1989 Log Royal Roads Military College

Page 35

S. M. Fereday

l i 9i 4 ARTS


nd on Ihl' (om'" ~ haw "Sumo" Sail :. "'uth to her dl'mal, Solh' "on thl a\\ard lor ",mail' \\re,tling In 11"1 \(',If Sh~' ha, ,ho\\ n hE'r alhlptle ,lbllillp, on other area' ,ueh a, earthball , "\lInmlng, b"ll-ho(le\ olnd on Iwr PT 1(',1. Salh' "'(('Iwd a ,core 0144i "hlch \\on her IhE' lro\\n on the '<O\embl'r tl"t on ,econd Wolr flo\\(",'r. all 01 hl'r IIm(' "not 'pl'nt loc~ong out Than~' to 5,11" " organizational '~III, till' T"o Sqn me" dlnnpr wa, th(路 rowlile,t on recenl h"torv. Sally \Va' the Iwad cling-a-Iong at the Iwll nngong (onc('" and 'ang In thl' cholf Som,' 01 hl'r othl'f dUlle' II1tiucled flight Ch,lnRe-O and Secrt:'tM\ 01 the Chapel Commlllee, Ne t ylW "til ,pe Sally tdC ~"ng " degree In IIi'tory ,md Polilical SCience,


E. A. Field



CamillI( lrom Sa,katche\\an EfIt~ decided that he had Ihl' pert('tl boc~ground to lOin the N,lI,'\'. HI' lorm 01 logiC ha' 10nR been recognized a' unique, .'''nd ,0, "Du,t\ " wo,wd no lime In 10lning Ihl' N,l\\ and ('omlllg to Road, to Icarn Ihe \\av, 01 ollicer-;hlp Irom " thl"e commun"t pig-dog;". In Ilr,t \PJr, EfI(~ 'TIll' Blah " bc(Jm!' lamou, ,l' Ch,lmp flighl T,1\i ", bUI wa' unablc 10 get Ihi' 10 replace fDC dUell" , N,llur,llll upon ('nl!'rIng ,e( onel ~l'ar he becamE' a DUly DnvE'r. He hJ' 'een 'ome\\ holl Ie" activlly In Ihi' n(''' pO'"10n . En(~ " one 01 Ihe braV(' ,oul, \\ho are pl"nnlng on "allng at Roa(k H!' hopt:', 10 gradual!' With ,1 elegll'(' in Phy,,(' ,lnd Comp Sci. haVing alrl'ad\ developed the motlvallon to u,e Ihe dllllOnaf\ and IlOd oulll " apalh\ " i, 'p('lIeel wllh 00(' " p" or Iwo, A, a pro'PE'CIIVt' CSc. Erick plam 10 In,lIgalt' a new lorrec tlon: " Boot 10 11ll' 11('.lel" Road" ,lnd Ihe Nav\ , will never bE' the ,ame Be'l olluc~, Ent~ , and 011\\'01\' rE'nwmbE'r, " \'\'I1('n In doubt. lowE'r your ;I,'ndarr"-"

17976 SCI GE ERAL rid 01


C. M. Foster

Surely olle 01 Ihe mo" enlgmallc mE'mbef' 01 Hud,on Fllghl , Tina h,,, worked hl.'! way Into all 01 our hear", (\lthough thl' lerm 'bulch ' wouldn'l do her lu,tlCl' It would e\plalO hpr aileliion lor IlI,lIhlon ,1nd her tOn'lderable dpll'rmllldllon For un~nown rea,on" Tina \\ III be remalOlng at Road, 10 ta~l' P&o. Who ~now', maybe II "III hl"lp h('r 10 be ,1 bE'lter Air Nav, Th(N! 01 u, remaining at Wally\\'orld loo~ 10m ard 10 anolher Iwo ye,m In whl( h 10 abu,e TlnJ BE',t 01 lue~, h,)Ve lun on ph,!'e. and Iry 10 keep the hlu,hlllS to ,1 minimum,

S. E. Fraser

17977 ARTS


Sonia, altas Sausage, wa, MackenZie fllght\ only ,urvlving first year female; 'omethlng, or ,oml'one, made every one 01 her Ihree roommates qUIt. The E'nd of fi,;1 yt'M was a great achievement lor Sonia, due 10 her phY;lc, abilities she magically became an Artsman. from Ihere, life took off: ,he deuded to hecome a IrOople imtead of a homble cal-ktillOg band deek, she joinE'd the woman"> volleyball team and managed 10 Improve her PT score drastically - she didn't even dnve her second year roomie to become a civvy. Her numerous achievemellt> Include a beautifully decorated Christmas Ball, Ihe Chnstma, chOir, "gurt' '~dllng (though hockey was not qUite so easy) and a midnight mission to camouflagE' se lect pieces of luggage, Her high tolerance level for Dlel Coke will help assure success for Sonia ne\1 year here 011 Roads as a Mil Slud, Ihe Poll Su/Eeo, variely, Best of luck, Son ia!


M. W. L. Goodwin



Big MI~(' - Slu<l('nl 01 Ihe \'\l'ek lrom S,lthllll' HI~h . Although MI~l' " No1\'y to Ihe torP h!' <Iream' 01 IIYln~ r18'-, "'I~l' h." bpl'n ,1 \'.lIUdblp ''''l'1 10 til(> RR hot~l'Y ledm and of lall' h", bl'pn ,('<,n on 11ll' ru~hy Pllth . " hoti\bulldlflg god , h<' ha, dp\l'lnppei hltPp' .llmo't ," larg<, a, h" <,go, nol 10 n1<'nllOIl hr("lklllg Inlo Ill(> ~5() Cluh, "11~(, w," .1 nll'llliJpr 01 Iht' mOlo" \llt' (Iub lor 25 hour, unlll 111(' duhlou, 1,,11 Gr,lIll hI! a deer . . ml"l路d 11ll' dl'pr \\.1, 'pt'l'clillg ,md (f,l,hC'd InlO 11ll' wall . BUI Jell deuded Ihat II wa' ",ler for "likE' to havp ,I tol! 111'1('.1(1. "'I~l' \\111 1)(' gOing 10 C\\R nl'\1 \l'M 10 bp cio,!'r 10 h" 11,1n({>(' "'ltill'lIl' .. oh wah , and 10 gPI .1 dpgnll' tn J\-1(1thpmclll( ell PhV"I( .... It'clh, \\(111 , \\路htltPvpr. Mike.


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