Signs of life and life of signs 2017

Page 81

Sometimes creative people play with the idea to represent as many dimensions as possible, something we frequently find in modern art. Be reminded that probably our mind is processing information in multidimensions. Multiple sizes and multiple messages are mixed. The attraction of this image is to halt our attention, and we have to make up our mind on what is presented. The brain process quickly searches for a stable message but cannot come to a conclusion and is now puzzled. Too many messages are possible. The brain now looks if it can find structures as a message and once the mind considers some familiar patterns, it will look for balances which at the end will form the appreciation. This is the process when you look at modern art or architecture. Some artists want to incorporate the multilevel structure and ambivalence of the things we feel and see in this world. It seems as if the artist is mimicking the brain processing of information processing. We live in many different worlds at the same time., remember the six dimensions of reality in Part 1. The awareness of these different worlds depends on the levels which we have acquired in knowledge, feeling, and culture. Like the vision, that time is only the inverted function of all things happening at the same time as an accumulation of separate events.


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