1948 Log Navy - Royal Canadian Air Force Joint Services College

Page 32


THE LOG The "Does your hat still fit your" Department. Congratulations are in order to: Lt. (E) L . R. Johns, who has acquired another go ld stripe on his sleeve. and is now Senior Engineer at the College. Mr. B. Caddick, in charge of ~ick Hay. who was p rol1loted to COl1lmissioned \;Vardlllaster in the New Year's ll onour List. Mr. R. P . Mylrea, our Sports ()fficer. who now holds the rank of COl1lmissioned Boatswain, R.C.N. FI L Wicken, .\ir Force Tcrm Lieutenant. who received his prol1lotion early in June.

The "We h ope you can stick it out as long as we dId" Department. . \ heart), welcome to: Lt. Cdr. (E) D. T . Forster, \\ ho ha s come to us from II . :\I.C.~ . Stadacona. and is the new Engineer Officer. Lt. (P) T. W . Wall, who will he taking over the joh of :--1,1\)' Terl1l Licutenant next year. Lt. (S) J. B. Tucker, a graduate of '45. who has returned to the College after an absencc of th ree years. Fl O W. Palmer, R.C .. \ F. \\ho, during the spring. was the 1'.'1'. and I). Officer.

The "Departed" Department . . \ last farewell to : Lt. Cdr. (E) E. N. Clarke, who has left his position as Engineer ()fficer and headed for parts unknown. Lt. (S) A . D . Manning, fortner Captain's ~ecretary. who has heen transferred to 11.~r.C.~. :-.laden. Mr. L . M . Evans, Cd. Eng., \\ho is now al)()ard I r.~r.C . ~. Cayuga after spending two years at Royal Roads .

The " [(' s darn near time" Department. \;\' e're going to miss: C .P.O. J. Pearce, who. after spending twenty-seven years in the R.:--I. and R.C.:--I .. has decided to doff his nay')' blue next Fehruar)" after a six-month lea\c starting in \ugust. Fair sailing. Coxswain!

The "Pink and blue" Department. Congratulations to: Chief Tel. and Mrs , Shirley, \\ho \\cre. (In :-'[arch 2(,th. J,le"ed with a \\et' onc. Barhara Jean. May there be man)' more. P _ L. S. page Thirty


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