1993 Log Royal Roads Military College

Page 115

Rose, D.L.



H&llm, tmmlhe> lIII,e mrtr('puh. o. SooLc Dam I\a, ~ "aodcTed far frum the> IIC_IIO (<>mC to Ro...h Frum the> lIumhk be~tnn."" o' Re<;""11 -'YuL" >he lIa> <k~clopc:d tnto tile TI ~he "11:1(11) 'e,cr 10 "I 'hll 00- 'top 1iItL,nt! Dam ha. bo:oeflthe n} b} night adl~lun:r ofLL~k. AI"a)'. 0f>C' to \al.c n<h. w hal tlen btto Loo..o 10 Ic-od 001 her pm:'OO\ C;ll"O''-CE(>r t""t, t~. Dam, 11 "ollO'1 ow-bllh. n:all)"1 Dam hal lk<:.dW 10 n:mlOo Iv", on lhe .... c>t CI',"'I 10 ,ontll'..e 'Iudymg he", at Ro...h. Chou.1wld and r",ld hodc) hall' all bttn hk>.,ro "1111 her pn:'!oI'f1tC So hall' lhe UUIOO n'~lIt roo.... L'''n~ Xrt>\, the> hall from the> he>a.;h ha, \OO1C ad<anUl$I"o' AI"J),lhen: ",11\1 Im,lc.and. ~iu.k, Dam" _ wdlttr)OII up and lalL 10 '~er ~ th~1 ablln} Smlk. Ph~, Lib "III I>C'Icr 1>0: lhe> n~

\larkus. O.M.


Comp Eng

o.lc . .:an ulu~11I be found on the> hoo~ ofd~I If he', no! In IIIe S('R "aldllnt! 5,mp.on' DJlc', room "eqUII'JlO'd ",111 1"0 ComPUIC"" """,,,;;;- ",,,b,,,,, and n"oprn'oOl" and a ':>OIInd ~) ,Iem from Hcll. Dal'c n:<JUIn:1 the~ nu""",roul dlltr;M;llon, 11) ""'-'I' hIm t>ul~ bcl"ttn reSlncll'd "tt;'end, D~'c ,-arne 10 RR\IC from l,;WO "'t II RE$O I"r nprrleoce and 'utlleGucntl~ 'prm half o( lir.1 year II a lrf OJ'e 100;', f'-""'ard 10 tonlmum8 II" educalion ~t R \IC on Omano. do<e 10 hl\ fnend, and lamll)' Dal'" Mpr' to pul II" lan~ua~c 1",11,> 10 u"" m tile dlplonlall~ field ,n futull: )CJr. \lTf (aod Ix: prepared (0 ACllon and Implemem ",lIenel'er the need an<.el!)




TIle hean and "",t of dte '.~y Rooden(. A 11<1100' I>.1nd of BOTC f~nd~ of "h"l1 Ryan ~em, 10 be .he only ,yn-",ng member hen: al RR \IC R"~n urne.o U' hell: from IIIe far d"Iance land, of \'"tOTl~ B.c.. Thi~ dId 001 help R)'~" In h" 'lYe', i(>T' "oman, '"<'ead he <.ellkd do"n (for. Ilmel.1oft ~nd 00]" IIh ()I1C of our ocT) o"n fil'll yca .... A(ter her ""'COl dc-panurt' R)an <;an be f\lund nt,,,1 oflcn lIarm,,,", hll C\,roomaIC. bud. coofld;uu. and all around ~Il:JI gU) S/ J 'Or4ua) "Of'luay ha, ~ ..."'n "caT)' of"'oullk'~" mOI"n8. and ,'an be found do"mOVlo draUonll R)'an belllnd hIm loollnll fOf an) !!-ITI "h",h ",II ;'ttp 111111 4UII:( rOf a "'hlk. R>,," Jile,> (0 ;'ttp h" mInd 00 II" I<:hooll"hen he can) a, he', tOf II Ih" lIme aroond. In ~11 ~riOt-"'le" 1Ie'~ an ~''''I 10'1Ie ,·0Ile8e .• ,udll 10


Norqua~ ,

W.S.F. (S/J#4 )



~all"" ,emuTed In RR \lC allille "'ay from the JX11fT1I'oCd land 0\ 'Ol.Srolla_ Thll full fled~cd Ka.:kmIC I>odJi'er

I» 00" iound «"oIImlnt' (lie lIall, of C~nlc, ~lL~hl "hell: he and II" c,·roomlTUle ICOOlOUI for "'cal)' rool,. ma~"ljt lhem fl, .... h e'eT)umc. Dc'pIlC beinll grua .... hed 1",,( "1100"')" ":L> ,"11 abk 10 'I'e II" IIlltemc" tor IIIe nnl three )c.r. lhat he" III be al IIx: Collclle. o.:'pliC h" 411C11 (00- a ..<'''~ ~ "OOlen Wah lIad II> >etlle In.. II" n"'I-\II";'IOII dll:am ot ~ ,·cltatn "fl ha..l home. Thrw~1I h" dreamy '>laLe> Wal( "., al"3)' beong mmtoncd to) the l«ne" SIJ 10 tho: "tnll. ~Il:ale,( ~U) tn IIIe gala\)' SO 'e" \\-31Icr II) far" IIIe moo.l 'lad and ,dIe Alrf"""c fan In be found on tile "'mg and a, al".), the leader of IIIe Rebel "F" CIa". TIte only IIIIOg Iltal ~ttl" hIm anool 10 h;~ -.ocial hfe are It" ne" 51J arrrm'cd bool'> and ht, '<lIt1c"ltal IOtere,"ng Da""'IO, ,llll~. Ihl"cver he" a C,,--dll 10 IIIe Colle~e and ha, a ,reat '-Cn-.e 01 humour WooaaJ"'ltoo!' ~ID

" Keleher. M.A.



WILh I bla,. 01 purple lIaLe lrom St Jolin "Ie" B"""",",-l. '0' ,'all'" 10 NUlal R'l,ld, C<JUIPpr4 "1111 a Raider. lIal. ~\lt·off long Jol\n" and a >U'PIClOU--tOO;'tng 1I..II""pllnl. (l hJ' ,oe,e, been 'oCtn dotng In) ",n uf ",'aden",' "orl. and 113d a (3'-C of Bud on h" 1>.1...,,,, Itt" I'or('hn"ma, cUm roullne. )'CI ,"11 manalled 10 pull oft fin-! tia" horK.tu" on h"l )ear. I I "ell a~ be.om,"~ In,,,,n lor hl\ ·dl ...:nmlrul1ln~ la>tel' m ~'ual relallon, After I fun-titled lummer a. C .. tK_ (lll:ltlfW Illal he "ould cnJ") ~"'y hfe much more than NN',C '" he 'gr.t,pr4 IIIe )'1'110" -and,hl~~~ hanoJle> bchmd II" llead and pulled', puncllm8 out.o.he Ea,I. WILh (allot mand.aIOf} d""8 IC\lIn~ loomon~ on the JUIUn:. thl> .. ," a good Ihtn~ G "3, lnn",n 10 ha,c It'cnlll1l~IL dl':ml<'al, (a, "'cll~, """" \lra,n, (.1 STO) tl"alln~ around h" hloo..t-tream. A tclkt" La ... lIc aJllmal. G " m,,'oCd h} ~II

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