1 minute read


By Ron Ducharme

Training your pet not to jump.

Teaching a dog not to jump is an essential part of their training, as jumping can be a nuisance and even dangerous, especially for large or energetic dogs. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you train your dog not to jump:

*Be Consistent: Make sure everyone in your household is on board with the training and follows the same rules. Inconsistent responses to jumping can confuse the dog. Ignore Jumping Behavior: When your dog jumps on you or others, avoid reacting to the jumping by not giving any attention, eye contact, or physical touch. Stand still, turn away, or cross your arms. This way, you are not reinforcing the jumping behavior.

Reward Calm Behavior: Instead of reinforcing jumping, reward your dog when they have all four paws on the ground. Praise and give treats when they greet people calmly.

Use Leash Training: If your dog is particularly enthusiastic about jumping, you can use a leash during greetings. This allows you to control their movement and prevent jumping until they've learned not to do it.

Train an Alternative Behavior: Teach your dog an alternative, more appropriate behavior to greet people, such as sitting. Ask your dog to sit before greeting them or have your guests toss treats on the ground for the dog to pick up instead of jumping.

Practice with Friends and Family: Invite friends and family to help you with the training. Ask them to follow the same rules of ignoring jumping and rewarding calm behavior. Be Patient and Consistent: Training takes time, and some dogs may take longer to learn than others. Be patient, consistent, and always reinforce positive behavior.

Avoid Punishment: Avoid yelling at or punishing your dog for jumping, as this can create fear and anxiety, and it won't effectively teach them the desired behavior. Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Make sure your dog gets enough physical exercise and mental stimulation. A tired dog is less likely to have excessive energy and jump.

Seek Professional Help if Needed: If your dog continues to struggle with jumping despite consistent training, consider seeking help from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

Remember, training is about building a positive relationship with your dog and teaching them appropriate behavior through patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement.