1 minute read

11. My Toe

My Toe

Ouch! It was very unnecessary to injure myself the other day; a tragic event that had me smashing my toe against the sofa while I was rushing over to my little girl with excitement. The excruciating pain came quickly, signaling my brain to reactfast. The subtle flash tearing away from my toenail was the beginning of my sadness.


I knew exactly how my days were going to change at that very moment. Every possible scenario was taking place within the confines of my semi-logical creative brain. My daily rituals will be impacted. I knew that I would not be able to sprint with my lovely golden retriever for at least three weeks. I was also sure

that my striking blue mountain bike will be left indoors for a long time. I was very disappointed that this tiny accident would meanthat my wife will be left with more responsibilities to care for our child. I could not even drive!

Lesson learned - I took my limbs for granted. My body allows me to work, createwonderful things and take care of my family. Our very toes are there to help us maintain our balance. I shall not take my body for granted again.