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More International Fellowships

International Golfing Fellowship of Rotarians (AGFR)

The AGFR was born when Australian Rotarians who had been attending golf tournaments around the world organised by the International Golfing Fellowship of Rotarians (IGFR) decided that an Australian version of the Fellowship should be commenced.Australian Rotarians had been attending IGFR Tournaments since the first of these annual tournaments was held at St Andrews in Scotland in 1967, at which Stan Williams and Jack Fox from the Oakleigh Rotary Club in Victoria attended. To this date Australians have been represented at every IGFR Tournament since its inception. Contact Greg Armstrong - President Email: greg.judi@bigpond.com

International Fellowship of Cricket Loving Rotarians

Since 1993 thousands of Rotarians have enjoyed that unique fellowship that Cricket and Rotary provide. But it is not just the fellowship and the game they have enjoyed. They have also enjoyed being able to share in helping others and many thousands of dollars /pounds etc have been raised and donated to causes around the world. This fundraising element of the Fellowship probably started at the Second World Festival held in Chennai, India in 1999. Fordingbridge, the hosts of the First Festival in 1997, Contact Richard Groom Email rgroom@iinet.net.au

Cycling 2 Serve

The International Fellowship Cycling to Serve is a group of Rotarians dedicated to promoting cycling as an opportunity for fellowship. The objectives of our Fellowship are to develop and promote worldwide friendship through cycling both competitive and touristic; to serve the community locally, nationally and internationally through cycling activities; to promote international understanding and peace through cycling activities. Contact Michael Jobe Email mjobe@ncable.com.au

Skiing Rotarians

Skiing is enjoyed worldwide by thousands of Rotarians and their families of all ages and abilities. What better and more enjoyable avenue to build new friendships and international understanding than to join your fellow Rotarians and sharpen your skills on the slopes of the world or see the world on cross-country skis! Not only will your physical fitness improve, but with a closer understanding of Rotary ideals your spirit will be enriched as well. Contact : Lynne Beck Email : isfrsec@isfrski.org

Some Benefits of Rotary Fellowships

• Fellowships provide opportunities for Rotarians to make lasting friendships outside of their own club, district, or country. • Fellowships contribute to the advancement of world understanding and peace. • Fellowships serve as an incentive for attracting new members to Rotary and retaining existing ones.

Rotary District 9800

Issue 38 of 2012/2013. June 7th, 2013


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