Would You Buy 'Bailout Bonds'?...

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Would You Buy 'Bailout Bonds'? Your tax dollars are already financing the government's bailout of the U.S. financial system, but would you invest your spare cash in the government's bailout too? You may soon get the chance to do just that. The New York Times reports that the Obama administration, through its program to clear troubled assets off bank balance sheets, is encouraging firms to allow small investors to invest in funds that buy such assets. It's an effort that has drawn comparisons to the liberty or war bonds that the government has sold to Americans to finance military spending. Would you consider investing in the Learn More bailout http://www.bailbondsman.org/ effort? ABCNews.com wants to hear from you. Please share your story by filling out the form below. An excerpt from your response may be used in a future ABCNews.com story or an ABCNews.com producer may contact you for more information.

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