1969 Log Royal Roads Military Collge

Page 71


FRONT ROW, Left to Right: Grant McDonald, Pete Kendell, Garry Deitrich, AI Ganske. BACK ROW: Larry Vidito, Wes Jamieson, Ed Zak, Bill Evans, Capt. C.E. Lavoie, Coach.

1968-69 may not have been the best year for Rep. volleyball at R. R.M.C., but, despite the loss of some potentially good players at the beginning of the year and a mid-season change of coaches, the team always managed to exhibit plenty of competative spirit and drive. Like his predecessor Capt. Amos, Capt. Lavoie proved to be a first-rate coach despite the many handicaps he was forced to endure. He succeeded in molding an efficient and well co-ordinated (? ) team from a group of cadets, many of whom didn't know one end of a volleyball from the other. The only real victory, however, was in Calgary over standdown in November. Whatever the shortcomings of the team were, the experience and training given to the players should serve to do more than just provide a good basis for the next year's team.


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