Rosy Roost Client Guide

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Plan A Session








It was like the camera wasn’t even there, and they captured memories that we will cherish forever. There is something so special about documenting real life, candid existence- A. Warner, Rosy Roost client

CONTENTS W ELCO M E M e et M o nique


T he D o cum ent ar y Ef fe ct


A L L T H E D E TAILS S es sio ns 9 A r t wo rk 17 T he Pro ces s




Testim o nials 2 3

S ES SIO N IN S PIR ATIO N R eal S es sio n O ne


R eal S es sio n Two


S parks: S es sio n Ideas


M A K E YOU R PH OTOS M E A N SO M E T HIN G Q uiz: Is D o cum ent ar yS t yle fo r yo u?


HI THERE! It is so nice to meet you!! I know that we all are

photography probably came from him, although

juggling so many roles. I also am many things. I am

posing for his photos drove me crazy at the time.

a mom to little M and big M, a wife, a photographer, a chaser of light, a master of chaos and a lover of

I also love being able to photograph some amazing

coffee. I pride myself in doing the laundry most of

and humbling moments for my clients. I am

some of the time. My hobbies include over-planning

passionate about providing a perfect experience

family activities, binging true-life crime TV, starting

whether this is your first time participating in

many crafts (still working on finishing those crafts)

candid photos or your 20th time. My passion is for

and taking pictures. Yup, I am that mom, the one

real, crazy, imperfect families doing whatever it

with her camera out at the weird places like Target

takes to fill their homes with love. No matter if you

or the dentist. Come say hi to me, I promise I am

are just starting a family or on your zillioneth little

super nice.

I love sour patch kids and buffalo

babe, the chaos that you live is beautiful. I hope

sauce and margaritas, although not all together.

that if you are even kinda sorta interested in having

I was raised by a village, grandparents and aunts

photos taken by me that you will call me or meet

and uncles along with my mom. My grandfather

up with me. The way it feels to have documentary

loved taking photos and while he is no longer

photography is like nothing you have experienced

with me, the gabillions of photos he took certainly

prior in your search for family photos. I am honored

are. It took me years to realize that my passion for

to be able to do what I do! .


THE STORYTELLING EFFECT How it feels to have photos taken is equally important The mad dash. We have almost all done it. Spurred on by a season like spring, fall, or a holiday, birthday or Mother’s day, we have participated in the time honored tradition of getting photos taken. As a mom, wife, and human here on this planet I have matched the outfits, prayed to weather gods, begged and bribed for good behavior (from the kids and the husband). I realized it kinda felt, icky. The stress, anxiety and preparation left me feeling like an exhausted mess. We have also had some photography wins, like a great session when my son was 6 months old. He looks adorable, the weather was right and everything went great. When I look at the photos though, I don’t really feel anything more. What do I mean more? I mean that I am not instantly transported back to that moment, with sights and smells rushing in. Life is crazy and it is getting crazier everyday. Whether you have zero kiddos or have a house full of little wild feet, you are probably taking on too much. Choosing to get photos can feel like just another item to add to the list. Storytelling can stop the madness, even just for an hour or two. Photography is about connections, emotions, people and places that tell your life story, right now. Even if right now is not your favorite chapter in the story that is ok! We may not want to think about it, but we all know that tomorrow is never guaranteed. Don’t wait until it is too late. The perfect time to preserve your beautiful chaos is now, right now. The feeling you will get from less planning, less stress and more real moments is going to last. Every time you look at an image of Sunday pancakes or Friday game night you will feel everything again. That not so new couch in the living room is where you binged the best TV shows and found a thousand Goldfish crackers. When it is gone you will be glad right? When it is gone five or ten years you will see that photo of your whole life snuggled on that awful couch and ridiculous as this sounds, you might miss it just a little. Are you ready to increase the emotional value of your photos? Storytelling photography is an investment in


Storytelling sessions allow you to relax more, connect more and feel more positively about the beautiful life you live everyday.




explore all the options for creating your perfect storyteling session, no matter what chapter of life you are in!


Verse sesssions can take any activity and create beautiful photo art. They are simple and fun ! 8


designed to introduce you to the creative and joyful process of documentary photography. These 30 minute sessions usually revolve around an activity you want to capture and save! Verse, along with all Rosy Roost sessions, are not posed sessions. You will be able to particpate fully in whatever activity you have planned right along with the ones you love. By immersing yourself in the moment it is my hope that you might forget about the camera entirely. This transforms family photos into a tangible memory with a beautiful set of images to accompany it. Before your Verse session you will receive guidance so that you have an ideal experience. Rosy Roost offers suggestions for outfits and session flow but you are ultimatley encouraged to make the session your own. During the session it is highly recommended that you disconnect from your cell phones and other mobile devices. Being uplugged can increase the connections between you. I encourage clients to play music that suits the mood if the activity allows. I bring my own lighting and can work with any living space that you call home. After the session you can expect a preview of your session to be shared via my social media including Facebook, Instagram and my Rosy Roost Blog. Please share this preview with as many friends and family as you like. Final images are ready in seven days. At that time you will get access to your own personal gallery. Verse sessions include up to 20 digital images, chosen from your gallery. They will be delivered directly to your email so that you can start sharing and creating with your images. Additional images can be purchased from the gallery if you love more than 20.

Verse Sessions can be upgraded to one hour sessions with 40 digital images for an additional $100


Capture and preserve your most precious memories with a photo book, included in the session 10

STORYTELLING $500 STORYTELLING SESSIONS ALLOW FOR THE COMPLETE DOCUMENTARY EXPERIENCE, THEY ARE THE MOST POPULAR SESSIONS I OFFER. From session crafting to delivery of a custom designed photo book, this session captures the true spirit of documentary photography. The Storytelling session includes up to 2 full hours of documentation. These sessions capture pure candid life and are not posed in any way. The length of time allows for everyone to become comfortable with the camera and relax. Storytelling sessions also include video trailers which help to connect your story from beginning to end. The process of booking and planning your session is guided all the way. I can help you in choosing what time of day to begin, how to include every member of the family and create meaningful moments together. Rosy Roost offers suggestions for outfits and session flow but you are ultimately encouraged to make the session your own. On the day of the session you can expect things to move at the pace you set. Allowing yourself to be comfortable with unexpected moments and awkward silence will really help to get the most out of our time together. Playing some of your favorite music can also help to ease those session jitters. Getting everyone involved with the playlist is a great activity. I believe that 100% of my clients who say they are awkward look amazing in their candid images once they allow themselves to be comfortable. The best part of Storytelling sessions is that you are making memories and having fun while getting amazing images that can be displayed, added to your holiday card or gifted. Talk about multitasking! After your session you can expect your video trailer and photo preview to be shared via my social media including Facebook, Instagram and my Rosy Roost Blog. Please share this preview with as many friends and family as you like. Your final images will be ready in 7 days. The images will be uploaded into your own personal gallery. You can download your images and select the best ones for your photo book. The photo book is 8 inches by 8 inches and designed by you, using our online software. Everything from the images to the cover has your creative signature. Storytelling sessions have no limit on digital downloads, if you love them all, download them all! I believe this type of session should be told from beginning to end, without restrictions.

An additional hour of coverage can be added to a Storytelling session for $100. Upgrades are available for the photo books to make them completely customizable.


“the best things in life aren’t things” -Art Buchwald


DAY IN THE LIFE $1200 YOUR LIFE IS AMAZING, EACH AND EVERY DAY, SO WHY LIMIT YOUR SESSION TO A FEW HOURS? Rosy Roost is excited to offer Day in the Life Sessions. These sessions are for clients who are ready to really embrace photography in a passionate way. Day in the Life Sessions are perfect for special family events like birthday parties, moving, or visiting a museum. You can also tailor your Day in the Life session to cover a day of your vacation. Imagine an entire day without your phone. Experiencing an entire day, unplugged, knowing your memories are still being documented is a beautiful thing. I am honored for the opportunity to join you and your family for a day. I know that this session will be freeing, allowing you the ability to be in the moments and still have photos to look back on. I understand that this kind of session is an investment, creating an heirloom for your children and their children, Day in the Life sessions are all inclusive, including travel within 2 hours of my home base. Together we can make a plan for how long to photograph, how often to take breaks and how to capture what matters most. During the session you will have the same pure candid experience as a Storytelling session. Because we are spending a whole day together you can expect that we will chat and laugh. There will be downtime so that everyone gets a chance to recharge. Video is also part of your Day in the Life session, creating the most amazing final product. Something that you can treasure for years to come. After your session you can expect a preview and video trailer to be on social media or the Rosy Roost Blog within 3 days. Total processing time for a Day in the Life session is 2 weeks. At that time you will receive your own personal gallery to view images. Day in the Life sessions include an heirloom quality 8x8 photo album. These albums offer high gloss pages that really make the photos come to life while protecting them from tiny hands! Every part of the album is designed by you, right down to the color of the USB. Day in the Life sessions include a USB with all of your images that can be stored safely in a custom box along with the album

Please undestand that these sessions require 30 days notice for booking in most circumstances. If you are considering vacation or Day in the Life photography please reach out to start planning right away!


The most amazing first moments of your new family member’s life; beautifully documented. 14

FRESH 48 & BIRTH starting at $350 THE FIRST MOMENTS OF LIFE AREN’T POSED. THEY ARE FULL OF PURE RAW EMOTION AND WONDER. I am so happy to be able to offer two ways to add photography to your new babes first moments here on earth.

Fresh 48: These sessions are called fresh because they are captured within the first two days after baby is born. You baby is going to change so quickly and these first little moments are fleeting. I arrive to take the photos at your birth location, whether that be home, hospital or a birthing center. These sessions are stress free for you and babe, with almost no preparation. I even keep a collection of hats, wraps, and headbands you are welcome to choose from. Fresh 48 sessions save those precious moments of interaction, the tiniest new details and some wrapped images of your perfect babe. I encourage you to consider limiting the amount of people in the room to the immediate family. This creates a quiet environment to capture these first joyful connections. Babies are unpredictable so I am on-call for arrival 2 weeks before and 1 week after your due date. As soon as your new little human is earthside you can get in touch for quick scheduling! If you choose the one hour session I gift a beautiful custom 9 inch by 6 inch baby book. New parents can skip all the hard work and have the album designed easily online and shipped right to home. Fresh 48 images also make great choice for new baby announcements! 30 minute Fresh 48 $350 One hour Fresh 48 with 9x6 Baby Book $450 Birth: The most pure documentary photography is birth photography. Being able to capture a new life being born is a powerful and humbling experience that creates stunning images. I am a silent and calm presence in your birthing space. All births are unique and for this reason I only take a small amount each year. I want to be able to offer my services at a moments notice when labor begins. The on -call period for births is 3 weeks prior to your due date and 1 week after. Together we can discuss how you envision your birth being documented.

Birth photography includes my services on call for 4 weeks, a Fresh48 session after your birth and an heirloom album of your images for $1400. Please contact to inquire about availability


Print what you want to preservepass printed work on for generations 16

ART WHY DISPLAY YOUR PHOTOS? Printing photos is the best way to ensure they stay safe and last for generations. Having photos displayed in your home can help increase your child’s self esteem (or your own self esteem, or your pets, really anyone!) Walking by images on your walls or tables brings pire joy, It is that simple! WHAT OPTIONS DO YOU OFFER? I know that it is overwhelming to decide what to print, how much to print and gets even more complicated when you think about gifting photos. Photos make the BEST gifts. For this reason I keep it simple. Rosy Roost is proud to offer photo books, heirloom albums, and USBs. I offer one wall art option and one loose print option. That is it. Prices shown here are a la carte. If your session includes a book or album you do not pay anything additional. TRUST ME these prodcuts are amazing, I spent careful time picking each one:







15 pages

20 high gloss pages with USB

50 printed 4x6 photos and USB

Custom framed or Acrylic 11x14 $200

$850 USB WITH BOX includes all images from your

16x20 $310 20x24 $415

session $175

All items include any cover, surface or material in the cost. Additional pages may be added to photo books or albums starting at $10. Any book or album can be upgraded to a 10x10. USBs or gift albums can be added on for a substantial discount with purchases.


THE PROCESS ok! let’s do this!! Here you can learn how a session flows from start to finish so that you know what to expect. I want to miminize ANY confusion or anxiety by making things simple. All sessions start with an easy online booking proposal that allows you to sign the contract. At this time, to save your date, you will pay a 50% retainer.

1. The Beginning CONTRACT? CHECK. 50% RETAINER? CHECK. IT’S OFFICIAL AND I AM EXCITED! I’ll send you a questionnaire that will help you and me get to know you and the people you love. Take your time to answer honeslty and reach out to me with questions.

2. Brainstorm QUESTIONNAIRE TURNED IN. CHECK. Usually before you’re booked, we have a pretty good idea of what you’d like photographed. From your questionnaire, I’ll put together a game plan for our time together and we can “Brainstorm” to reaffirm we are planning something you will LOVE.This can be done on the phone, in-person or email!

3. Waiting for your session OMG I HATE WAITING BUT YOU CAN DO IT. A week before your session I’ll check in with a quick tips and see how you’re doing. Consider the time before the session open for you to ask me any questions at all! My goal here is for planning photography to feel as stress-free as a Mojito in Mexico.

4. The Session WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENS AT THE SHOOT? Everyone’s nerves can be a little wracked up at first, so we’ll take a few moments to chit-chat. I may ask that you open your curtains or turn off some lights. I’m not a silent creep in the corner shooting. It will feel like you just have a new friend hanging with you. You do not need to worry how you should look/what you should do and I’ll help you through any of those fears. This is where my talent lies and why you hired me, so trust in that. Your job: enjoy time together. Simple.


5. Waiting for the Gallery LET’S CELEBRATE THE FACT THAT YOU ARE BRAVE! You said yes to taking control of your memories.You were open and honest in front of the camera! Please reflect on your experience because I want to know how you felt about it. Most sessions get thier preview in a day, at most a 6 days for Day in the Life sessions.

6. Your Gallery is HERE! SNACKS. DRINKS. MUSIC. GRAB EM. It’s time to see sit down and view your gallery in the comfort of your home. You’ll see unnoticed moments turned into beautiful images. You’ll see photos that make you say things like, “OMG, that is so him!” You may cry. You may laugh. You will smile. You’ll be hooked to this style of photography! All galleries include instructions to help you navigate, select your favorites and maybe do a little extra shopping. You can also pick the images that will be part of your first design proof if your session includes a book or album .

7. Albums and Final Delivery YOUR GALLERY IS OPEN FOR 14 DAYS. You’ll have the opportunity to share your gallery with friends and family. You may also order any additional items you might want (or NEED!). If you are working on an album or photo book design you will get an interactive proof. Inside you can make changes. When the design is approved your order will be placed. You can expect any books, albums or additional purchases to be delivered in 3-4 weeks. They are carefully packed and shipped to you, free of charge.

8. The After Party LET’S STAY CONNECTED. You’ll hear from me through email to see how you’re doing and complete a survey about your experience. You will also receive emails when there are exciting things going on in my world, like sales (woo sale!) I also hope to hear from you the next time you have something exciting to document. You can also earn credits towards your next session by referring family and friends!


Do we really have to take photos in my house? This is the number one question I receive about Storytelling photography. I

FAQS Get your answers here

want to start off with this because it is important. The Rosy Roost is named the way it is because a roost is a home. It is not always roses around my house trust me. I want to encourage you to look at your home in a new way. This is where you love, laugh and live. There are things inside this space that your children will want to see when they are older. If you get out any old photo album you will delight in playing “eye spy” with the items in the background. I encourage my clients to love their home as it is right now. You may move, your lfe may change and this is your chance to capture this moment as it is. At a minimum, I recommend sessions start or end in your living space.

What if I choose an outdoor activity that we want to document? Perfect, as long as you really do LOVE that activity. If you don’t really love the heat or bugs then really think about the WHY of picking that outdoor spot. What about the park, for example, resonates with you and tells your story. If the location is not part of the story it won’t provide you with the emotive experience you are looking for.

I don’t know what story to tell?

That is ok! On the next

few pages of the guide I have some suggestions that might help spark an idea for you. There is also a quiz (don’t worry you don’t need to study). Use these materials to help identify what story to tell.

What do we do if the kids don’t cooperate? That is ok! I am a momma of a emotional little boy and a rebel girl. Boy do I know uncooperative! My advice? Take the good with the bad. Every moment is a part of the story. Even if we are quickly descending into madness I want you to take the time to be a parent first, and do what needs to be done to teach comfort and nuture (or time the heck out!) There is plenty of time to capture happy magic moments too!

Are there any posed formal photos?

Nope. This is

all about the candid pure connections between people. The most direction


you will have from me will be to work around difficult lighting situations. That doesn’t mean that you won’t get your whole family in the picture. It also doesn’t mean that you have to skip your annual family holiday card. These images are perfect for sharing, printing and gifting.

Can we include grandparents or other special family members?

Heck yes!

Grandparents are the best people! The only time I ask for to limit people during a session is when we are working with a newborn babe. Even then, we can limit the amount of people to a room and include those most special family members in photos throughout the session. Any session that is going to include more than 10 individuals will be subject to a group fee.

Can Storytelling work for a birthday party or other special event?

I love birth-

days, and cake. I really love cake. Yes! Storytelling can work perfectly for small birthday celebrations and other small parties. Storytelling is ideal for capturing that 1st birthday cake smash in a pure way without all that frill and fuss. Rosy Roost does not offer any wedding photography but can certainly refer you to some people who are AMAZING at what they do. If you are planning an event and want to know if Storytelling could fit, please contact me!

Do you do any mini sessions?

The nature of Storytelling makes it hard to do any session that is less

than 30 minutes in length. It takes time to get comfortable with the camera and to really allow yourself to connect with everyone around you. For this reason, I do not offer any mini sessions . The Verse session is ideal if you are looking for a small amount of coverage!

What if someone gets sick ? Life happens! Rosy Roost has a flexible rescheduling policy in our contract that requires 24 hours notice. This allows you to move your retainer to another date without any other fees or hassle. If you have less than 24 hours notice there is a small reschedule fee. You cannot participate if you don’t feel great and I am willing to work with you t reschedule for a date that fits your busy life.

I love everything, is there a payment plan?

I offer a few ways to get artwork on your own

schedule, including a payment plan. If you are planning a session I am also super excited to offer custom registries, where you can add any of my products. This allows friends and family to make contributions towards a final purchase (you can even register for a sesssion!) Rosy Roost also sells giftcards in any denomination. Photos are stored in my database for a period of 6 months, during that time you can place any order you would like.

GOT MORE QUESTIONS? READY TO BOOK? email me at visit the website


Rosy Roost is proud that a majority of clients come from referrals from past clients! 22

TESTIMONIALS “Monique did a phenomenal job photographing our little girl for her birthday. Monique also came into our home and took a wonderful series of photographs to tell our story. She is a true professional, listens to our crazy ideas for our photographs, and what can I say about her photography? The composition, how she captures the light... You will not be disappointed.” -Renee

“I have had the most amazing experiences with Rosy Roost Photography. They are professional, kind, and they made us feel so incredibly comfortable. It was like the camera wasn’t even there, and they captured memories that we will cherish forever. There is something so special about documenting real life, candid existence, and Rosy Roost Photography blows it out of the water every single time!” - Annemarie

“It was such an absolute blessing to be able to have these memories captured. It’s been a chaotic and stressing time but these photos truly make me smile and have all those feel good feels “Laura



INSPIRATION Looking for ideas to inspire your own Storytelling session? Look no further!! Enjoy images and real stories from Rosy Roost clients as you plan for your session



SATURDAY MORNING You get up every day, some days are easier than others, and run through that same old routine. The routine that you create when moving through the week immediatley slows down when Saturday arrives. I was able to spend time with the Avalos Family capturing a slow Saturday morning, full of snuggles, YooHoo and lots of handstands.

WHO IS A STORYTELLING SESSION FOR? Couples, families, anyone. Capturing a normal routine is a perfect activity if you don’t want to paln something complicated. A weeked morning allows me to begin your day with you & allows you to have the rest of the day for other activities.

WHAT DID THE CLIENTS PICTURED HERE HAVE TO DAY ABOUT THIS SESSION? “This is our ‘lil imperfect life but so perfect to us. Its a crazyy ride! There are kids every where. Messes, trash ready to be taken out, an empty fruit bowl because its also grocery day. I love that this session was just what it was supposed to be. A story. OUR story. I love that there’s no staged and posed pictures. It’s the rawness of it all that it captures. Real life. You can grab the personality out of each child just by these pictures!!! I love the lighting and the pureness in every single picture. There is always so much going on its just amazing to see the small things you just don’t see on the daily. I truly LOVED our session!!”Rachael A.




Day outings offer an amazing chance to include a documentary photographer and leave your phone off!


NIGHT OUT WITH MOM Those special evenings on the East Coast where the fire department carnivals arrive are something I never had growing up in Colorado. These little carnivals start to pop-up as summer is in full swing and stay with us until it is time for the leaves to turn. The smell of popcorn in the air is super delicious and kiddos are sticky with cotton candy fingers and suncreen arms. I love following along on summer day or night outings like these, this is what Storytelling is made for!

WHO IS A DAY OUT SESSION? Couples, families, anyone!!!! Perfect if you are not ready to have a full in-home session are need a lot of distraction from the camera. Sessions like these can also be done at local amusement parks and attractions as long as they do not have policies against photography. I hold season passes to several local attractions and cannot wait to join you on your adventures!

WHEN & WHERE CAN THIS SESSION BE HELD? Anytime, anywhere during operating hours, sometimes weather permitting (if we are already out and about, rain does not mean my sessions end!). These sessions do take a little extra planning so please reach out early so we have lots of time to get organzied!

WHAT DID THE CLIENTS PICTURED HERE HAVE TO DAY ABOUT THIS SESSION? My favorite moment during this session was when mom looked at me and said “I have not had my phone out this whole this, I was able to give him 100% of my attention and I still know I will have pictures�. It was that moment that makes my job super duper worth it. Adding a Storytelling session to even a part of your day trip is an investment in meaningful quality time with the people you love the most!



It can be hard to know where to begin so these ideas are designed to spark your creativity 30

SESSION SPARKS The most common problem my clients have in the planning phase is usually this: “I don’t know what would be worth photographing.” Almost any part of your life will do, together we can use your vision to draw out the magic. •BIG MOMENTS ARE EASY new babies, old love, birthdays

pierogies (yumm)

and vacations all are great, but lets talk about some you

•HIT THE ROAD you don’t have to go far! Take a trip to the

might not think of!

grocery store, the park, the library or anywhere you go to on

•LIFE IS A BEAUTIFUL NOVEL. Chapters are all perfect,

a daily basis. Let me show you the magic in the everyday

from just being a couple together to sharing a home with

moments of your weekly routine!

teenagers. Storytelling sessions are for EVERYONE. Do not

•DATE NIGHT whether you are a couple with no littles or a

wait for the traditional photo moments.

getting a sweet break from your busy family, date night is a

•WHAT ABOUT TODAY excites you? The morning or

great reason to plan a Storytelling session. Even popcorn on

bedtime routine is a sacred ritual that provides comfort to

the couch is the perfect opportunity for beautiful moments

your family. Documenting the first or last hour of your day is

that show the way you love, and why you love each other!

full of moments that are picture perfect.

•IT’S ALL ABOUT THE DETAILS. Big moments are made

•LETS GET CRAFTY Doing a craft together is the easiest

up of little details. If you are expecting a baby why not have

way to engage one another during a session!

a Storytelling session to document registry shopping. I can hardly help but smile when I think back to me and the hubs

•GAME ON! Bring everyone together at the table for family

shopping for all the little sweet things for our first baby. What

game night!

about homework, packing for your family trip or back to school shopping? So much of our life is hidden in these little



(try not to sing the rest I dare you) Let’s talk about favorite things!! Your kids favorite toys, outfits or meal. It may be their

• THE TOUGH STUFF Yeah, the stuff that you might not

favorite forever, or just for now. I had a baby blanket that was

want to document. Moving into or out of a home can be a

my everything. When I moved we lost it and I would love

challenge on its own, why add a photographer right? But,

more photos of that silly gross blanket. Verse sessions are

saying goodbye or hello to a house that holds your family

great for capturing favorites.

inside is important. Saying goodbye to a beloved pet may also be hard to imagine documenting but can be part of the

•TRADITIONS shape who we are as people. The traditions

healing process. It may also be hard to invite a photographer

we continue for our own families can be the most meaningful

for visits to elderly relatives homes or during the process

parts of holidays and other celebrations. Storytelling session

of adoption or infertility. I encourage all clients to consider

can capture traditions like cookie baking, tree decorating,

Storytelling as a way to see the beauty and the pain in life

or whipping up that special family meal like tamales or

balanced through photos.



REAL LIFE. FINE ART. Your life is chaotic, crazy and perfect. It is art, living around you, every day.



NO STUDYING REQUIRED! How many moments do you already have documented? What are you missing? This quiz can be a great way to decide where to head next in your Storytelling journey. Include your family in the quiz and see what you can all come up with.


Grab a piece of paper, a pen, and a highlighter

List 5 family members and/ or close friends. Leave some space between each person, as you’ll have more writing to do.

Next to each person, write the first 3 memories that come to mind of time you’ve shared with each person.

Back to the top, go through each person again. Next to the memories, list the first two things that come to mind when summing up who each person is. For example, Grandpa Dan loves woodworking and can be found in his workshop.

Highlight the memories you have photos for WITH YOU in them. Then, highlight the character summaries you have photos for that represent the spirit of each person.

Add up the number of highlights you have photos for and the number you do not.

The Results If you have 13 or more highlights, you are in great shape! This means you already value the preservation of memories. and likely have a handful of photos to represent each person on your list. That is a treasure!

Most people have not had these results. If you hae 12 or fewer highlights, this means most of your precious memories are stuck in your mind. you can share these stories through you words, but don’t have a way to visually share the stories and details to others or to refulect upon when the memories become fuzzy.

How to obtain more memories in the form of a photo? Ask yourself: Do I love a night

of sitting on the couch, glass of wine in hand, and a homegrown conversation about the good ol’ days while feeling paper memories between your fingertips? Do my days in life seem to be rushing? Even last week is started to become a blurred, distant memory? Do I want my future generation to feel a connection to our life as it is now? Can I be just a little bit fearless, let go of my reservations, and trust Marie to photograph and reveal the love that surrounds me daily?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, get in touch with me. You can cetainly chose to make many investments for your family, but you will never regret investing in preserving your memories.


IT IS YOUR STORY LET’S TELL IT Email me to book today. MONIQUE RUBEN photographer providing honest photography for real, cool families

All rights reserved © 2019-2020

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