RPS Travel Group Monthly eNewsletter March 2019

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Travel Image of the Month is: “Dancing” by Barbara Bogacka, LRPS


I do love the Icelandic horses, and Iceland in general! You can read Barbara’s article further on in this newsletter.

www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society

#44 March 2019


#44 March 2019

Contents A Final Reminder for Springboard, plus news of an additional guest speaker, travel info & updates Link to Peter Hayes’, FRPS, interview of David Noton, FRPS The Dolomites - a timely reminder “Breiðamerkurjökull” by Barbara Bogacka Bits & Bobs - please read! Springboard 2019 With just about one month to go, it’s time to give you some information updates: PHOTO TOUR AROUND SALFORD QUAYS Meeting place: Copthorne Hotel Clippers Quay Salford Quays M50 3SN Public Transport - Exchange Quay tram stop The Photo Tour will explore many of the sights of the area and last about 2 hours. Starting at 1300 on Friday 12th April Please register your interest with event leader Liz Rhodes travel@rps.org (I haven’t visited the area since the mid-1980s so I’m looking forward to seeing all the developments.) SPRINGBOARD FRIDAY DINNER If you are staying in Salford on Friday evening, we would like you and any guests to join us for dinner. We have reserved the Waterside Restaurant at the Copthorne Hotel. Cost is £25.00 per person payable locally by yourself. I do hope that we will be able to say hello on the eve of our Annual Event. Please contact John Riley to book. editortravel@rps.org

www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society


#44 March 2019

ADDITIONAL GUEST SPEAKER The TG Committee are always looking for ways to make events such as Springboard more attractive to the membership, so it was recently thought that we could have a Travel Group member as an additional Guest Speaker. As it was too late to offer this to the general membership this year, my wife and TG member Katharina Wand has “volunteered” to be the guinea-pig. She was born in Leipzig and her early travelling (with her family) was in a Trabant - I’ve heard some of the stories and they made me laugh, so come along and give her your support. By the time you read this, her “proper”, full Bio should be on the Event info on the RPS website.

If you’re interested in being a Travel Group Guest Speaker at the next Springboard, then come along and have a chat with John Riley. John Riley has also provided me with the following information if you are travelling to Springboard from the London area: A Travel Day Out - Salford Quays 13 April Departing London Euston to Manchester Piccadilly 2 hours 9 minutes. Leave at 0655 or 0720 on Virgin Trains. These trains will get you to The Lowry in time for Springboard 2019. Return - Lots of choice.

For those of you who live south of the Wash, please note that the North West is no longer marked on the map as “here be Dragons”!

www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society


#44 March 2019

David Noton, FRPS David was recently appointed as Chair of the Travel Distinction Panel and I understand that the first Travel Panel Assessments take place at the new RPS HQ in Bristol on 26th March. Peter Hayes FRPS videoed an interview with David and the video can be seen here:

David Noton video Good luck in your new role David Well, for most of us spring has well and truly sprung (not for me as it’s still snowing) so it’s perhaps time to prepare for the summer photographic opportunities - and what better way than with Charlie Waite on the

The Dolomites photography tour led by Charlie Waite 24th - 29th June The tour takes place in late June and is a great chance not only to see some stunning scenery, but also to have your shots constructively criticised by the expert.

Remember, places on this trip are limited so book now to avoid missing out!

Please click on this link for full information: The Dolomites

www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society


And now for Barbara Bogacka’s Icelandic Saga

www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society

#44 March 2019


www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society

#44 March 2019


www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society

#44 March 2019


www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society

#44 March 2019


Images & Text Copyright Barbara Bogackta

www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society

#44 March 2019


#44 March 2019

Bits & Bobs In addition to the Springboard activities already mentioned, I would like to remind you all that the TG will also be holding its Annual General Meeting at the venue at the end of the day’s proceedings, and that the TG membership are encouraged to attend. This is your opportunity to make the collective membership voice heard, instead of leaving everything in the hands of the Committee - we do our best but if we don’t have input from the membership, then we don’t know what the membership wants! Come along and have your say! I do know that our long-serving & long suffering Chair, Liz Rhodes, is stepping down, and a new Chair will have to be elected. Your views & vote on this are important! Also, the Committee needs new and younger blood elected to serve the membership. If you want to serve on the Committee, come along and volunteer. Help to shape the future of the TG! The next eNewsletter will be published in early May (as I will be busy preparing for and travelling to & from Salford Quays) and it will be devoted to Springboard happenings. I intend to take photographs of our (Katharina & me) journey there and at the event. I would ask all you other attendees to do the same, and send your images of your journey to Springboard to me asap afterwards so I can put them in the next eNewsletter as a joint feature. I’m not looking for exhibition-grade photos - just everyday snaps of who, what, when, and where with a sentence or two. See you in Salford! Grahame

www.rps.org/travelgroup www.facebook.com/rpstravelgroup © 2018 Royal Photographic Society

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