1958 Log Canadian Services College Royal Roads

Page 16

No. 4919 BARRY DENNIS HUNT Oakville, Ontario ARMY No stranger to the mdHary life. Barnfield Huntley" CJllle to Ropl ROJd~ upon hi'> graduation from Trafaigu High School In Oakville. HIs prenous l'xpCrlcncc with the Home Scotties" enabled him to take his Junior Year with ease When he returned from a highly successful summer at Camp Borden Barry assumed the directorship of the wing dUring the first term as Cadet Wing Commander Given a well earned rest dUring the second and third terms. he received the same ,lppolnlment in the last term

His record sp~Jks for itself Bee · Dec" helS been busy on (he College scene

Among hiS

m.ln1' extrJeUfrlCul.lr .1([lV\-

[Ies are the International Relations Club, FenCIng (he IS J pronllnenl stick. poke and slash Jrtist) and the College News Editor for the Log Although Bilfry is not one of those perma nently attached members of the College, it is understood that the city of Vancouver holds some attraction for him The RCR will receive a va \u ,)ble addition when this cadet joins it~ ranks

No. 4906 STANLEY ARTHUR CHARLES FRANKLIN Belle, i lie, Ontario AR\lY Stan's many successes dUring the past two years (an be attributed to hiS friendly personality, keen wit. dnd unerring abiluy to stay awake in c\HS There l'i a well founded claim ci rculdling to the effect that Stan is the only cadet who has survived two years of c\as~es Without once falling asleep. In his Junior year Stan led hiS term academically and during last summe r's training was selected the best first-yedr cadet at the RCSME at Camp ChdliwJck During his Senior yea r . Stan held more than his ~hare of Cadet Officer appointments, being

selected as C·W·F/L second term . C·W·S/L third term and C.W·S/I last term Stan takes a keen interest in all sports, and excels ,)t socce r and cross-country running this year he was chosen for the Rep Cross-Country learn He is also Business Editor of the Log As president of the Inlernatlondl Relations Club he IS forever entICing would be engineers into the realm of the artsman With his numerous successes at Royal Roads behind him Stan cannot help but succeed in Chemical Engineering, which he has chosen 10 study at RMC.

No. 4867 JOHN DAVID BELL Cornwall, Ontario ARMY One of the College's most diSCriminating cade ts, Dave has chosen to make the Signal Corps his caree r Cadet Squadron Leader during his first and fourth terms and Leading Cadet in his second term. he also showed merit i'l. summer training at Vimy harracks. where he was appointed troop commander He has shown active interest in sports also. and In hiS first year was J member of the representative bask~tball team. Always exhibiting an InfectiOUS humour, Dave has acquired many friends (of both sexes) in Kingston, Victoria, and Cornw"I!. Future plans Include two years at RMC and a year at Western University leading (0 a degree in Business Administration: immediate goals are graduation from Royal Roads and another summer at Vlmy For Dave we predict a long and successful ca reer in Canacfa's Army

No. 4877 DENNIS WALTER BURNINGHAM \Vainwright, Alberta NAVY " Denny " is Cartier Flight's most prominent cadet Born and raised on the vast pralfles, he can be called upon to expound on the virtues of Alberta In his Junior year he was among the top cadets In academiCS, In between his stud ies , he found time to become a member of the representative cross-country team. HIS main love, however, is hockey . On Thursday afternoon he can be heard to say "only seven more days left until we can play again." In all sports he has been an asset and a driving force for Cartier

Flight. Academics and athletics have not restricted his military ability, however His high standard during his Junior year won him the appointment of Cadet Squadron Leader in the first term, Cadet Wing Commander in the third term and Cadet Squadron Leader in the last term. Denny is at present in the Navy. but he soon hopes to be transferred to the Army. He

will probably take Chemical Engineering at RMC.


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