Bay Life Magazine Spring 2011

Page 31

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What do you find attractive in a date? Being fit physically and intellectually. I like someone who can challenge my intellect but still make me laugh. What is a relationship dealbreaker? Someone who smokes cigarettes. How can a man impress a woman in 30 seconds? With a sincere compliment and a smile. What would a perfect date be like? Maybe an offshore fishing trip or golfing. Something outside that’s relaxing. How would you revive a bad date? Take him to an arcade. What’s your secret talent? I’m pretty good at limbo. Can’t stop watching: “Project Runway” and “Wheel of Fortune.” I’m also a fan of Nick at Nite, every night. It’s a funny way to end the day. Favorite smart phone app: I don’t have a smart phone. My phone is more like a “Zack Morris” phone. What is on your nightstand? Both of my nightstands are pushed together for my television. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Either in Los Angeles or at a resort on the beach with no technology. Beer or champagne? Neither, I prefer wine. Port wine, to be more specific. Early bird or night owl? Early bird, for sure. Old school book or e-reader? Old school, but not books. I read magazines like Glamour and Self. Charity: Anchorage Children’s Home On Leslie: Lotox dress $48, Ashton Nichole earrings $24, necklace $144 and bracelet $74, City Gypsies cross and pearl necklace $22, Rhinestone ring $25 from Bot Boutique. Claudia Ciuti sandals $310 from Feathers Shoe Boutique.



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