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Grade 10

Grade 10 is much more than just being overwhelmed with a new life. Yes, it can be daunting especially if it is starting in a new place. It is also a time to realise that adulthood is getting very close.

Goal setting in grade 10 is vitally important and should even be considered in grade 9. Why is that? Simple – the subjects chosen can determine where you will be going after matric.

According to University of Pretoria: “Learners often do not ensure that their Grade 10 subject choices are aligned with the requirements of the degree programmes they are interested in applying for”.

This is a serious concern. It is hard to change tack in high school. Make sure you got it right first time.

It is further emphasized from Careerprep:

• General admission requirements for your qualification of choice (University, TVET or anything else)

• Specific subjects as required by the course you want to apply to

• Specific minimum performance in these subjects (remember, meeting this minimum requirement still does not guarantee a place in the course – the higher you score, the better your chances are!)

• Specific average score as calculated by the institution and faculty you are applying to

Suddenly grade 10 looks different!

Where do we find all these requirements? Typically online per institution, but there is also help on general search. What is important is that you start even in grade 9.

Open Day programmes may also help in this. Go to as much as possible before Matric (if they allow you in).

And if I want to change subjects? There is a policy on this and this is the summary I have from Jeppe High-School (which is aligned to the policy):

A learner may change a maximum of two subjects in Grade 10, subject to the approval of the principal of the school.

The closing date for subject changes is to be determined by the School Assessment Co-ordinator, but must be completed by no later than one week after the second term reports have been issued.

It is still possible to change two subjects in grade 11 (very strict rules will apply) and none in grade 12.

Choose wisely!