Signs of life and life of signs 2017

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The amount generated from Capital can also end up by shrinking. It is the entrepreneur who is the primary risk taker. Capital does not grow from circulation only. All factors play a role and are labeled with terms like market, circulation, exchange, production, productivity. Besides the transcendental character of Capital and the Symbolic and Sign character of Money, the most of the gears of the mechanism are the people and the materials. These things come from real life and can be touched and moved. From System’s view, there is one remarkable mechanism which drives the increment of value. The Capitalist or representatives of Capital want to reduce the inputs of value (cost) of labor and the amount of the materials and tools to produce and to sell its products. On the output side, the Capitalist want to maximize the value of its products. Knowing that also the input resources are the output of the cycle of another capitalist and that the customer of his products is the laborer which participates in yet another capitalistic cycle, these capitalistic processes will have consequences on the processes how social life is organized and how it operates.

In the process of the capitalist cycle there is a decrease of the material value, and at the same time, there is an increase in the value of the material depending on which site the material is looked at, the input or output side. The same rule is valid for the cost of labor. This phenomenon is generated by the intelligence of the management and the contribution of the machinery, what brings us to the topic of mechanization. A machine will deliver a higher labor content in a shorter period because of two reasons: the replacement of the laborer's physical power by mechanical power and the fact that the machine is not tired and can work 24 hours a day. The contribution of the laborer in the end 257

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