The Interface Volume 2, Issue 1 and 2
March 2019 – March 2020
Phone No.: 0194-2262786
Volume 2, Issue 1 and 2
March 2019 — March 2020
R. P. School Nagbal, Ganderbal, Kashmir, J&K—190006
The Interface
Inside this issue: Students’ council Elections Plantation Drive Investure Ceremony World Heritage Day Grand Rhyme Show Trip to Book fair at Allama Iqbal Library Staff and student outings Poetry Competition Summer Camp
From the Principal’s Desk Assalamualikum wa rehmat ul lahi wa barakatuhu
ture of all sorts of activities un-
It is a matter of great pride and
ops writing skills among students
dertaken by a school and devel-
in particular and teaching faculty
Nagbal to bring out the News
in general. I congratulate the
Letter ‗Interface‘ released from
Editorial Board of this News
the Department of Information
Letter who have played wonder-
ful role in accomplishing the task
made tremendous progress in all
in Record time. I express my
deep sense of gratitude to Miss
capacity building relevant to staff
Sumaya, HOD/IT under whose
and students. I am confident that
guidance this Technical work has
this issue of school News Letter
been undertaken and completed
will send a positive signal to the
within the stipulated time. Also
staff, students and the person who
my heartfelt Congratulations to
are interested in the education
staff members and Students for
and capacity building based activ-
their fruitful effort.
ities. A News Letter is like a mir-
Teacher Orientation
ror which reflects the clear pic-
With Best Wishes PRINCIPAL
From the Vice Principal’s Desk Special Points of Interest: District level Interschool Painting Competition Pencak Silat Championship
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„Interface' our School Newslet-
who used various mediums of
cake. Interface will enable our
ter is the reflection of our learn-
expression to present their poten-
learners to give
ers. Cradled in the lap of nature
tial. As long as our potentialities
on the one hand and archaeologi-
are expressed and thoughts kin-
cal edifice on the other, swaying
dled we can be sure of learning,
from serious thinking to playful
as everything begins with an idea.
I appreciate every student who
shared the joy of participation in
Nagbal are brimming with a zeal
co-curricular and extracurricular
for life empowering themselves
activities along with their com-
with skills and creativity. I con-
mitment to curriculum. That little
gratulate the staff and students
extra we do, is the icing on the
and get a little more of learning. Happy Reading!
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The Interface
Students’ Council Election Election to the Student Council
tives of different houses of the
for the Academic session 2019-
school. In connection with this
20 was conducted in the open
election, the school organised
The programme
air auditorium of R.P. School,
Pre–election candidate speech
programme for the contestants.
This was followed by student
President of the programme,
council election in a democratic
Principal Mr Muzaffar Ahmad
Bhat, elaborated on election
Noorain of 10th standard and
procedure and wished the can-
Ms Masoom Fatima of 9th
didates. Event Coordinator Ms
standard were declared
Shaziya Noor briefed the rules
School Captain and vice Cap-
pertaining to election. HOD Ms
tain respectively. Then victory
Farhana welcomed and Coordi-
was celebrated by the students
nator Ms Rehana compeered
peacefully in the campus.
March, 2019. Ms Taskeena Basharat, Ms Rabbul Noorain, Ms Hina, Ms Saniya, Ms Urwa, Ms Zuha, Ms Tabinda, Ms Afraa, Ms Safa Bint Shabir, Ms Ainain and Ms Safoora Morifat contested for the post of School Captain, Vice Captain and representa-
the programme.
prayer was Ms
Plantation Drive “Just living is not
enough, one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” Hans Christian Andersen.
Nature is God‘s most beautiful
Mr Rahi Reyaz, General Secre- by students. The students along
tary National Society for pro- with the teachers also took an
growth, development and nour-
tection of water resources, wet-
ishment of all its creatures. As
lands and forests, Mr Ishtiyaq
Health and Physical Education
Ahmad Tanga, DFO social for-
are our main
estry division Ganderbal, Mr
stream sub-
jects, R. P. School, Nagbal in
collaboration with Social For-
Range officer social forestry
estry Department J&K organ-
division Ganderbal and Mr
Ghulam Ahmad Bhat, Block oath to look after the planted officer Ganderbal. Main aim saplings, plant more and more
Drive was organized in the school on Friday, 26 July 2019 to enable the students to enhance
social, personal and emotional growth. The campaign was inaugurated by the Principal, Mr Muzaffar Ahmad Bhat and chief guest Mr Zubair Ahmad Shah, Regional Director Social
J&K Ganderbal Division, Mr
Plantation Drive
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Shabir Ahmad Mir, Chairman R.P Group of schools,
was to direct student‘s mind in trees and encourage others to constructive activities with the do the same. Some of the stupositive outcome through the dents also shared their experifacilitation of contributing to the ences and shared their joy with society. others. A Mini Herbal Garden The students brought various saplings including Apple, Pine, Lemon, Chinar, Fir and Rhododendron. The students participated in the drive enthusiastically and helped each other in planting
was inaugurated within the premises of the school and the drive was followed by a seminar wherein the students presented different programs to highlight the importance of
the saplings. All the saplings were planted in the school ground
Phone No.: 0194-2262786 | | |
Volume 2, Issue 1 and 2
Investure Ceremony ―Leadership is about vision and
Mr Muzaffar Ahmad Bhat,
ing each other and radiate to-
responsibility, not power.‖ –
Principal, Ms Furqana, Vice
getherness to spread happiness.
Seth Berkley
Principal, Ms Rehana Coordi-
For the better understanding of
Learn to Lead
(Mathematics), Ms Afshana,
To instill the leadership quali-
HOD (Arabic), Ms Farhana
speeches were presented to the
ties in children and ready them
Ms Nazima
for the 21 Century R.P.School,
HOD (Science) and Ms Shaziya
Nagbal believes in the motto of
Event coordinator,
Learn to Lead. Investiture Ceremony is one such responsibility bestowed on the students by the
tives and the newly inducted
school Captain and vice Cap-
qualities of a leader and func-
shared his words of wisdom
tion as a team.
with the children saying that
emony on April 10, 2019 in the Assembly Ground. Representatives of various Houses, Clubs and Lobbies were inducted and adorned with sashes and pin badges, by the Chief Guest
Mr Muzaffar Ahmad Bhat con-
Inculcating Respect and Em-
second Annual Investiture Cer-
gratulated the new representa-
school where they learn the
R.P.School, Nagbal held its
every child should imbibe the virtues of respect and empathy to become good human beings with good character, and humility to attain the real happiness in life and bring about a positive approach in the saga called life. He also spoke about help-
tain of the school Ms Rabbul Noorain and Ms Masooma Fatima respectively to work with respect and empathy and perform their duties with utmost diligence and show energy and enthusiasm throughout the year. The badge bearers pledged to deliver their duties with utmost consciousness and sincerity for the development of the school in session 2019-20.
World Heritage Day World Heritage Day celebrated
kindle and induce the love for
bulletin boards with intellectu-
every year on 18th April to
our countries heritage, thus it
al understanding and the es-
raise the awareness about the
giving it a special discourse.
sence of Kashmiri culture in the
This day was celebrated for
form of pictures and write ups!
diversity and vulnerability of
conservation of our boundless
the worlds‘ built monuments
heritage so that our generation
and heritage sites was celebrat-
can comprehend its importance
ed at R.P. School, Nagbal on
and history and pass it on as an
April 20, 2019. the students
honour to next generation.
presented activities based on development of our culture in the morning assembly, to en-
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Caption describing picture or graphic.
“A concerted effort to preserve our heritage is a vital link to our cultural, educational, aesthetic, inspirational and economic legacies. All of the things that quite literally make us who we are.” Steve Berry
Vigorous participation of all the students was seen in decorating the house display boards and
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The Interface
Grand Rhyme Show
The school celebrated its‘ Grand
Our esteemed guests set the tone of
Rhyme Show on May 5th, 2019 in
the event through their motivating
the school open air auditorium. The
speeches. Mr G.N. War in his
students proved themselves out of
address lauded the students and
the crowd, as they presented a valua-
their mentors for conceiving and
ble way to introduce the sounds of a
executing the event of such great
language and practice speaking in a
magnitude. He urged the parents to
fun and motivational way. They
encourage and praise their children
presented various rhymes as portable
for their good work and achieve-
playthings. It was a proud moment
ments. The Guest of Honour, Mr
not only for the students, staff but
Kamakoty Krishna Moorty also
also for the entire parental cotrie.
appreciated the students and teach-
The event was graced by the pres-
ers for their commendable work. At
ence of Mr G.N. War, President
the end of the event, the vote of
private schools association, J&K,
thanks was posed by Ms Nusaiba
who was the chief guest of the
Binti Muzaffar and the event con-
cluded with a heart touching dua by
Kamakoty Krishna Moorty, IIT
Unique minds are moulded by unique hands to identify the unique abilities which makes unique learning universal and ultimate to shape the little minds with soulful hearts.
a K.G 2 student.
Khargpur, B.Tech Graduate High technology equity analyst, was street,
Holostic life coach and an alchemist, as the Guest of Honour; Mr Shabir Ahmad Mir, Chaiman R,P Group of schools and Mr Muzaffar
R.P.School, Nagbal and other dignitaries. The event commenced by invoking the blessings of Allah through the recitation of the divine verses from
This program gave our children an
the holy Quran. This was followed
opportunity to feel that from the
by a melodious rhyme show which
first sessions they could say a lot of
changed the moods, thus filling the
English and say it quickly just like
Sunday moments with fun, joy and
adults. Since, deep satisfaction that
lights. Children used a number of
motivates doesn't come from hav-
props and equipments along with
ing fun playing games in English,
their bright and fancy dresses to set
but from persisting until a defined
the scene incognizance with the
task, like knowing a rhyme, is suc-
physical actions, which helped them
cessfully completed.
to confirm understanding and aid to memorization.
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Volume 2, Issue 1 and 2
Trip to Book Fair
“There is no friend
The school organised a trip to
This book fair played a pivotal
but also other languages and
the Book fair at Allama Iqbal
role in reiterating the might of
proved fruitful to all Alham-
Library, University of Kash-
the pen and the printed world
mir in collaboration with
that proved to be the biggest
National Council for the pro-
book bonanza awaited by our
motion of Urdu Language
students, teachers and book
(NCPUL) in order to provide
lovers. The fair presented a vast
the students with an opportunity
panorama of Indian books on a
to pick out and read books to-
wide range of subjects and also
gether. This increases the likeli-
a unique platform for our stu-
hood that they will want to
dents to increase the likelihood
continue reading. It gave them
that they will want to continue
the chance to instil a love of
reading. The exhibition didn't
reading that lasts a lifetime.
cover only the Urdu language
as loyal as a Book”
Staff and student Outings R.P. School, Nagbal organized
nating break to learn and enjoy
an Educationl tour for the
through excursions. This was a
teachers so as to encourage
day for picnic and Mughal gar-
them to gain more exposure and
dens for the students of kinder-
learn from fresh experiences.
garten and Primary department.
With several options to choose
The kids enjoyed the snacks
from our educational tour set
and food they had brought with
towards the wonderful tourist
them on the green carpet laid by
attraction in the forest block of
nature. The cool waters sooth
Shopian, Mughal road and to-
their delicate features and mes-
wards the south-western part of
merized their tender minds.
our valley in the Kulgam dis-
Such outings prove to be the
“Travel is not a reward for working, its education for living” Anthony Bourdain
catalysts in learning equation. The pine covered mountains of the Pir-Panjal range where the boisterous
Vishav tumble down straight 25 meters below at Aharbal, creating a gushing waterfall. Picnics are a great opportunity for kids to learn about nature and its beauty. It gives them a chance to unfurl the colours of the creation. RPS Nagbal provides its students with a rejuve-
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The Interface
Poetry Competition — Spill the Ink The students of 7th standard
the Silver linings team for the
She was honoured with a certif-
actively participated in the re-
recitation of the Holy verses of
icate of excellence and a cash
cently held event of poetry in
the Holy Quran! Alhamdulilah,
price prize of Rs 5,000/-.
the premises of Kashmir uni-
she glorified the occasion with
versity at Ghandhi Bhawan.
her enchanting and soul sooth-
Spill the Ink, the event in
ing voice!
which one can reveal talent, participate and recreate the given theme in an allotted time according to one‘s thoughts and imagination!
Masoom Fatima, a 7th standardian
Nagbal stole the limelight of the event by securing 1st position in the poetry contest or-
Aleeza, a 3 grader from R.P.
ganised by the Silver Linings
School, Nagbal was invited by
Teacher Orientation Program With an aim to create effective
The four-hour long programme
mentors, an orientation pro-
included sessions on education
gramme was organised at R.P.
for social change, miracle of
School, Nagbal for our teach-
possibility thinking and the 9
intelligences. The programme concluded with the vote of
Our teachers, our greatest assets
thanks by the Event Coordina-
to both our school and our soci-
tor, Miss Shaziya Noor. Ac-
ety, having the ability to in-
cording to our principal, Mr
spire, empower and nurture the
lives of our students in accord-
training programme was quite
ance to Quran and Sunnah.
enlightening for the teachers.
The programme started with the
As many as 350 candidates from
He further said that the teachers
recitation of the holy verses of
the R.P. group of Schools and
would certainly be able to pro-
the holy Quran by a 4 grader,
many other schools attended the
vide an inspiring atmosphere
for the students at school.
Through the orientation, we got to talk about the classroom management,
programme was conducted by Miss Anjali Singh of Delhi, India.
teachers face and related sug-
gestions and tips for enhancing
response she started the orienta-
effective classroom teaching
tion Programme for the teachers
to be effective mentors.
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“Empowering teachers is the key to enhancing education.”
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Volume 2, Issue 1 and 2
Summer Camp Day 2
Starting on of 17th July, 2019, the Summer camp was conducted in
Day-2 breakfast followed the long
R.P.School, Nagbal for children to
distance picnic to Bangus valley in
learn new skills in a safe and nurtur-
the outskirts of Kupwara District.
ing environment. The camp duration
The area being the lap of nature was
was 4 days, starting on 17th June,
mesmerising for the mind, body and
2019, and continuing till the 20t .
soul. Campers enjoyed thoroughly
Around 130 students participated in
and explored the area with zeal and
different activities.
Day 3
The camp was inaugurated by Honorable Principal Mr Muzaffar Ahmad Bhat along with Vice Principal
Day-3 marked the visit to Manasbal
Miss Furqana and staff in school
Lake wherein games, boat ride and
assembly ground with flag ceremo-
fun. The campers enjoyed ice-creams
ny, march past, Quranic recitation,
and snacks and loved the boat ride
inspirational speeches and Dua.
with teachers and principal. The camping night sky was lit-up with
From the classrooms to the natural
the camp fire within the compound
tapestries, the camp merged learning
of the camping base.
with fun, and provided the students a platform
through empirical evidence.
Day 4 The
Day 1
yousmarg kissed the feet of our
The campers had refreshing morning tea in the lush green garden of R.P.School,Nagbal and left for the trekking expedition to Fakeer Gujri in the outskirts of Srinagar. On the foothills of Zabarwan range, the young campers of our school trod the paths of progress and had an adventurous feast by the cool stream
young campers who were in all love with the place. The campers played volley ball and had thorough water fights which are the hallmark of every picnic. The short trek to Doodh ganga stream swayed the outlook of visitors and all the campers were taken in by the serenity and calmness of the spot.
that flows over boulders and makes
The camp was a life time opportuni-
way through a small valley.
ty for the campers to be self reliant
After the tiresome trek children returned to the base camp in the school premises. The children played fun games and enjoyed the night time with teachers.
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and learn time management and other life skills along with the beloved Sunnah. The summer was a huge success and we keep touching new skies everyday!
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The Interface
Summer Camp
TAFSEER SESSION Quran the torch bearer of muslim lives is an indispensible part of our camping program. Tafseer is icing on cake, which adds flavor and colour in our darkened lives.
Gulale — A cultural program for children
hahkar cultural Academy of Hawal Srinagar presented a Kashmiri cultural
program to entertain the children and make them realize the importance of Education for all in general and women in particular. The artists presented a Skit in Kashmiri language and their performance took the children off the feet. The program had triangular theme— importance of mother tongue, importance of education and respect for all people living in our society. The program was applauded by the entire audience.
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Volume 2, Issue 1 and 2
District level Interschool Painting Competition
istrict level interschool
Government of Jammu & Kash-
she believes. She has no fair of
painting competition by
mir in collaboration with the
making changes, destroying the
Government of J&K in collab-
Dept. Of Youth Services, dis-
images, etc., since she believes
oration with Department of
trict Ganderbal at Government
painting has a life of its own.
Youth Services District Gan-
Arts Emporium Lawns, Srina-
Painting is her passion and she
gar were our student, Safa Binti
draws her dreams‘
“Painting is a silent poetry, and poetry is the painting that speaks. Painting is just another way of keeping diary.”
Shabir of 8
standard truly
Her painting seems to be an
prove herself out of crowd and
illusion, a piece of magic, so
stole the limelight of the event
what we see is not actually
by securing 3 position‘
what we see!
Caption describing picture or graphic.
A good painting to Safa Bashir
On April 15, 2019 a district
has always been a friend of
level interschool painting com-
hers. Painting for her is just
petition was organised by the
another way of keeping a diary,
Pencak Silat Championship “ Winners are not the people who never fail, but people who never quit.”
3rd open Kashmir Pencak Silat championship 2019 held at Indoor Stadium. Students from classes 2 nd to 5th grade showed their active participation and won 30 medals under various categories viz 6 Gold, 11 silver and 13 Bronze medals.
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The Interface
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The Interface
R.P. Group of schools is a wide network organization wherein different potential abilities are nurtured by means of quality education and purposeful implication of learning. The purpose of organization is to expose children to the foremost fountain of learning. The organization provides wholehearted chance to know about Society, Culture, History, Math’s, Science, Technology, Art and other variety of fields. The main aim of learning here is LLL (life long learning).
Events — The tempering over routine life
vents are organized in an institution
It energizes the ability of learners and gives
are explicit part of our curriculum which
to provide opportunities to all learn-
them thrust from routine work and makes
will keep on nurturing our learners each day,
ers to be involved in Knowledge, Under-
their energy to flow vertically to bring their
Insha Allah!
standing and Application of learning through
games, cultural shows, dramas, field visits,
It is a well known fact that only academic
value based events etc. It makes learners
learning cannot keep learners motivated for
well versed with the human behavior, atti-
productive outcome unless learners get in-
tude and aptitude like cooperation, collabo-
volved in recreational activities. Events are
ration, positive interdependence, respect and
created to do something extra from our daily
equal status interaction.
in and out. Events and recreational activities
Phone No.: 0194-2262786