See ARMSTRONG, Page 3


At campus event, Mexican journalist talks human rights Lydia Cacho also runs a shelter for battered women in Cancún By MICHELE NAROV Daily Staff Reporter


Students wait in line last night to get into Rick’s American Café. Five students started a website with a live-stream of the line.

The story behind Ricksline.com Rick’s owner says website started by ‘U’ students is bad for business By NICOLE ABER and VERONICA MENALDI Daily News Editor and Daily Staff Reporter

Shooting the breeze one Thursday night in August before going out, a group of


HI: 55 LO: 39

University students came up with something to make their favorite Ann Arbor bar even more appealing. It was on this night that Kinesiology senior Will O’Leary, LSA senior Scott Robbins, Engineering senior Greg Anderson, Brian LaFrence, University alum and a current visiting research investigator at the College of Engineering, and Eli Orlofsky, University alum and Business School graduate student, thought of the idea that would become Ricksline.com

— a website that allows users to view the line outside Rick’s American Café. And while the group of students said the website is a helpful tool for people to plan their nights out, Chris Hesse, manager of Rick’s American Café located at 611 Church St., said he thinks Ricksline.com will actually be “detrimental” to the bar. Excluding Anderson, the group of friends lives on Church Street diagonally across the See RICKSLINE, Page 3

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In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the University’s Division of Student Affairs hosted an intimate conversation at the Trotter Multicultural Center yesterday afternoon with journalist Lydia Cacho.

Cacho, who is from Mexico, discussed her career, specifically how she’s launched battles against Mexican officials through her journalism in an effort to contribute to the human rights push in the country. Cacho is the founder of Ciam Cancún, a shelter in Cancún for battered women and children. She has dedicated her life to speaking out for the abused and putting an end to sex trafficking and child prostitution and pornography through hundreds of articles and several books. Engineering sophomore Nicole

Bettes, public relations chair for the University’s Hispanic Heritage Month Planning Committee, asked questions while Cacho explained, — partly in Spanish — that while Cancun has a reputation of being a tourist city, sex trafficking and other human rights crime aren’t uncommon. “I enjoy the nice side of Cancún and I believe it’s beautiful,” Cacho told the audience of about 20 students and faculty. “But I deal with the dark side too.” It’s not easy to protect women from violence in a country where See CACHO, Page 3


‘U’ nets NIH grant to study diabetes $3.3 million grant to be used to investigate drug treatments By CLAIRE GOSCICKI Daily Staff Reporter

Researchers at the Brehm Center for Diabetes Research — a division of the University’s Comprehensive Diabetes Center — received a $3.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to fund research for early interventional drug treatments for type

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1 diabetes, according to a press release issued by the center last month. The grant will support Massimo Pietropaolo, professor of internal medicine at the Medical School and director of the immunogenetics laboratory at the Brehm Center, and his team, which includes two University researchers and a researcher from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. By combining laboratory findings with mathematical models, the team hopes to gain a better understanding of how immune

Vol. CXXI, No. 19 ©2010 The Michigan Daily michigandaily.com

responses in the body lead to damaged pancreas cells in those considered at risk for developing type 1 diabetes, the release stated. This knowledge will spur progress toward discovering new drugs that can halt the progression of the disease. In addition, researchers hope the study will help doctors be able to better predict the onset of juvenile diabetes, the press release stated. According to the National Institutes of Health website, type 1 diabetes — sometimes referred to as juvenile or insulin-dependent See DIABETES, Page 3

NEWS................................. . . 2 OPINION......................... . . . . . 4 SPORTS........................... . . . . . 5

CL ASSIFIEDS.................... . . . . 6 CRO S S WO R D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ARTS................................. . . . 7


2 — Friday, October 1, 2010

MONDAY: In Other Ivory Towers

TUESDAY: Michigan Myths

WEDNESDAY: Professor Profiles

THURSDAY: Campus Clubs

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FRIDAY: Photos of the Week

LEFT BTB Cantina held a burrito eating contest last Friday. The first-place winner received a $100 gift card to BTB and the secondplace winner received a $50 gift card. (ANNA SCHULTE/Daily) TOP RIGHT LSA senior Sam Billetdeaux DJs in his home on Wednesday as a dog listens to his jams. (MARISSA MCCLAIN/Daily) BOTTOM RIGHT: Denard Robinson celebrates by knealing in the end zone after a touch down during last weekend's game against Bowling Green. The game was held in the Big House, and the Wolverines won 65-21. (ARIEL BOND/Daily)

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SENIOR NEWS EDITORS: Nicole Aber, Stephanie Steinberg, Kyle Swanson, Eshwar Thirunavukkarasu, Devon Thorsby ASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS: Bethany Biron, Dylan Cinti, Caitlin Huston, Lindsay Kramer, Joseph Lichterman, Veronica Menaldi, Elyana Twiggs

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Leaky laboratory Shades, shoulder soaks laser bag swiped

Human rights lecture

Japanese film screening

WHERE: 2200 Bonisteel WHEN: Wednesday at about 2:40 p.m. WHAT: A water leak in a roof damaged a laboratory laser, University Police reported. It is unknown how much it will cost to repair the laser.

WHAT: Human rights expert José Zalaquett will discuss accountability for human rights abuses. WHO: International Policy Center WHEN: Today from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. WHERE: Weill Hall

WHAT: A Japanese movie about a dying man who learns how "to live," or ikiru. WHO: Center for Japanese Studies WHEN: Tonight from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. WHERE: Lorch Hall

WHERE: Smith Law Library WHEN: Wednesday at about 6:40 p.m. WHAT: A shoulder bag and sunglasses worth $200 were stolen from the office of a University staff member, University Police reported.

Thief steals hospital food

Windshield whacked

WHERE: University Cancer Center WHEN: Wednesday at about 6:40 p.m. WHAT: $100 worth of patient food was stolen from the Cancer Center, University Police reported. There are currently no suspects.

WHERE: South Quadrangle Residence Hall WHEN: Thursday at about 2:10 a.m. WHAT: The windshield of a vehicle parked in the loading dock was damaged, University Police reported. The vehicle also had scratches on its side.


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Symphony band concert WHAT: The University Symphony Band will perform pieces that explore human connections and mythological characters. There will be a pre-concert discussion at 7:15 p.m. with composers Ricardo Lorenz and John Mackey. WHO: 'U' Symphony Band WHEN: Tonight at 8 p.m. WHERE: Hill Auditorium

Big House, Big Heart run WHAT: A 5K race that runs through campus and will start and finish at the Big House. WHO: Recreation Sports WHEN: Sunday at 8 a.m. WHERE: Michigan Stadium

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Ryan Kartje

Scientists have discovered a new planet, called Gliese 581g that is 20 light-years away, Discovery News reported. The planet is the right size and in the right location to sustain life. Scientists do not currently have the technology to study the atmosphere for signs of life.

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Indiana University's football team has the best pass offense in the Big Ten, while Michigan has the worst pass defense. >> FOR MORE, SEE SPORTS, PAGE 5A

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In a study performed off the coast of Costa Rica, scientists found that Bottlenose and Guyana dolphins, two distantly-related species, change the way they communicate and use a common language when they are together, the BBC reported.

Jason Mahakian Production Manager Meghan Rooney Layout Manager Nick Meshkin Finance Manager Chrissy Winkler Circulation Manager Zach Yancer Web Project Coordinator The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies may be picked up at the Daily’s office for $2. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are $110. Winter term (January through April) is $115, yearlong (September through April) is $195. University affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate Press.

Cox: Charges will not be filed against FBI agents Agents shot an imam 20 times, killing him in a raid last year


Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox said yesterday that he won't file criminal charges against FBI agents who shot Detroit Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah 20 times.

DETROIT (AP) — Michigan's attorney general said yesterday that he won't file criminal charges against FBI agents who shot a Detroit mosque leader 20 times, killing him during a raid last year on a suburban warehouse. It is "undisputed" that Luqman Ameen Abdullah fired at agents, resisted arrest and rejected demands to surrender, Attorney General Mike Cox said. "Under Michigan law, law enforcement agents are justified in using deadly force in these types of situations, and therefore we found no crimes," Cox said in a written statement.

Calif. GOP gov. candidate called out for illegal maid Whitman accused of employing illegal immigrant SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) — Meg Whitman's campaign for governor was thrown into turmoil yesterday as the Republican sought to fend off new evidence that she knowingly had an illegal immigrant housekeeper on her payroll for nearly a decade. Whitman denounced the allegations as a "baseless smear attack" by Democratic challenger Jerry Brown in what has become a dead-heat race five weeks before the election. She says she fired the $23-an-hour housekeeper last year immediately after learning she was illegal. The immigration dispute has upended a contest that until now been focused on serious issues such as job creation, state spending and education in a state with a $19 billion deficit and 12.4 percent unemployment. Now, the focus is on whether the billionaire GOP nominee for governor will take a polygraph test

to respond to allegations brought by a celebrity-seeking attorney and her mysterious housekeeper client. Revelations about the illegal housekeeper have also thrown Whitman's carefully managed campaign completely off track and opened the door for Democrats to accuse her of hypocrisy. The former eBay chief executive has called for tougher sanctions against employers who hire illegal workers, and the fact that she employed an illegal immigrant maid from Mexico for nine years could undermine her credibility. She has also spent millions courting Latino voters, who could play a key role in determining the outcome of the race. A letter sent to Whitman from the Social Security Administration in 2003 has emerged as a crucial element in the dispute. The letter warned Whitman that there were discrepancies in housekeeper Nicky Diaz Santillan's payroll documents, a possible tip-off that she could be illegal. Whitman said she never got the letter and suggested the former

maid might have intercepted it since she was in charge of the mail at the family's Silicon Valley mansion. The housekeeper and lawyer Gloria Allred later produced a copy of the letter that they say shows Whitman's husband, Dr. Griffith Harsh III, partially filled it out and told the housekeeper to "check on this." Allred said the housekeeper recognized the writing as belonging to Whitman's husband, and a handwriting specialist may be brought in to analyze her husband's penmanship. She claims it could prove that Whitman and her husband knew years earlier that Diaz Santillan might be illegal. In a statement released by the campaign, Harsh said he did not recall receiving the letter, although it's possible he scratched out the note asking Diaz Santillan to follow-up. He noted, however, that the letter does not say Diaz Santillan is illegal, it merely asks for more information. "The essential fact remains the same, neither Meg nor I believed there was a problem with Nicky's legal status," the husband said.

Some leaders in the local Muslim community have questioned whether the agents used excessive force. Besides being shot 20 times, Abdullah had wounds that an independent forensic pathologist said were caused by an FBI dog killed during the raid last October. Some have speculated that Abdullah may have fired his gun while trying to defend himself from the dog. Indeed, Cox's report said agents deployed the dog after the suspect failed to show his hands while on his stomach on the ground. The dog began biting Abdullah, who rolled over, revealed a gun and fired at the dog and at agents, the report said. Four agents returned fire and Abdullah was killed, the report said. "It is clear that the agents acted in self-defense and/or in defense of

GREEN From Page 1 and the University’s programs is the result of activism surrounding the issue. “This seems to be a much stronger grassroots concern, especially amongst young people, for what the future holds for them and the globe they live in,” Webb said. “It’s very good to see. We’re not entirely sure of the causes, but it seems to be that it’s something that’s bubbling up from the bottom.” He added that undergraduates are attracted to the cross-disciplinary nature of the PitE program — explaining that courses range from environmental literature to marine ecology — and that PitE faculty come from a wide array of backgrounds. “We’re beginning to spread to an even larger area — Southeast Michigan and hopefully Ontario — to bring in a diverse group of people to really prepare the students for the kinds of things they’re going to be dealing with for the rest of their lives,” Webb said. While Webb said most students who graduate from the University with a degree from PitE tend to go to some form of graduate school, Currie said students who earn master’s degrees from the SNR&E usually start their careers right

others," the report said. "The facts show Abdullah making a series of decisions that resulted in the use of deadly force against him — and ultimately his death. "None of Abdullah's followers who complied with the ... commands were injured in any way," the report said, referring to four others detained after the raid. The head of the FBI in Detroit, Andrew Arena, said the report "accurately reflects what happened that day." "There were five people in the warehouse. Four people came out without a scratch on them," Arena said in an interview. "I would encourage people to read the report." Abdullah's widow, Amina Abdullah, said she was saddened to hear that no state charges will be filed. "That's for real? Wow," she said.

away. Currie added that joint programs between SNR&E and the Ross School of Business and Law School, among others, have helped prepare students for the emerging “green economy,” which Currie said is going to grow rapidly in the next decade. “I think corporations that are more traditional are seeing the value in things like carbon offsets or saving energy or reducing their environmental footprints,” Currie said. “They want to hire people, who not only have the business training but also who can sort of tell them from the inside how to be better citizens.” Several PitE students said they liked the interdisciplinary nature of the program because it allowed them to pursue a variety of subjects that are of interest to them and relate to the environment. LSA sophomore and PitE major Stephanie Chen said she chose PitE because it allowed her to pursue her different passions. She said she’s debating between concentrating in conservation biology or environmental law. “It’s very interdisciplinary,” Chen said. “It combines the hardcore sciences with more interdisciplinary applications to the world.” LSA junior Gillian Wener, another PitE major who is taking the LSAT on Oct. 9 said PitE is

"I can't even talk. I can't even walk." The FBI has described her husband as a leader of a radical Sunni group that wants to create an Islamic state within the U.S. Authorities say Abdullah preached hate for the government and encouraged his followers to commit violence, especially against police and federal agents. He told an FBI informant that if the government messed with him, "it will be straight up war," according to a court document. Abdullah's family, however, has denied that he was anti-government. There were 66 agents involved in the stolen-goods sting operation, including 29 secretly inside the warehouse before Abdullah and allies arrived that day, according to the attorney general's report. Agents rehearsed the bust three times.

helping her prepare for law school and her eventual career as an environmental attorney. “It’s an area of the economy that’s growing because there’s a lot of increase in awareness about environmental issues and a lot more litigation,” Wener said. “So, I think my degree has given me a really solid foundation for the kind of things I want to go into and has prepared me for law school.” Though PitE helps prepare students for their futures, it’s also helping the University community become more “environmentally friendly,” PitE sophomore Maggie Oliver said. Last semester, Oliver took Environment 391: Sustainable Campus — a PitE class that allows students to create and implement various sustainability programs across campus. “We created the ‘How to be a Green Wolverine’ guide, which was given to all freshmen this year,” Oliver said. “It’s just different ways of how to be environmentally friendly in Ann Arbor.” The University’s Graham Environmental Sustainability Institute and Planet Blue sponsored the implementation of the project idea. “We did all this work for it, and it was actually a tangible object that we added to the University,” Oliver said. “I’m really big into not just talking about something but actually doing something.”

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MSU football player pleads guilty in DPS laptop theft A Michigan State University football player has pleaded guilty to receiving and concealing stolen property in the theft of laptop computers from several Detroit Public Schools. Dion Sims entered his plea yesterday in Wayne County Circuit Court and will be sentenced Dec. 6, the county prosecutor’s office said in a statement. The 19-year-old sophomore from Detroit was one of 10 men charged following an investigation into the theft of 104 laptops valued at $158,000 from several Detroit schools. Sims was charged with handling between $1,000 and $10,000 worth of stolen goods. Michigan State has suspended Sims indefinitely from team-related activities. He has not played in the first four games this season.


American tourist shot on jet ski ride An American tourist was shot in the back of the head in Mexican waters on yesterday after being ambushed by armed boaters, a Texas sheriff said. It happened on a lake where run-ins with pirates had already put fishermen and Texas officials on alert. Zapata County Sheriff Sigifredo Gonzalez said a 30-year-old man and his wife were riding jet skis back from Mexico when about six gunmen approached in two boats. Gonzalez said the man was shot as the couple sped away. What happened to the man was unclear. Gonzalez said the man’s wife tried circling back to get him, but retreated back to U.S. waters after being fired upon again. “They saw them approaching and started revving it up back to the U.S. side,” Gonzalez said. “The guys just started shooting at them from behind.”


Small-town mayor killed in $6,000 hit Two men were arrested for killing a small-town Mexican mayor for $6,000 in a land dispute, prosecutors said Thursday. Nuevo Leon state Attorney General Alejandro Garza y Garza ruled out the involvement of drug gangs that have been blamed for the assassination of many other mayors in Mexico. Prisciliano Rodriguez, mayor of Doctor Gonzalez, was gunned down Sept. 23 along with an aide. He was the fourth mayor killed in northeastern Mexico in a month. Garza y Garza said the two detained men confessed to the contract killing of the mayor in a land dispute. He said an uncle of one of the two suspects hired them a week before the assassination, asking them if they “wanted a little job.” The uncle remains at large. The men were paid an initial $3,000 and given an R-15 rifle, an Uzi and a revolver, Garza y Garza said. On the day of the assassination, the uncle called his nephew and demanded the money back if they did not carry out the killing, the prosecutor said. The suspects told police they traveled later that day to Doctor Gonzalez, where the mayor was coordinating a program to provide metal roofing to residents, Garza y Garza said.

CARACAS, Venezuela

16 inmates killed in Venezuelan prison A Venezuelan official says a riot involving rival gangs inside a prison has killed 16 inmates and injured 35. Chief prisons official Consuelo Cerrada says authorities peacefully retook control of the prison after the violence. Cerrada told the TV channel Globovision yesterday that fighting erupted the previous day between inmates feuding over control. She says six of the injured remain hospitalized and the rest are back in Tocoron prison in north-central Aragua state. Officials have said three other inmates were killed and four guards injured in violence at the same prison Monday. Violence is common in Venezuela’s crowded prisons, where rival gangs often fight for control of cellblocks or the sale of drugs. — Compiled from Daily wire reports.


Rick’s owner says he’s ‘not a big fan’ of the site From Page 1 street from Rick’s. Orlofsky said their proximity to the bar is ideal since they can monitor the line from about 60 feet away without having to venture outside. This thinking became the basis for the concept of Ricksline.com. “There was always that sort of mindset,” Orlofsky said. “Once we moved in there we were going to able to observe the line ourselves. I guess once we were actually there somehow the camera idea popped up, the website idea came up and the name Ricksline.com had a good buzz to it so we rolled with it.” Ricksline.com was fully functional and complete with advertisements on Sept. 14. The camera linked to the website is located inside the students’ house facing Rick’s and streams 24-hour live footage. Since the website went live, it has received over 14,000 hits according to Google metrics, O’Leary said. But before launching the site, the five friends didn’t consult Rick’s, according to Hesse. He said he wasn’t aware of the website until one of the bar’s employees pointed it out about two-and-a-half weeks ago. Hesse said he’s “not a big fan” of the website because he thinks the creators are taking advantage of the popularity of Rick’s in order to make a few bucks. “I believe that in this situation somebody else is profiting off our hard work and success that we’ve had over the last 31 years, which is fine,” Hesse said. “You know it’s the American way.” The five University students created the website with the goal of making the going-out experience more convenient, O’Leary said. “The point was really to create a method for people to have this view of the line and get in faster without the hassle of waiting in the cold,” he said. But Hesse said he thinks Ricksline.com can be “misleading,” because the camera doesn’t show how many people are actually inside the bar. So if there’s no line outside the bar, people who arrive still may not be able to get in if the bar is at capacity. Hesse said this happened last weekend. “The line moves until we hit capacity and once we hit capacity, the line basically stops and we can’t let people in until people leave,” Hesse said. The website has about 1,000

CACHO From Page 1 many officials and civil servants are corrupt, Cacho said. “In Mexico, when we call the police they will go to protect the batterer,” she said. The idea for Ciam Cancún was an extension of Cacho’s work in radio, through which she often spoke out against domestic abuse. “All of these women started coming to the radio station and saying to me, ‘What you’re saying is true, but where can we go?’” Cacho said. Cacho explained how she stayed in a battered shelter to understand an abuse victim’s experience. Helping people through first-hand experience is necessary to fight Mexico’s human rights problems, she said. “We cannot eradicate violence if we do not work within ourselves as individuals,” she said. Despite her efforts, Cacho said her actions are rarely well received, especially because she is a woman working to eradicate political corruption. “The government in Mexico thinks of me as a public enemy,” she said. “We have a macho society in Mexico. And the fact that I am a women and a journalist, that I have a sense of humor about this and I am not a victim — the government doesn’t know what to do.” But Cacho’s work has paid off. By exposing some of these human rights crimes through her journalism, the Mexican government has passed several laws against the violence of women and child pornography. She said the criminal justice system is a mess and she believes it will take a long time to see it corrected, but that change has to start somewhere. “We are, I believe, in the seeds,” she said. “Eventually we will see a change.” As Cacho told several sto-

viewers per day, with almost 400 Facebook members “liking” the website, according to Anderson. The website’s peak traffic days are Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, Robbins said, though they have also found that a large number of people check out the website Monday afternoons as well. “If you are trying to beat the line, (the website) allows you to get there quicker and make sure you are there before a big line forms,” Orlofsky said. “But also some nights if you are not sure if you should go you can tell if there’s a line, which means there’s a lot of people there and that really excites people when they go to bars.” Hesse said Rick’s patrons said they like the website. But he said this technology isn’t ideal for the bar since people will be deterred from coming if they see a line forming. Hesse said some Rick’s regulars told him they decided to come to the café later than usual after checking out Ricksline.com. “I feel that if it’s 11 o’clock, instead of rushing to Rick’s to make sure you get in line, you can get online and find out there’s not a line and either stay home (or) stay home longer than you would normally,” he said. Everyone who already knows about Ricksline.com found out through either word of mouth or online advertising, Anderson said, but very few people know who’s behind the website’s creation. “It’s kind of cool that, at the moment, we’re very mysterious,” Anderson said. Orlofsky said one night he went to Rick’s and his friend announced that Orlofsky was one of the creators of the website and a girl said, “‘No, Pizza House runs that.’” But Hesse said many bar-goers think the bar is responsible for the site, which is problematic because there have been “really inappropriate comments” on the website under the user comment section. Hesse said he doesn’t want Rick’s to be associated with these “vulgar” comments. “I don’t like that type of image being portrayed on a website projecting my name,” Hesse said. “ … You know anytime that anybody reads anything on there, they’re assuming that it’s coming from us and we’re filtering it and that’s not the case.” Hesse said he’s also concerned that having a camera on the establishment 24/7 could taint the bar’s image if people see some sort of

problem like a fight happening outside the café while viewing Ricksline.com. “They kind of see a negative picture of Rick’s, and even though those problems may not necessarily come from Rick’s, it’s hard to tell what’s going on if all of a sudden you log on, you see something going on outside,” Hesse said. The creators of Ricksline.com and Hesse met on Wednesday, Hesse said, during which time he expressed some of his opinions of the website. “They were very open to my comments,” Hesse said. “I think the last thing that they want to do is upset us. They are loyal Rick’s goers. However, I don’t know if they’re going to be able to satisfy Rick’s by the issues that I raised about the website.” Though they didn’t want to comment on the details of the website’s further development, Orlofsky said they’re working on expanding the website including getting more advertisers. O’Leary also said they plan to encourage user interactivity by having more than just a comment board on the website. “One thing that we are working on that we are really excited about is a photo contest,” O’Leary said. “That’s all I’ll say about it for now but that’s a project we hope to unveil soon.” The website’s developers and Hesse have plans to meet again “in the near future,” Hesse said. Though Hesse has mixed views on the sight, students have been raving about it. LSA senior Kyle Tenenbaum called it the “best website ever.” “I think it’s great. It saves me so much time. I can sit here and know the line and walk over when I’m ready,” he said. Engineering senior Connor Moelmann said he’s used it every time he’s gone to Rick’s since finding out about the site from a friend. “It’s definitely helpful especially because I have one of those phones where I can check the Internet so I can check it at another bar,” he said. LSA senior Jamie Keith said he found out about the site through Facebook, adding that he thinks it will be more helpful during the winter months. “Right now you can assume Rick’s will be busy Thursday, Friday and Saturday, but if there’s a way to get it at multiple bars that’d be even better to compare lines and such,” he said.

ries of her work in the shelters — where women and children have been held at gunpoint — several audience members seemed taken aback by the extent of the corruption, while others nodded along, obviously familiar with similar tales. Despite these issues, Cacho said she has faith that Mexico will overcome these challenges and move forward. “We are a huge country with many good things to give to the world and ourselves,” she said. Marilyn Williams, a University alum and adjunct lecturer in the University’s Undergraduate Comprehensive Studies Program, said it was moving to hear from an activist who puts her life on the line every day, especially since people in the United States appear somewhat unaware of the extent of the danger in Mexico. “People go there to party and to enjoy their spring break but they don’t know what truly goes on in that area when they leave,”

Williams said. Rackham engineering student Paul Arias, chair of the University’s Hispanic Heritage Planning Committee, said it’s important to draw attention to the Latino community on campus. “We want to bring big speakers to give the Latino community here a visibility that perhaps has been lacking in the past few years,” Arias said. In an interview after her speech, Cacho said she has high expectations for University students to initiate change. “I think the world is pretty much a mess because of what my generation did,” she said. “And I just truly expect a revolution from the younger generation.” Students shouldn’t be afraid of the obstacles ahead of them, but rather rise to the challenge and embrace them, Cacho said. “You have to take the world in your hands because otherwise it will destroy you,” she said. “This is your chance.”

Friday, October 1, 2010 — 3

ARMSTRONG From Page 1 during rituals in the past. In 2007 the group — formerly known as Michigamua — changed its name and began releasing its members’ names in an effort to be more transparent, though its meetings and activities are still secretive. Armstrong filed a personal protection order against Shirvell on Sept. 13, according to a representative at Washtenaw County Trial Court. The hearing will be held on Monday at 1:30 p.m. in Ann Arbor As long as all parties appear, the judge will make a decision regarding the personal protection order on Monday, according to the representative. Messages and e-mails to Armstrong seeking comment went unreturned last night. But at Tuesday night’s MSA meeting Armstrong said he “wouldn’t succumb to any unwarranted attacks.” “I, along with the rest of this assembly, (was) elected to this body to represent the University,” he told the assembly on Tuesday. “And nothing said about us, or regarding our personal merits, will waive our commitment to serve the student body.” On Sept. 14, the University’s Department of Public Safety issued a trespass warning — banning Shirvell from University grounds — after receiving complaints of Shirvell stalking and harassing Armstrong outside his house in Ann Arbor, according to DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown. DPS is still investigating the complaints, Brown said, and Shirvell is in the process of appealing the order with DPS Executive Director Ken Magee. In her press release, Coleman wrote that the University is working to ensure appropriate measures are taken. “In addition to its internal action, the University also has called upon others in positions of authority to take all appropriate action to address this situation,” Coleman wrote. The incidents began gaining national attention after CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed Shirvell on Sept. 28 and Michigan Attorney General Michael Cox — Shirvell’s employer — on Sept. 29. During the broadcasts, Cooper discussed Shirvell’s blog and questioned Cox about his thoughts on Shirvell’s behavior. In his interview on Anderson Cooper 360, Cox said that while he deems Shirvell’s behavior inappropriate, it would be against the law to fire him for First Amendmentprotected speech that Shirvell produced off the clock. However, Cox did say that he would consider sending Shirvell to an “employee assistance program” if Armstrong was granted a personal protection order or if a lawsuit was filed against Shirvell. While Shirvell said he was not a cyber bully and defended the claims stated on his blog in the interview with Cooper, Cox called

DIABETES From page 1 diabetes — is an endocrine disease often diagnosed in children, adolescents and young adults. “(The) pancreas can no longer manufacture any insulin for the body,” said Dan Diepenhorst, manager of the diabetes and kidney disease unit at the Michigan Department of Community Health. This lack of insulin production affects blood sugar levels and causes glucose to build up in the bloodstream. According to the press release, more and more children and adults are getting diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and the disease is “approaching epidemic levels.” “It’s a public health problem,” Pietropaolo said. “One can treat these patients, but unfortunately

Shirvell’s actions “offensive” and “unbecoming of civil discourse.” In response to the CNN broadcast, viewers throughout the country have contacted Cox and urged him to fire Shirvell. There is also an online petition created by the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, which enables the public to send messages directly to Cox. The University community is also responding to the incidents by rallying around Armstrong. In an e-mail from the Spectrum Center that was sent to the MSA e-mail listserv yesterday, the center presented several ways students can support Armstrong. According to the e-mail, the center sponsored an “informal community gathering” in its office last night where students could talk about the incident. The Spectrum Center also urged students, faculty and staff who support Armstrong to change their Facebook statuses to “Elected By Us, Respected By Us.” Today, the center is hosting a “Brown Bag” lunch where students can learn how to be an ally to the LGBT community and how to take action when incidents of bias occur on campus. Armstrong supporters, not limited to University students, are also adamantly voicing opinions on Facebook pages, such as “We Support Chris Armstrong,” which has 5,610 members, and “Fire Andrew Shirvell,” which has 5,976 members — both as of 8:54 p.m. Thursday night. On the “We Support Chris Armstrong” discussion page, a post titled “An Open Letter to Attorney General Cox,” includes adults from the University and other colleges sharing their opinions on the issue and calling on Cox to remove Shirvell. In the release, Coleman reiterated the solidarity of the University community and wrote that the campus will maintain unwavering support of the student body leader. “As a community, we must not and will not accept displays of intolerance,” Coleman wrote. “We are heartened, but not surprised, by the response of the campus community in supporting Chris. We are impressed with his resiliency and stand by him and the important work he is doing on behalf of all of our students.” Those outside the University have also been voicing support for Armstrong. Michigan Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm also voiced her opposition to Cox’s decision not to fire Shirvell in a Tweet posted at 3:12 p.m. yesterday. “If I was still Attorney General and Andrew Shirvell worked for me, he would have already been fired,” the Tweet stated. In The Detroit News article, Cox called out Granholm’s Tweet — saying that the move was unprofessional. “I don’t know why she’s so freaking irresponsible. ... she went to Harvard Law School,” Cox said. “The civil service rules are a huge shield for free speech and she knows that.

they will have to be treated for their whole lives.” To treat type 1 diabetes, patients monitor their blood sugar levels and take insulin — administered in a variety of ways — to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. They’re also usually advised to exercise and eat healthy. Diepenhorst said Michigan currently has the 15th highest number of diabetes cases in the United States, and the number of statewide cases has increased about 15 percent over the past five years. By gaining a greater comprehension of the mechanisms of the disease, Pietropaolo said, he and his team can create better diabetes treatments and perhaps eventually a cure. “Once we understand the basis of what leads to type 1 diabetes ... we can translate this knowledge into healing disease,” he said.


4 — Friday, October 1, 2010

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com


‘U’ supports Chris Armstrong

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan since 1890. 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 tothedaily@umich.edu JACOB SMILOVITZ EDITOR IN CHIEF



Unsigned editorials reflect the official position of the Daily’s editorial board. All other signed articles and illustrations represent solely the views of their authors.


Tracks to the future Midwest high-speed rail would benefit economy


rain travel is by no means a bustling industry in Michigan. But plans for a new railway system promise more attractive transportation by track. The Public Research Interest Group in Michigan recently published a report that analyzed the specific benefits of creating a high-speed rail that runs through the Midwest. The present railway system in Michigan is built more appropriately for freight trains than for human travelers. But faster and more convenient passenger trains could greatly benefit the economies of many Midwestern cities and create a more environmentally friendly travel option. State leaders in the Midwest should continue to cooperate to build the high-speed railway. The addition of this railway would create 58,000 permanent jobs in operation and maintenance of the new railway and 15,200 temporary jobs for its construction and renovation of current railway systems, according to the report, which was published in mid-September. Unlike normal trains, high-speed railways cater to carrying passengers and operate at much higher speeds. Its implementation would create faster travel between eight states in the Midwest and would include new rail stations and track improvements throughout southern Michigan. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — more commonly referred to as the stimulus package — provides a $2.7 million grant toward railway projects in the Midwest. As a cheaper alternative to flying, highspeed railways promote financially viable mass transit. More mass transit advances environmentally sustainability. More people would choose travel by train if they had a reliable option because of its convenience and speed. This would greatly reduce the impact on the environment caused by travel by car. Advancements in public transportation are important in creating a more sustainable world. Building the planned accessible high-speed rail would promote that goal. The new system would also stimulate long-lasting economic benefits throughout the Midwest. Stronger connections between centers of commerce and across

the podium

state lines would promote increased tourism and business. There will be greater opportunities for business growth and networking. And increased travel is helpful to local businesses — restaurants, hotels and other local stores benefit from an larger customer base. The high-speed rail will give the Midwest the chance to show united trade and industry growth and will push the region into becoming a more powerful economic entity. The railway project can remedy the Midwest’s current lack of economic strength — which has been particularly damaging in Michigan — by replacing thousands of jobs that have been lost. Thousands of workers are necessary to build and renovate railways and a significantly larger number of employees are needed in its longterm operation and maintenance. This new industry will aid in Michigan’s effort to diversify its economy. And the benefits should come at a low cost since the federal government has already allocated funds for the high-speed rail system in the stimulus package. More efficient railways will improve the environment and economies throughout the Midwest, especially in Michigan. The railway will bring jobs to Michigan and comes at a reasonable cost backed by federal resources. Organizations and state leaders involved in planning the railway should take advantage of federal funding and make this railway a reality.

Erika Mayer warns that it’s probably not such a good idea to hook up with your foxy neighbor in the dorms. Go to michigandaily.com/blogs/The Podium.


Mich. should prize creativity It’s not very often that I’m proud of my hometown. That may sound harsh, but announcing that I was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan isn’t the kind of thing that draws a lot of excitement. But this sleepy, conservative city in western Michigan has recently drawn excitement for something other than being sleepy and conservative. ArtPrize — a two and a half week art competition in Grand Rapids — has returned to downtown for its second year. For those who may be unfamiliar, Grand Rapids is about 150 miles west of Ann Arbor, has a population of just over 190,000 people and is where I grew up — not that you probably care about that last part. I’m specifically from a small, affluent suburb called Ada, but if you went to my high school you probably referred to it as “the bubble.” It’s the kind of place that’s out of touch with the rest of the world and society at large. It’s neither fashionable nor trendy, neither edgy nor exciting. But ArtPrize is seeking to change all that — at least as far as the art world is concerned. ArtPrize is a unique competition in the sense that it’s open to any artist in the world that can find a physical space. Anyone in downtown Grand Rapids can create a venue to display the art. And anyone who attends the event is able to vote for his or her favorite piece. This event is a model of what Michigan should strive to be. The inspiring thought behind ArtPrize is that “art is important,” as quoted by Art Showcase magazine in its September/October 2010 issue. This is the basic premise that drove Rick DeVos, a Grand Rapids social entrepreneur, to start ArtPrize in 2009. The goal is to create a dialogue about something important and relevant to society, and that is what is going on between September 22 and October 10 in downtown Grand Rapids.

Arguably, Michigan has been in a well-recognized slump for decades. Events and trends like ArtPrize are what will help to get us out of it. The state should pursue similar ideas to bring innovative and progressive minds to Michigan. This event has brought thousands of people into Grand Rapids. They’re talking to local people, eating at local restaurants and taking in a side of Michigan that hasn’t been seen lately. Instead of headlines about job losses and a failing automotive industry, the news is only positive because of the constructive impact ArtPrize is having on the area. The influx of people into the area is a huge boost for the economy. A USA Today article about the event highlights the ability of ArtPrize and similar events to revitalize urban economies. Grand Rapids, and the state as a whole, needs to capitalize on this positive contribution and allow other sectors of our economy to benefit. It must be noted that ArtPrize wouldn’t be possible without the generosity and philanthropy of Grand Rapids families and leaders. These are the types of things that Michigan philanthropic organizations need to be contributing to — events that will help to revitalize our state’s economy and the livelihood of our citizens. If nothing else, ArtPrize has brought so much of the city together in enormous support of the event, because aside from all of its societal benefits, ArtPrize is actually a lot of fun. I would encourage anyone looking to head out of Ann Arbor for a little bit (The football game is in Indiana this weekend. Just saying.) to venture over to Grand Rapids and support this local event. An emphasis on the strength of our communities is important now more than ever. Michelle DeWitt is a senior editorial page editor.

EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS: Aida Ali, Jordan Birnholtz, Adrianna Bojrab, Will Butler, Eaghan Davis, Michelle DeWitt, Ashley Griesshammer, Will Grundler, Jeremy Levy, Erika Mayer, Harsha Nahata, Emily Orley, Harsha Panduranga, Tommaso Pavone, Leah Potkin, Asa Smith, Laura Veith

Activity over the last few months has brought into sharp focus the unwavering commitment of the University community to social justice and human rights for all. Students, staff and faculty have rallied to support the elected president of the University student body, who has been viciously targeted by an individual because of his sexual orientation. The reaction by the University community has been exactly what we would expect from the “leaders and best”: overwhelmingly supportive of Chris Armstrong, president of the Michigan Student Assembly. Likewise, Armstrong and his fellow MSA members have reacted to this unwanted attention by holding their heads high, ignoring the blogger’s taunts and carrying on with their ambitious MSA agenda for the coming year. We commend them for their responsible approach. An important value of this campus is the free flow of ideas and opinions. As a community of scholars we simultaneously preserve and create knowledge. We ask difficult questions, challenge each others’ best thinking, sometimes change our minds and other times agree to respectfully disagree. While living and working together we also strive to create a campus environment where civility, respect and inclusivity are of paramount importance. This is a place where individuals’ rights to have their personal identities respected and understood

is as sacred as other constitutionally protected ideals. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. noted in 1963, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality… Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Freedom of speech and expression do not include behaviors that target, harass, threaten or defame others. As a campus community we must continue to “Stand Up, Step In and Speak Out” against the repeated vitriolic attacks on any one of us. Hateful speech can only be effectively countered by different speech. We applaud those individuals and student organizations – on our campus and elsewhere – that have taken the opportunity to counter hateful speech with different speech and express support for Chris. A unified show of support demonstrating that acts of bigotry cannot take root here is an important part of our community response. We stand united to support all members of the University community, in many different ways, seen and unseen. As the University’s elected Board of Regents said so clearly at its Sept. 16 meeting, “When one member of our community is targeted, we are all attacked.” E. Royster Harper is the Vice President for Student Affairs. Laura Blake Jones is the Associate Vice President and Dean of Students.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor. Letters should be fewer than 300 words and must include the writer’s full name and University affiliation. Letters are edited for clarity, length and factual accuracy. All submissions become property of the Daily. We do not print anonymous letters. Send letters to tothedaily@umich.edu.

Don’t submit to sexism


ast week, well-known megachurch leader Bishop Eddie Long was accused of sexually abusing four young male congregants. The muscle-bound, gold chain-wearing Long is marked by his homophobia, opulence and maybe his less well-known ideas regarding mod- VANESSA ern relationships between men and RYCHLINSKI women. I was recently trolling through a gossip rag site which pointed out that the pastor has written an insightful book on this last topic, called “What Men Want, What Women Need.” To share several gems from the first few pages, what the “animalistic” man actually wants is “sex and control” in addition to a woman who is “the world’s best lover” and “the best cook in town.” This mythical creature ought to be subservient and bent on “[caring] for the little boy lingering in the hulking shell” of her man and supplement his life by allowing him to continue on his “destiny.” I really hope I don’t have to spell out all the things that are wrong with this. Unfortunately, views like this one seem to be getting increasing facetime in American popular culture and society. In our world, women pursue higher education and have prospects of forming careers in any field they choose. They have access to birth control and the morning-after pill and abortion is legal. Due to these areas of economic and sexual freedom, there is a definite backlash and a cry for more “traditional” roles for women. TLC has two reality television shows that depict extreme versions of


such roles. One is “19 Kids and Counting,” the other is “Sister Wives,” which just aired on Sunday. It’s difficult to decide which is more abhorrent. The first follows Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, who have nineteen children because they believe in leaving their fertility in “God’s hands.” However earnest these beliefs may be, the facts are damning for Jim Bob — every single child has a name that starts with J and almost every pregnancy is spaced by only a year or so. It’s pretty gross that this man has achieved notoriety and is making a living off the fact that he can’t leave his wife alone. If at all possible, “Sister Wives,” starring polygamist Kody Brown and his three wives, is worse. The show asks America to “Rethink Marriage” and follows Brown, the wives and their thirteen children as they deal with everyday life and Kody’s decision to “marry” a fourth (younger and slimmer) woman. After watching an interview on the Today show as well as clips of the first episode, it’s not hard to imagine that Brown, with his shoulder-length blonde hair and quasi-good looks, probably manipulated these wide-eyed women by promising a community, family and, let’s not forget the biggest prize of all, one quarter of himself. It’s also clear that Brown is enjoying his proverbial cake just because he can — and that these women sacrifice for him to do so. The fact that either of these situations is portrayed by a major network at all is disgusting and its completely degrading that they are thought of as entertainment. There’s a lot of trash TV these days, but anyone who supports the continuation of female equality should take particular offense to these two patriarchal caveman dramas. TLC markets its reality programs by exploiting the obvious differences of a group before saying, “Look at their lives, they’re just like you.” This

pseudo-heartwarming approach may work for “Little People, Big World,” but frankly for “19 Kids” and especially for “Sister Wives,” it’s an unacceptable, tacky lie and the network knows it. Depicting an American man and his modern-day harem as a nice, happy family is vomit-inducing. These people are not normal, this is not okay and most of us will hopefully never be able to relate. There is nothing wrong with big

Women shouldn’t be put down in the name of tradition. families or even traditional marriage roles. Many young women today elect to become housewives and homemakers rather than having a career. However, it’s toxic when these roles are expected — or even demanded — and couched in terms of duty to or inferiority. In a country in which women have the opportunities to have just as fast-paced careers as men and in which they can and do bring home the main paycheck, it’s sickening that there is still this attempt to keep women deferential and obedient in the name of tradition or ethics. Women’s proper place is wherever we discover it and our aspirations aren’t limited to talent in the kitchen or in the bedroom. Long, Duggar, Brown and men like them cannot handle these facts and so twist the lives of others to satisfy a pathetic need to feel superior. Guess what, boys: Real women don’t bow down to your ego. —Vanessa Rychlinski can be reached at vanrych@umich.edu.

E-mail jeff at jeffdz@umich.edu


The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

Friday, October 1, 2010 — 5

Breakdown: Blue should expect shootout at Indiana By TIM ROHAN Daily Sports Editor


Michigan coach Red Berenson begins his 27th season as the Wolverines’ coach on Saturday.

Berenson to go for 700th win in ‘M’ season opener Senior-heavy team has eyes on NCAA Championship, starts with Mercyhurst By MARK BURNS Daily Sports Editor

Michigan hockey coach Red Berenson will enjoy a luxury this season that he hasn’t had in 13 years: he returns all of last year’s non-seniors. It may seem like Mercyhurst a rather simple and uninterat Michigan esting statisMatchup: tic, but having Indiana 17-7; seniors Carl Michigan 17-9 Hagelin, Louie When: SaturCaporusso day at 4 p.m. and Matt Rust Where: on the roster Crisler Arena bodes well for Berenson, who Live Blog: michigandaily. is one win shy com of No. 700. For a team that has underperformed in the past three years and boasts a talented trio of individuals as leaders, Michigan hopes to claim its first national title since 1998. “We understand that we’re an NCAA-Championship team,” Caporusso said this week. “We’re

capable of doing that. We don’t want to throw that away. We want to maximize that opportunity, and we have talked as a senior class about how powerful this team can actually be.” Berenson will have the chance to become the sixth member of collegiate hockey’s 700-win club tomorrow night. Michigan faces Mercyhurst in the Wolverines’ regular-season home opener, followed by an exhibition contest on Sunday against Western Ontario. While the Wolverines certainly possess a deep senior class with nine returnees, Michigan has a slew of underclassmen to complement the experienced crop of players, with defenseman Jon Merrill headlining the new Wolverines. “Merrill has the chance to play in our top four,” Berenson said of the 6-foot-3 freshman, who was selected in the second round of the 2010 NHL Entry Draft by the New Jersey Devils. Caporusso added that it’s fairly reassuring to know the coaching staff can call on any number of players — even those who are younger and less experienced, like Merrill. The coaching staff is restricted to two hours of practice per week until Oct. 2, so Berenson said he would know a lot more about the makeup of his team after this weekend when his younger play-

ers could showcase their talent in an actual game setting. He also said that he expects everyone to receive playing time in the first two games of the season, including both netminders. After practice on Wednesday, it was announced that senior Shawn Hunwick will receive the starting nod over senior Bryan Hogan against Mercyhurst. Based on Hunwick’s finish last season, when he led the Wolverines to a CCHA Tournament title and a trip to the NCAA regional final before losing to Miami (Ohio), the tenured coach said he thought Hunwick “deserved” the start. “I wouldn’t say week-to-week, but month-to-month, we’ll keep reviewing (the goalie situation) and see where we are,” Berenson said. “We’re trying to win games, and it’s not about being fair, it’s about what’s best for the team.” NOTES: Senior forward Ben Winnettt was hit in the head with a puck last Thursday and hasn’t been practicing … Berenson said he “probably won’t play Saturday, but maybe Sunday”… Freshman defenseman Jacob Fallon suffered concussion-like symptoms last week after taking a hit in practice. Fallon was taken to the hospital for precautionary measures, and Berenson said he “could play one of the games this weekend.”

Everyone is predicting that Saturday’s game between Michigan and Indiana will be a shootout. The Wolverines have sophomore quarterback Denard Robinson and an offense that has produced on average more than 560 yards per game and more than 330 yards of rushing — both of which rank second in the country. And the Hoosiers have seasoned veteran Ben Chappell back at quarterback, who threw for nearly 3,000 yards in 2009. But Chappell hasn’t really had a tough test just yet this season. Do Towson, Western Kentucky or Akron scare anyone? Well, that’s what Michigan fans thought of Massachusetts, too. Indiana has an offense that might be able to keep up with Michigan. In a battle of two poor defensive units, the game could come down to who lasts. MICHIGAN PASS OFFENSE VS. INDIANA PASS DEFENSE Robinson only played for about 10 minutes against Bowling Green, before bowing out with a minor injury. But he has been cleared to start Saturday, and he’ll play as long as it’s not a blowout in Michigan’s favor. Robinson has developed connections with several Wolverine receivers through the first four games; junior Darryl Stonum, redshirt sophomore Roy Roundtree and junior Martavious Odoms each have had the hot hand in different weeks. The threat of Robinson and the other running backs has opened up the opportunities for the receivers on the outside. And Indiana’s rush defense hasn’t held up against lowly competition to start the season. Expect them to emphasize stopping the Wolverine ground attack — this could be a big day through the air for Michigan. EDGE: Michigan MICHIGAN RUSH OFFENSE VS. INDIANA RUSH DEFENSE Any time an aspect of your game ranks second in the country, it has to be a strength against any opponent. Michigan has an experienced offensive line and plenty of weapons to carry the ball — starting with Robinson. He ripped off runs of 46-and 47-yard runs against the Falcons last week and has topped 100 yards in each of the Wolverines’ first four games. And while junior Mike Shaw and redshirt freshman Fitzgerald Toussaint are doubtful against the Hoosiers, the Wolverines still have sophomore Vincent Smith, who has started two games this season, redshirt sophomore Mike Cox and freshman Stephen Hopkins. Indiana has allowed an aver-


Junior wide receiver Martavious Odoms has played a significant role in the Wolverines’ pass attack this season, along with Darryl Stonum and Roy Roundtree.

age of 177 yards rushing per game. Robinson could have a field day, even without Shaw and Toussaint to hand the ball off to. EDGE: Michigan

Wolverines’ big win over Bowling Green last week and it’s been somewhat of a constant on an overall porous unit. EDGE: Michigan

INDIANA PASS OFFENSE VS. MICHIGAN PASS DEFENSE The statistics are impressive: Indiana averages more than 300 yards per game. Chappell has thrown nine touchdown without any interceptions, and he has completed 72 percent of his passes — but once again, that was against Towson, Western Kentucky and Akron. Chappell had all of 2009 to come into his own and the Hoosiers have three quality receivers returning in 2010 in Damarlo Belcher, Tandon Doss and Terrance Turner. The good times for Indiana could continue to roll. After all, Michigan sports the worst pass defense in the Big Ten. EDGE: Indiana

SPECIAL TEAMS Indiana has a significantly better situation on special teams than Michigan as Big Ten season begins. The Wolverines are still trying to find a placekicker. The Hoosiers have one. Nick Freeland is a perfect fivefor-five this season for Indiana, but he hasn’t attempted a kick longer than 36 yards. Michigan has missed four of its five attempts, and true freshman punter Will Hagerup is going through some growing pains. We’ll see how he matches up this weekend with his brother, Chris, who punts for the Hoosiers. EDGE: Indiana

INDIANA RUSH OFFENSE VS. MICHIGAN RUSH DEFENSE If this game goes as expected, Indiana might not have time to run the football. The Hoosiers’ run game isn’t as big of a threat as Michigan’s, and in a shootout, Indiana might have to rely on its passing game to catch up. Darius Willis is Indiana’s lead back, but he has taken a backseat to Chappell and the passing game so far this season. The Wolverines’ rush defense has been shaky, but not as much as their pass defense. Michigan’s front seven could control the line of scrimmage and make things hard on Willis. The defensive line play was one of the many bright spots in the

INTANGIBLES Last year, Tate Forcier threw a late touchdown pass to top Indiana in the Big House. And Bill Lynch famously threw his gum after a call didn’t go his way on a ruling related to a Donovan Warren interception. Indiana probably has had this game circled since summer camp started. It’s the first game of the Big Ten season. Michigan’s offense looks good and its defense doesn’t. During Rodriguez’s first two years, this might have been a letdown game. But with Robinson under center, his explosive potential is enough to keep it even. EDGE: Push FINAL SCORE: Michigan 56, Indiana 38


6 — Friday, October 1, 2010

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

Michigan defense to face prolific passing attack By RYAN KARTJE Daily Sports Editor

Through four weeks, the Michigan offense has been nothing short of extraordinary. Sophomore quarterback Denard Robinson and the rest of the Michigan offense has put up almost 563 yards per Indiana at game, good enough to be the No. 2 offense in Michigan the country. Matchup: But Indiana, the Indiana 3-0; Wolverines’ opponent Michigan 4-0 this week, has been no When: Saturslouch on offense this day 3:30 p.m. season, either — the Where: Hoosiers boast the No. Memorial 11 pass attack in the Stadium nation and best by far TV/Radio: in the Big Ten. ESPNU And with that talented offense, headed by experienced senior quarterback Ben Chappell, Michigan may have its hands full on defense. The Wolverines have given up, on average, 400 yards per game so far. “We’ve got to do a good job defensively limiting the big plays, which we’ve struggled with at times and know that they can pitch and catch it at anytime,” Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez said in a teleconference Wednesday. Chappell also has two of the league’s

standout receivers in Damarlo Belcher — statistically the top receiver in the Big Ten — and Tandon Doss, an explosive player who’s used all over the field. “They’re big guys,” Rodriguez said. “They’re very athletic, they can run. We’ve got a lot of young DBs … so it’s a concern, especially because they’re throwing the ball so well.” And with the Wolverines still struggling in the secondary, they may find themselves locked in a shootout. In a high-powered offensive game like Saturday’s matchup is expected to be, the winner may just be the team that has the ball last. The Wolverines’ spread option run attack is known for consistently running the clock down, as they’ve only lost the time-of-possession battle in one game so far. Winning that battle could mean having the ultimate advantage over a team that’s reliant on getting down the field through the air. For now though, stopping Chappell’s aerial attack out of Indiana’s pistol offense is at the forefront. Chappell’s skills have forced Michigan to make several changes to their game plan to adapt. “If you blitz all the time and expose yourself to one-on-ones ... that’s a dangerous combination,” Rodriguez said. “I don’t know if you can confuse (Chappell) because he is a veteran guy and they have a veteran staff … They have ways of really protecting him in their offense.”

As for the pistol offense the Hoosiers employ — one-of-a-kind in the Big Ten — Rodriguez isn’t concerned with its uniqueness. “It’s a system, it’s the same as any offense,” Rodriguez said. “If they execute it well, they’re going to get their moments. They’re going to have plays where they get you.” Robinson, who was deemed OK to play after suffering a minor injury last week, could play an even more prominent role in the run game as Michigan will play without running backs Michael Shaw and Fitzgerald Toussaint, leaving Robinson, Vincent Smith, Stephen Hopkins and Mike Cox to carry the load in the team’s running-by-committee system. Regardless of the matchups, the Wolverines are eager to move one step closer to proving that this year’s 4-0 start is different than last year’s, when they closed out the season losing seven out of eight games. And in a Big Ten opener, Rodriguez said that his team knows the importance of this week’s matchup in terms of the rest of the season. Of course, the team’s 3-13 record in-conference — with just a single Big Ten road win — should be motivation enough as the Wolverines head to Bloomington on Saturday. “It needs to crank up even another notch, going into Big Ten play,” Rodriguez said. “They understand how important all of these Big Ten games are.”


Sophomore quarterback Denard Robinson leads the NCAA in rushing yards through four weeks this season. The Hoosiers have the second-worst rush defense in the Big Ten.

STAFF PICKS The Daily football writers do their best to predict what happens in the 2010 football season.

Nicole Auerbach

Tim Rohan

Ryan Kartje

Guest Picker: Chris Armstrong MSA President

Joe Stapleton

No. 19 Michigan (-10.5) at Indiana






No. 1 Alabama (-7) vs. Florida






No. 2 Ohio State (-20) at Illinois

Ohio State

Ohio State

Ohio State

Ohio State

Ohio State

No. 3 Boise State (-37) at New Mexico St.

Boise State

New Mexico St.

Boise State

Boise State

Boise State

No. 4 Oregon (-4) vs. No. 9 Stanford






No. 5 TCU (-30) at Colorado St.

Colorado St.


Colorado St.

Colorado St.


No. 8 Oklahoma (-4) vs. No. 21 Texas






No. 10 Auburn (-30) vs. LA Monroe






No. 11 Wisconsin at No. 24 Michigan State

Michigan State



Michigan State


No. 12 Louisiana St. (-16) vs. Tennessee

Louisiana St.



Louisiana St.

Louisiana St.

No. 16 Miami (Fla.) (-3) at Clemson

Miami (Fla.)

Miami (Fla.)

Miami (Fla.)

Miami (Fla.)

Miami (Fla.)

No. 17 Iowa (-7) vs. No. 22 Penn St.






No. 18 USC (-11.5) vs. Washington






No. 23 North Carolina St. (+3) vs. Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech

North Carolina St.

Virginia Tech

North Carolina St.

Virginia Tech

No. 25 Nevada (-21) at UNLV






Northwestern (-4) at Minnesota






Overall record (through Week Four)







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RELEASE DATE– Friday, October 1, 2010

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

ACROSS 1 Aloe target 5 Indian royal 9 Treat meanly 14 1990s Expos manager 15 Approach shot club 16 “Platoon” co-star 17 Bubbles 18 *Ancient Chinese cote occupant? 20 Tasseled toppers 22 Happy hour order 23 Partook of 24 Bit of dental work 25 *Observation after a Bush walk? 28 “Hold on!” 30 JapaneseAmerican 31 “If __ only listened!” 32 Shade sources 35 Florida’s __ City 36 *Nickname for a so-so Navy officer? 39 Lead player 41 “Even Napoleon had his Watergate” speaker 42 I followers? 45 Stoop 47 Dry cleaner’s supply 50 *Habitually drunk panda? 53 Sheikdom of song 54 Carpenter __ 55 Exxon Valdez cargo 56 “All in the Family” family name 57 *Kenyan health care worker? 61 Genesis brother 62 Many a dance club tune 63 Fiendish 64 The old you 65 ’50s flop 66 Guitar’s fingerboard 67 Repairs, as a green

4 Old-fashioned 39 Reached across 46 Clopper “Way to go!” 40 Powwow 48 Former RFK 5 Wheel parts communication Stadium NLer 6 Paul’s “Exodus” source 49 Mill inputs role 42 Dismissal, and a 50 Ballet rail 7 With 56-Down, hint to how the 51 Fire indicator, eponymous answers to perhaps bacteriologist starred clues 52 Green shade 8 Saxon opening were derived 56 See 7-Down 9 Star Wars letters 43 Traveled from 58 Old cry of 10 Witchy woman point A to point A? disgust 11 Lackin’ gumption 44 Analysts’ 59 Rose of rock 12 Under-the-table concerns 60 Prez, to GIs diversion 13 Article of faith ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 19 Keystone State founder 21 It may be evil 25 “The Optimist’s Daughter” writer 26 Generic pooch 27 “Out of Africa” author Dinesen 29 Good name, briefly 33 He said “Learn from the masses, and then teach them” 34 Common sense? 36 Atkins diet no-no 37 Gas brand seen at ampm stores 38 Peeples of 9/30/10 xwordeditor@aol.com “Fame”

DOWN 1 Picaresque 2 Property recipient By Scott Atkinson (c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 3 Drunk, in slang

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The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com


Friday, October 1, 2010 — 7


A ‘Social’ sensation An examination of e-love By ANDREW LAPIN

While controversal, this storytelling risk pays off for Sorkin

Senior Arts Editor

By ANKUR SOHONI Daily Arts Writer

If you considered a movie about the creators of Facebook an awkward and likely unsuccessful prospect, you HHHHH weren’t alone. The Social The controversies surrounding Network the inception At Quality 16 of Facebook are and Rave well documented, and it’s Columbia rare that such a contemporary character profile works as both a bold, true portrait and as an entertaining film. “The Social Network” is that rarity. Inherently — and legally — the film must be a careful depiction of recent and true events, and it succeeds brilliantly. While based on a true story, artistic liberties were taken when necessary. The center of the film is Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg, “Zombieland”), the now well known billionaire founder of Facebook. The story starts back in his college days at Harvard, where he’s dumped by his girlfriend and retaliates by blogging about it. Then, in a single night, he programs a Harvard “hot or not” imitation site called “FaceMash,” generating 22,000 hits in two hours and singlehandedly taking down the internet access on campus. Early on, it’s clear how brilliant and yet relationally inept Zuckerberg is. The more ambitious he becomes with his social networking plans, and the more successful he is, the more the audience must sit painfully through his failures in friendship and watch him


“I would totally poke that.”

quickly gather enemies, both legal and personal. All the while, we witness the ironic creation of The Facebook and the beginning of the social revolution every college student in the world has experienced in some capacity. We watch its rapid expansion across the world, and its subsequent evolution from networking site to social institution. “The Social Network” hits a current college environment full of Facebook veterans accustomed to the complex, app-filled Facebook with “Like” buttons and news feeds. Watching Zuckerberg discover the idea for “the Relationship Status” and discuss the idea for “the Wall” is made surreal by a palpable sense of dramatic irony in the theater. The chorus of viewers snicker collectively at how real this movie-going experience truly is. Aaron Sorkin, one of the most revered writers in the business, puts on an absolute clinic. “The Social Network” is just as much proof of his brilliance as “A Few Good Men” and TV’s “The West

Wing.” With his ample research, he handles Zuckerberg’s technical terminology with ease. Maintaining his characteristically rapid and sharp dialogue, he conquers the greatest challenge of the film with tact and yet dares to fully explore controversy. Jesse Eisenberg is the beneficiary of a well written main character, but his performance adds a boyish, sensitive charm to the role. His character is more Eisenberg than it is the real Mark Zuckerberg, but he executes his script with fine attention to detail. David Fincher (“Fight Club”) uses appropriate stylistic elements – montage and tightly bound editing – to keep the miseen-scène young, fresh and far livelier than the average basedon-true-events movie, appealing to the generation most familiar with Facebook. He and Sorkin together handle the film’s flashback/flash-forward structure in expert fashion. The film depicts a pivotal meeting See SOCIAL NETWORK, Page 8


Despite going gray, BSS still rocks on By KRISTYN ACHO Daily Music Editor

Broken Social Scene drummer Justin Peroff has some explaining to do. Last April, Broken eager fans of the 15-plus Toronto Social Scene pack were left Tonight at dissatisfied and 7:30 p.m. understandably a bit bitter when Michigan Theater the BSS show at Tickets from $24 The Michigan Theater was abruptly canceled. Fans became even more frustrated when rumors circulated that the cancelation was due to the vague excuse of “illness.” In light of the recently rescheduled show presented by University Union Arts and Programs, The Michigan Daily spoke with Peroff about the reasons behind the bail and where the band stands eight years after their critically acclaimed release You Forget It In People. “I was actually sick. So that’s a legitimate thing. In our entire career, standing close to ten years now, we’ve only ever canceled two shows and they were both due to actual legitimate illnesses,” Peroff said. There was speculation that 2006’s Ann Arbor show would be BSS’s last show ever. But again, Peroff set the record straight. “I think perhaps what might have happened through the classic game of broken telephone is that we wanted to take some time off. It was our last show before taking a one-year hiatus essentially where we just wanted to recharge. “I guess we finally decided to grow up and get our shit together, and it’s working out OK.” Peroff said. Peroff elaborates, explaining that the band needed time to just be normal. “We didn’t want to end up hating each other or what we do … so we decided to stay home for a

while,” he said. “Some of us are married and Charlie (Spearin) has kids, so we wanted to basically save various relationships, those being the relationship we have together and the relationship we have at home. So we decided to take 2007 to reconnect with family life and, to wake up in the morning at home and hug your wife. It’s kind of a nice feeling.” With the 2002 release of Forget it In People, BSS became one of the most celebrated indie bands of the decade. Peroff explains why he feels the record resonates with such a wide audience. “It came at a time that we personally felt that there was a wreck in the type of music that was being created. And a lot of people saw it as a breath of fresh air. It was something unique to a lot of people and the story behind the band was strange and cool. I Think You Forget It In People was an audible version of what the

An apology for the April concert cancelation. story of Broken Social Scene is.” This strange coolness may have to do with the fact that Broken Social Scene is essentially a band made up of other bands. “We were a music community who found each other and just decided to make music as a whole, not anticipating what would happen afterwards,” Peroff said. Although Broken Social Scene is a collection of artists, the core membership of the band has stayed together, allowing the band to play exciting live shows. “As far as keeping it alive as a touring thing, we sort of have refined it because our friends in bands like Metric and Lesley Fiest have clearly established their own

bands and we’re proud of watching their successes grow … so really there’s a core membership.” This core membership includes Kevin Drew, Brendan Canning, Sam Goldberg, Lisa Lobsinger, Andrew Whiteman and Charles Spearin, and while Peroff can’t confirm any new members of the band, he did have some light to shed regarding recording another album. “As far as BSS making music until we’re old and gray — some of us are already getting there. I mean I’ve got some gray goin’ on in my head. But if it all ends tomorrow I would be satisfied. I never anticipated making music this good for this long. So I’m already satisfied. In 10 years I’ll be ecstatic.” Broken Social Scene has been busy touring since September to promote their latest album Forgiveness Rock Recordreleased last May. “We got to play some shows with The Wooden Birds and now we’ve got The Sea and Cake with us. We’ve all had some good times and we’re all in good company.” And it seems as though their latest tracks are being well received, including the latest hauntingly trippy track, “Chase Scene.” “People are really taking a shining to the new songs both on record and in a live setting. We’ve most recently been playing ‘Chase Scene’ live which has been a bit challenging, but the payoff has been really satisfying — just getting through it and getting a response. That’s been a blast.” Peroff is to still nostalgic for tracks on widely adored album Forget it In People and he plans to continue playing them before he’s over-the-hill. “We try to keep it to a 50-50 split. I can’t even believe You Forget It In People is going to be eight years old this year. It’ll be nice to play the album before we’re old and gray and our kids are all in high school.”

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“Catfish” is ostensibly a movie about a New York photographer who tries to uncover the truth HHHHH behind a girl he meets over the Catfish Internet, but the film is really At the State about the nature Universal of imitation. There’s a Google Earth-inspired riff on the classic Universal logo at the movie’s outset, and from there nearly every element of the documentary feels like it was artificially constructed from loose blueprints of real human experience. But here, that’s a compliment. “Catfish” is a movie of our times precisely because it shows us how fake many aspects of our lives really are. The film’s protagonist Nev Schulman gets roped into the world of an Ishpeming, Michigan family when an immensely talented eight-

year-old artist named Abby sends him her own painted depictions of photographs he’s published. Over a montage of their correspondence we hear a cover version of the Beach Boys’ “Good Vibrations” sung by a children’s choir — like the paintings themselves, it’s a clever and skilled replication of an already-existing work of art. Nev also begins talking to Abby’s family, including her half-sister Megan, who quickly falls in online lust with him. Megan is a self-professed musician too, though the “original” songs she sends Nev should tell you all you need to know about the deceptive role she’s playing in all of this. It used to be common knowledge that online impersonators were trying to elicit something illegitimate out of their efforts: a financial scheme, say, or underage sex like everyone on “To Catch a Predator.” In “Catfish,” the means are also the ends: The thrill of communicating vicariously through invented personas is in itself a reward. In the second half of the film,

Nev, along with co-directors Henry Joost and brother Ariel Schulman, heads out on a road trip with the goal of showing up on Megan’s doorstep unannounced and finally getting to the bottom of who she is. Both the structure of “Catfish” and its marketing materials highlight a secretive twist ending, but

Real or fake, ‘Catfish’ says a lot about us. in doing so the people behind the film have wrongly constructed a selling point based around trickery and deception. Twists are meant for audience-goosing stories that place all their stakes on a big reveal, and that’s simply not what the narrative of “Catfish” demands. Rather, the true nature of the movie lies in what See CATFISH, Page 8


8 — Friday, October 1, 2010

The Michigan Daily — michigandaily.com

FROM LEFT: Jesse Eisenberg (Marissa McClain/Daily); Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield in “The Social Network” (Courtesy of Columbia); Aaron Sorkin (Marissa McClain/Daily)


SOCIAL NETWORK From Page 7 between Facebook co-creators Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield, “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus”) and Napster creator Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake). At the same time it intercuts with a scene a few years later, in which Zuckerberg and Saverin sit across the table in court, opposite sides in a civil suit. While not a revolutionary filmmaking style, it’s cleaner and more fruitful study than any similarly structured contemporary film. Fincher and Sorkin dare to challenge your attention, and as a result, they score the big reward. Narratively, though, the film suffers slightly from a sense of self-importance. When all is said and done, the film never brings to full light the true weight of its own story, but rests on the viewing experience as evidence enough. Beneath the filmmakers’ narra-

tive tools lies a somewhat unfulfilling message. Comparisons to a similar hurt-by-his-own-ambition protagonist in “Citizen Kane” only partially work: Mark Zuckerberg is still alive, but also still among the most successful people of his generation and the youngest billionaire in the world. His failures, while personally unfortunate, didn’t lead to his downfall. The film leaves creating an inconclusive, bitter opinion of Facebook’s true creation. “The Social Network” will undoubtedly stimulate debate for months to come. Those who use Facebook to laud or criticize the film should realize their analyses of “The Social Network” indirectly continues its story. But given the conflicted nature surrounding audiences as they step through the film and out of the theater, it seems that Sorkin, Fincher and company have pulled off an impressive feat — showing a contentious set of circumstances in a fair light, while still entertaining from start to finish.

Networking with the stars

Sorkin, Eisenberg and Hammer discuss the Facebook film By CAROLYN KLARECKI Senior Arts Editor

“I wasn’t on Facebook. I had heard of Facebook the way I had heard of a carburetor,” playwright and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin said in an interview in the Daily’s offices last month. “I can’t pop open the hood of my car and point to it and tell you what it does.” Despite his lack of familiarity with the popular social networking site, Sorkin — whose works include “A Few Good Men” and the Emmywinning TV series “The West Wing” — never hesitated in signing on to write “The Social Network,” a film about Facebook’s improbable

and tumultuous beginnings, out in theaters today in tandem with Ben Mezrich’s book “The Accidental Billionaires.” “Here’s what happened: I got sent a 14-page book proposal that Ben Mezrich had written for his publisher. And the publisher was trying to shop it around for a film sale and so that’s how it got into my hands. I think I was on page three when I said yes to this. It was the fastest that I’ve ever said yes to anything,” Sorkin explained. Actor Jesse Eisenberg, who plays Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, was just as new to the online craze as Sorkin. “Prior to shooting, I had a cynical attitude toward it,” Eisenberg explained. “I think also, as an actor, I value my privacy a little more … maybe I have a greater sensitivity toward putting information about myself online, because sometimes people write stuff about me online and it’s so mean-spirited and I don’t want to be involved in that.” Once Sorkin had accepted the project, which would become “The Social Network,” and landed David Fincher (“Fight Club”) as director, he and Mezrich began figuring out what exactly the whole Facebook phenomenon is about. And he had a lot to learn, since the site wasn’t his motivation to take on the project. “What attracted me to it was that the themes in this story are as old as storytelling itself,” Sorkin said. “Of friendship, and loyalty, and betrayal, jealousy, power, class — these are things that Aeschylus was writing about, that Shakespeare was writing about. Paddy Chayefsky would’ve written this story. Luckily for me, none of those guys were available so I got to write it.” Sorkin was captivated by the lawsuits brought against Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and decided to center “The Social Network” on the company’s legal struggles. Zuckerberg was being sued by his co-founder Eduardo Saverin for allegedly cheating him out of company ownership and by Divya Narendra, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss at roughly the same time for allegedly stealing their idea. From these lawsuits, three different stories of Facebook’s founding emerged. “I decided that I was going to tell the story of how there are three different versions of the truth and get a ‘Rashomon’ effect,” Sorkin said. “In other words, embrace the fact that no two people are telling the same story here.” However, when stories of loyalty, betrayal, jealousy, power and class are based off true events and real people, they’re typically met with some degree of controversy. Sorkin is aware some might not appreciate the film. “I don’t think anyone would like a movie made about the things they did when they were 19 years old,” he said.

CATFISH From Page 7 Joost and Schulman uncover after the twist: a strange, sad and complex meditation on the loneliness of the modern human condition. “Catfish” is being released as a documentary. Joost and Schulman have insisted many times that everything in the movie is real. And yet anyone paying attention will have several unanswered questions by the film’s end, which serve to cast

“I’m sure that Mark and Facebook would prefer that I only tell the story from Mark’s point of view, but I’m telling it from Mark’s point of view and the point of view of the people who were suing Mark,” Sorkin said. “Facebook’s beef isn’t with the movie; it’s with the testimony given from the people who sued him. I hope controversy isn’t the reason why people buy a ticket. I hope it’s because they heard it was good.” Some would argue that after seeing the movie, they got a glimpse of a more compassionate Zuckerberg. “My job for the six-month shoot, every day, was to defend Mark Zuckerberg and my character, because you can’t act in a scene if you can’t defend the character’s behavior,” Eisenberg said. “So I don’t feel like he’s acting in a way that’s mean-spirited or malicious. I think he’s coming from a place of loneliness and feeling threatened.” The fact that Zuckerberg isn’t always portrayed in the most positive light was actually a relief for Eisenberg. Despite his history of playing well-meaning nice guys (including lead roles in “Adventureland” and “Zombieland”), he said he welcomed the change, as he found it easier to play a rougher character. “It’s much, much, much less difficult,” Eisenberg said of his role in the film. “Because everything in a movie is really contrived, and so to act like myself in all those other movies … It’s more difficult because the characters are similar to me, my gauge for authenticity is so high. Like, I’m so much more critical of myself because I know if something’s off. It’s so much more obvious to me.” To prepare for the role, Eisenberg watched videos of Zuckerberg, took fencing lessons (even though Zuckerberg — a known fencer — is never seen fencing in the film) and even attempted to learn some basic programming. However, despite all the research, neither Sorkin nor Eisenberg has ever met the Facebook founder. In fact, if Eisenberg eventually does meet the man whose life he studied, it’s likely to be through a mutual acquaintance. “When I read the script, I asked my cousin for some help, because my cousin is a computer programmer,” Eisenberg said. “Then a month before the movie ended, he told me he had an interview at Facebook and eventually got a great job at Facebook. And the first week he was there, Mark Zuckerberg came up to him at a party and said, ‘I think your cousin is playing me in a movie.’ My cousin was a little nervous, but then Mark said ‘I think that’s really cool.’ ” In remaining distant from their real-life counterparts, the cast was able to stay true to Sorkin’s characters and avoid impression-based acting. Still, Armie Hammer, who plays both Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss with the aid of body double

Josh Pence, did enjoy the fortune of meeting the real Winklevoss twins, the Olympic rowers who sued Zuckerberg for stealing their idea of an exclusive social network. “It was weird. It was really weird,” Hammer said. “We had a totally different reaction than they had. When I met them I was like, ‘Guys! It’s so good to see you! When you were 15, you remember when your dad told you that and your mom was like, ‘No,’ and then you started rowing?’ And they were like, ‘We just met you and you’re freaking us out.’ ” Both Eisenberg and Hammer credit Sorkin for writing great dialogue that made it easy to perform, even though Sorkin is known for his incredibly fast pace. “If you were given bad dialogue, and you had to make it move at that speed, it’d be the hardest thing in the world to do,” Hammer explained. “But because the dialogue is so well written and so thought-out, it just flows. It would be just like you and I having a normal conversation. You do the scene three or four times and then all of a sudden, you don’t have to think about your lines, it just flows. It’s really cool.” For Sorkin, knowing his cast would be so young made sitting down to write the first scene a little daunting. “It is the youngest group of characters I’ve ever written about,” Sorkin explained. “And when I was ready to write after months and months of research and months and months of just kind of pacing around, climbing the walls, trying to think of what it was I was going to write, the day came when I knew what the opening scene was and it was time to write it, to actually type it. And I thought, well, I’m going to have to make them sound 19, and what are sort of hip 2003 words? And it was a disaster. I just stopped doing that and I said, to hell with them being 19, you’re just going to have to write in your own voice — just write the way you write and it all went smoothly from there.” With “The Social Network” opening today, the movie will likely leave audiences wondering how much and which parts of the story were real, while Facebook insiders scrutinize the film for inaccuracies and imperfections. Still, Sorkin emphasizes the right to creative license when adapting real-life events to the big-screen and hopes the public will enjoy the film as a work of art, not a documentary. “If you take facts — facts that aren’t in dispute about Mark — and you kind of use them as dots and start connecting the dots, what’s in here, what’s between the dots, is character,” Sorkin said. “I would encourage people when they go into a movie and it begins with the words, ‘the following is based on a true story,’ (to) look at it the way you look at a painting and not a photograph.”

doubt on its authenticity (a recurring theme at the movies these days, thanks to the likes of “Exit Through the Gift Shop” and “I’m Still Here”). Is “Catfish” a true documentary about people who construct imitations of lives on their computers, or is it a constructed imitation of a documentary that only shows certain information to its audience while withholding other things, like a Facebook profile page? Maybe the movie actually says more about our times. If it is fake, “Catfish” already serves as a document of construction, deception

and acceptance of that deception. Taking away the last “true” thing about it makes the film even more indicative of these themes. Visitors to the movie’s official website have the opportunity to simulate Nev as he chats with Megan online, meaning that they can pretend to be an imitation of someone who is simulating a conversation with a fake person. “Catfish” detractors might view the experience as completely inane and devoid of real-world meaning. To others, it’s just the next logical step in our lives.

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