Vol 3 No 3 February 1904

Page 1





Publ"I"-,, l'y !h~ 0.<1 C"lI~gi~n" A 01



the IOlllt direction

and Pc .cn' Stucle"".

1 ''''/ILIAU ~A''<f)FORD. F ILO~L' M H<lDGl, £. I


IXldt,QIl . uud~r

W, r I.,. u_C" '« ~'"I'al


~ ... ~.

EDITOR IAL. T]"J gmKi ,,;h,,11 a!lll'"'I'ak,1 II 01ll" ~t \ 11(' kl.i been l'ea\17;'.d, \"r. .l~ .ulu,k un I)(.,h h.1l"n~t ,Ill vln"y.,nl \\illl ",how, til<' rf'Mllh "f til<' fOlll1l'l anti !lut,look fIn e ["Lt." ;II'l' lll;;hly ~atl~factury, \\-1111 nf"'I\(" tu tIl<' VIIH'\',lI<I 1 Lu-L sllllkll"ll! ";'Ilh. 'lith ;.:",,<1 til" 11lJJ;':- ",·.lIh, r It.~· t' ,nillill. \ .. nl'ld wllilL inti fail" to \'" a ",,,HI (n'll "I' ;lll,1 th, \.111,01 It ..., o,f 'ItU"Il~ from thL i PL\:""'III "I tho l'... IIt~, ",II h ,hl! h,,111I "lIIn.xt tlul)<lM'L"

::nr" ,

TI" inml g"nku ,\n,\


IholO:"h !'UII,' (,j th,' )"01111;;""- tru ,,,dy Illl llj.( 1>)" tl..., IlITMUt;,· uf (" ~l'p"H' t<> h"vl' IWt'lllllk"hd ..... \ 1.11 11"\\ (.n"ut tauk lia.

lUakl rapid ,prvgn-ss. h'pt hack dunug tht, .,onlts hut th.., older lrl'e~ do nut '111\11111<


t'T\'~ w, H'

lat..!v h,,1! U\tllt ;It th~ ba{:k 'II ~l1d htre 11 h Ilhud;·!1 t<) ,...hll t\1<' IZrap" 'kllh afl' I' nu hili:'; ,\ tlll~ ~la,,,n Will 1" th" fir,1 in whl<:h th"", ,,,ld,tlo'IiS II",", I""ll .llIploy,'r\' the ""lHJI! uu Ih~'II- 11-, (,,111 Ilt' (XIwd.tl \lIUI<-I" \'IWY"I',j Xnll III ,/IH11' TIlt' labor lilat ;\11' \\'illial11~ ha~ nqwn!i('d 011 thl' gal'd!'11 ha, III 1'1"0\'1'(\ IL a g-re ,I dl ~llrl th L'"lhl!t, m~y ... hurtly lit' able 10 ("(.ml'.1lo It front \\1111 t "f 'Illilial Ilhtltulions ill the Ot-Ill')' lh·

IIII\\' nliHI


Our F rontispiece. \1< n 1'1',' • llU 1 I-lew oi Olll' Ii "lit of hi'; 1<' <'0" h,.j"II~lII'; lo the H .uur;\ tllO:- f"".IOU",-' ,lIld 'r. pi h,nl.lt TUlllh.',;1I :'.11,d.'ll .\1 11"1.1<"1.· <>II Ihh ~(!bJ''('t, ("a'hod _\ )1,,<\.1 "w"b h Jilin" F.'II'lL tI ". f'J"l1'\ 111 thl number

TIH~ lUll t(,.llOl1 Ii) til


March Social Gathering Tl1t' ,01,,111111.e Illt.,n" htllol11_ '11l' \1<\1.1\ ~Ian'h <':o{'wl gathl'\'llli\ 111 Iud, nl, dUll1l' tll(' ~1","" \\'I~·k. amI ,U1ticlpall' On!\' l"t) Ill.t '.111 hdel 1)',·.11 ,tnO.lhnl'fol<'

"f nld .'n,\ pI I Jig lUett,llg:


all "itould try to make them", auccess. Old 'Luueuts ~houlcl make lhl~~ l"Ocmls 1\, general gathering 01 the elan:;, wlJere the h.:q~pv CollegE" daya con ld be )'ccalled and (lxpcl'lc nce" "xc-llilllgeu. • The committ('1' 1'>1ll HoL &el1d out 11 circuliit' N Ull~ 1I1Cetltlt;, ,;0 pka:;e accept. t h19 nobce IlI}(J let the Secretary kWlW if you will oc IH'C""-'IIL hef'p t,hl~ nigl1t. Opcll for your own so<.aai to be bdd at tI p,III ., Flida.y eVCllll1g, l\lnrdl '1, ilt \\'ai"e ' ~ E.>;change Hutel, tiJlldlcy-~treet.

Subscriptions. III nearly I'vcry 10,U(' of this lilugil.zlJle we call your :dtl'ntlltll to the fnct Ihllt your su!J~cript.ioll for tile yea!' i ~ due by adJrb~lllg t.he wrapper m /t,d/lik. 11 you \n~h tlll ~ p~p('r t..o pro3per ami the A1):'.ocint-ion tu be a. succc"~, pay up the- a,mount. you owe, and dOll t let th", finalR'lal part. worry the tktrctary and t:dl1,or, ns ",<.:Ii a~ tho auxJety of getLiug: out. a good aud lllUrect,lllg number. \\\. canuot. be expeetcd to IUU the paper much lou;;,,!' If yO\\ oio llUG pay yOll!' ,uus.cnptJOll

The CXPf'llbb are hea\'}\ ilnt! link", all

contribute townrd". It W\lCll l"c~lved, it. me"lb t.]oat t,j,l: tl'v. who do pay up arc ,cndllog to t.hohl: who do not mN'!. the ohilgaLl(Hl. Hcmcmbcr the objed of the A&.ociatlOll and lh~ goud oitl tune,> you had at the College, and the gOOlI YOIl wilt b" domg t.h,· llhiltuiiun by co-operating wlth p.a~t Etudell~ for UP.' hcneJit of Pl'l:M'ut allLi. fut.uro st.Udellts, and }Jay up. If the wrapper around this. paper IS. addressed to you in Ned 1 uk yuu are III arrears., an,d the Socret.nry will bo glfl.d too aekllowlcdgu the receipt of your ~ubscIipt.ioll.

Mr. H_ A. Parsons. 1\0 is wilh pieasW'e ihat we oll'er our eungratulatiolls to ::'Ill", H,)... Pal'WIlS, LL,B., on hi;,; ap,puilltllient to lhe position of Co'n~ul lor Japan . .Mr, Panuni;, 'VIIO IS a·n old A.C.R. st-udent, ha:;; always kept du~ely in touch with tho College, and was unla la~t, year a ml'mi..>er of lhe Old Collegians' Commit.tee. ~~-~-~


H ARV EST. B Y "N 0 .3. '

TIH' llarn''>t. iH uow n thing of t.he l)af;L much to the relief of sOllle lind not a little to the rC'gt'et of otht'l's of U~; but we all look with pllde upon the l'estdi~ of our labers.. in Ghe form oi lour well-built stack s, as well as ;.ume fourteen hundred bag:;. uf grain. The harveEt on the whole ha~ been very ~:lt i~f,1cto!,y, but w(lu)d hav6 been far beLte!" but for the llllweleome appearnuce of red l'USt-, w\llch wrought l\il\'oC nmollg~t the wheat,; the d<1mp w('nther which




prl'",;)I('d a.t til(; tllll!' greatly hel"cd it~ development.. But for tho cnLlinly a larg:el" qualltity .f bdlt'r guallty braill would ha,c beell re~ pell .'1.. new l)lnder has Lt'pn a(/tI"d w our Jist Df iruplelllenL<;.--thp ;\]"Cormlck '--~o that fOllr hindrn! wpro a.t wurk flll tht· greater part DJ lI,e tllill'. The uld }1 S''''}. 0))(' of ~l'e oldeot machines, lhd it~ good, if Ilul better, '\1" k t;.hall allY of them. ~wratiollo began ,nth tlw hay-clltt.mg, \dtlc h starl('d un Od.(lhcr lV in the el f)0dxillc<] plob, at the we~t "ll,1 or the "Island, ' mundy, Collego C'idccliull, cross tlnlied, alld Colk.;e ~f'loctiou (au early vanfty) CI'OSS dnlied wlth Defiallco (a. I"tp \',i1'lcLy), which was badly atta.ckcd I"U~t

wIth red


III tilt' yidd of 1I;,y the Collegf' "'ClpctLOlI. Clo~", dl'llkd, gave ~lightly bette!" result<;. Tho uat., .calcutta and Cap' ·at the leI' of "hlaml, " wen) cut llExt, tillS Yleldi,,;.:: about tlO lOllS. of h"y ; whilst a portion of the Calnll.ta oats wa" Jdt [0/' lhre&ll111g. it was found ucecssary to cut. uut abuut GO acres of Fletts fol' hay, leaving ~he rrlllalnd~'l' for gra,u Guttlllg was finished ('~rly Hl :'\ovem bel. Altogether we f>t.lckcd about 500 tons, about :lUll of thrse being ~t th" "I~land," and the remaltlder slacked at Fletls aud No, 8. The yidd on the whole wa~ a btUe nlld!J1' ::! toOns per acre. The "Island" and Fletts gave< better Hilults thaD Ne. 6 anri No. 8_ Blllding for gram commenced about Konmbcr 16 aL the Island on till' Xpumann'!:l wheat·, which was. abo the first to receive attention from the two )[artin's strippers, which werp hired by the College_ Tho stripping and cutting for :,iralll were both completed early in December. A htUo variation in the pn;>eeedmgR was c:l.used by a trial of two cumbined harve~i,er;.--l\ ]cKay' s -'Sun~hine" and l'l1ay Brothers' ·Climax." BDth tlw machines gave satisfactory results, rmd the '>tud~Ilt~ ~pent an iustructive afternDon in \c~rning how to wed, the llllpjpml'nt~, owing to the killdne~s of the agelltB in explaining their re~pedive mClit~ ~Hld eon~lrul'tion. ~L1y Brothers' harve~ter dill ~ood work in fields 6 and 8, ~nr! a (~W ~ludeuts wero fortunate eno ugh to get an opportunity to work the maclline. III the meant,ime t.hp ail and "team ellgine~ were thoroughly averlJaulM, so as toO be in readiness for one, of the most llllport~llt of harvest operations, namely, threshing_ This eommf'Ul'ed un lJecember R 011 about 15 aeres of Cillcntta oats from the top pnd of thf> 'Island, These g:;we a. yirld of 38 bushels r~1' acrf', Tlw wh~at w,,~ llPXI, t.'I('klerl, About 80 a~rc~ of t.his was thrpshpd, It eompri~d ·Neumann '~, which yielded ~bout l.,) bu~heh per "cre;



Kin,(k, WlllCh yidded al>out 2,'"I.~7 hushel,; per ;"'1'\0, Coll,'ÂŁ:e ~el~e.. tion, wloieh y](:-Ided abou.t 24 bH~hels per ;l{'le; lQtn.1 I!vcraglllg ahuut 20,1, bushe15. The whf'a.t wa ~ imi;;lH'rl 0)) j he 17th. Dahbtz;, cornrri~1ng of abvut 36 .1.crpf< oi Cape barley, wait l'otar!,ed UIL t,he followi n g cby, and wa.~ o.;olrlplfrtdy flllished on thL! ;]2nd, The YJCld in Dahhh wait 48.73 b\\ .. IH' l ~ per ~crc, Through the eUllr!,',,), of the offi('lal~ a lid ,peroovor:l nee uf the sl url"nb tho hal"ve:>t \V'as fi llis hed ill v('ry ~n.tl~fa.ctory time, \\'orkillg frulIl !) a,m, till S Jl.m .. the studellt~ heal fhe College re('-ord by puUing throug h 177 h,.1g<l of barley in olle day, and had the sat'l~bdi()n "f being hlghly praised by the Pl'1llcipoL and F~flll .Mall~gcr hdorc leaving for LilCil' holidlcys. VARlET'.' PLOT6 (No. 6 FIELD) lIay pel' Ac!'e, V <lriety. Yield pel' Acre , Bu:;h, Lb, Lb. 2,34:) Fan .. , .. 16 57 Ki ng'A 13 37 2,L>d Sm~rt'~ 12 18 2,454 2,4] ::J 19 16 GluY:I.B 3,3G4 J erkio 11 36 3,889 lrl 00 Ki n!'!" s Hj 17 M~if'''-tie , .. 3,071 Neumann 's .. , 2,778 13 20 3,176 [;ol1"ge &lecboll .. , 16 10 vVarwick , .... , .... , 12 51 3,709 Purple St.r~ w '" 10 11 2,852 Kin!l;'5 2,852 16 41 Mar"h,t\l's No, 3 3,806 10 53 3,183 ' 7 Leak'g R.us!"pTO'Of", 10 Dart.'s Imperial 3,389 10 I I 3,139 Defiance R 17 3,22:] Kmg's '" .. , 18 53

The Old Year Out-T he New Year In. By IF, "Only it couple more weeks, <l.nd then--Chrj~tm,1S, " mused 0 "Llldellt.:li! lie Imll/!: lan[.erns on our old W.:II' chariot, the "IlH~shel'," for a. fl'e"h start, In the dark. "Right, away, Jakes !" shouts Allty The engine his3P8, a _pail' of legs rl:l11glc Ii'oIl! the fly-wheel, tlle belt is on" ond shea\'p,> du~t nnd b~g5 of wh ea t ~te soon flYing about III dou ds. ",\Vhy wark l;O lat",1" asb a vibil-or, ",\Vhy noL 'I" answered " OIl U of t llC clique."

But why al"O tho "tudents wr>rki ng by c<lIldlclighL I \Vh y 'lfe they out at. 6 a ilL every mOrlilag. Samr great mils-netl!- foret' f&.ms to nl"<lW t)".!lll of hed :md mt to work t'\TI·y mornmg. Tills is i"dee.d ~o I Chnshnas, hut a f",-tnlght ahrad. IS Ule brr{'at magnet t;,-er SIJlce t.hat mOflllng the . 1M ...., t.olri thl"lll thai ··work I1ll'ant Cllri~hna8" dinner M home a.nd Jn~' ng l\1!';wt Col!.'g" plum puddIng."' rnealH wl'rl'. fOI· once in t.Il~· 11J~t oo y (If the Ur>lIl.'j<e, a ,,<,condary ("on~'d!"·al1()n-WOlI' fir~t' 110""- I •. III's hunt; lll.lt, mornlngt H ow )lIouth~ watCl"rd t lkl~ W("·I' t ~ht ..... ncd and II't·lh o,t't with g"lim d....t.('rm))1~tlo11 to do or dW--iW d ·,h(' \" did ~!lri hn\· ... don" ~o t1l1 the r,.e!«'ut, tune----';; p 1tl.-wllf'1l we- 'm] them \\orkmg- hr lIwo c.andk· power '·Beg pardOll, !\11 I" "-'t,d "<"Ime Oll!' uI·a\" 11"A m.lt("h ftll"t'd and ;]. laul(ll follcnH'd. A ,tll(i"nt h~d bc/!,\l"fl th,· pal·doll of D('", the "ld 1:01 Ife ho~. who had ~q·,d'·J\bal1y '<to?Pp'·,j Oll h,~ toe At ~ ~jg!l!l.l from' th'" ma.1l on top "II· ~'''g]ll{, i~ ~Iow<".. l d')WII. ~t" ... m c~npr~ I>-Wlllllothrf w{'!trv da y· work IS o-·~r \\"hal, It u,ollt-'y ~l"Oup tl,... y 100 ~~ t.l,ey trollp off home ~ .\ f<"" minute" ~I"" "!,-{""lLt. ill f·xt~~di"c· duA ~t.l·"W .h· from t.hC'il· e~r~. n{1~{>~ and van01.1~ C"ll.VIlll"Oi :\ <h oll-pr l.mth i~ mdulgl'd in. and ~t 1!t~1 w" iilld t~l"'m ,,",'<\t{d i't. t'-a. Hr·,.,.. th(\ riay '- work ~t1d t.h,· qunlity of tIl\" )fl1)U.()t). ~rt, nnd pl\lm dough.· ;.re (r,'f'")V- dl'tm.L'lSr"d 011e ~tudGllt l"P~kOllS thn... hmg- will h, finl~hNl t.hree days b<·for{-" ('bri~t mR8: ~nothel" ~ay~ tiley\·{' tilt' hnp<' of a ,nowball in lilt' Northern Tel"riton· of finl8hill!!; hcforc Chi l'ltma'4. a third g-ues5<.''1 W(- won·t finish at all if WI' t;wkl{' ··thi!; pllddeu· ... Hnd "'l th" t~lk flowlI on. The moon ,hillt~ forth th .., sl:l1"~ gJ-OW dim, nnd the mO"i(JlHto~ ;;ing ··Pip-pip ,.' as the Wl·,U·Y ~t.ud(·nt crawl, hetWt·ell hh .lll'eh HI. dreaHl~ art" ~we('t lie s?e" the iUl k"y ~t hom~ bemg fatt;:n~d III readinegs for the rtlturn of thl· prodigal °on_ 1I{':;;. 5.l.lling- homC' oyer hilb and p']~ins In hi~ ga.llant fOllr-llla~tc·r, Tlw Bounder_" WIth The alarm ("k.~;" hi'! mates Tom and Jaek: and-'·Dlllg-,H·lIJIt'" dOe":> it..E duty ' Why, 1 llal'fn·t. bl~ in bed half MI hOUl· I · e~cI.1im~ our miUl He rolls out of bed. pn,.p" on" l"y~ Opell \11th a lIlakh. and eX~TIlinc~ hi~ chronometer. Xo. hy Jove' 4 30; that"~ n~ht Oh. well. r mu",l h;Lve oome of that lurkey T dreamed of He ..lip" mt{) hl~ ··duugaree,. and at. 5 a..m. lR "gaiu worklllg Itk~ a ll autolllata' machmc. "Well. good-byl". Billy. old hoyt" "So long. Wa.lk~r' W01-k Iq ove)· The m.c~ i<: WOli. Chri~hllas lIas lo~L by ;\ fl'w day ... ~nd we llOW stand (In the platform biddlllg "Adw·u ' to ~then1 comrades. "Ta tu!· · " ],hny Christma,," AlwaY9 ~ay your )),·"Yl'r" and wa~h th6 hark of your [leek!' · and a. lleap of ot1i'er fatherh' ad\"icl' i~ huri l'd at 11~ as. amid many hearty haTI(hhake~, tho trau; puff~ olT to A,j{,laide. 1 w~s left behind with two matcs. A few IUlnutes and Olll"

Tn E




Ill, ;llld



8T t DENT. nIl'"~

~-,,(I(lln!r uOl"thward~


TIJ{' a t.r~lIl> IlUt. t111,'t!

rh{'am l~ n·a1i~(l. huL It 1~ !In,'' mt'" III 111(>.1 In a hOilt. Tlno.. I'Jl(I, oU!" l"al' a~ far a .. work is C(>1ltl-fll):U. W" will pllMI ovpr tl1f' h0firl.,)" with closed eye". No douLt the

doingq uf tllC n A.C.'s wOllin h" wurth l>coon1ing durin/{ lhat \\'cck, After our week'~ varatio!! we ~Ol' IJHt.- i. holictl\.r 19 a holid~\'. thCl' llcrs (l7i1\'{ honrd ihl' t r';IIL 1IJl(1 JO\lrlH'y gouthv.anL A~ '-'t" ... It I' Ollt uf our caHingl' " H "wdet'llno;j" :lnd "'laprY New Y(>ar~' ;;rf' cX('chall!!t:d with ah<mt 11 so:()r(' or ' Ol1f (·hnlh.' and we arc '0(11. 011 till' IMd in th e Collc:;;e "(Ira~." 'I'h,' 1l,'W Vl'ar hll\\ sw.rttld \Vork hil. 1)(~ulI Enn' 1lI1'- I~ a. "lUll t:ul l;w"woml "flel" II who).. w{'('k ~ '1)('1\; IJlll IIOW 1(1"0' ,1\ it again, loukllO).: fo,-wanl 10 ll1r long \'lIcali(ln. (lUi "IHlmf" hn~ unlkrgrm " ~T r y kw dHlIn;L'S durin!! OUi' ab;",('ncl'. A rf'W fr{'~h lltltiO'f'~ nnd (j u t's a·",· ]JQ.. tcd all t.he "hl1lll"tin l)o:lrd: 1;('\I'LI1 LO!\lbar f~cf'k hn\'<"" di"appe:o·,'d, '''H1 1\1(' fruit, h~, a"~uI!j('(1 II ru~i{'l hnt On the-e " 001, still m o,-n 'I ::', wilile t.\t(, liUle hiJ'd~ ",1(Tp .111<1 til" bul l fl"'Ii~ r-roak, a nd "l) .. ak~ of d~ylight \n the eaot h,'r;l]tl thl' np]lI'o~lchil1g day, ... Iea ltfly ronll~ carrying :L well-r,lled p!lluw-t;I\o-IC may 1.0.... 'f'f'll "rl'f'pin~ inlo UII' buildine: The"" pillow "'i\'l'~ ar~ not filII of IInIT. OI,. " ". );"lil" The'\" ('"(Hlbill li,{' 1ll',1 fnul 111 thf' orrhanl TIle toe], l'""OW~. bnakb,>'t is eaten, aJICI w~· 1Irl'" n,::Iiu oub nt work. ha r dh' I"culi ... ing: l hHI Chri~l1l1:1~ hns (Omi> anll !::I")nt' Bul.. It ha~. So all \It' 0.:<111 do IS 10 worl, lill thp I1r'{l i. in ~i~hl :"Ind in Ihr Illcnll t.il!le \\1 ....11 YIIl' nnu 1I1~ 'Oood IUl'k for 1!\(1l , .. II.nd in l'Ollrh)(lin~ Iluole tllaL -lKrli n!; UluHo,


"~ever ~o r ll!:!(<,d or ~quillt."


Model Swedish Dairy Farm .


at Tumba, ~ev('ntt'en Inllr~ from the Cih- uf SWl'khu1m, III pleasflut hilly I'ount.ry. i~. th<- Hllmr:l. ~:"tale," th('-p"opf'liy uf HII' J ohn Berl'tnim, T he ", .... tf'r "I'1~ltf'd Hamrn on ,Iuly, 111111, tl!rr,·_ fore. hflu Ihe onnorlull1 l v of ~f'illg If wht'u ~ u mm .. r (Onlhtl0111< 111'1"l·niIMi. T he whole propf"rty," whlr h .~ ron';lidt'r .. d to hf" ant' of dIP finest in Siwf'dell, \,'nll look11l!!, nt lh \'ery h"!lt. "~ater is plt'lltlfl1l for I'hllins of fr esh Illkr>; abound 111 this part. and liUmn1er ff·rel wa~ ill abundallct'. Thf'T(' Wf're ~1Jo"t 130 COWl! ill milk. mo-t of Ihull bf'lllg Ayrshire~, hut a few Wf'rf' Sho.,tllom breed. The- J<CI"~(;y rO'~l doeR not appeal" to do w{'ll in eIther Sweden or Norwll)". Iholll;h 1Il Ihe more cf'ntnll prlrt"! of "Europe it is a ,£;reat f~vori((' Th(' front.i~pif'('e to this rnagM.ine shows <)1\(' of tht' cow hyrC"'i and the ron .. trllctio ll of the!le llUilclillg'll i~ excccdiuB;ly important in [\ country such .u this. with its ~pVf're chmatic conditions ruling fol' so ~eat



.:10 part of the ye~r_ The cows ~Jtl kept eutlrely Illtloo-r-. f"om the' em! of ~{'ptemher ulltil beg-illning of ,lune, though even in the winter th .. y are U<ll~1Jy I,·t into an Opf'1I y:trd for nlJout nIl hour or so at the mlddle of the d~y The cow-houf,('s ,we con"trueted of wooo with a floor of concn~te slorlllg ~hL·ht.ly f"{)lll t.he contH' to t.he sldr-s, ,1IId the auilll~ls farr one allotl,l'f ICr01;S i1. I'as~age-way dowlI which :\ lliofht ll'a'1l1iul' J'1I11~ from th~ fOOr!l"OOlll I~a~h C(,,., fla" wab'l ,·ontillually wlthlll reach, one trou:;h ~H'\'Wg a ('ouplo of :tlllmak In order to ensure a .passage of p!('llty of fresh air the usual havloft .1bo\'o the row l'oom lias Jatf'l)' heen done ~way with, th~rdore, there I~;' rleu ,;pace above the animall ) ~ht. up 10 t.he roof. Tht rreamery. plcas-~!llly situatHI amongRt trees, some di~tance from wh,'l'(' the cows are kept. i~" fill(' stone building, fillcd with I-he most lJIOdcl"ll of dairy appliances. The milk on being recei"ed iR imnH'diat~ly pa'leul"i~d, and from the upp]t;lnc~ effecting this it runl> direct to th" separator 'There are two ... tRam turbine crealn separators, Illanliiactnred by the Alia-Laval Compn)))" lhat treat tIll' whole of the proouc1 of this farm 'TIll' Crt'Mn. after being cooled, i~ eollr-df'd In a ripener, where it Il> inoculated with a pu!'e culture of lactic uc id ierm~1I1 'Thu ripening rOOlll nd.ioill~ the main room of the da~i-y. while ll('xt it is the laboraton'_ which is litt~d with Clllt'.:re tuhes and nlJcrn,,(·op(>~ ~ll' John Rr-l;gtrolll 1'- all arde"t, believer ill t ill' u<e oi tub<.>rculin, ;wd the cattle are constantly watched by a vcb:ri na ry '"rgeon The dairy i~ excellellth aJTlHII<(>r/ on the ~idc of n, h ill, an d advanta(!"t' is take;, of thi~ ~lop(~, the ",ilk bein~ received at t,)w hi,2"her end, and jhu~ t h e u~e of Jlllmp~ is- r-ntircly ob\'lali'd Steam and col.! water plpea are h"-lltly in all pads of the buildillz, aJld it wou ld b~ h ard tD cOHceivf' of a morr- fme!y llppmntcd structur", its tilc:d wall ~ and floors adding grcally to thi' appI'al'a li rr of t,l'e llltl'I·,,!!.1 a.1,,.,p'gements. The l"bo]"(')"'; on thr estate. some twent.vfive ill llllml)(>r, live in re~ulation howics LII difft'l'r-nt part~ of th" pmpf'rty. 'TI' e,(' l' otlsp~ at'u two-;tori('ri (Lnd huilt of wood in the old Swedish style, with rf'd rooi~ and gret''' lattlee "hullc"", wh idl al'r- eX('('('dingl)" p it:tll,.e~qm' 'II ~ppearance, and a~ C.. ell ha~ it~ plot, of ,zrollnd, with garde n, the dIed of llf'iltne,9 and rlr~n1ini'il~ l~ vrry ,pleasan t. :l1r- ll tioll ha~ bet'n madf' of the fact. t h at the cow, ,\I'e watched rio'cly on account of il f"al' of t u bcrctllo-i~ Expc r iments. h:l\'l' been carried out wrv exte11Sivcly at H amra in order that the 1:)('st mrlhod~ of com hating thl' disea;e may be asceltained. The Dwedish Gov'ernment, rralisi ng thc importance of urou;Hllg publir interest In the suhjr-ct of t.ubel·culoois. l ately offered a prize ior the best e~~ay on tIle matter as l'f"fr-rring to the da"iry, :loud the ',",PI'inRI'Y ~urgeoll on this e~tate wag the successful competitor, hi~ cOllclu~ions bein~ based on the rewll<; of expl'riments conducted :lb Hamra



THE NEW CHUM'S DIARY. The following Ill"e the contents. of a· leaf of I\. di~rv found in rubbH, heap nt the back of the Collf'ge bUlld.!llf,'s:- . to l{o~rworthy. Got. a. ride r bdi<.;vr. i<;. till: toffy name fnr it. l1(>re. Took with m College H'Pl'lit:1>- ·a case rtf jam ~"d hag- of "pud~. Chect"S 'clil, thL' fur a~ w,' dr>:w up at the SkPI;, al,d ~ rag2;~d whi~k('ry crowd .l(athcl"td round. (l tllOUg-ht ti,,, c1"'lT WIIS !n1l,f', so puffed out my ellc«t and looked Import-unt, Imt, fou,,01 out Hii.rrwnrd~ lL wa:; thr "wdeomr home" of a )]Cw ca'->" of jam.) SUW lL lot of eh~ps &mvking in readil1iZ roOl" Ru"h€'d In and gil,"'" "kniti' ",hrn I "uw a master coming". TlH'Y g-rinrlP,l, and, recni vi ng a ua!-! y k'lUrk on the head fl'flIn 1l€'llInd wit.h ;t )"n]lf' quoIt, L dl'Cilll11>('d en'pl of1' 1-0 beLl at la~t.n(lt ff>f'lin~ to<) glf>f>ful.

Apl"ll 21. __00t int·o

inm at, Arlf'lairk; joul"ne)"f'd nu1 10 Cvlle~u ill milk·cad, vr pagllell

Alm \ ~~ ·H eald ~ gH.'at ring-ill)..:" of IH·II" at a.bollt Dlllhur;ht, lA~1lUght Rushed IntI) thc r011'irlnr ~l'Olltl'lg- "Fil"('" and Ii'll ilLtn the ~rms of flo "cov(''' ~will;::-il1ti " bu!1'j{·k hdl a~ If hi~ lifr

depended Oll it,. lleg"gerl Ili~ PCl.l'(lOJl and wenl ~J(}wly back to Illy rOfJffi firmly r0soh'cd that J wOI1Ie! ~l'f> Ow llOu<e ill ashes. before I got my wind knocked out with a. hE'll aga.ill. Found out t.hat thf' bell wa.s the ",I!"et up" Rignnl, .,0 T hurriedly ~lip,peq into 1\ IJran ncw scL of moles alld hlnchfl" hoo/." and ran dowllst.1irs. It was a cold winter's morninl\". "Fil'~t nllt I" I muttered to mySoi'lf whilo my teeth rattled to tI'l' timp. of Cork o' the ~TOltb. SlLt 011 9nme stonco ::.tcps for half an hnllJ". Anot.hcr bell rang. I follO'wed another "new -chum" in to breakfa..~t ,Vent out to work. April :J3.-Had a. bad night. Dra"!iged 01]t of hf>J and Out of room' by strin~ aUached to my bi!'; toe. " Toe lining" they term it here. Blok(' sold me a big book for fiv!' l)Oh. Thought I'd rnnde :1. good bargain till I wag offered a similar hook fOl'" 1/. April 24 -,,'('ut ou/, to '~'ork again. Chas€'Il a fUllny littlemarbine tied Oll to Ii .... " hor~e~ with ehains.. H's. just like a ma!;llifice-nt gridiron with spikes stirking into thf' ground to keep it from going too fflst; harriz T tllink tllf'Y rnll it. April 25.--G1Pp. Club ol"!;anised. The- playing of "Romeo and Juliet'· brought forlh roars of npplanse--and laughter. \Vent tu Gawtc)' on bike; eha.sed by a bobby fer riding without a light.: Couldn't escaped. Ha.d a quod look Ilround ~awler in tlw dark <>c€ much, but thought a lot from what I saw. April 26.-\Vent to cllUre-h on a, trolly with ~omr.lo~ stools arro~" it. . Dodged the complexion plat.e .



~\.p,'il 27.-Twlgged

a boLtH' un ~ hOl,,<' ;11 front of tlir- Collrge 1 thought of rll y blk" l~mp ,end "moo<'hed, UlJdup ~glt.ltiotr call~eu by inlrodud;()tJ of :tlan, lock", inlo Ir'cturr room for the ,p,lrp0j;(' of waklllg" UI, sllTJlY Il" :tlher~ nf II,,, I'liI~~, Hauf"d tho kitchen in th o lIIghl lJl~eO\"<T~'] two ('old chops. ,~gnawrd leg of muHoD. a hn of plum pill. and a Juan' foot of ,pastry Th("y were nol, to be fOlUid next morning April ~kOlll' uf Ih" chnp'" lH'~liy H'nip"el th,.oug-h t"yill~ t.o Lrll~lt lns !J<dr wit.h patl'nt font power bntt]Pw~,h~r . •\pril 2'J,--l'I"ancd nut b.l('k j,'On< "I )'l·'lut'.1 "f i.hJrd ve-ar ~tu<l~trL~, I wa s told lill~ i~ th" wo r k of ('HIY JI~W Ji.mlent, On "t~blcs t<){by Set Ill)" I\lanu .r"l" 1.10 .1m Hell r"uli. Jnd I rrawl.-d out of Iwd nw l fed tl,l' lj 'r"'r~, ,me! on (,Olll;"!: j,;"'k fo\\nd the tUll" Wlb :] am. Tlw hand .. of "'~' cllWk- ll1\l,t har,· ;lipped forward . .\.prll :\0, ,\('('i l1"'lCa li y bumI'd dOWl! a barn t" ..d~y. Tll{' ~l"1' hrizade 1'011 .. d LMt. n trOllH'l" !.( dunn!! a h..,t ~nr"unt~r WIO) I' VlelOlI~ pi::: with piglcb, N~\" r ('u thcrr anv marl', rTO. (I'~nd" kflf.)




OWlllg 10 Uw exce,ptionally good season (>xperienced tlli", Yoear, coup l ~d wltll good rare alld llIanag-emeot, thl' \"ilwya"l luob better nOI\' than It has ('~'er dowol herm. Cult.!VaUOll, hoemg-. aud all tho~ other pleasant ]lUlp "cup~.' which our old ~tlldent renders Vi"ill doubtle&l remember in cOllnection with Y alld 0,. were all gaL tbl'Ough III pl'Ol'l'l" time~caflfi,'r~ werC' kppt lJlhY 0:111 til<' ~IiJrlml'r, and in wmo parts of the- vineyard rp!'.f'lved Ji\'e or six w(jl'kll1g~ (lId "tndents ShOllld they vi&it tlw ColI~h~ ~gam. a\'o we hope they uften w111, would ~ee thf' "Wf'1J pad(loc k " flonTI~hing with finO" young 1" l n eS of ,·ariou-.. ~gl'~. all Ul iJ)~ compll·tely tr~lli",pJ. Tht' curranh ~re b"illl; dried a7Jin thi~ \"e~r. .<\..buul fl ton ~Itogdher wa s guthered. and they makt' 'illite II show down at tlill cenar!!-. R in"lll "O" has Pl"o\'('(.\ it~elf a. remarkabll' . ~n~c(·~,fnl opl'rat10n. nnt! bnt for that Lhe yield wonldJ}lrohably <tilll1\' hardly wollh



The growth on the villes this yea\" i" rcmarl\ably vigoi"o\ls. and, in addition. t he !~·t UI"I I is likely to pro\'P the h!'!!;(',L nn IT,'m'd, It i., niffu'un to j;1!y offhand wha.t tl\(' averagE' yield Will h ... hut. not counting- Nnboth~. T oho!1ld S.1," it ought to go hdwe('n I tall to 1: tons, which. consid ering such palciJes of \"!1l~'" a, thl' w,'11 paddock beillg taken lIltO :\PCOllut. i~ remarkably good

T ll E



Nal)(lth· th.' youn,:.: 1II1trd;, I,d \·IIlPy.,rc!. will do \\,,11 If It pll:k~ ~ cwt. to th(\ a.. r.,. lJUt- rOIl<:,df'nll;: th~t Lt~ only \){"'JI III dIrt',. yt'l\h, this isn't 1::hd; P('dl'I'~ 11 111.' \" .':" n btli,' over Ull~ mark I'rof~s;;or P rl"klll~ ha~ \,:,,] ,\', t;\llk-.......-..·\ 1I1I'llt---t'rfttNJ at t..ho: 1.o:u:k of I.h(' cellar. and it \~ 1I1t,'nd"11 to wash the IJokltlsiu']'" tillo rf'a r l!l<'i"ad u~ thruwing lhl'!Il into till' pit Brl('fiy. till' ~y~ttl!l ron~i~ts In rlb"lIlg waIn through the !kln~ g"ner,,])y five II tl\('~. 1h U. :. lJot..radIII/! til" "h'oh"L '1')". t~"k~ an 3 ft p:\eh wily a11d flVi' III lIumhr·\" ,Hid If old i<tmlf'llls HI' al .ill ~11;lk",. ~ to t.1l!' ml'th od I ~h"ul(j Il',"omnll:lld them to look np Ih"l1" ... ""logy Blrd'!\{'"lIrer" han- h"1'1l I'llt "I' ~t vanous 110mb. In til€' vin('~':lTd :'>Ir :\lfIzun::'~ pat .. nt '" ll~,,(L IImj ~u r;u' it ~l~m!j to h ay" r1w dfc/;t .)f keeping" lin.. ,tarllll:';~ out of I I", "'~J; huL tli" ~pJrrow .. r ... ('kon It. \\t,uIJ lakt' lIlure lh~1l ,I flW Ul;lrhl(', '" ;I ketu~iu!: tin to clea r thon out. Oil(' of !\IT nobbi("~ hlrrl-"~:Il"'r~ j,., al>o doing gomJ Wtwk I Il'f,', ,Inn 1110 IIlV('lllW iks('rvc,,", to J,., nHllplimt"nted o n Ilh work. TII('I )'r"lllng trrl's illl h e ordlrlrrl AI'" lIot. d m n g- JfI. wf'l1 a~\ IH'1' "hou lrl h:\\'(1 1 11I~ YN,T. c'Olh\(j('rlil'! th.> l'I<i'.,ful plant.ill g". &c .. t)WI' 1'l't't'IVPli. 0n t il" whok th('lr I!TrJwth is WT'\" u i ,a)Jpoi ll iin ~. 't hi~ I~ pro\)ohl\" ,1111' to a \"i<it~tion of r11t\':01111~ In the ~prill!\. Thl'~o 'c,'1n(:d tn 11'1'('£rr tht y(>'ll1~ I T(,C~, nnd nllHk rat!,I'T a n1('~~ "f Ih(,1n, and thrv uon't. ~"">rn to ha",' IP\'I)\'IH·!I the l' I1('('k

OATS. Gnwl('T, Front g-ardell looking wpll Third. y('ar~ sppm 10 llh wool trip... Don t fore-ot th(' mel'tin!t in Ad('/aiu!: 011 ).farc ll 4 P]t>nty of I!rapeb Il. hI' l):rked tIns ;.·{'nr l'hl' tllir.l vear~ took rl Irl[) wlth !lf1 Jrffrpy thi"O\1'.(h t h!: wQol ,1on'S 1",\ Ol'rernber. Thronzh tIll'! kindn('~., of lhl' IWIII<. of the dep.uhnenh t it('\' ..... ('1"\.' afforded 1111 elteellent opporlun:l;.· of <..e('inlt e\'erythin!:" t h ('\' wld,ed


E~ru~ially do Ihey UHlnk M1'9<n Ellie,", Smith. & ('0 for the lun(,111·011 lll"ovidpd for IIII'm

- - -- -

\\'Q have to ackllowlrdgT ]'eCl"pl of t llP f oll owi n;r mlbl i('ntio n ~ _.

"(;allLrruury Ullin r"itv," '~I) ~ ( ' ~1'll:J"'lllC.·· " P A C. l\1 :J).'.'I~I Il (,,' "i'uh]tt Scrv;ce nevit'~" O

'l' HE



Standard Bushel of W h eat. By T E


been wr ittrn and a g"PJt d"al morp ~a,d on tI,;s vC'xpel ,!1I~"11011 hy the fanner' ).hny and "fined ,\l'(' thl' irl('",> expresspd by them of the po"~ible ways of ovO']'('om;ng t1l1' diiJi(,11Ity, Imt th~y are )lpal'l), all or one Opllliou M' n·!.'aro!, EX'llg- the standard at the prr,ent tirlle, ~lld tb;d i ~, Ihnt H do" ... nOlo gIve Imiv,.r8~~ slti_,betion. Thv question it> a~ked. "'flow <."an tho lixlllg of Ill .. stllll{Jllrd be mur,'Ome with ju~ti('(' to all partH's ,'on('f'ru,·d ' While many farm en mRmtain that two ~t"11l(l.1rd~. ,..,ly. /;..\ lb. wheat pel' bushel a~ fir,~ :::rad!' ~tnndnrd. or ;0.;0. I. nnd 62 III wheat a~ No. :l '(anolard. thr lIlall,.,. w'mld he ~Ltlled onn' amI fDr a.l1: ,1]1(J llO donbl there is IL ~ood deal of rcal pr.1.dwal ('o'''TllOnoel1.8e III their al'~lllllent. Th<.;y mainL1m jh~t, it will encI1urage ti)!-1l1 In {']enn (1"'lr \\'1l('~1 bc/tf'l', ;end "() hy a lJ d ,,]WilJ''' 1'.1\"p th"il' wheat :;I'ar:h-(! to ~0. I Bbndard. ft would be a rfw<lrd for opll'ctin" :lud ::;ivin~ ,·xlrfJ. preparation tn th<'ir wll(·ar before plrtclllg it (lit tl", 11"",1<<,1 Rl,t til" srl.1)W ,bllirill ties would l'l'OP up undt'l" th]~ "ptem as III th~ ,present on<' Farmers. who~1' whrllt was rl<'an. hut perha}!~ only wf'iglwd (;3 lb., wou ld t lunk that it should 1)\, ]ll,,(', ·d III the No 1 grade; and thrn I11H! of the buyer~, who had a particularly' fine stark avE' raging 65 lb .. would lo1kp ('lenn (l3Ih_ wheat. and ~till keep 1,;3 averag-e lip above the 64 lb, and ~o the principle of the t.wo ~tandards would 1lf' Inokrn Th IS system mfl~' he all r igh1. .1~ f"r .B t.JlP farm~rs nre conc~rned . but there are diffieultie~ W1.tll which the merehanu wou ld have t-o ro nlpnd wlll'n selling thnt will alway~ mal({' thf'm s-tick to a sVMem that ha~ beBn tl'i~d and proved ,':orbble until a better one is found, The m<'rchants will anI" buy on n ba,~i5. and lmdcr a ~yst.r-n ] th,d will r-h'e them ~omB return~ ror th<'ir o\ltlay Thpy are the mB·n who hold the fort. and will not h{' d ictated to bv a few thousllnC! farm<'r~ wh" ~houlrL and {'an. if tlwy Tike. tRK(' PO'RR,,&o;ion, and th"y wou ld then he in a position to try the,e n ewidea~. )'l ut,I,


Ollr!"r tho pre¥ent




vade-... with t. h r



for various reasons is a. (!ood ,,"~tem. but. it ha5 it~ faults. and works

wry ha,d on ~om" fHI'rnP"'_' L'l8t year the standard WllS 63 lb. Kow this year. ag so much inferior wl,pat was ~ bout. it w~~ reduc.ed to 6]1. Ih, but a~ it wa~ not fi)(ed for thi~ ,Oeilson nnti1 DecemlJ-t'r 2.~, man\' farmers who lHld deliyerE'd their wheat were liod<<',J under \a~t S<'a~(]n'~ !,j ~nrlard. and con'equenth- lost· I ~ per hu~hel more th an the, WQuld under the ,pr<'RPnt RP~Mln'~ ~tanclard for inferior wh'eat _ If I h i~ allowanrr wa~ afterward!' made to the farmer then thprp would be nothinj2; to complain of. but at preRf'nt it iR often the farmers' los3 lind the buyers' gain

To ,Wt-\"'I)llle tiLi" ,lill,e-lilt.. Ii", ,I t.lndanl ~h"lIId \lol' '«\"I't ,\ <me not too hit;h, that III i kltl 50(' IIOH< ("uulll not \w lIlalllt;o.ln.·d and llol tVI) low diat til\> ~ 111' (It" UUI" '.' Iw;;t would U\> ,111I1I.,,-:('d on th,' En~lish mal"kct.~. A~ thl!; ,~ till' nht ~,'aWIl "me" "I', "ni hOi,,\< br"ll kept that the ~tr\l\flal"cI hi\~ b(,pn fixed <,() low, I would IIUt. I~ktl this as a baSIS, but J'athf'1 make It a. little highl'r, !\al', Ii:.! IL to tIll' I;u ..hcl. If thi~ wa~ dOllo' th,' f"l'nJl'l~ would kno" &·fon ('.1ch )'rnr ('omm<:nc('d wiJat th,' ~Vl!I\I;l]rl ",,,uld bc, and tll.'r(· would not. Il\.' lilly lo~~f's by tht'm tlll'tllll!h t1H" lowt'rill!{ of It 111 th{· InIJ,ik of thl' ~('aSOll The falllll'r~ won],l find that. thi~ ",5t(,111 "'ali- work, "hk; th<>\" would ~l'1l h<l\~ to ,'k,m their ... 111'·111 ~\'e\l, h<>c-.,u'(' the mtrd11l1ll3 wmlld "C{·I'PI. no fOrE'I.':1l ,;\\b,tallcf' In it. lid ll111tier how n,\ldl it "'('lit. 0\'(-]' til<" ~t,'lIll.mi I n a. ):('oorl '1('.1"'0111 till' ~tlltldard Ifonlrl ~cv r('('ly he rf'qIllH·d :lnd III a had s<'a~on fnr ~ralll. 11k .. th ... pr('~(,lIt one. would he found to hf> :l till" ami eqmblolc baSL~ UpOll whirh to buy :lnd !>I'll wh..,at. The merchants woulrl find t.hi~ m"thod of gTl'ater \':t\UE' to thrIlL thnn tllat. of alt.enng- t.ll<' "tnm!anl ~\"~1"y yl'ar a .. now TIlt' very fnrt that much of our whpat. l~ ~old on the Engli~h lll?rk('t :lud ~I~c· wheTt' on the Cll1unbt'r nf ('omlllC'rI't ~tal1rlard. nnd oft,'n lonC' h('(ol'e th,· ('UlT'lIt "ea~otL·. 0111' i~ I",:,'(] lllu't h~\·f' " dfolriul('ntal .,fl','.'t upon tho~e '••:des, a nd IL~S 110 doubt oneil preilJ(licNI hllyer... n!t"Jn~t op(ratilll!: e.1r1:v ill the fla~OIJ or only at a redut."f'd f\1'i,'c \\,tl, what t he~" would be prepared to ~IVf' If til"" Kn"w for rertaLII the minimnm "tallLlanl

Thill year many ,,~Ie~ Wtft' III""IE' on the ahov(' lJ .. :;h, :lIlcl up to Dl'r<'ll1b<,r ~2 110 wlil'at wOldd hI' t"k,'n unl('".. it wellt thE' old ~t:\n· dnrd of C3 lb. AfwL' Ik("l"I:lbcT 23. thl' day tilt; ,tamhn(\ WflS lowrTNI to cq Ib" lllw,:h of tiLt wh('at prrviomly -aej(,(·t,',l W1H offrrcd uporL t-!w ~flme COllt.r~ ... 1 anrl Il("'t"pt,'d. \\1Jen th ... wheat !Orrin"> aL lh dl· ... tination ~l1d i~ (h"'har,e:f,d thc buyers will find the first part ,1\·tcr;H{rllg 61~ to (;3 Ih" anrl thl" iatt{']" h"Jr (wllich wa... f'lst ~towed Jllto the vel'"",l) t::0lng nVf"r th~ f.;\ Ih, !l.lld llo\'ung U1HIf'r: hnt ~'I t.!J('\' nu n' hued \J11dr-r Ih" (,hamhf'r (of Cmllllltn:'c ,,1: n(hrd tht'v h:l\"(' 1\'(olild it. not ~. bnll'r {OI' 11.11 r~rbC3 ('onc<, r;lN! ttl nil 'n'dre~<; havo ... [liT MId ~rJl!arl' nlldl'r~l , "(hn !l. ,,11<\ (0 fix .1 -t.1ndu,1 few ~1I tim~~ so \.11;11, a 111,1n hllVH1t:' a for"'arrl ... ont.ract Wli1 Inro\\- thlt. til' whl'lI.t ruu~t. ....eight ~2 lb. or ov"r. and be frE'(, from "111 r"I"(":;:11 ll'aitt'r

Tho high ('~t,im:ltion m whidr 'lUI wht'nt~ ar" helrl on tlr .. En!!lioh markf't wO\llrl rwt. Iw ]n.w,·rrli 11\' Ira\"inr; a fixed ~tandard, but would ~V'I' it a grE'atrr v~llIl'. wilil(' ;1 varying ~tand~nL n~ lit ptc.,·nt. lII\l~t hl\.vo " ddrimf'lIta\ <'1T"ct 'Ipon (ln~' produc~. fur to J". Oil thE' "lk Ritl ... in hnvin .. thf'v mu~t :\Iw;l.\,~ hilT" on tl1(' lowl'_t b.l.i~ . " .




The m:lm thing aflRr i~ to have dean and even sample. free from foreIgn matter. and then with a fixed standard of 6;] lb to the bushel Wl' will be a.ble to comma.nd the highcBt pneco; on. tJw ma.rkct5 of ~hc world.

il l[

CORRESPONDENCE. "l\.-'';{;UC.:-!TA.:-!~',

-Debit thc llll<






-J ~O)Ty w' he:!., die L>ig buy~ l~il'PL yuu ~u much, real meaJl. l1O\\'C\'Cl", thiuk uf llH auJ dUll'~ du wLung. 2. l{(''''Pt'~l your abilitie.;gl'catly, but do not tilil k you could get YUUl' diploma, 1Il n. week, Xo harm w trying. !l. It" knowledge, don't let the stall Im,lgme for n. moment that they kllOw h~lf wllat you do; but it would only be kindnc&s un your p.,rt 1u olr~, ~u "~oach' tJ)elll in what..eveL路 tlrey are deficient. P~rlllil us. to enquire how "Demi s foal" i~ plogre:;3111g. "PROF. \\' L-N


J'. P.

NUTT~,-l t

i" impoo8ihlc to tell yuu lliuro auout ~olt;..break颅 mg that you already kllOW. Hnwe"er, keep cool; dun't get lmrluly ag lt.ated. and remellJoor illa\... ull~oIi"led advic~ is- Ia,rely valued. j, b.o; don't accept an under . .l:'nllClpdlsh!Jl; the P<Hlt\Oll is too low ':01" one of yUill" alllhty. UU<Olng ~ mOle iu yOLU lille. 3. Kat a, Lit, of it. Lack of ~ejfr(lnfidenc,~ 芦"elm'l;. figure 111 yUUl' make-up.

"ll.\G:'-If you will pcr"i.;.t ill ru~IJl llg ailllj~5"I'y .. bout, you lllU~t take. thL> ~un~cyuet!e\j~. You want a. &eua1;.)ve! Take 4. lb. ~al路"oda In une gallon uf elderb ... rry wine [Very nfLeell lJIiuute:, t.ill leelillg~ ~oothed.

"I.NDr<;NA.NT,' - I t




l~ jJ'.:d~ctly trill'



The l)lOlllent wily,


s.ludcnt Cllt011;


A Visit to Roseworthy College. A



_\.rriving: at RO~L'worthy wc' wen, conI-eyed lA, thp Col:cge by :l. turnout. {,01l8i;;tlllg of OlL(: ~pr1.nhug Pasca.rdl a[!!l UII!' 1l0~ attach~d tu HII Ol"(iLIl"Y ('O!llDlOlJ 0)' I?arden IlIgh foul' yelluw wheeler d(Jublc-barrel dog-l'alt kmd of Id'L,ir. Thl' ~c",wrT p:ls,",cu on thll way out. a~ ~rrn C~e,' tlw pUll) thruugh an ('vcr-{'onstant. cloud of du.,t )"i~IUg from a heautiful Ulltna{'adanuz"d ru,ld, I look fur granted ,,"a~ chn!,llIl11g. Drn'ing up tIll' av euul.> we won; coufl'Ol1tetl by a jJa~h




:-tructuLe bounded (!ll either ~irle hy two wIndow", Olll' hay and the other c],,·,.,tUUl... The tOrl.:ro-und ",a~ OC(Upu.'J Dy a. bealltlllli brand III w gdnkll. winch g.H·f It q1,llte a bandOOx. al'p"ar;lm;, \\ C "crc recel\-o,j kllldly a,nd (oll"idtt'ukly a~ benttNI our rank. and iJH' ~hO"I!lg-ov~r proc£"" he;;'\Il_ Fll·~t we were condu,-l,'d througl\ tho \"an01.H IOOlll" of tlw Collpge. It Jb anI11~11l~ w sec the devIce, b) \duo:h _,twkllj,-; mak,' appilrcnt lheu- 101e.1" of luxury, ttdineN<, adornment. &c_ One l'O('lll lU partJcular I remember. At the door you cut your way through all Llumistakable atmosphere of changed (uutwear. However, the v.'ludow was. open~d, and aiter a while WI) l'C\·in~d. The chief principle of adornmcnt here wa~ pecuhar; It L'Oll~bted III coverlllg a:> much chait and hed ~pacc as pos~lble wit.h ulapcloy ot-\lt:'l'WiM) wurn on the farUl. und lhl'w called hlu~y~, (,:c. Thc floor showed u'i\,'cs of crumm, whiclt at once'l'Iuggester\ to me midnight rc\·elry_ Tho whole cOllveye(! to you u ",ense ot unIctt~rcd ba~heJorism qUlk ilTC~lsltablo m the wrong direct.ion, However. tt. "buck mo at Ull' ~llm' t.hat a iew hook", would overcome mo"l of the difficulty. On repil-irlllg out.;;id" our conductor showed U!'.O\·(>I' the nneya.rd, awl P(l!ut((1 out soltle ut" the mOl;t jll'ofitable \'anei.ie~ or grapes grown, '·Laficrosis.,"' "'Faulkuerallus, li:c.-wo man)" to remember. On J"caclnng the wine cellars my frlend "eemed much intere"ted. particularly III the old wInes shown, and in leaving t.he '"hottlo room" 1 wa~n t 5urpri1'.ed t.o ,.~o hi~ coattails. showing rather ,Plomlnentiy. \Ye next repaired tu the tum. 1\1y friend, who by this t,ima ~howcd ,ign« of iJJcomprehension-1 wOlld~r whyl-would pC'ro,ist III '<hawing lile haw a bmder was worked; aud after telhug me that by th", lIoe oi t,hlS vnlnabl., llladllllery buttcr-maki'lg. dlidI-cut.lmg. &c. ,\:c" could be curied on mrce,,"ofully. I ('ame to t.he rouclu~ion that ;)11 lhat wns required on " iarm to make it a. ~ucce"~ was 11< bindel' III conjunction 'Vlth my friend. Satisfied with our F('nltiny of the farm, w{' left ag<lill for Roseworthy. ami cQllcJndrd that. altel all ROf'eWolthy College wao, not. quite m~ had as Ule pllpf'n have becn paJntin..: it. «nd wl~h It accord· ing:ly ('vcry success.


F arnlyard Manures. A circulal' has br(']l iSMU'd by ~hr RDard of Agriculture in England on tile subject of f.1fmynrd manure. lIud some stntemenw. ta.kcn a~ they >;.tand withrlllt expillnation or quahficatton, are vel'Y apt to mi~lcad. It. i~ /.hl"l"l' ~hOWll th at a milk cow exLl"ad~ ill rounn fi~lU'('9 about lhrre till1e~ i\~ much nitrogen. pho~phol'Jt flcid, ~lld puta~h from its food Ill' docs u rattcning bllllo('k, a.nti the lllferanct'

19 left lo he draw n t hat therefol'e \.,he duug IS poor. In practIce we "'''Y contino OUI' atWllt"Jll to th e- ,ph ospllllnc aCld, becau..e tlll'r<' l~ a 8l11JeraDlUldallce 01 !lotal>nlll m o"t soll~, 11' 1111(' a. pastl1re rcnovtlt(;s )t.:; own nl t rog,'n a nd In<:r,,aseslhc sa,nl!.' the lon ger J[ IS down, \\"llcn ~\ery llnl1 b' I~ rcduced to exhaubt lUu ul thu readlty per acre It will be louncl dw L stule ("attIe, ah!.'ep, ,cud lllilk <.:ows. u:;c up awl rcmov e ,(boat cqu al qua u tlbeb ef pli06pbOl"h' aCid, wlnle III ttl\) ca~c 01 Ia.ttenIllg ~attle-tak lUg thc hgul'<:s sUIJplied by t.he HO<l.l'd -a cow returns ill Il ~l' ma uure only OlltJ-tollL'teentll leo.:; 01 tilP pno'"pllOric aCId ol'lg m li. Hy Ul t.hf' food tllan d""s a bullock. 111 ordinary IJJ"actlCe tills. ullk,-ence dls.1 PIJear", becau~ c w/lcre a. l.OOW l~ gett,lug the uQual allowance oi caku aJl<.t lJl ua l, illid h~i ng leu a~ high preo:,nre, hcr dlOpplllg;; arc Ju~t (lS nell a" those uJ a l~tt.ellillg bullock. thcre IS an OpllliOll a.l:troad that. danymg lmp uv eru;l!(" laud, aile< the Board of _lgricu lLure ha~ gone out of Its way 10 ~un"llgj,jwl\ tlll ~ 1l1l,,:oIlceptlOl1 Ly rha r actenslllg cow mauur e "" 'rather poor. It 15, therefore, u('cessary to put Lbe llIalLeI" III Ib true hgnt... and show that th", ' p oornc~s b as rellched the valll:>lllng ,POillt.-CVUn Mo "howu Ly tht) I:>uarci 9 owu tigui'€s---and tha.i in urd ' nary practice the keepmg 01 milk 'f(IV.S Clinches tho land qlll lc a8 llIttch as doe~ th~ feeding 01 bullocks.- · The D airy':.


D airying.

SmCll the 1'1111way pl'udrated 1:liLcria there h,.o. been a wOllllcrflll dcv d oplllcni of t hat region. The agrlcultw'al ltld u~try is progrr~ 'lllg rapidly, and ha~ gIVf'1l l'l&e io qlute a flOll)"i~hlng Lnluu III butterma king , e~pecl aJly III th ~ west<.:rn d'Btrict. 111. consequence of this imtt:~ r-m a lnl\g 1Ildu::.lry the g~ne)al we-lf;u-e of the Eeasa nt populations h as im measu rably unproved. A CrGl'dlllg to t.he "Board of Tr ad~ Jour nal: which quote,; from the re p ort u1 :'Ill'. H t'ury Cookr, t he CC>lll lll i'~I Oll('r. it is lIH.' village b ralher tll..,n the town" whidl h;we b<:.> u eii ted mrn;t by the l"'uiwa.y, and it is tll~ butter llluu"try alonLl that bas l'bc\tcd ll!~ ,peasanl~ fron, the a<:tual Il-tarvatioll witll wilwl, they were t hreal<:lIcd !nan the lat~ succession of thrce bad harve&h u\ t hese r eglOus. In l'%pect. both uf lhe butter lllUll~L.ry ,md the deman d for agnc ul t urai lll:tc!ullcry. t h o cllquii'('l", wl,atever he may havo IKar d or r ead previously, will fi nd Ius cxpcdation~ far mol'O than rea.li&cu. B ot h art] Lll'g('ly due \ 0 foreign enterpri~e, lhe Luttel' llld u, t ry to thc Danes. t'le increaeed bale of agricultural machulCry lo tho A llierlCa n.5, but nellher cuuld in any wny !la"" att<lined LIl .., dlltl l'll, ions they have a~~U!]led hut fOl tl,e liberal a:>:J.lsianc<' of t h e GovennHt' lt L exlllbi t ed III eyery pO~5ible da'(·....tiOll in the form of tran~port fa(;lhlle~, the ::'\lpply ui ",pcclallce trucks for butter, exem p-



hand from Jllly, lhe appollltmout of official dairy instructors, and tho establi~llllll'nl of agri("ultural madllnE'ry depots., enabling the jJcaslJ.nt,s to buy on ea~y terms_ It i~ worthy <Jf notc t.hat Russian vapcrsreportan ill('re~s(> in dairies from 140 in 16'38 to l,lOi in 1900, ilnd 2,500 in 1\:l02. The butt1r ('xporw increased from 5,'120,000 lb. m IS!lil w ;'19,720,000 lb. ill 1900, and 90,280,000 in ]!W2. Acronling to a report. received, t.hrough t,ho Forei:;n Office, from i\lo~rnw, t.he Rus"ian Imperial Gm,'crnment mtends making, from l!JO-t, an Rllll]J<d grant uf 90,500 rouble!:., or well ever .拢 11.0{)O, for v~t'iou~ lLUdertaking~ '\'lth a view to improviug and ()xpandiug thp bllttf'r indus.t.ry in l<:llrnpcan Russia; for the yean 190路1 and 1905, Rn annua l grant. of 77,500 roubles, or over 拢1;],000, for t.he imp-rovf'ment rLlld expan~io!l_O'f the blltter industry in 'V"sLern Slbcria; in 1904, n, ~eparll;l.o.-, l5r<lllt oi 7,000 roubles to or~-...ni&e butter. making so{'irtif'') ill 'Vr,s'tf'Tn Siberia, and 5,000 roubles towa.rd~ construct:llCi ~pe('ial te"tlll~ lahoratorie<-- in European Ru~iil.. .\. largf' proportion of the majOl glatlt~ will he cXp<.'lldrd on the OIalal'ie" of special huttf'T cxp"rt~ and instructors, and in mgani!>ing 8pccial course'! of im;tnlction.

New Showrooms:

5. 9ritchard, 80, PIRIE ST., (NeaT' Fl'eeman Stl'eet)

SPECIALTIES IN STOCK: Mantelpieces, Gpates, Stoves Pavement Tiles ill gr~ ..t valie ly. Heapth and Wall Tiles.

01 ... n i,inti s.

Au,l other liuiil\iug RC(Juisites.

Of SPECIAL INTEREST TO COUNTRY CUSTOMERS Bath Heat.eps, for Wood aud G ...s l'路l1el. Poptable Shower Bath, a hot ()t' eoltl 8howcr with a Lucl<o.;t of waler. Cpane's Stamped Metal Ceilings, Cbeap, Ligbt, and Artistic. Abs(>iutc imuumity from crackillg lOud falling.

A visit when in town is solicited. Inquiries by letter promptly attended to. Write for Designs and Prices. NOT1Le TO OLl> S'tUlJEST~. --I l'aI"e r~.('.eHtly securctl th~ pwprict ... ry of anlj re"l_tlnlly solieit yom c",t.orn an,j ~"pport.

thi~ h"3inc~5,


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