1 minute read

6. Sweet Values

Sweet Values

Companies religiously promote their values and culture to guide their employees. What I found out to be just as important is to have your own set of values to govern your own actions. I never knew how important this was until I left the corporate world. At that time, I was clueless, emptied of my personal branding, values and culture.


Life is challenging us all the time. It is constantly pushing us to grow with it. Of course, with every challenge comes a whole set of decisions that we have to make. Make it fast or be left behind. How will we ever make the right decisions? Just do the right thing?

A good way to make the right decisions is to make them based on our personal values. For example, a simple value that I hold dearly is to always speak the truth. So whenever there is a time to share something with someone, be it professionally or personally, I will always remind myself to speak the truth or risk losing my integrity.

Your integrity is priceless and the people you interact with demands it. Besomeone that people can rely on and you will be valuable in today’s currency. Once you lose your integrity, there’s no going back. Maintain your integrity by upholding your personal values.