Royalmont Academy - 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade

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Royalmont Academy 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, & 5th Grade

Integral Formation • Intellectual •  Human •  Spiritual • Apostolic

We begin with Intellectual…

Overview of 3rd Grade Curriculum Religion:

Quali:es of God, Life of Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, the seven Sacraments, Introduc:on to Church La:n, the Mass, the Church, Our Blessed Mother, the Rosary, Saints, virtues, and liturgical seasons.

Language Arts:

Read short stories, chapter books for reports, memorize poems, public speaking, iden:fy nouns, verbs, adjec:ves, adverbs, types of sentences, phonics, spelling, punctua:on, grammar, crea:ve wri:ng, wri:ng news ar:cles, wri:ng scien:fic reports, and handwri:ng (including cursive).


Addi:on, subtrac:on, mul:plica:on, division, frac:ons, telling


Life Science, Earth Science, physics, health, nutri:on, safety, methods of scien:fic inves:ga:on, science lab inves:ga:ons.

Social Studies:

Maps skills, local, state and na:onal government, ci:es, communi:es,

:me, :me zones, money, measuring, graphing, decimals, mixed numbers, and basic equa:ons.

early American history, the Vikings, and Roman Empire

3rd Grade at Royalmont Academy

Overview of 4th Grade Curriculum Religion: Language Arts: Math: Science: Social Studies:

Faith and Life series; salva:on history, sacraments, commandments, Jesus’ public ministry, prayer Short stories and books – Number the Stars, The Cricket in Times Square, Sounder, My Side of the Mountain, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; vocabulary, spelling, grammar, poetry, wri:ng – le[ers, comparison and contrast, descrip:on, research paper Saxon 5 Math – whole numbers and opera:ons, geometry, decimals, measurement, pa[erns, emphasis on frac:ons Experiments and the scien:fic process, geology, clouds and the water cycle, plants and animals, solar system, diges:ve and respiratory systems, electricity, light, sound Geography terms, geography of the U.S., Ohio geography and history, famous Ohioan research project

4th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Overview of 5th Grade Curriculum Religion: Language Arts: Math: Science: Social Studies:

Answering the ques:ons, “Why Catholicism?” and “What is Catholicism?” primarily through the lens of the Apostle’s Creed. Short stories and books – The Winged Watchman, Island of the Blue Dolphins, A Christmas Carol, Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, The Bronze Bow, Tom’s Midnight Garden; vocabulary, spelling, grammar, poetry, wri:ng le[ers, monologues, research papers, and more. Saxon 6 Math – whole numbers & opera:ons, geometry, decimals, measurement, pa[erns, emphasis on complex frac:ons, percentages Experiments and the scien:fic process, cells, organ systems, ecology, oceanography, geology, astronomy, and physics. World Geography-­‐ studying the countries and the cultures of the world, their internal and external rela:onships, poli:cs, economy, and the rela:onship between humans and the environment. 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

3rd grade meets for Spanish classes twice per week and 4th grade meets three :mes per week. They learn vocabulary, culture and highlights of Spanish speaking countries.


5th grade meets three :mes a week and con:nues building on earlier lessons as well as focusing on over 30 verbs, conjuga:on of –ar/-­‐ er/-­‐ir verbs, and beginning to write in Spanish.

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Technology & the Curriculum Students use Smart Boards and computers to access many different types of lessons and be crea:ve with our curriculum. 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Homework Homework should average about 45-­‐60 minutes per night in 3rd and 4th grade and 60-­‐90 minutes in 5th grade and includes assignments, studying for quizzes or tests, and reading. Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday nights only; there is no homework assigned over the weekend with the excep:on of an occasional special project and trimester exams.

3rd , 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Human Formation Throughout the day, in formal and informal ways, the students of Royalmont Academy are taught how to be good children as opposed to simply being good students.

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Recess and play are tremendously important at Royalmont. These are great :mes for students to prac:ce virtue and to build rela:onships and class unity.

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Human Formation

Three :mes a year, the children memorize a poem and recite it in the auditorium. This is a great chance for the children to get experience in public speaking. Students also compete in a speech contest and, in the 5th grade, students write and perform their own character monologues. 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Virtue Campaigns Each month the students concentrate on a par:cular virtue. They are assigned a goal and prac:ce the virtue throughout the month, trying to reach their goal by the end of the month. Past examples of monthly virtues include: Obedience, Respect, Gra:tude, Constancy, Charity, Jus:ce, Reverence, Generosity 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Positive Motivation Students receive rewards for good behavior.

Lunch With Your Teacher

A Posi:ve Call Home Class Par:es 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Responsibility The responsibility shiks from the parents and teachers to the students as children progress through these grades. Students are expected to take responsibility for their work and belongings, without reminders from formators or parents.

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Spiritual Formation

We pray at least four :mes a day, either in class or in the oratory. Aker lunch recess each day, we make a visit in the oratory and sing songs and pray a decade of the Rosary. Students are encouraged to offer prayer requests and share their inten:ons during prayer :mes. 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy


Speaking with the Lord in prayer is fundamental at our school. We take frequent prayer breaks, presen:ng our needs to the Lord and listening to Him in our hearts. We have a beau:ful Oratory for special prayer :mes. 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

The Universal Church Students are taught to be concerned about the needs of the Church in our country and throughout the world. Students show the "Pray for Priests" wristbands they wore during Vocation Awareness Week.

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Apostolic Formation

We par:cipate in the school’s monthly Apostolic Project.

We also share ideas of how to help evangelize our friends and neighbors. Ideas include witnessing, giving out spiritual booklets and inviting others to Sunday Mass.

3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Preschool Buddies The children have preschool buddies that they meet with once a week. They act as mentors and grow in their interpersonal skills. Ben and his buddy, Isaac.

3rd Grade at Royalmont Academy

A Community

As a community, Royalmont students are encouraged to pray for all students and formators at the school. Each month the 4th grade “adopts” a grade and prays specifically for that class throughout the month. 4th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Apostolic Spirit

The students think about the needs of others and pray for anyone who is in need. Each morning the students offer inten:ons to the Lord as a class. 4th Grade at Royalmont Academy

Fifth Grade Trips

The fikh graders take a few special trips, including a camp out. Royalmont uses these opportuni:es to help the children in all areas of forma:on: intellectual, human, spiritual, and apostolic.

5th Grade at Royalmont Academy

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